Fao/Who Project and Fund for Participation in Codex

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Fao/Who Project and Fund for Participation in Codex


CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR THE YEAR 2012 (APPLICATION A - Countries qualifying for normal support from the Codex Trust Fund)


IMPORTANT NOTES 1. This Application Form is to be completed, approved and signed by the Codex Contact Point together with all interested parties and submitted by email to: [email protected] or fax to + 41 22 791 4807. Applications received through other channels will not be considered. 2. The Codex Trust Fund is a neutral, independent entity and does not take into consideration national positions when determining funding allocations. 3. Each box of this form must be fully completed. Failure to provide full information may result in the rejection of your application. 4. Countries that received funding during the period August 2010 to July 2011 must have submitted a report on the funded activity. Applications for 2012 will not be considered if outstanding reports are not submitted by 15th October 2011. The online report form is available at: https://extranet.who.int/datacol/survey.asp?survey_id=1036 User name: codex Password: trustfund

1. Country

2. Codex region

3. Codex Contact Point

Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms): First Name: Last Name: Affiliation (Specify the Ministry or other institution): Address:

Email: Telephone: Fax:

2012 normal application form (English) Page 1 4. Functioning of the Codex Contact Point

Please describe: what the functions of the CCP in your country are;  how they work to coordinate Codex activities in the country;  the resources made available to them;  the difficulties they face and how these are addressed.

5. Functioning of the National Codex Committee or equivalent structure

Please describe the composition and organization of the Committee or equivalent structure, including:

 the Ministries and other institutions represented on the Committee  the frequency of meetings  the existence of any technical sub-committees  other methods for consulting with national stakeholders  relevant Codex activities conducted by the Committee at national level  any obstacles or constraints encountered.

If the country does not have a National Codex Committee or equivalent structure, are there any plans to establish one?

6. Priority Codex meetings and proposed Meeting 1 delegates ...... Please list, in order of priority, the five Codex (name and date of meeting) meetings at which you would like your country to be represented in 2012, as well as the names, Proposed delegate: positions, and signatures of delegates to be funded. Title (Mr., Mrs., Ms.): These meetings could be the Codex Alimentarius First Name: Commission, Regional Coordinating Committee, Technical Codex Committees, Task Forces or Inter- Last Name: sessional working groups. Position:

Refer to the Forthcoming Codex meetings at: Ministry/Organization: http://www.codexalimentarius.net/web/current.jsp? Signature of delegate: lang=en

Page 2 Please note that the number of meetings supported Meeting 2 will depend on the number of applications and the …...... funds available for 2012...... (name and date of meeting)

Proposed delegate: Title (Mr., Mrs., Ms.): First Name: Last Name: Position: Ministry/Organization: Signature of delegate:

Meeting 3 …...... (name and date of meeting)

Proposed delegate: Title (Mr., Mrs., Ms.): First Name: Last Name: Position: Ministry/Organization: Signature of delegate:

Meeting 4 …...... (name and date of meeting)

Proposed delegate: Title (Mr., Mrs., Ms.): First Name: Last Name: Position: Ministry/Organization: Signature of delegate:

Page 3 Meeting 5 …...... (name and date of meeting)

Proposed delegate: Title (Mr., Mrs., Ms.): First Name: Last Name: Position: Ministry/Organization: Signature of delegate:

7. Process and rationale for priority-setting

Please describe the process and criteria used at the national level to select priority meetings (given in Box 5 above).

How do the priority meetings fit into the objectives and priorities of the country’s food safety programmes? Refer to the Guidelines for prioritization below.

8. Preparation for Codex meetings/feedback

Please describe how the delegates plan to prepare for meetings and share knowledge and information following meetings.

9. Request for support for other activities (Please attach extra pages if needed.)

If you would like to request funding for an activity other than travel to meetings (see Activities other than travel below for types of activities that may be considered for support), please clearly describe the proposed activity including:

 Objective of the activity  Expected outcome(s)  How the activity fits into the objectives of the country’s Codex programme and food safety priorities  Names and positions of the responsible officer(s) for the proposed activity  Number of people involved in the activity  Duration of the activity Estimated budget

Page 4 10. Actions taken to secure funding for continued participation in Codex

Please describe what actions have already been taken to secure national funding for continued participation in Codex, the outcome of these actions to date, and actions that will be undertaken during 2012.

(to be filled out by all countries on 50% matched funding status)

11. Names, positions and signatures of Name: national authorities involved in completing Position: this application (from within all governmental entities concerned, Ministry/Organization: e.g. Ministries of agriculture, health, trade, Signature: standards etc.)

This application must be completed in consultation Name: with relevant stakeholders in order to be considered. Position: Ministry/Organization: Signature:

Name: Position: Ministry/Organization: Signature:

Name: Position: Ministry/Organization: Signature:

12. Names, positions and signatures of FAO FAO representative and WHO country representatives consulted Name: during the preparation this application Position: Signature: This application must be completed in consultation with FAO and WHO country representatives in order to be considered. WHO representative Name: Position: Signature:

Page 5 FOR FIRST TIME APPLICANTS ONLY Please list the Codex meetings which your country 13. Involvement in Codex to date has attended since January 2001 (if any).


Guidelines for prioritization

The terms of reference for the various Codex Committees http://www.codexalimentarius.net/web/committees.jsp should be reviewed in order to select the Committee(s) which would be of particular interest to the country which is seeking funding from the Codex Trust Fund.

Agendas of forthcoming meetings and reports of previous meetings can also provide useful information. (http://www.codexalimentarius.net)

It should be noted that the Regional Coordinating Committees play a special role in addressing problems which may be specific to a group of neighbouring countries, and that through these Committees, the need for capacity building projects can be communicated to the Commission and ultimately FAO and/or WHO.

In determining which Codex Committees should be the primary focus of a country’s Codex programme, the following should be considered:

 What are the most relevant human health issues related to the country’s food production?  What are the primary agri-food export industries contributing to the country’s economy?  What are the major agri-food imports?  What are the issues most relevant to the consumer?  What resources (e.g. time, money, etc.) are available to commit to the Codex programme?  Which Codex Committees elaborate standards, guidelines or related texts pertaining to the areas identified above?

Activities other than travel


The Codex Trust Fund provides support to multi-country Codex training activities organized and run by FAO/WHO. Training needs at regional and sub-regional level are determined by FAO and WHO as part of the parent bodies' ongoing or planned activities to strengthen effective participation in Codex. Training courses to be supported by the Codex Trust Fund are determined by the Consultative Group for the Trust Fund for each calendar year and countries who are eligible to participate are contacted by FAO, WHO and/or the Codex Trust Fund. All countries who have ever been eligible for support from the Codex Trust Fund (whether they have graduated or not) remain eligible for participation in all FAO/WHO Codex training supported by the Codex Trust Fund

Page 6 Other activities

Under Box 8 the Codex Trust Fund considers requests for support to activities other than physical participation in Codex meetings. Support to such activities replaces support to one physical participation.

The following other activities may be considered for funding:

 A new Codex Member country which needs very basic guidance on establishing a Codex Contact Point, etc., might request assistance from a consultant to be covered by the Trust Fund. Ideally, the nearest available expertise should be used (for example, a Codex Contact Point from a neighbouring country of the same region). The request of such a country will only be met once it has officially become a Member.

 Participation in a workshop related to a Codex Committee may also be funded, provided the country has listed it as one of its three priorities and provided adequate justification.

 One a case-by-case basis, a country might be supported to undertake a study tour or exchange to another country in the same region to observe and learn from their national Codex structure and activities and to build up contacts and opportunities for further learning and exchange between countries.

 On a case-by-case basis, a country which has committed itself to playing a broader role by taking on regional responsibilities might receive funding to support additional travel directly related to these responsibilities.

All requests for support to activities other than participation are submitted to and discussed with FAO and WHO to ensure harmonization and, where relevant, inclusion in ongoing or planned activities of the parent bodies aimed at strengthening effective participation in Codex.

No requests for funding for the following can be granted:  Infrastructure  Equipment  Operational costs of national Codex activities  Translation of documents  Costs of participation in national Codex meetings or events  Salaries


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