Solano Community College s1

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Solano Community College s1


INSTRUCTOR: Earl T. Wylie, Ph.D.

PHONE: 864-7000 voice mail box 4662 EMAIL – [email protected] Data Files M: Class outline: Http:// Software Purchase:

OFFICE HOURS: Room 514 To be Announced

CLASS DATES: 1/14/13 to 5/22/13 CRN-11080 CLASS ROOM: 503

CLASS TIME: 11:00 to 12:15 TTh

LAB HOURS: room 507 or 504.

”Lab hours may be scheduled or TBA depending on the section. Students are expected to complete both the lecture and lab portions of the course.”

All students are required to use the computer lab an average of 1 hour a week for a total of 16 hours but not all 16 hours in one week. (Summer School has the Lab Built In) You must log in on the lab attendance computer prior to entering the lab and as you leave the lab during hours when an instructor is on duty. If you forget to log out you will only receive 15 minutes on the attendance computer. Yes, you can do more than one hour a week but you must do an hour a week.


Adamski, J, & Finnegan,K. New Perspectives on Microsoft Access 2010 Comprehensive. Course Technology, Cambridge, MA. 2012. ISBN 978-0-538-79847-1

The first two tutorials of this book cover Windows. These chapters will not be covered in lectures in this class. If you have any questions on Windows please feel free to ask during class.


MATERIAL REQUIRED USB Chip aka flash drive 3-882 scantrons.


1. Comprehend relational database concepts and database design. 2. Work with Tables, Forms, Queries, Reports, Macros, and Modules 3. Understand the process of setting up a data base. a. Identify all fields/attributes of the fields b. Group field into tables 4. Integrity Issues - Referential, Domain, Entity, Normalizing, one to many, one to one, many to many.. Page 1 of 6 5. Work with data types and Assign properties to each field. 6. Work with data types and properties 7. Relate multiple tables 8. SQL - Introduction 9. Automating task with Macros and Modules (Visual Basic) 10. Print database documentation, encrypt and decrypt, set password, link databases, set user profiles and security. In the classroom we will work though a Chapter/Tutorial a week. Online students, you should do the same.


Test - Level 1 = 100 Test - Level 2 = 100 Test - Level 3 = 100 Labs 1 to 14 = 140 Lab 15 = 100

Total 540

Lab assignments 1 to 15, Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 exams will determine your final grade. The following scale of total points will be used to assign course grades:

90-100% A Excellent >=486 82-91% B Good >=432 70-81% C Satisfactory >=378 60-69% D Passing >=324 0-59% F Failure <324 Home work: Write a two page single spaced essay on each of the following films. Discuss the impact that this developing technology will have on your life. From 1. Click on the DARPA link and pick out 10 and view from the list of short films. 2. Click on the Beyond Human link and view all 9 short videos. 3. Click on the Developing Brain link and view film. 4. Click on the Social robots, Cybernetics, and 6th sense device at MIT and view short films 5. From Netflix The Great Robot Race view the entire film.


1. From your home you will type in 2. Click on H: drive. 3. Click on Ewylie 4. Click on CIS 78 5. Click on access2010files

You will see as you scroll down:

Page 2 of 6 5. Right Click on Access1 or access2 or acces3. Access1 files are for chapters 1-4 Access2 files are for chapters 5-8 Access3 files are for chapter 9-12 6. Click on tutorial folder or review folder or case folder. 7. Right click on a file name and save target as. 8. Navigate to where you want the file to be saved. Note: you will have to download each file individually.

From the classroom or computer lab on main campus These files will be available on H:\ewlie\cis78\access2010files Access1 files are for chapters 1-4 Access2 files are for chapters 5-8 Access3 files are for chapter 9-12

Class outline is on

All lab assignments will have the students name, class, instructor, and date in the top right hand corner of the assignment. All assignments larger than one page will be stapled in the top left hand corner. All lab assignments must be completed and turned in. The following lab assignments are required:

All labs are to be turned in at the beginning of class on the day that they are due. Labs not turned in at the time they are due will receive no credit – 0 Note you must do step 1 through all steps of each lab. Additionally you must do all the preceding chapters of Case 1 Pine Hill Music. in order to turn in the assignment for chapter 4, 7, and 11. I suggest that you first work through each tutorial which will build up your skill set to do the assigned labs.

Lab Due Date a. Project Outline – Use guidelines on pages AC46 to AC50 Identify1/24/13 all b. the fields needed. Do not confuse the project outline with the final project guide lines at the end of the document. c. Group related fields into tables d. Determine each table’s primary key e. Include a common field in related tables f. Avoid data redundancy g. Determine properties of each field. h. Prepare an entity relationship diagram - AC A10 to AC A11.

Page 3 of 6 1. Page AC42-43 Review Assignments turn in step 10- 1/31/13 2. Page AC98-99 Review Assignments turn in step 9 2/7/13 3. Page AC158-59 –Review Assignments turn in step 14 2/12/13 4. Page AC205-6 Review Assignments turn in step 20. 2/28/13 5. Page AC206-7 –Pine Hill Music Case 1 Turn in step 19 Note: You must do the Previous Chapters Pine Hill Music case assignment in order to turn this one in. This is This is also true for Lab 9 and Lab 14. 6. Page AC274-75 Review Assignments Turn in step 13 3/7/13 7. Page AC350-51 Review Assignments Turn in step 8i Print out the form 3/14/13 frmcompnieswithproducts. 8. Page AC408-09 Review Assignments Turn in step 6d. Print out the report 3/21/13 rptcompanymailinglabels. 9. Page AC464 – Review Assignment Turn in step 9 The PivotChart 3/28/13 10. Page AC465 Pine Hill Music Case 1 Step 7 Pivot Chart 4/11/13 11. Page AC512 Review Assignment Step 9 4/18/13 12. Page AC 564 Step 3 Use AltPriScn to capture the 4/25/13 FrmNavigation and paste into word at the end of 3

13. Page AC606 step 4 b Capture the procedures frmcompanywithproducts and 5/2/13 frmproductword into word and print 14. Page AC606 Pine Hill Music Case capture the procudures 5/9/13 frmteachersandconctrtact and frmcontract paste into word. 15. Final Project: Create a database project of your own choosing. 5/14/13

When the student first begins to use the tutorial database they must save all of the tables, queries, reports, forms, and macros created. Due to conflicts with advance macros and visual basic there will be no spaces in module names or field names. Furthermore, all forms and reports created by the student will have a label box in the form or report header with the students name, class, date, chapter, page and lab number. The text will be colorful.

Make up of missed exams and extra credit work by arrangement with the instructor.

Class Schedule Important Dates:

Date Activity 1/14/13 Class begins 1/21/13 MLK 2/14/13 Flex cal - no class 2/15/13 Lincolns birthday 2/18/13 Washington’s Birthday 2/19/13 Flex Cal – no class 2/26/13 Level one exam –chapter 1 to 4 3/13/13 Flex Cal – no class 4/1-5/13 Spring Break 4/9/13 Level two exam- chapter 5 to 8 5/16-22/13 Finals 5/?/13 Final Exam 11:00 room 503 Chapter 9 to 12

Page 4 of 6 CIS 78 Final Project Guide Lines These are the items that will be graded on for the final project. All reports and forms will have your company logo on it and grand totals in the report footer. Online students you will put entire database, including the data access page in the drop box. You must have a least 30 records in the database. Remember because you meet the minimal guidelines does not mean you received all 60 points.

1. Tables – Field types a. Text b. Number c. Auto number d. Date/Time e. Yes/No f. OLE g. Hyperlink i. Word ii. Excel iii. Http: iv. JPG, GIF, BMP, JPN v. e-mail vi. bookmark h. Lookup Field i. Attachment j. Currency k. Memo l. Number m. Primary Key n. Foreign Key 2. Forms a. Custom form b. Sub form c. Query list box d. Reports list box e. Navigation form 3. Queries a. Select query b. Aggregate c. Action i. Delete ii. Append iii. Update iv. Make table d. Calculated Fields in query e. Criteria i. Relation operators ii. And, or iii. Like, between, in() iv. *, ? f. Parameter Query

4. Reports Report Header – Date – Logo – Report Writer a. Page Header - labels b. Group Header – at least one. c. Detail d. Group Footer – calculated fields e. Report footer – calculated fields f. Page Footer g. Report based on table Page 5 of 6 h. Report based on query 5. Macros a. frmnavigation b. reports list box c. query list box d. event procedures 6. Modules a. Function b. Sub procedure c. Event procedures d. Form event procedures 7. Relationships a. One to many b. One to one c. Many to many d. Right outer e. Left outer f. Inner g. Self Join 8. Startup – a. User unable to change anything. b. One entry point and one exit point out of the program. c. Navigation form is displayed on start up. d. Compact

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