Domain 1: Planning and Preparation s1
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![Domain 1: Planning and Preparation s1](
Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Component Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished 1a: Demonstrating knowledge Teacher-librarian Teacher-librarian demonstrates limited Teacher-librarian demonstrates Teacher-librarian demonstrates of current teaching strategies demonstrates no knowledge of professional practices on knowledge of professional extensive knowledge of professional and practices in the field of knowledge of professional content-related pedagogy, knowledge of practices on content-related practices on content-related pedagogy, library science practices on content- literature and the integration of educational pedagogy, knowledge of knowledge of literature and the related pedagogy, and library technology. literature and the integration of integration of educational and library literature and the educational and library technology. integration of educational technology. and library technology. 1b: Demonstrating knowledge Teacher-librarian Teacher-librarian demonstrates some Teacher-librarian demonstrates Teacher-librarian demonstrates of students and how the library demonstrates little or no understanding of levels of childhood knowledge of the levels of extensive knowledge of childhood program can address their understanding of the /adolescent development, how students learn, childhood /adolescent /adolescent development and actively needs levels of and some knowledge of students’ development and an seeks new knowledge. Teacher-librarian childhood/adolescent backgrounds, cultures, skills, language understanding of the active indicates an understanding of the active development, how proficiencies, interests, and special needs. nature of student learning. nature of student learning, learning students learn, and Teacher-librarian attains this knowledge for Teacher-librarian purposefully styles, and modalities, and incorporates knowledge of students’ the class as a whole or groups but not for gathers information from several that knowledge in planning for backgrounds, interests, individual students. Teacher-librarian sources about individual instruction. Teacher-librarian cultures, skills, language integrates some library-related teaching students’ backgrounds, cultures, continually and purposefully gathers proficiencies, special strategies that engage students in literacy- and prior knowledge, skills, language information from several sources about needs, and does not seek related learning activities according to proficiencies, interests, and individual students’ backgrounds, such understanding. students’ individual needs. special needs. Teacher-librarian cultures, prior knowledge, skills, Teacher-librarian effectively integrates library- language proficiencies, interests, and integrates few library- related teaching strategies that special needs. Teacher-librarian related teaching engage students in literacy- and extensively integrates library-related strategies that engage related learning activities teaching strategies that engage students in literacy- and according to students’ individual students in literacy- and related learning related learning activities needs. activities according to students’ according to students’ individual needs. individual needs. Component Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished 1c: Selecting instructional Teacher-librarian uses Teacher-librarian regularly uses some Most of the learning objectives All the learning objectives used to drive outcomes non-standards-based standards-based learning objectives to drive used to drive instruction are instruction are standards-based. learning objectives to instruction. Learning objectives are not always standards-based. Learning Learning objectives are varied to drive instruction or does clear, written in the form of student learning, objectives are varied to account account for individual students’ needs, not use objectives at all. or aligned to methods of assessment. Teacher- for the needs of groups of written in the form of student learning, Learning objectives are librarian attempts to sequence and align some students and are all clear, and aligned to multiple methods of either unclear or stated as standards-based objectives to build student written in the form of student assessment. Teacher-librarian skillfully activities, rather than as understanding, with limited depth or learning, and aligned to methods sequences and aligns standards-based student learning, intentionality. Learning objectives reflect of assessment. Teacher-librarian objectives in the discipline and in prohibiting a feasible several types of learning, but teacher-librarian purposefully sequences and related disciplines to build towards method of assessment. has made no attempt at coordination or aligns standards-based deep understanding, mastery of the Teacher-librarian does not integration of the disciplines. Teacher-librarian objectives to build towards deep standards, and meaningful real-world sequence and align irregularly integrates literacy, research, understanding and mastery of application. Learning objectives reflect learning objectives to information literacy, and technology skills. the standards. Learning several different types of learning and build towards deep objectives reflect several provide multiple opportunities for both understanding and different types of learning and coordination and integration within and mastery of the standards. opportunities for coordination across the disciplines. Teacher-librarian Learning objectives reflect within and across the disciplines. deeply and effectively integrates only one type of learning Teacher-librarian effectively literacy, research, information literacy, and/or only one integrates literacy, research, and technology skills. discipline. Teacher- information literacy, and librarian does not technology skills. effectively integrate literacy, research, information literacy, and technology skills. Component Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished 1d: Designing a coherent library Teacher-librarian designs Teacher-librarian designs and develops a Teacher-librarian designs and Teacher-librarian designs and develops program and develops a library library program that is minimally coherent in develops a library program that a library program that is exceptionally program that is its use of standards-based instruction, curation is coherent in its use of coherent in its use of standards-based incoherent in its use of of print and digital resources, support for standards-based instruction, instruction, curation of print and digital standards-based student research and inquiry-based learning, curation of print and digital resources, support for student research instruction, curation of support for student self-selected recreational resources, support for student and inquiry-based learning, support for print and digital reading, and the efficient performance of research and inquiry-based student self-selected recreational resources, support for administrative tasks learning, support for student reading, and the efficient performance student research and self-selected recreational of administrative tasks inquiry-based learning, reading, and the efficient support for student self- performance of administrative selected recreational tasks reading, and the efficient performance of administrative tasks Component Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished 1e: Designing student Teacher-librarian Teacher-librarian demonstrates fair design of Teacher-librarian demonstrates Teacher-librarian demonstrates assessments demonstrates poor design student assessment. In self-contained, graded good design of student exceptional design of student of student assessment. In library settings, the assessment plan is assessment. In self-contained, assessment. In self-contained, graded self-contained, graded inconsistently aligned to standards and related graded library settings, the library settings, the assessment plan is library settings, the classroom instruction, is inappropriate to assessment plan is aligned to well aligned to standards and related assessment plan is poorly instruction, and poorly incorporates related standards and related classroom classroom instruction, is exceptionally aligned to standards and information literacy and technology skills. In instruction, is appropriate to appropriate to instruction, and related classroom open, non-graded library settings, the teacher- instruction, and incorporates incorporates related information instruction, is librarian only occasionally collaborates with related information literacy and literacy and technology skills. In open, inappropriate to the classroom teacher to deliver an assessment technology skills. In open, non- non-graded library settings, the teacher- instruction, and does not plan that is aligned to standards and related graded library settings, the librarian collaborates frequently with incorporate related classroom instruction, incorporating related teacher-librarian collaborates the classroom teacher to deliver an information literacy and information literacy and technology skills. well with the classroom teacher assessment plan that is aligned to technology skills. In open, to deliver an assessment plan standards and related classroom non-graded library that is aligned to standards and instruction, incorporating related settings, the teacher- related classroom instruction, information literacy and technology librarian does not incorporating related skills. collaborate with the information literacy and classroom teacher to technology skills. deliver an assessment plan that is aligned to standards and related classroom instruction, incorporating related information literacy and technology skills. 1f: Developing a plan to Teacher-librarian has no Teacher-librarian has a rudimentary plan to Teacher-librarian has a plan to Teacher-librarian has a highly evaluate the library program plan to evaluate the evaluate the library program. The plan fails to evaluate the library program. sophisticated plan to evaluate the program, or resists incorporate evaluation of instruction, print and The plan incorporates evaluation library program. The plan incorporates suggestions that such an digital library materials, usage of library of instruction, print and digital evaluation of instruction, print and evaluation is important. services, the state of the technology library materials, usage of library digital library materials, usage of library infrastructure and devices, the state of the services, the state of the services, the state of the technology physical space, and alignment to the total technology infrastructure and infrastructure and devices, the state of school program. devices, the state of the physical the physical space, and alignment to the space, and alignment to the total total school program. school program. Domain 2: The Environment Component Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished 2a: Creating an Interactions, both between the teacher- Interactions, both between the teacher- Interactions, between teacher-librarian Interactions among the teacher- environment of librarian and students and among librarian and among students, are and students and among students are librarian and individual students are respect and rapport students, are negative, inappropriate, or generally appropriate and free from polite and respectful, and are highly respectful, demonstrating with and among insensitive to students’ cultural conflict but may be characterized by appropriate to the cultural and sensitivity to students’ cultures and students backgrounds, and characterized by occasional displays of insensitivity or developmental differences among levels of development. Students sarcasm, put-downs, or conflict. lack of responsiveness to cultural or groups of students. themselves ensure high levels of civility developmental differences among among students in the library. students.
2b: Establishing a Teacher-librarian conveys a sense that Teacher-librarian is inconsistent in Teacher-librarian, in interactions with Teacher-librarian, in interactions with culture of the work of seeking information and interactions with student and both students and colleagues, conveys a both students and colleagues, conveys a investigation and reading literature is not worth the time colleagues regarding the importance of sense of the importance of information sense of the essential nature of an appreciation of and energy required. information and reading literature. and reading literature. information and reading literature. learning and Students appear to have internalized these values. literature 2c – Part 1: Part 1: Library routines and procedures, Part 1: Library routines and procedures, Part 1: Library routines and procedures, Part 1: Library routines and procedures, Establishing and including management of instructional including management of instructional including management of instructional including management of instructional maintaining library groups, transitions, materials and groups, transitions, materials and groups, transitions, materials and groups, transitions, materials and procedure supplies, and performance of non- supplies, and performance of non- supplies, and performance of non- supplies, and performance of non- instructional duties are either instructional duties are inconsistently instructional duties are efficiently instructional duties are exceptionally Part 2: Supervising nonexistent or inefficient, resulting in implemented implemented. well-implemented. library assistants general confusion. (refers to paid ESP support staff, not Part 2: Library assistants are confused Part 2: Efforts to establish guidelines for Part 2: Library assistants are clear as to Part 2: Library assistants demonstrate a students or other as to their role, and consequently do library assistants are partially successful. their role and are able to help support deep understanding and commitment adult volunteers1 not contribute to the success of the the success of the library program. to the library program, work library program. independently, and meaningfully contribute to the success of the library program.
1 Not applicable: If no library assistant works in the library Component Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished 2d: Managing Teacher-librarian has no established Teacher-librarian has established Teacher-librarian has established Teacher-librarian and students establish student behavior standards of conduct, or does not standards of conduct but there is standards of conduct with consistent and implement standards of conduct so implement established standards of inconsistent implementation so some implementation so most students students follow the standards of conduct. Teacher-librarian does not use student behaviors challenge the follow the standards of conduct. conduct and self-monitor their positive framing to model and reinforce standards of conduct. Teacher-librarian Teacher-librarian monitors student behaviors. Students take an active role appropriate behavior or redirect inconsistently uses positive framing to behavior against established standards in monitoring their own behavior and inappropriate student behavior. The model and reinforce appropriate of conduct. Teacher-librarian uses that of other students against standards teacher-librarian engages in very little behavior and redirect inappropriate positive framing to model and reinforce of conduct. Teacher-librarian’s or no monitoring of student behavior. student behavior. Teacher-librarian appropriate behavior and redirect monitoring of student behavior is subtle Teacher-librarian does not respond to tries, with uneven results, to monitor inappropriate student behavior. and preventive. Teacher-librarian and students’ inappropriate behavior, or the student behavior. Teacher-librarian’s Teacher-librarian’s response to students use positive framing to model response is negative, repressive, and response to students’ inappropriate inappropriate behavior is consistent, behavior. Teacher-librarian’s response disrespectful of student dignity. behavior is inconsistent and is proportionate, respectful to students, to students’ inappropriate behavior is sometimes disrespectful. and effective. sensitive to individual student needs and respects students’ dignity. Domain 3: Delivery of Instruction and Service Component Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished 3a: Maintaining Teacher-librarian fails to adhere to Teacher-librarian inconsistently adheres Teacher-librarian adheres to district or Teacher-librarian demonstrates and extending the district or professional guidelines in to district or professional guidelines in professional guidelines in selecting superior adherence to district or library collection in selecting materials for the collection, selecting materials for the collection, materials for the collection, consistently professional guidelines in selecting accordance with does not periodically purge the does not consistently purge the purges the collection of outdated materials for the collection, routinely the school’s needs, collection of outdated materials, and collection of outdated materials, and materials, and maintains a collection purges the collection of outdated maintains a collection that is maintains a collection that is somewhat that is balanced among different areas. materials, and maintains a collection within budget unbalanced among different areas. unbalanced among different areas. Collection contains appealing that is highly balanced among different limitations Collection lacks appealing recreational Collection contains few appealing recreational reading materials in areas. Collection contains many reading materials. Teacher-librarian recreational reading materials despite accordance with adequate funding. appealing recreational reading materials fails to periodically inventory the adequate funding. Teacher-librarian Teacher-librarian periodically in accordance with adequate funding. library. When available, teacher- inconsistently inventories the library. inventories the library. When available, Teacher-librarian regularly inventories librarian fails to utilize an online When available, teacher-librarian teacher-librarian utilizes an online the library. When available, teacher- integrated library system. inconsistently utilizes an online integrated library system. librarian demonstrates mastery in the integrated library system. use of an online integrated library system. 3b: Collaborating Teacher-librarian declines to Teacher-librarian initiates collaboration Teacher-librarian initiates collaboration Teacher-librarian collaborates with with classroom collaborate with classroom teachers in with classroom teachers in the design of with classroom teachers in the design of classroom teachers in the design of teachers in the the design of instructional lessons and instructional lessons and units when instructional lessons and units, instructional lessons and units, locating design of effective units. specifically asked to do so. The teacher- periodically integrating appropriate additional resources, consistently instructional units librarian rarely integrates appropriate information literacy and technology integrating appropriate information information literacy and technology skills, and creating appropriate related literacy and technology skills, and and lessons. skills, and rarely creates appropriate webpages or online materials to creating appropriate related webpages related webpages or online materials to support instruction. When scheduling or online materials to support support instruction. Even when permits, the teacher and teacher- instruction. When scheduling permits, scheduling permits, the teacher and librarian co-teach the units of the teacher and teacher-librarian co- teacher-librarian rarely co-teach units of instruction. teach the units of instruction. instruction due to librarian unwillingness. Component Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished 3c: Engaging Learning activities prepared by the Learning activities prepared by the Learning activities prepared by the Learning activities prepared by the Students in teacher-librarian do not reflect teacher-librarian inconsistently reflect teacher-librarian consistently reflect teacher-librarian reflect superior Learning standards-based objectives; text standards-based objectives; text standards-based objectives; text integration of standards-based complexity; suitable and engaging texts; complexity; suitable and engaging texts; complexity; suitable and engaging texts; objectives; text complexity; suitable and the development of effective the development of effective the development of effective engaging texts; the development of independent research, information independent research, information independent research, information effective independent research, literacy, and technology skills; and literacy, and technology skills; and literacy, and technology skills; and information literacy, and technology communication to students about communication to students about communication to students about skills; and communication to students learning objectives and directions. learning objectives and directions. learning objectives and directions. about learning objectives and directions. 3d: Using In graded library settings, the teacher- In graded library settings, the teacher In graded library settings, the teacher In graded library settings, formative Assessment in librarian uses formative assessment -librarian occasionally uses formative -librarian regularly uses formative assessment is fully integrated into Instruction infrequently to monitor student assessment during instruction to assessment during instruction to instruction to monitor student progress progress and check for understanding of monitor student progress and check for monitor student progress and to check and to check for understanding of student learning. Teacher-librarian understanding of student learning. for understanding of student learning. student learning. Teacher-librarian uses rarely uses Teacher-librarian occasionally uses Teacher-librarian uses questions/prompts/assessments to questions/prompts/assessments to questions/prompts/assessments to questions/prompts/assessments for evaluate evidence of learning. Students evaluate evidence of learning. Students evaluate evidence of learning. Students evidence of learning. Students can can explain, and there is some evidence cannot explain the criteria by which can partially explain criteria by which explain the criteria by which their work that they have contributed to the their work will be assessed and do not their work will be assessed; few engage will be assessed; some of them engage criteria by which their work will be engage in self-assessment. Teacher- in self- or peer-assessment. Teacher- in self-assessment. Teacher-librarian assessed. Students self-assess and librarian’s feedback is absent or of poor librarian’s feedback to students is provides accurate and specific feedback monitor their progress. Teacher- quality. general and doesn’t advance specific to individual students that advance librarian and peers provide individual learning. learning. students a variety of feedback that is In non-graded library settings, the accurate, specific, and advances librarian infrequently collaborates with In non-graded library settings, the In non-graded library settings, the learning. the classroom teacher to design and librarian occasionally collaborates with librarian regularly collaborates with the utilize quality assessments with these the classroom teacher to design and classroom teacher to design and utilize In non-graded library settings, the characteristics. utilize quality assessments with these quality assessments with these librarian fully collaborates with the characteristics. characteristics. classroom teacher to design and utilize quality assessments with these characteristics. Component Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished 3e: Demonstrating Teacher-librarian adheres to the Teacher-librarian makes minor Teacher-librarian successfully makes Teacher-librarian seizes opportunities to flexibility and instructional plan in spite of evidence of adjustments as needed to the adjustments as needed to instructional enhance learning, building on responsiveness little student understanding or interest. instructional plans and accommodates plans and accommodates student spontaneous events or student Teacher-librarian does not provide student questions, needs, and interests, questions, needs and interests. interests, or successfully adjusts and differentiated instructional approaches with moderate success. Teacher- Teacher-librarian persists in differentiates instruction to address for students nor does teacher-librarian librarian provides limited differentiated differentiating instructional approaches individual student misunderstandings. provide intervention or enrichment as instructional approaches for students, for students, drawing on a varied Teacher-librarian persists in seeking needed. drawing on a narrow repertoire of repertoire of strategies to provide effective instructional approaches for strategies to provide intervention and intervention and enrichment as needed. students at all levels of learning, enrichment as needed. drawing on an extensive repertoire of strategies, and effectively matches various intervention and enrichment strategies to students’ learning differences as needed. Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Component Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished 4a: Reflecting on practice Teacher-librarian is Teacher-librarian is able to accurately describe Teacher-librarian makes an Teacher-librarian makes an accurate unable to describe whether or not a lesson or unit was effective accurate assessment of a assessment of a lesson’s or unit’s whether or not a lesson or but is unable to describe the extent to which it lesson’s or unit’s effectiveness effectiveness and the extent to which it unit was effective or achieved its lesson or unit objective or its and the extent to which it achieved its lesson or unit’s objective achieved its objective, or impact on student learning. Teacher-librarian is achieved its lesson or unit and its impact on student learning, teacher-librarian able to analyze some aspects of his/her objective and its impact on citing many specific examples and misjudges the success of a practice that led to the outcome of the lesson student learning and can provide evidence. Teacher-librarian is able to lesson or unit and its and the impact on student learning. Teacher- evidence to support the analyze many aspects of his/her impact on student librarian makes general suggestions about how judgment. Teacher-librarian is practice that led to the outcome of the learning. Teacher-librarian a lesson could be improved. Teacher-librarian able to analyze aspects of his/her lesson and the impact on student is not able to analyze the is inconsistently able to connect his/her practice that led to the outcome learning. Teacher-librarian offers aspects of his/her practice practice to the development of student of the lesson and the impact on specific alternative actions, complete that led to the outcome of information literacy, research, and technology student learning. Teacher- with the probable success of each the lesson and the impact skills. librarian makes specific course of action for how a lesson could on student learning. suggestions about how a lesson be improved. Teacher-librarian is able Teacher-librarian makes could be improved. Teacher- to connect his/her daily practice in no suggestions about how librarian is able to connect coherent detail to the development of a lesson could be his/her practice to the student information literacy, research, improved. Teacher- development of student and technology skills. librarian is unable to information literacy, research, connect his/her practice and technology skills. to the development of student information literacy, research, and technology skills. Component Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished 4b: Preparing and submitting Teacher-librarian ignores Teacher-librarian’s efforts to prepare budgets Teacher-librarian consistently Teacher-librarian anticipates and library-related reports and teacher requests when are partially successful, responding sometimes responds in a timely manner to confirms teacher needs when preparing budgets preparing requisitions and to teacher requests and following procedures. teacher requests when preparing requisitions and budgets, follows budgets, or does not Inventories and administrative library-related requisitions and budgets and established procedures, and suggests follow established reports are occasionally submitted on time. follows established procedures. improvements to those procedures. procedures. Inventories Inventories and administrative Inventories and administrative library- and administrative library- library-related reports are related reports are submitted on time related reports are submitted on time. and the teacher-librarian acts on the routinely late. data.
4c: Communicating with the Teacher-librarian makes Teacher-librarian makes sporadic efforts to Teacher-librarian engages in Teacher-librarian is proactive in larger community no effort to engage in engage in outreach efforts to parents or the outreach efforts to parents and reaching out to parents and establishing outreach efforts to larger community. the larger community. contacts with outside libraries, parents or the larger coordinating efforts for mutual benefit. community. Component Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished 4d: Growing and developing Teacher-librarian rarely or Teacher-librarian participates in required Teacher-librarian seeks Teacher-librarian initiates opportunities professionally does not engage in professional growth activities to enhance opportunities for professional for professional growth and makes a professional growth content knowledge or pedagogical skill to a growth to enhance content systematic effort to enhance content activities to enhance limited extent and/or when it is convenient, knowledge and pedagogical skill knowledge and pedagogical skill of self content knowledge or using new knowledge inconsistently to and uses new knowledge to and colleagues. S/he uses new pedagogical skill to improve practice. Teacher-librarian reluctantly improve practice. Teacher- knowledge to improve practice of self improve practice. meets to collaborate with colleagues, and librarian regularly collaborates and colleagues. Teacher-librarian invites Teacher-librarian rarely reluctantly provides or accepts support with and provides and receives meetings and initiates collaborations meets and collaborates to/from them.Teacher-librarian participates in support to/from colleagues. with colleagues. Teacher-librarian with colleagues or resists team-based professional inquiry to advance Teacher-librarian participates provides and accepts collegial support meeting and collaborating student learning and participates in a actively in team based and provides and accepts valuable with colleagues. Teacher- leadership and/or teaching team only when professional inquiry that feedback to/from colleagues. Teacher- librarian rarely makes or invited. Teacher-librarian accepts feedback advances student learning and librarian participates in and facilitates makes no effort to from colleagues and administrators with some makes substantial contribution professional inquiry with school team to participate in team- based reluctance, using feedback inconsistently to to the school leadership team advance student learning and serves on professional inquiry to improve practice and advance student and/or grade- level/content a leadership and/or teaching team. advance student learning learning. /department teaching team. Teacher-librarian welcomes and uses and does not volunteer to Teacher-librarian accepts and feedback from a variety of stakeholders. participate in a leadership consistently uses feedback from and/ or teaching team. colleagues and administrators to Teacher-librarian resists improve practice and advance feedback from colleagues student learning. or administrators and makes no effort to incorporate it to improve practice and advance student learning. Component Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished 4e: Demonstrating Teacher-librarian does not Teacher-librarian holds student and required Teacher-librarian always holds Teacher-librarian has the highest professionalism, including hold student or required school information confidential and is honest student and required school standards of integrity, always holds integrity, advocacy, and school information in professional and student/family interactions information confidential, and student and required school maintaining confidentiality confidential and is most of the time. Teacher-librarian displays high standards of information confidential, and is honest dishonest in professional inconsistently attempts to serve students honesty, integrity, and in professional and student/family and student/family effectively and ensure students are college and confidentiality in interactions interactions. Teacher-librarian is highly interactions. Teacher- career ready. Teacher–librarian inconsistently with colleagues, students, and proactive, seeking out resources when librarian does not attempt makes decisions and recommendations for self the public. Teacher-librarian needed in order to serve students to serve students and and/or students based on self-serving interests consistently serves students effectively and working to ensure every ensure students are and are not always open-minded or respectful effectively, working to ensure student is college and career ready. college and career ready. of others’ opinions. Teacher-librarian complies that every student is college and Teacher-librarian takes a leadership role Teacher-librarian makes minimally with school and district regulations, career ready. Teacher-librarian in team or departmental decision- decisions and doing just enough to get by. makes decisions and making and recommendations for self, recommendations for self recommendations for self and/or colleagues, and students. Teacher- and/or students based on students based on team librarian complies fully with school and self-serving interests and contributions and are open- district regulations, taking a leadership are not open-minded or minded or respectful of others’ role with colleagues. respectful of others’ opinions. Teacher-librarian opinions. Teacher- complies fully with school and librarian does not comply district regulations. with school and district regulations.