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Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015
A Supplementary Review
Members’ Allowances
Stratford-on-Avon District Council ______
A Supplementary Report By the Independent Remuneration Panel
Nigel Boswell Elizabeth Dean Jeremy Gould Dr Declan Hall (Chairman)
November 2015
1 Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015
A Supplementary Review of Members’ Allowances
Stratford-on-Avon District Council
By the
Independent Remuneration Panel
November 2015
Introduction: The Regulatory Context
1. This report is a synopsis of the deliberations and recommendations made by the Independent Remuneration Panel (the Panel) reconvened by Stratford-on-Avon District Council to advise on its Members’ Allowances scheme for 2015/16. The Panel was convened under The Local Authorities’ (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 (SI 1021) (“the 2003 Regulations”). These regulations, which arise out of the relevant provisions contained in the Local Government Act 2000, require all local authorities to establish and maintain an advisory Independent [Members] Remuneration Panel to review and provide advice on Members’ allowances on a periodic basis. All Councils are required to convene their Panel and seek its advice before they make any changes or amendments to their members’ allowances scheme.
2. In accordance with the resolution adopted by Council at an extraordinary meeting on 20 May 2015 the Panel has been asked to undertake a 'mini' or 'supplementary' review of the Stratford-on-Avon District Council Members' Allowances scheme six months after a full review was completed in February 2015.
Terms of Reference
3. This supplementary review is tasked with assessing the accuracy of the Panel's recommendations in February 2015 in light of having 6 months experience of a reduced council membership from 53 to 36.
4. Specifically in accordance with the requirements of the 2003 Members' Allowances Regulations the Panel has been asked to make recommendations on the following:
a) As to whether the current Basic Allowance is appropriate now that the impact of the reduction in Members from 53 to 36 can be assessed in light of
2 Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015 experience and the additional workload fewer members are required to undertake
b) As to the amount of basic allowance that should be payable to its elected Members including clarification of incidental expenses it should cover
c) Whether the reduction in Members has in practice resulted in an additional workload and responsibility for remunerated post holders with particular reference to the following
The subsequent reduction in the number of executive members from 8 to 7 Whether the adoption of a new substitution system for the Members on the Area Planning Committees and the subsequent reduction in the number on each Committee from 13 to 9 Whether the burden of chairing licensing panels continues to fall upon a single member or if last year it was an aberration Whether in practice a majority of Members are in receipt of an SRA and if so whether this appropriate
d) The implementation of the recommendations
e) On any other matters relating to Members' allowance that may brought to the attention of the Panel
The Panel
5. The Panel consisted of the following appointees:
Nigel Boswell: A retired quantity surveyor with significant experience as a Magistrate within the County
Elizabeth Dean: A qualified accountant who has extensive experience of public sector organisations
Jeremy Gould: A specialist public sector consultant and non-executive director of a NHS Trust
Dr Declan Hall (Chairman): A former lecturer at the Institute of Local Government, University of Birmingham; currently an independent consultant specialising in members’ allowances and support
6. The Panel was supported by Phil Grafton, Head of Legal & Democratic Services and Monitoring Officer and Morag Haymes PA to Heads of Service, who supported the proceedings and took the organisational lead in facilitating the review.
3 Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015 Process and Methodology
7. The Panel met at Elizabeth House, Stratford-on-Avon on 3rd November 2015. The meeting was held in private session to enable the Panel to talk with Members and Officers and to conduct deliberations in confidence. In arriving at its recommendations the Panel took into account a wide range of evidence both oral and written. For full details of whom the Panel met and full range of information reviewed see:
Appendix 1 for Members and Officers who met with the Panel, including written submissions
Appendix 2 for a list of the full range of evidence considered by the Panel
Appendix 3 for more details on the other allowances schemes and comparative data referred to by the Panel for benchmarking purposes
The role and obligations of the Panel
8. The representation received showed there is a lack of awareness on the part of many Members on the role of the Panel and the statutory parameters within which it has to operate. These parameters are set out in the 2003 Regulations, the main ones being
A Basic Allowance shall be paid equally to all Members o In arriving at a Basic Allowance the Panel is required to consider amongst other things the time taken to undertake the role of the ordinary Member, the element of that time that is considered to be unremunerated 1 and the rate of remuneration
SRAs may be paid o While there are no statutory restrictions on the number of SRAs a Council may pay as long as they are paid "to those members of the council who have significant additional responsibilities, over and above the generally accepted duties of a councillor"2 o Panels are advised that "if the majority of members of a council receive a special responsibility allowance the local electorate may rightly question whether this is justified."3
Travel and Subsistence allowances may be paid o There is no obligation to pay travel or subsistence allowances both within and outwith the Council area.
A Dependants' Carers Allowance may be paid o This is also a discretionary allowance that is intended as a contribution to the cost of care for a Members' dependants. 1 Typically, constituent, ward and other community duties are regarded as the unremunerated element of a Councillor's time. 2 2003 Statutory Guidance, paragraph 70. 3 Ibid, paragraph 72. 4 Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015 o The approved duties for which the DCA may be claimed are prescribed by the 2003 Regulations.
A Co-optees' Allowance may be paid o A discretionary allowance that maybe paid to unelected Members co- opted (Co-optees) onto a council's committees or panels
Allowances may be indexed for a maximum of 4 years o Automatic indexation is permissible unless it is not formally adopted by the Council when a new scheme is being established o Indexation can be backdated to the 1 April of the year to which it applies.
There is no provision for attendance allowances or financial loss allowances o The Panel cannot recommend allowances for attending meetings or for financial loss.
The Stratford-on-Avon District Council Members' Allowances Scheme: Post-May 2015
9. Generally the evidence indicated that the Panel recommendations in the February 2015 review which was prior to establishment of the new council with a reduction of Members from 53 to 36 were, with one notable exception, in line with expectations. Consequently the role of the Panel at this stage has been primarily to address anomalies rather than another fundamental review.
The Basic Allowance
10. In the February 2015 review the Panel arrived at the recommended Basic Allowance in accordance with the 2006 Statutory Guidance, to which the Panel must pay regard, by following the methodology
91 days annual expected average input – 45.5 days per year for the Public Service Discount = 45.5 remunerated days per year X £107.22 per day = £4,878
11. Benchmarking, using the same comparator group of councils as the last review, shows
Basic Allowance - Mean: £5,191 Basic Allowance - Median: £4,942
12. The Stratford-on-Avon District Council Basic Allowance is still on average less than that paid to peers. While the Panel has not been driven by benchmarking it is cognizant that Stratford-on-Avon District Council has fewer members than the vast 5 Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015 majority of its comparator councils and there are also generally fewer SRAs available than elsewhere.
13. The representations received indicated that on balance the reduction in Members, with one per electoral ward, has increased Members workloads. A great deal of this extra workload relates to the fact that Members have more constituents to represent - the element of a Member's workload that the Panel has always deemed to be the voluntary element. Nonetheless, the formal element has also increased as evidenced by the fact that Members are now generally expected to sit on 2 committees rather than one as was the case pre-May 2015.
14. A 'complaint' that was raised with the Panel related to the fact that all Members received the same Basic Allowance regardless of how many committees and working panels they sit on or how much they prepare for meetings or even attend meetings. The Panel received no evidence that Members were consciously trying to 'get away' with the least work possible. Moreover, with a flat rate Basic Allowance that has to be paid equally to all Members it is inevitable that it does not fully reflect all Members workloads, some put in more work than others, often for valid reasons. The Panel is unable to distinguish between those who work the hardest and those who work less - no attendance allowances can be paid. In the main the Panel sees it as a political management issue that in the first instance is the responsibility of respective group leaders.
15. Nonetheless, the Panel is recommending an increase to the current Basic Allowance to £5,100 on the following grounds:
Members formal workload has increased since May 2015 Members now have more ward related travel for which costs are not reimbursed No index was applied to allowances for 2015/16 It places Members on a par with peers - midway between the mean and median Basic Allowance in the benchmarking group
16. The Panel recommends that the Basic Allowance is increased to £5,100 backdated to the date of the Council's Annual Meeting on 20 May 2015 or any date thereafter that Council deems appropriate.
The Basic Allowance: inclusive of expenses
17. The 2006 Statutory Guidance (paragraph 10) makes clear that the Basic Allowance while primarily a time based allowance "is also intended to cover incidental costs." The Panel previously clarified that the Basic Allowance includes the following Council-related costs that Members may incur in the course of carrying out their duties:
Home broadband Home landline and personal mobile telephone calls A PC or laptop 6 Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015 Printer paper
18. In the interests of transparency the Panel recommends that the scheme also specifies that the Basic Allowance is intended to cover the travel costs for ward and other duties that Members are required to undertake for which they are not otherwise specifically reimbursed.
19. This recommendation does not affect the ancillary support and resources currently provided to Members such as photocopying and IT equipment. Members are reminded that they must abide by the Code of Members' Conduct in using council facilities and support.
Executive Members: Leader, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holders
20. At the Council Annual Meeting on 20 May 2015 the Council decided to reduce the size of the executive from 8 to 7 members; which the Panel was unaware was going to happen when it carried out its review in February 2015. This has marginally increased the workload of all executive members. However, the Panel sees this as a political choice - the Council could chose to increase the executive to a maximum of 10. The Panel acknowledges that the Leader and Deputy Leader in particular are working more in relation to devolution agenda but whether this will be a permanent feature is as yet unknown. It is also recognised that the executive SRAs are the one group of SRAs paid in Stratford-on-Avon Council that are appreciably below peers. However, at this stage the Panel is not recommending any changes to the executive SRAs and for 2015/16 they should remain as follows:
Leader: £10,500 Deputy Leader: £5,250 Portfolio Holders: £5,250
Chairmen of the Licensing Panels (3)
21. At the previous review it was noted that despite the intention to share the Chairing of Licensing Panels on a rotating basis between the 3 standing Chairmen of the Panels that "so far this year the Chairing of the Licensing Panels has in the main fallen upon a single Licensing Panel Chairman."4 The Panel specifically flagged up this issue to revisit the situation to see if the workload and responsibility falling mainly upon a particular Licensing Panel Chairman was an aberration or continues to be the case. Based on the meetings of the Licensing Panels since May 2015 the pattern for last year has proved to be an aberration - each of the Licensing Panel Chairmen have or are scheduled to chair a similar number of Panels - five apiece so far this year..
22. The Panel recommends no change to the current SRA (£1,313) paid to the Chairmen of the Licensing Panels.
4 The February 2015 Report by the Independent Remuneration Panel, paragraph 43. 7 Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015
Members of the Area Planning Committees (East and West)
23. Similarly, the Panel flagged up that it would revisit potential remuneration for Members on the Area Planning Committees in light of the reduction in numbers on each committee from 13 to 9 and the substitution role they all can be asked to undertake. Once again representation was received, although by no means unanimous, that argued members of the Area Planning Committees merited an SRA on the grounds they attend more meetings than other ordinary members and they have more travel to undertake for site visits.
24. The Panel was not convinced by the site visit argument as it is something all Members often do, even if they are not on an APC, typically when a contentious planning application is located in their ward. Indeed with single Member wards all Members have to undertake site visits for planning applications in their wards. Moreover, there are a range of duties mainly concerning visiting constituents for which travel is not reimbursed. The Panel has partly addressed this issue by explicitly pointing out that part of the reason for the recommended increase in the Basic Allowance is to recognise the extra informal travel costs that all Members have to carry out to some degree.
25. The reduction in members on the APCs and the substitute system has not significantly increased the workload of APC members although it is acknowledged that APCs meet more frequently than other committees. But the Panel is mindful of the 2006 Statutory Guidance on paying SRAs that it quoted above - SRAs are to be paid to Members who have "significant additional responsibilities, over and above the generally accepted duties of a councillor." Being on a planning committee is a regulatory duty that is generally accepted duty of Member. Finally it is noted that out of the 13 councils in the benchmarking group only South Northamptonshire pay an SRA (£720) to planning committee members.
26. The Panel does not recommend that members of the Area Planning Committees receive an SRA.
Other SRAs
27. No evidence was received to indicate that the other SRAs currently payable merited revision. Therefore, the Panel recommends that the following SRAs remain unaltered for 2015/16:
Chairman of Overview & Scrutiny Committee: £5,250 Chairmen of the Area Planning Committees (East & West): £3,150 Chairman of the Regulatory Committee: £2,625 Chairman of Audit and Standards Committee: £2,625 Chairman of the Council: £1,313 Leader of Majority Opposition Group: £2,625 Leader[s] of Minority Opposition Group[s]: £1,3135 5 At present this SRA is not paid as there is no Minority Opposition Group that has at least 4 members, the qualifying criteria to activate this SRA. Indeed, the Majority Opposition Group currently only has 3 Members. But the SRA of 8 Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015
28. The Panel recommends that no other posts except those iterated in this report are to receive an SRA.
Number of SRAs payable and the '1-SRA only' rule
29. In its previous review the Panel was concerned that with the reduced number of Members (36) its recommendations on SRAs could potentially mean the majority of Members receiving an SRA. However, this scenario has not been borne out due to 1 less executive member and the absence of a Minority Opposition Group. Under current governance and political configurations there are a maximum of 16 SRAs available - all of which are currently paid.
30. Yet, it is possible in the future for more SRAs to be paid depending how the council chooses to organise itself and if there are any changes in political make up of the Council. As such this provides a greater imperative to maintain the '1-SRA only' rule. Consequently, the Panel recommends that the 1-SRA only rule is maintained.
Other Allowances – The Co-optees’ Allowance
31. Stratford-on-Avon District Council pays its two Co-optees on the Audit and Standards Committee a Co-optees' Allowance of £375 per year. There was no evidence received to indicate this allowance needed revising.
32. The Panel recommends that the Co-optees appointed to the Audit and Standards Committee continue to be paid an annual Co-optees' Allowance of £375 for 2015/16.
The Dependants’ Carers’ Allowance (DCA)
33. Currently, like the vast majority of councils Stratford-on-Avon District Council makes available a Dependants’ Carers’ Allowance (DCA). The current scheme provides for childcare that is capped at the minimum wage and care of elderly/disabled dependants capped at the hourly rate charged by Warwickshire Council Social Services for a Home Care Assistant.
34. Representation was received that pointed out:
The duties for which the DCA may be claimed are narrowly defined The maximum rate for claims under the DCA for childcare does not reflect the real costs of childcare.
35. The duties for which the DCA may be claimed is defined by statute as laid out in the 2003 Members' Allowances Regulations (paragraph 7). In interests of promoting
£2,625 is still payable as it is the only Opposition Group and therefore by definition the Majority Opposition Group. 9 Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015 clarity and understanding by Members the Panel recommends that these statutorily defined approved duties for claiming DCA should be published in Schedule 36 of the allowances scheme.
36. The Panel has always made clear that the DCA is not intended to fully cover all care costs but is a contribution to costs of care of dependants as the approved duties for which it can be claimed is prescribed by statute.
37. However, capping the childcare element at the minimum wage is a contribution that is now outdated and it should be updated to reflect more realistic cost of childcare. In arriving at new maximum hourly rate the Panel has been guided by the government's 'national living wage' of £7.20 per hour which will be introduced as the national minimum wage in April 2016.
38. The Panel recommends that the DCA is maintained subject to the following amendments inserted into the scheme:
Members can claim the DCA as a contribution to cost of care of a Members' dependants under the childcare element at the government's 'national living wage' which is currently £7.20 per hour. That a new schedule is inserted into the allowances scheme setting out the duties for which the DCA may be claimed. In Section 10 of the scheme outlining the DCA it should be clarified that the allowance is a contribution to the costs of caring for dependants rather than being intended to fully recompense all such costs.
39. The Panel further recommends that the other current safeguards and terms under which the DCA may be claimed are maintained.
Travel and Subsistence Allowances
40. The only issue raised in this area was fact that many Members come straight from work to attend council meetings which may last well into the evening and are not able to claim for subsistence - currently no subsistence can be claimed for undertaking approved duties within the district. The Panel was not convinced by this argument as it is of the view that subsistence, e.g. in the form of sandwiches, etc. can readily be obtained in this day and age prior to and after any meetings of the Council.
41. The Panel received no further evidence that the current travel and subsistence allowances and the approved duties for which they can be claimed need revising except in one instance. The Panel recommends no change to the travel and subsistence allowances and the approved duties for which they are claimed.
Issues arising - the annual Data Registration Fee
6 See Schedule at end of report for the statutory defined approved duties for claiming the DCA. 10 Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015 42. The Data Protection Act 1998 requires every data controller who processes personal information to register with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO), unless they are exempt. This requirement can apply to Members who may hold personal data regarding their constituents. Consequently a number of Members have registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 with the £35 annual fee currently paid by the Council.
43. The Panel was asked to consider whether it was appropriate for the Council to pay this fee. The Panel decided that it was appropriate - it is a fee incurred solely arising from being an elected Member.
44. The Panel recommends that the Council continues to pay the £35 annual fee for those Members who are registered as a data controller under the Data Protection Act 1998.
45. The Panel recommends that the recommendations contained within this Report are implemented from the date the next Council following the publication of this supplementary report, which is scheduled for 14 December 2015.
Backdating the recommended Basic Allowance
46. As permitted by the 2003 Regulations7 the Panel recommends that the new Basic Allowance of £5,100 is backdated to the date of the establishment of the new council, namely the Council Annual Meeting on 20 May 2015 or any date thereafter that Council deems appropriate.
7 2003 Regulations paragraph 10. (6) 11 Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015 Schedule
Statutorily defined Approved Duties for which the DCA can be claimed - to be inserted in Members' Allowances Scheme as new Schedule 3 a) The attendance at a meeting of the authority or of any committee or sub-committee of the authority, or of any other body to which the authority makes appointments or nominations, or of any committee or sub-committee of such a body; b) The attendance at any other meeting, the holding of which is authorised by the authority, or a committee or sub-committee of the authority, or a joint committee of the authority and at least one other local authority within the meaning of section 270(1) of the Local Government Act 1972, or a sub-committee of such a joint committee, provided that— (i) where the authority is divided into two or more political groups it is a meeting to which members of at least two such groups have been invited; or (ii) if the authority is not so divided, it is a meeting to which at least two members of the authority have been invited; c) The attendance at a meeting of any association of authorities of which the authority is a member; d) The attendance at a meeting of the executive or a meeting of any of its committees, where the authority is operating executive arrangements; e) The performance of any duty in pursuance of any standing order made under section 135 of the Local Government Act 1972 requiring a member or members to be present while tender documents are opened; f) The performance of any duty in connection with the discharge of any function of the authority conferred by or under any enactment and empowering or requiring the authority to inspect or authorise the inspection of premises; g) The performance of any duty in connection with arrangements made by the authority for the attendance of pupils at any school approved for the purposes of section 342 of the Education Act 1996 (approval of non-maintained special schools)(a); and
12 Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015 h) The carrying out of any other duty approved by the authority, or any duty of a class so approved, for the purpose of, or in connection with, the discharge of the functions of the authority or any of its committees or sub-committees.Appendix One – Representation received by the Panel
Members who met with the Panel: Cllr G. Aktinson: Vice Chairman Employment & Appointments Committee (Conservative)
Cllr J. Baker Conservative Member
Cllr P. Barnes: Independent Member
Cllr M. Gittus: Chairman of the Council (Conservative)
Cllr P. Moorse: Leader of Majority (Liberal Democrat) Opposition Group
Cllr C. Saint: Leader of Council and Portfolio Holder for Leadership & Governance and Conservative Group Leader
Written Submissions from Members:
Joint Submissions: Cllr G. Aktinson: Vice Chairman Employment & Appointments Committee (Conservative)
Cllr J. Baker: Conservative Member
Cllr C. Kettle: Conservative Member
Cllr A. Parry: Vice Chairman Planning Committee (East) (Conservative)
Individual Submissions: Cllr M. Giles: Conservative Member
Cllr M. Gittus: Chairman of the Council (Conservative)
Cllr M. Howse: Cabinet Member - Portfolio Holder for Enterprise, Housing & Revenues (Conservative)
Cllr J. Kerridge: Vice Chairman Planning Committee (West) (Conservative)
Cllr P. Moorse: Leader of Majority (Liberal Democrat) Opposition Group
Officers who briefed the Panel: Phil Grafton: Head of Legal & Democratic Services and Monitoring Officer
13 Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015 Darren Whitney: Democratic Services Manager
14 Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015 Appendix Two – Written information considered by the Panel
1. IRP terms of reference
2. Current Allowance Scheme 2015/16
3. Statutory publication of allowances & expenses under the scheme 2014/15 & 2013/14 and predictive figures for 2015/16
4. February 2015 IRP Report
5. Minutes Council Extraordinary Meeting 20 May 2015
6. Diagram or flow chart showing current Committee structure as agreed by at Council meeting 20 May 2015
7. New terms of Reference for Committees
8. Summary outlining main changes to the Constitution/Committee Structure
9. Schedule of future Council Meetings 2015/16
10.Member role profile[s]
11.2003 Statutory Guidance
12.Paper explaining Civic Allowances received by Chairman & Vice Chairman
13.National Joint Council for Local Government Services LGS Pay 2014-16
14.Written submissions from Members
15.Members of Council and appointments to Committees & Executive (including reorganized Cabinet
16.Council Code of Conduct + Policy on utilizing council copying facilities
17.Copy of Parish and Partners leaflet
18.Power point presentation by D Hall- updated on allowances reviews, benchmarking and role as PRP
19.Benchmarking data - BM1-4 - allowances paid in comparator councils 2015/16
20. Hard copies of allowances schemes (2014/15) from the councils included in the benchmarking group
21.Summary Table - Local Development Scheme
15 Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015 22. Summary of number of meetings chaired by Chairs of Licensing Panels 2013/14 and 2014 to date
23. Summary of hours worked (average per week) by Councillors (2013 Census of Councillors - LGA)
16 Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015 Appendix Three: Allowances Paid in Comparator Group of Councils 2015/16 BM1 Stratford-on-Avon BM Group - Warwickshire, Confederate DCs & CIPFA Neighbours: BA + Exec + Scrutiny SRAs (15/16) V/C L hr Basic Leader Exec Non- Chair Chairs Chairs Scrutiny Comparator ea Deputy Mai Allowanc Total Member Portfolio Main or Lead or Other Panels Council de Leader n e Package s Holders O&S Scrutiny or T&F WGs r O& S 1 3, Cherwell 4,152 5 17,664 8,784 6,300 3,504 1 2 1 2, Cotswold 4,000 0 16,000 8,000 6,000 2,000 0 0 1 6, East Hants 4,500 0 20,500 6,917 4,150 2,767 692 1,383 692 0 0 2 2, Hambleton 5,500 0 27,500 11,000 8,250 4,125 0 0 1 0, N. Warwicks 4,942 9 15,929 NA NA 4,983 1,745 8 7 Nun & Bed 4,886 1 17,715 8,340 7,333 4,038 2, Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015 8 2 9 1 7, Rugby 6,427 5 23,957 6,427 5,356 3,750 3,214 3 0 1 9, S. Nor'ants 5,010 2 24,300 9,660 6,450 3,870 750 9 0 1 2, 1,2 Test Valley 6,452 2 18,684 8,361 7,794 6,452 91 3 2 7, 9 Tewkesbury 7,200 15,137 5,953 3,969 1,984 3 7 8, 3 Warwick 4,631 13,002 3,961 3,961 3,181 2,511 7 1 1 6, Winchester 5,580 7 22,314 9,129 7,605 7,605 1,521 1,521 3 4 1 2, Wychavon 4,200 6 16,800 7,350 6,300 6,300 1,050 6,300 0 0 Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015 1 4, Mean 5,191 0 19,192 7,824 6,122 4,304 2,286 2,565 0 2 1 2, Median 4,942 8 17,715 8,170 6,300 3,870 2,016 1,633 2 9 1 0 Stratford-on- , 4,878 15,378 5,250 5,250 5,250 Avon 5 0 0 2 2, Highest 7,200 0 27,500 11,000 8,250 7,605 4,038 6,300 0 0 7, 9 Lowest 4,000 13,002 3,961 3,961 1,984 1,050 692 3 7 10 Mean Ratios 0 56% 44% 31% 16% 13% % Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015 BM2 Stratford-on-Avon: Warwickshire, Confederate DCs + CIPFA Neighbours: Planning & Licensing/Regulatory SRAs (2015/16) Vice Member Chairs Comparator Chair Chair Area DCC Area DCC Licensin s Licensin Other or Comments Council Planning Plannin Chairs V/Chr g V/Chr Planning g Panels g Cherwell 4,200 Planning & Licensing is 1 Cotswold 6,000 2,000 Committee East Hants 4,150 1,383 Licensing Members get £692SRA Hambleton 5,500 N. Warwicks 4,983 Nun & Bed 4,769 Rugby 3,750 Mbrs DCC SRA £720 @ 75% S. Norants 3,870 750 720 attendance 1 central + 2 Area DCC Test Valley 4,851 981 4,851 981 777 Committees & ea Chair & V/Chair get SRA Tewkesbury 1,984 1,984 Warwick 3,865 1,115 Winchester 7,605 2,280 Wychavon 6,300 Mean 4,756 1,418 Median 4,769 1,249 Stratford- 2 Planning Chairs receive 3,150 1,313 on-Avon SRA Highest 7,605 2,280 Lowest 1,984 750 Mean Ratios 34% Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015
BM3 Stratford-on-Avon BM Group: Warwickshire & Confederate DCs + CIPFA Neighbours: Other Regulatory SRAs (2015/16) Chair Chair Chair Staff Joint Comparator Chair Audit Chair Staff Appeals Joint Standard Personnel or Appeals Governance Council Audit V/Chr Appeals Mbrs Govern s Employment V/Chr V/Chr ance Cherwell £1,000 £1,800 £1,008 £1,000 Cotswold £2,000 East Hants* £2,767 £2,000 £1,383 £2,000 £1,383 Hambleton £1,375 N. Warwicks £293 £260 Nun & Bed £2,691 £2,691 Rugby £3,097 £1,320 £536 S. Norants £1,000 £1,950 £1,440 Test Valley £2,117 £413 Tewkesbury £1,984 £1,984 Warwick £1,115 £1,115 Winchester £1,521 £2,280 £3,042 Wychavon £1,050 £1,050 Mean £1,332 £2,099 £1,635 Median £1,083 £1,992 £1,558 Stratford- £2,625 on-Avon Highest £2,691 £3,097 £3,042 Lowest £293 £1,050 £536 Mean Ratio 10% 15% 12% * East Hants & Havant have a Joint Governance Committee & alternate Chair & V/Chair Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015 BM4 Stratford-on-Avon BM Group: Warwickshire & Confederate DCs + CIPFA Neighbours: Group & Misc SRAs (2015/16) Chair Planni Main Main Minor Chairs Areas ng Comparator Opposition Opposition Opposition Chair Other or or Local Policy Council V/Chair Authority Group Group Group Council Comment Forums or Leader D/Leader Leader Budge t >1 SRA Cherwell 2,904 3,504 payable Cotswolds 2,000 4,000 2,000 E. Hants 2,767 2,767 2,767 Hambleton 1,375 1,375 4,125 Chairs Sub £1,162 + £233 £1,162 + £233 Committees N. Warwicks p/mbr 1,745 p/mbr 873 £1,745 £365 Tel Nun & Bed 2,691 Allowance Broadband Rugby 2,679 2,679 2,679 Allowance Budget & Finance + Planning Policy S. Norants 1,950 1,950 3,870 5,220 V/Chairs £750 max each, > 1 SRA payable Test Valley 2,890 2,890 568 Tewkesbury N/A 2,000 1,250 £822 + £103 £822 + £103
Warwick p/mbr p/mbr 1,115 Group Manager Winchester 7,605 2,280 1,521 2,280 £1,521 Wychavon 1,050 Mean 2,791 2,071 1,569 3,245 Median 2,685 2,115 1,318 2,829 Stratford- 2,625 1,313 1,313 on-Avon Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015 Highest 7,605 2,679 2,767 5,220 Lowest 1,050 1,375 873 2,000 Mean Ratio 20% 15% 11% 23% Stratford-on-Avon District Council Supplementary Review November 2015
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