Units of An inquiry Overview Westminster Language School

Timeline Aug / Sept/ Oct Oct / Nov/ Dec Dec /Jan/ Feb Feb / March April / May May/ June

Grade 6 Culture Club Our Invisible World Moving on Stand up for your rights Exhibition Fluids Units An inquiry  Ways in which we express  What scientific research is  What migration is  What human needs are  Properties of fluids into: ourselves  What micro organisms are  Push and Pull factors for  Human rights and (Freezing / boiling  What culture is and how it (Viruses, bacteria, protozoa, migration responsibilities temperatures, Density, can change fungi)  How migration affects the  Access to basic needs Adhesion and cohesion,  Factors that influence our  How micro-organisms affect lives of the immigrants and  Human rights’ activists Buoyancy, Surface culture (physical landscapes the balance of individuals the host nationals and organizations tension, PH balance, and climatic conditions)  How micro-organisms affect  History of migration trends  Societies and their responses to Mixing, Solutions and  How our culture influences the balance of communities human rights abuses dilutions Capillary the way we express ourselves  How we use our increased effect) scientific knowledge about  The use of fluids for micro organisms to our domestic use benefit  The use of fluids for industrial use Grade 5 Azerbaijan, land of fire Where’s the balance? Do you believe it? It’s a matter of taste. Air. It’s here, there and They made a difference and traditions everywhere An inquiry  The natural features,  The different bodies of  Our personal beliefs and  The different art forms/ media / into: resources, flora and fauna, water and the different belief systems techniques  The properties of air  Visionary people industry and infrastructure of aquatic ecosystems in  The features of belief  The intentions of artists  How air affects living  The visions these people the country Azerbaijan systems in the world  The different ways art can things had for the world  What we can learn about the  Forms of life in aquatic  The connections between affect people  How air affects non-living  The effect these people history and culture of ecosystems belief systems and how things had on the human systems Azerbaijan by looking at  The different needs of the communities are organised  How these changes artefacts, artistic living things in aquatic  How belief systems slowly took effect expressions, architecture and ecosystems influence the  Visions we have for the the lay out of the city  How research can help us communication between world  The way developments in understand how our communities. different areas are connected behaviour affects the to each other balance in ecosystems

Grade 4 Home sweet home I will survive Global Communications I won’t buy that for a Legacies Machinations Manat An inquiry  What shelter is and what  How species co-exist with  Why we communicate  The types of behaviours that  Ways in which societies  How the six simple into: its purpose is. other species within their  The methods we use to advertising is trying to are organised machines work.  How available resources, environments communicate with one influence  Systems developed by  The forces machines location and climate affect  How species another, both verbally and  The techniques used to previous civilizations. overcome house design change/adapt/evolve non-verbally influence the behaviour of the  How we know about  The application of  Our perceptions of what  How species become extinct  How modern technology target audience previous civilisations simple machines to makes our shelters home  Positive and negative has helped us improve our  The values, beliefs and hopes  How today’s systems everyday situations influences of human ability to communicate and that the advertisement result from those of the  Testing the application behaviour on life when we would choose to addresses past. of simple machines use it?  How consumer choices affect using the scientific  How different methods of the promotion of products and method communication work so the advertisements we see  How complex machines are combinations of simple machines Grade 3 Express Yourself Here Today, Gone It’s About Time Science in the kitchen How does my body work Communities Tomorrow An inquiry  Expressing feelings,  What resources are  The orbit and rotation of  Our kitchen set up  The main organs of the  Basic needs of people into: moods and ideas  How living things share the earth  Processes that cause changes body  Different types of  The artistic mediums resources and depend on each  The different time cycles to food  How my body systems communities people use to express other  How time and weather are  Changes to food work  Facilities and themselves.  The balance between affected by the earth’ s  How the systems work infrastructures of  Interpreting artistic consumption and regeneration movement together communities expressions  Possible ways of managing  Keeping my body healthy  How working together available resources can help in meeting the needs of individuals and the community as a whole

Grade 2 Peace begins with us What’s in the bin? It Keeps on changing Journeys Movements, movements Say it in another way everywhere An inquiry  The communities we’re part of  What waste is  When , How & why the school  The types of journeys people  How familiar things move  The different art forms into:  What people do in  How we waste was built and how it has make and why and why  The different artistic communities (work, play,  The effect of waste on our changed & grown  How we organise ourselves, and  Different kinds of forces elements used in each art share) environment  How children & staff have the choices we make when we  How forces effect the form  The problems that can come  How we can cut down waste changed since the school was want to travel movement or shape of an  Differences and similarities up with in or between by reusing, reducing and built  How maps are used to plan object between the different art communities. recycling  How we can find out about journeys  What energy is and how forms  How we can make  Our responsibilities in changes that have taken place forces and energy are  Examples of stories that communities work together keeping our environment safe  How the school might develop connected. integrate the different art and solve problems and clean and improve  What the forces in Nature are forms  How the properties of  The connections between the  How we design things to materials affect reusing and changes in the school and other make them speed up or slow recycling changes around us down more easily Grade 1 How do I know? Food, Glorious food Water, water, Learning about the past Let’s celebrate Colour me a rainbow everywhere (throughout the year) An inquiry  What our senses are and  Different types of food  How older people can share  How nature uses colour for into: how we use them  How food spoils  Where we find water with us about life in the past  Why we celebrate many different purposes  How our senses help us  Different ways to pack, store  What we use water for  How artefacts, personal records  What we celebrate  How people use colour for stay safe and healthy and preserve food  How we process and save and photos can tell us about life  The traditional aspects of many different purposes  How we use our senses to  How these techniques help water for consumption in the past celebrations  How we can use colours learn about new things keep food longer  The different journeys that  How places can tell us about  The reasons why different that nature has made  How our senses change our water can make the past cultures celebrate similar  How we can make and perceptions of things  Different states of water  How the past was different events in different ways change colours by mixing and separating

Kindergart Let’s play! Make it move Plants in our life Tell me a story en  different kinds of toys and games  Different types of transport and their uses  Natural and manmade environments  Stories with puppets or pictures, plays, poetry or songs An inquiry  who do we play with  Why different forms of transport are suitable  Life cycles of plants and trees for different jobs How imagination helps us to create stories into:  what we need to do to play together  What they need to grow   how toys work  How transport moves  What do we like to have in a garden  How we need words and pictures to express  why we play  How forces affect forms of transport our imagination  what we learn when we play  Structure of stories  why and how stories are created and told  stories from different cultures

Pre-K All about me Our School We make Art All about animals  The school buildings and the school ground An inquiry  Our Physical differences  What we can say about our art  How animals look  Who works in the school, what job they do, into:  Our feelings  What makes our art special  Where animals live what tools help them to do their jobs  Our friends and Families  Ways to show our art to others  What animals need and have in their homes  Routines and systems that help us learn