Crewkerne Town Council s2

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Crewkerne Town Council s2


Minutes of a Meeting of the AMENITIES COMMITTEE held in the Council Chamber on Monday 11th July 2011 at 7.34 p.m.


Cllrs. Mrs. A. Stuart (Chairman), Mrs. S. Allman, M. Best, Ms. J. Dawson, Mrs. R. Jackson R. Pailthorpe, Mrs. A. Singleton, N.Sturtivant and Mrs. S. White.

In Attendance: The Administrative Officer Mrs. A. Roffey, the Property & Projects Officer Mr. J. Dunn, Adrian Moore SSDC Play & Youth Facilities Officer, Zoe Harris SSDC Regeneration Officer, Diane Butler Chairman ABCD, 2 members of the public and 1 member of the Press.

16 TO NOTE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 11/12 Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. Bond (personal), Mrs. Bond (personal) and Miss Hennessy (Cllr training course).

17 OPEN FORUM 11/12 Mr Traves asked whether items of interest discussed at meetings could be put in the newsletter such as gritting of roads and the cost and also that the public be informed they can have copies of paperwork for items on the agenda on the day of the meeting.

Mr Coggan was concerned over the poor state of the Wednesday market and with the length of time it is taking to sort out.

Mr Chard spoke with regard to item 9 ‘Future amenity projects’ and asked that improvements to the bank along the Tower Hill Road boundary of Barn Street Recreation Ground be considered.

18 MARKETING CREWKERNE 11/12 To receive a presentation from Diane Butler Chairman of ABCD and Zoe Harris SSDC Community Regeneration Officer

Zoe Harris reported that she and Diane had attended a training event on re-generation of rural Britain and tourism. She said that all local market towns are fairly similar and explained the need to market the town and encourage visitors to experience all aspects of the town. A workshop is to be arranged in September for Councillors, traders and the museum to discuss and develop ideas into projects to promote Crewkerne as a place to visit.

Diane Butler said she considered the town website was not aimed at tourists compared to those of Axminster and West Bay.

19 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST in items on the agenda 11/12 Cllr. Mrs. Stuart declared a personal interest item 6a – Henhayes Playground Enhancement Project (husband part of the SSN team), War Memorial Commemoration Trust Recreation Ground item 3 – To approve the audited Annual Accounts (knows Mr Lovegrove Internal Auditor).

AM 1 Cllr. Sturtivant declared a personal interest item 6 – Henhayes Playground Enhancement Project (place of work adjacent) and item 12 – To receive minutes from Aqua Centre Bi- Monthly Sub-Committee (Manager of the Aqua Centre).

20 TO CONFIRM THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING 11/12 It was AGREED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Amenities Committee held on the 17th May 2011 be APPROVED.

21 HENHAYES PLAYGROUND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT 11/12 Adrian Moore SSDC Play & Youth Facilities Officer advised the need for safe but measured risk in play areas so that children can experience and learn within that environment as well as landscaping to create an inclusive play area which would meet everyone’s needs. He advised that SSDC had set aside £12,500 which would need to be matched funded by the Town Council.

a) To consider the scope of the scheme

After discussion the Committee APPROVED the scope of the scheme as detailed in the Terms of Reference.

b) To approve the draft Terms of Reference

The Committee APPROVED the draft Terms of Reference.

Cllrs. Mrs. White, Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Singleton agreed to be part of the Committee.

It was suggested that a representative from the Sports Club be invited to join the Committee.

22 OFFICERS REPORT FOR INFORMATION 11/12 Nothing to report


The report was noted.

The Property and Projects Officer reported that ‘snagging’ at Happy Valley would be completed on Tuesday 12th July after which he would meet with Adrian Moore for a final inspection to sign off the project.

He also reported the following:  The replacement lighting along the path in Henhayes Recreation ground had been completed and the area grass seeded  Christmas lighting invitations to tender had been sent out  Updating and re-organising the cemetery workshop had been completed  New Cemetery tractor mower had been delivered  Aqua Centre replacement guttering invitations to tender had been sent out  Boundary wall adjacent to Severalls Hall had been repointed

24 FUTURE AMENITY PROJECTS 11/12 AM 2 To devise a ‘wish list’ for evaluation

After discussion the Councillors AGREED on the following items they would like to discuss for future projects:  The need for a playground north of the A30  Long term car parking  Maintenance of the flower beds at the entrance to South Street Car Park  Recommencing the Trash Bash group  Shelters at Bus Stops  More allotments  Trim Trail at Bincombe Beeches  Winter gritting

It was suggested that the residents might like to add an item to the ‘wish list’ and to include this in the newsletter.

25 BOUNDARY LAND SURVEY 11/12 To receive a verbal report from the Property and Projects Officer

The Property and Projects Officer confirmed an order had been placed for 70 marker posts which would be used to mark the boundaries of Town Council land with the help of land registry and other documentation.

26 HAPPY VALLEY MANAGEMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 11/12 a) To receive the minutes of the initial meeting on 24 th June 2011

The minutes were noted.

b) To consider the draft Terms of Reference

The Committee APPROVED the Terms of Reference.

27 TO RECEIVE MINUTES FROM SUB-COMMITTEES: 11/12 a) Aqua Centre Bi-monthly meeting held on 14 th June 2011


28 QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER 11/12 To agree items for the next newsletter (min 32 TC refers) The Administrative Officer confirmed that the Editing Committee had met and the following articles (and the writers) had been suggested:  Happy Valley Management Committee (Cllr. Mrs. White)  Henhayes Fete follow-up and Diamond Jubilee (Administrative Officer Mrs. Roffey)  Safety Event, Speedwatch & other police related items (Administrative Officer Mrs. Roffey)  Recycling Centre update etc. (Cllr. Best)  Bincombe Beeches (Cllr. Bond)  What’s on at the Aqua Centre (Cllr. Sturtivant)  Local Transport Plan (Cllr. Sturtivant)

AM 3  Friends of Crewkerne Station (Cllr. Pailthorpe)  Revamp of Calendar of Meetings (Cllr. Mrs. Singleton)  Amenities Projects/Wish List (Cllr. Mrs. Stuart)

It was AGREED that the above articles would be included in the newsletter.

It was also suggested to try to obtain additional volunteers to deliver the newsletters.

29 TO RECEIVE MATTERS OF REPORT 11/12 West One Management AGM

Cllr. Mrs Stuart said she had attended the meeting and reported that the new youth club ‘Wild Wednesday’ was proving very popular and the group were hoping to start a ‘Funtime Friday’. She also reported that the Out of School Club and Jigsaw Playgroup had both received excellent Ofsted reports.

Dog Control Order Notices

The Administrative Officers advised that the orders were available to view in the Clerk’s office.


Somerset Fields Flyer was available in the Clerk’s office.

Cold weather policy - Gritting

The Administrative Officer advised that a Steering Group needed to be formed to progress the cold weather policy.

Cllrs. Mrs. Allman, Best, Ms. Dawson, Pailthorpe, Sturtivant and Mrs. White agreed to be part of the Working Group.

Henhayes Committee Meeting cancelled

Cllr. Mrs. Jackson, Chairman of The George Reynolds Committee advised that there would be no meeting of this Committee on Monday 18th July as there were no issues of any consequence to discuss. She also advised that an update on the work that is continuing in the back ground would be sent out.

30 DATE OF NEXT MEETING 11/12 Monday 12th September 2011, (after the planning meeting and) not before 7.15pm in the Council Chamber

The meeting closed at 8.45pm

Signed: …………………..

Dated: …………………… jl/amenities/am110711 AM 4

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