Name: ______Period:______Year______

1. Do you have a nickname or middle name that you prefer? ______


2. Do you have a computer at home? ______

3. Do you have Internet access? ______

4. Can you print at home?______

5. Do you know your school computer access code? Yes/No If not, please go to the front office and request it as soon as you can.

6. Do you know that when you have an assignment that requires a computer, you may use the computers at school, in our class before and after school and at Memorial Hall? Yes/No

7. What are you really good at or an expert at (this does not have to be school related)? ______






9. What was your most memorable event this summer? What made it so special? ______







______10. Have you ever been curious about something? Give an example of something that peaked your interested and described how on your own, you were able to learn more about it.







Did you know that the reason I asked the previous questions (7-10) is not a waste of time, in fact I use these answers to both learn a little bit about you and to assess your writing skills?______So if you need to go back and change your answers so that you can show me who you really are, please do.

Class Website:

Communication is essential to our success as a group. Please be sure to visit our class website tonight. To do so follow these directions:

When creating an account, please create a username that others (and your teacher) will recognize For example, my user name is JoshuaShenker.

Parents you are invited too!

Go to and create a free account (you do not need to create a wiki) Be sure to save your username and password

Our Class Website

*Please note: this is a private website accessible only by members that Mr. Shenker approves.

Student Name______Student Username______

Parent Name______Parent Username______

Don’t forget to keep a copy of your username and password in a safe place