1. in the Articles of Confederation, Powers of Government Were Spread Amongst

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1. in the Articles of Confederation, Powers of Government Were Spread Amongst

New nation 1. In the Articles of Confederation, powers of government were spread amongst… a. Several committees b. Executive Branch c. the Senate d. Judicial Branch

2. This treaty gave the United States access to the Mississippi River and the port of New Orleans a. Jay’s Treaty b. Pickney’s Treaty c. Treaty of Ghent d. Treaty of Paris 1783

3. This act by Congress created the Supreme Court as the highest court in the land a. 3 Branches Clause b. Declaration of Independence c. Judiciary Act of 1789 d. Homestead Act of 1863

4. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 provided for… a. Settlement and statehood of the western territory b. Removal of Indians to reservations c. British loyalists to leave the country d. British rights to forts along the Great Lakes

5. Shay’s Rebellion showed… a. Poor people should not have a say in government b. The Articles of the Confederation was weak c. The Articles of the Confederation gave government too much power d. People were eager to support their new government

6. Which was not a weakness of the Articles of the Confederation? a. The government could not collect taxes b. The government could not borrow money c. There was no executive branch to enforce the acts of Congress d. Loose government allowed States to govern themselves

7. One of the major reasons for Hamilton’s Bank Plan was to consolidate ___. a. War Bonds b. Colonial war debt c. Political parties d. none of these

8. According to the Great Compromise, representation in the House of Representatives would be… a. Two representatives for every state b. One representative for every forty thousand people in the state c. Determined by the physical size of the state d. Determined by the wealth of the state 9. The Three-Fifths Compromise referred to… a. A plan for settling western lands b. A system for electing representatives c. A method for counting slaves to determine representation d. A measure used to determine the value of monetary units

10. The Virginia and Kentucky resolutions demonstrated a conflict between… a. State and National rights b. Republicans and Democrats c. Slaveholders and Non-slaveholders d. East and West

11. Which Supreme Court case gave the court the power to declare laws unconstitutional? a. Marbury v. Madison b. Miranda v. Arizona c. Dred Scott v. Sanford d. Brown v. Board of Education

12. What law was passed to keep people from criticizing the government and to remove “undesirables”? a. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions b. XYZ Affair c. Alien and Sedition Act d. Federalist Act

13. Which was not major accomplishment of the Jefferson administration? a. Decreasing the size of the navy b. Reducing national debt. c. Making the Louisiana Purchase d. none, Jefferson did all of these.

14. What did George Washington discourage in his Farewell Address? a. Sedition b. Temporary Alliances c. Permanent Alliances d. Presidents giving farewell addresses

15. What was passed to restrict trade with Britain and France but backfired on the United States? a. Embargo b. Land Act c. XYZ Affair d. Alien and Sedition Act

16. Who became a national hero at the Battle of New Orleans? a. Thomas Jefferson b. James Madison c. James Monroe d. Andrew Jackson

17. Which of the following was added to the Constitution to gain support of the Anti-federalists? a. The Bill of Rights b. The National System of Courts c. The Great Compromise d. The Preamble

18. The war of 1812 ended with… a. A clear victory for the British b. A clear victory for the French c. The removal of all British claims in North America d. A return to pre-war boundaries between the United States and British territories

19. What event saw the French trying to make the U.S. government pay them a bribe? a. Embargo b. XYZ Affair c. Louisiana Purchase d. Alien and Sedition Act

Map Skills

People Chart

A. John Marshall AB. Samuel Slater B. Lewis and Clarke AC. Francis Cabot Lowell C. Tecumseh AD. Eli Whitney D. Henry Clay AE. Samuel FB Morse E. Francis Scott Key

25. Writer of the” Star Spangled Banner.” 26. Creator of a systems of codes that became widely used in telegraphs. 27. Creator of the American System 28. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who ruled in the famous Marbury vs. Madison case. 29. Turned Boston into a factory / industrial city. 30. Creator of interchangeable parts and the cotton gin. 31. Native American leader backed by the British to revolt against the United States in the Ohio Valley 32. Sent by Pres. Jefferson to explore and chart the Louisiana Purchase. 33. Brought textiles and machinery (industrial revolution) to the United States.

Constitution / Government Matching A. Judicial Branch B. Executive Branch C. Legislative Branch

34. The President is here. 35. Makes or passes laws. 36. Interprets the laws to be “constitutional” or not. 37. Supreme Court is here. 38. Carry out or execute the law.

Political Cartoon

EOC sample questions

43. The colonists modeled their government on the government of a. France c. Spain. b. Great Britain. d. Mexico.

44. In what way did the American Revolution affect other countries? a. The practice of slavery spread throughout Europe. b. Foreign governments attempted to punish Patriot leaders. c. Countries tried to avoid the devastation of war. d. Other republican groups fought to overthrow aristocratic governments.

45. Under the Articles of Confederation, small states like Rhode Island, wielded as much power as large states such as Virginia, because a. each state had one vote in Congress. b. there was no executive branch of government. c. representation was determined by a state’s population. d. the legislature had no lawmaking power. 46. The Federalists favored ratification because they wanted a. a weak executive branch. b. a strong central government. c. a purely democratic form of government. d. a balance of power that favored state governments.

47. Antifederalists criticized the Constitution as a. concentrating too much power in the hands of a few. b. granting too much power to the states. c. weakening the national government by guaranteeing civil liberties. d. containing too many checks and balances.

Political cartoon

49. Why does Jefferson have his hands in the air? a. to show the US is surrendering to Britain and France. b. to show the US is halting the war between Britain and France. c. to show the US is helpless to stop the actions of Britain and France. d. to show the Europeans his latest dance moves.

50. Why is Napoleon Bonaparte emptying Jefferson’s pockets? a. to show France is stealing from the US. b. to make Napoleon look like a beggar. c. to show that the US was generous to foreign nations. d. to show the US secretly giving aid to France.

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