General Committee Minutes

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General Committee Minutes


MONDAY 7th January 2013

Those Present

Flag Officers Vice Commodore David Taylor Rear Commodore Phil Shepherd

Senior Officers Elected Members Captain Andy Hillyard David Knowles (Asst. Captain) Hon. Secretary Peter Williams Mike de St Paer (Asst. Sailing Secretary) Hon. Treasurer Nick Ledingham Jamie Marston (Team Racing Secretary ) House Chair Helen Brown Adam Whittle Fabrics Chair Rob Owen Lynne Pengelly Graham Pulford VP Nominee Peter Bramley David Mayhew Jonny Cross Apologies Commodore Chris Riley Hon Sailing Secretary Paul Jenkins

9045 Vice Commodore In the absence of the Commodore, the Vice Commodore opened the meeting at 20:03, wishing all a Happy New Year.

The Vice Commodore announced the deaths of David Owen, David Griffiths and Ken Dowler. David Owen joined the club as a junior member in 1949 and held several positions in the club including Captain, Commodore and Vice Presidents’ Representative on the General Committee. David was a dear friend to many and will be sadly missed. His funeral will take place in St Hildeberg Church, Hoylake at 12:00 Wednesday 9th January. Ken’s funeral has already taken place and David Griffiths’ will take place on Friday 11th January.

The Vice Commodore wished his thanks to the House Chair for an excellent New Year’s Party. The attendance was 72.

It was agreed that the staff Christmas bonus should be £25. They have already received this bonus.

9046 Minutes of the Last Meeting The minutes of the last meeting were agreed to be accurate and were signed by the Vice Commodore.

Matters Arising

There were three matters arising, namely:

Reference minute 9033 – Jim Bramley e-mail re non-printing of ‘Seldom Seen’ – The Vice Commodore re-iterated the Commodore’s comments that this matter had been debated in GC on 2nd April 2012. There, it was stated that the driver for the change is the high and rising cost of publishing and posting hard copies of the magazine. It is not always possible to part-cover the costs by chasing advertisers.

7 January 2013 Issue 1 Notwithstanding that, it is realised that Jim has raised some valid comments. To underline the need to maintain a magazine-style communication (i.e. not a news-letter) with all members, particularly outport and, critically, overseas members, the following website section is proposed: (i) It will be accessible to members only; (ii) It can be up-dated much nearer to publication to make it relevant (currently some included details are well out of date at time of publication); (iii) If we include items from overseas members, for example NYYC, it will be much more inclusive and could be published more frequently; (iv) on the website, it can be made bright and well-presented; (v) We could print a few copies ourselves and send them out to those who need them. Above all else, the magazine must enhance the perception of the Club by its members. It was stated that anecdotal evidence indicates that reduction in the ‘value’ of the Club to its members leads rightly to a reduction in membership. It was agreed to proceed with the production of a bright, inclusive WKSC web-based magazine taking all of the above into consideration.

Reference minute 9035 – Launch and recovery fees – the Flags and Captain have still to finalise this matter.

Reference minute 9043 – Liaison with advertising websites - The Rear Commodore stated that Frank and Lesley Duff will progress this matter – action closed.

9047 Hon. Secretary’s Report Resignations – There were 24 resignations, namely from: Ian Fraser; Louise Fraser; Alex Fraser; John Martin; Daniel Pickett; Luke Pickett; Roger Woodcock; Fiona Woodcock; Alfred Morris; Karen Morris; Christopher Morris; Owen Morris; Bronwen Morris; Pauline Hogan, Sophie Merriman; Thomas Merriman; Kenneth D Lucas; Leith Williams; David Jones; Carron Jones; Georgina Jones; William Jones; Mr FB and Mrs B Kirkland. All were accepted with regret. Some had stated in their resignation letters that they may wish to return to the Club when circumstances allow.

Members for Election – There were six members for election, namely: (Seniors) Stella Marrat; Nicholas William Riley; Roger Saunders; and (Juniors) Abigail Saunders; Thomas John Saunders and Samuel Williams (sponsored by Victoria Williams).

The membership currently stands at 1081.

Communications There were three communications, namely: (a) Reference minute 8978 – Sea Cadets boat replacement – Roger Glover, for the Sea Cadets wrote to indicate that they have agreed to the hire/ lease of a red RIB every Thursday for three years for the sum of £685 – action closed. (b) A letter from Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club thanking WKSC for the loan of ‘Humber’ and the crew (Dion and Derek). They had sent a ‘Head of the Float’ medal that the Commodore had shown the GC at the previous meeting. (c) An e-mail from Richard (Dyke) Knowles indicating that he would like to return to WKSC as an outport member. Peter Bramley will reply.

Insurance There are no outstanding claims. However, the Asst. Sailing Secretary indicated that there may be some rain damage to the Training Room that could become a claim. He will advise the Hon. Secretary accordingly.

Action Plan Action 8461.1 – Club website – The Hon. Sailing Secretary has devised a new website that will accommodate all the Club requirements, for which he has been thanked by the Flag Officers. The Flag Officers are populating it. Some of its ‘rough edges’ may need to be smoothed, but it does link well with electronic systems that the Club currently uses (e.g. Member lists under DutyMan). Consideration is

7 January 2013 Issue 1 being given to recompense the designers of the website that has not been adopted by the Club (no payment has yet been made). Action 8598.2 – Patio – The Fabrics Chairman advised the Committee that the rail up the front steps is in place – action part-closed. Action 8756.1 – Yard project – The Hon. Treasurer advised that a balance between the subscriptions and boat fee income streams must be kept. This project must be addressed as early as possible into the new GC term. Action 8869.1 – Lake Licenses – The next meeting with the Council is due in January 2013. The Vice Commodore will attend. Action 8991. – Sailors owing the Club money – A draft set of words for the Club Handbook has been formulated. Comments from the Hon. Sailing Secretary are being incorporated. On advice from Peter Johnson, sanctions must not be decided at any protest committee. It is for the General Committee to gauge and impose sanctions as it sees fit, for example disqualification from races or a series. This sanction has been exercised by the General Committee before in the case of non-insurance of a craft, this accords with Rule 17(c) that addresses debt to the Club. A period of grace must be incorporated for non- payment of the lake licence (Sailing Regulation 7), but this must not extend beyond one month from the start of the relevant licensed period. Action 9002.1 – Club-Member Debtors – Letters have been sent to the two major debtors who have either cleared their debt, or will work the debt off – action closed. Action 9002.2 – GC report on major debtors – The Hon. Treasurer has devised and implemented a process whereby the General Committee will be advised at the earliest opportunity of a member who is running up a major debt so that it can be addressed before it becomes an issue – action closed.

All other current actions are on-going.

The Vice Commodore then addressed the list of long-term actions (Appendix B).

Action 8466.1 – Club 5-Year Plan and Sailing Development Plan – The Vice Commodore stated that the current 5-Year Plan terminated in 2010 and will be examined by the new Flag Officers for re-instating and developing. That Plan will incorporate the Sailing Development Plan initiated in 2012 that will be reviewed with the RYA in the near future.

Action 8614.2 – Preventing the tractor sinking in soft mud – The areas of excessive soft mud in and near the moorings is known. The mooring chains have been buoyed to negate the need for the tractor to approach those areas – action closed.

Action 8641.1 – Lessons learned from past major events – The report arising from a review of previous major events has been analysed and a list of actions that need to be taken by Event Directors and Committees has been formulated. Key amongst those actions is the need to advise the Hon Treasurer of the project budget at the earliest opportunity.

All the other long-term actions will be addressed by the new General Committee.

9048 Hon. Treasurer’s Report (a) Budgets The Hon. Treasurer distributed the budget for the coming Club fiscal year to the General Committee. There was unanimous agreement that the items listed for each department should now be fixed, with no others being added. The accounts are now being addressed in a more modern and clearer format that clearly establishes a separate fund to build up a reserve for planned depreciation of all Club assets, including, for example the seaward lake jetty. As part of the 5-Year Plan (see Action 8614.2, above), a financial 5-Year Plan will also be devised. The Hon. Treasurer also stated that cash reserves are held separately and will depreciate over the year in a planned manner.

7 January 2013 Issue 1 (b) Snap-shot for December – i. Bar- Bar takings are lower than last year at this point and below budget. The Hon. Treasurer emphasised the need for greater paid-for use of Club rooms to help with income. ii. Boat fees – Lower than last year at this point and below budget. iii. Subscriptions – Lower than last year at this point and below budget. They are due in January when the full subs income will be apparent. However, the Hon. Treasurer stated that if there is no up-turn in the rate of income, the new General Committee may need to take possibly drastic action to cut costs. iv. Bank – There is more than this time last year, but we still need to pay for the new Fireflies..

(c) There is some confusion over the details of the MUSC invoice that need to be addressed so that it can be paid.

9049 Captain’s Report (a) The ‘Tanskey’ engine has been taken out. The engine mounts need to be replaced. The exhaust manifold also need to be replaced (£500) or repaired (£50). (b) The positioning of the new services post in the yard has been decided.

9050 Hon. Sailing Secretary Report (a) The Year Programme is nearly complete except to list a few social events. (b) The question was raised whether Club members names need to be listed in the hand-book. It was suggested that the presence in the Club of non-members is easily checked if the names remain in the handbook. It was also questioned whether the Club Rules need to be in the handbook, or listed on the website. It was stated by the Hon. Secretary that removal of the Club Rules from the handbook will require a rule change at an AGM or EGM (Rule 49).

9051 Training There was no training report, other than to confirm up-coming power-boat training.

9052 Team Racing (a) The budgeting for the Wilson and UKTRA is in hand. (b) Entry levels for UKTRA seem to be as required and Wilson income seems to be flowing as required.

9053 House Chair Report (a) Thanks were recorded to the Captain single-handedly clearing the Main room after the New Year Party. Other jobs were found for the working party. (b) The House Chair has invited all those who have helped in a very successful first year to a party on the 2nd February. (c) The House Chair stated that the Juniors and Junior families need to organise more events for themselves to which they are all committed. (d) The ‘Sewing Ladies’ will commence manufacture of the remaining Summer Pavilion drapes in the near future. Occupation of the Wilson room will be considerably less than for the main drapes. The Club has sufficient material for the remaining drapes. (e) There was considerable debate over the use of Club licensed premises, sponsored by Club members, but hired by outside bodies. It was stated that care must be exercised as the Club Alcohol Licence is very clear about how much presence of Club members is required at any ‘room-hired’ event.

7 January 2013 Issue 1 9054 Fabrics Chair Report (a) The stainless steel handrails for the front steps are fitted. (b) The vertical ‘cat’ ladder leading to the roof-tank has been removed. (c) Financial provision for the CCTV is too low, but the provision for the extended alarm is too high. The Hon. Treasurer stated that, as long as the overall provision is not exceeded, the money can be re- balanced. (d) As the re-surfacing of the rear yard could cost £3k, it was suggested that some temporary patching should be carried out.

9055 Bar Report (a) Bar Takings – Week including 16th December, takings were £2158 (Solos £506, Children’s Party £1136); 23rd December £2437 (over £1k Carol Concert); 30th December - £3901 (£2419 Andy Bamforth’s funeral and £1164 New Years Eve). (b) Tabs – Under control. (c) Food – Paninis back on.

9056 Juniors’ Report Weekend 12/13th January, the Cadet and Optimist Squads are at WKSC.

9057 Any Other Business (a) Person or persons known to club officers have been kicking a large ball against the wall by the back door leaving large dirty marks. They will be approached to clean the marks off the wall. Ball-games of this nature must be deterred because of general damage and damage to particular fixtures, e.g. the CCTV camera. (b) There is a desperate need to clean/ paint the front to the Clubhouse. This will be commenced in the Spring with a few to complete before UKTRA and certainly the Wilson (Action 9057.1). (c) A question was raised whether a formal vote/ confirmation of the purchase of the new Fireflies should take place. The Hon. Secretary undertook to review the past minutes to see if this had taken place. (d) A question was raise whether there should be snack-vending machine(s) in the foyer. It was stated that hiring such machines is very expensive and snacks are available over the Bar. (e) A question was raised over whether the envisaged swipe card access could be extended to counting the usage of craft, on a more-use, reduced yard fee basis. (f) The Hon. Secretary, with the full endorsement of the Vice Commodore, reminded the current members of the General Committee of the need to acquire and complete GC nomination forms. (g) The Vice Commodore stated that the current position of the notice board by the bar door is untenable and will be moved to by the foyer telephone.

Date of Next Meeting: 14th January 2013 starting promptly at 19:00. The Dinner will commence at 2000 on 14th January.

9058 Close of Meeting 22:24 There was 1 Senior nomination for membership.

Commodore or other Flag Officer______

7 January 2013 Issue 1 CURRENT ACTION SUMMARY Days Weeks Months – move to Long-Term Close at next meeting?

Last Update 03/01/13 Changes in blue Post Priority Source Action Captain February 8356i Ensure that the Boatman’s driving licence is extended to 2013 allow him to tow ‘Osprey’ by road.

Commodore and Rear Mid- 8461.1 The new website is being populated with Club data by Flag Commodore January Officers. The sailing programme format will have to be amended to ‘fit’ the website.

Rear Commodore 8580.2 Backing-up vital Club records – Steve Riggs has this actively in hand.

Fabrics Chair 8598.2 The patio project is now complete with the exception of: (i) the rendering needs attention; (ii) the route-map for the as- built drawings and H&S documents; (iii) there is a list of minor ‘snags’.

Yard Committee 8756.1 Yard Storage Project – recommendations being addressed. The Hon. Treasurer advised that a balance between the subscriptions and boat fee income streams must be kept. This action must be addressed as early as possible into the new GC term. Hon. Secretary/ 8806.1 (a) Hon. Secretary to add the Club trophies to the assets list. VP Representative (b) All Club trophies and other valuable items to be valued. Commodore/ Vice 8869.1 Liaise with Wirral Council re lake licenses. The next Commodore meeting with the Council is due in January 2013. The Vice Commodore will attend. Vice Commodore 8911.1 Review the Club handbook and consider GC sanctions as per the bar-tabs process to permit penalties to be levied on persons who race on the tide or lake while owing sailing- related money (e.g. mooring and yard fees) to the Club. Captain/ Hon. 9002.3 Devise a process by which relevant classes of boats are Treasurer informed of Club facility fees in advance via Class/ Fleet Captains, possibly using e-mails. Fabrics Chair 9006.1 Club Security: (a) A review of the lock-up process and the deposit of the ‘log’ by the last person to leave the premises; (b) An improvement of the CCTV coverage, more cameras outside and inside Club buildings, an up-grade of the current monitor; (c) Consideration whether we should ‘gate’ the rear passageway; and (d) Connecting the Training room to the alarm system.

Wilson Trophy 9038.1 The Wilson Trophy web-page requires a re-design. This Committee web-page must link to the Club web-site.

7 January 2013 Issue 1 Post Priority Source Action Fabrics Chair 9040.1 Smooth the surface of the section of yard leading to the Clubhouse back door. Fabrics Chair 9057.1 Clean/ paint the front to the Clubhouse.

7 January 2013 Issue 1 Appendix A – Jim Bramley re non-printing of Seldom Seen

Dear Hon Secretary

This week I received my copy of the latest Seldom Seen and was surprised & shocked to see printed across the front cover that it is to be the last printed copy ever. I have spoken to 4 General Committee members to ask whether all of the possible implications were considered by GC when the decision was made but none of them were aware of the decision and all advised that they do not believe any discussion ever took place at GC.

Over as many years as I can remember I have spent time persuading WKSC members who move away from the area to continue their membership as Outport and the biggest selling point of this being that they will continue to receive Seldom Seen keeping them in touch with the club. What consideration has been given to those members?

I see that Seldom Seen will be available on line in future but has the following been considered?:-

1. If on-line will Seldom Seen be available for everyone logging onto the WKSC website to read? In other words you no longer need to pay a WKSC subscription to receive it therefore reducing the value of WKSC membership.

2. People are far more likely to read a printed copy of Seldom Seen at a convenient time such as when commuting on a train or sitting on a toilet than remembering to log onto the WKSC website periodically in case there's any news there.

3. How many WKSC members who read Seldom Seen don't have internet access?

4. How do we expect to get an up to date version of Seldom Seen onto the WKSC website when we can't get the Officers page correctly updated. Currently of the 10 WKSC Officers shown on the WKSC website 7 have the wrong name, photograph or both displayed incorrectly

Quite simply the questions I would like answering are:-

1. What consideration has been given to the wider club implications which are likely to result from the decision to stop printing Seldom Seen and what steps are being taken to mitigate damage to membership numbers as a result?

2. Why does this decision appear been taken outside of General Committee?

I suspect that any impact upon membership won't be seen for a year when Outport (and maybe some Inport) members receive their 2014 subscription renewal demands and realise this is the first time WKSC has contacted them since the 2013 subscription renewal demand.


Jim Bramley

7 January 2013 Issue 1 Appendix B – Long Term Actions

Action By Target Ref Action Completion Minute Date Flag Officers 8159.3 Review Club sponsorship and the increased paid-for use of Club rooms. Commodore 8466.1 Review 5-Year Plan and the Club Development Plan

Commodore/ Vice 8729.2 Set up working party to review General and House Rules to ensure Commodore/ House Chair that they work together for the smooth running of the Club. Fabrics Chair 8840.3 Wider door between boathouse and MPB. Possibly also pedestrian door? Vice Commodore 8869.2 Review Staff handbooks Rear Commodore/ Lynne 8876.1 Review the need for the pay-telephone in the Club foyer. Pengelly Vice Commodore 8922.1 Viking Longboat coming to Wirral in May 2013. Peter Bramley and Flags 9033.1 In 2014, or beyond, consider the extended land occupied by the Club.

7 January 2013 Issue 1

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