1. What Is the Provisional Diagnosis?

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1. What Is the Provisional Diagnosis?

1. Person Н., 18-y.o complaints of acute spontaneous paroxysmal pain in tooth that irradiates to right eye and temporomandibular area. Objectively in 27 tooth deep carious cavity near parapulpar dentin, dentin is bright and soft. Probing of bottom is sharply painful, positive reaction for cold. 1. What is the provisional diagnosis? 2. Differentiation with what diseases is recommendable? 3. Choose the method of treatment. 4. Describe the plan of endodontic treatment. 5. Describe the structure of pulp chamber and root canals of 27th tooth.

2. Woman А., 20 years old, came with complaints of darkening of crowns of 11 and 21 tooth. 1 year ago she had a trauma. Objectively: crowns of 11 and 21 are of dark grey color, intact, percussion is not painful. Mucoalveolar process is not changed. X-ray: in the area of apexes of roots bone destruction, rounded size of 0,5mm in diameter with clear borders. 1. What is the diagnosis? 2. Propose treatment and describe treatment procedures. 3. What is the proper way of teeth whitening in this case? 4. Describe the structure of pulp chamber and root canals of upper front incisives? 5. What antiseptics can be used for root canal irrigation?

3. Patient 40 years old complaints for uncomfortable feeling in 24.. Anamnesis: in area of affected tooth periodically appeared swelling. Objectively: in 24 widely opened cavity. Probing and percussion not painful. Positiv symptom of Vasoparesis, on x-ray bone destruction without clear borders. 1. What is the provisional diagnosis? 2. Differential diagnosis with what diseases is necessary? 3. Describe the plan of endodontic treatment. 4. Describe the structure of pulp chamber and root canals of upper premolars. 5. What method of root canals filling can be used? №1. How does compomer set? A. Acid-base reaction B. Polymer chains cross-linked with metal ions C. Polymerisation of methacrylate resins D. Precipitation of soluble ions

№ 2. Which part of a GIC bonds to dentine? A. Carboxylic groups of the polymer chains B. Metal ions C. Unsaturated Carbon-Carbon bonds D. Polymer cross-links

№3. What shape is the access cavity for upper and lower canines? A. Triangular B. Ovoid C. Round D. Oblong

№4. What shape is the access cavity for upper and lower molars? A. Triangular B. Ovoid C. Round D. Oblong

№5. Upper first premolars usually have A. One canal B. Two canals C. Three canals

№6. An incipient carious lesion on an interproximal surface is usually located 1. At the contact area 2. Facial to the contact area 3. Lingual to the contact area 4. Gingival to the contact area 5. Occlusal to the contact area

№7. Enamel caries begins with A. A white sensible spot B. A white insensible spot C. A brown sensible spot D. A brown insensible spot E. A black sensible spot

№8. Streptococcus mutans is considered to be a principal etiologic agent of caries because it produces organic acids and it A. Forms a gelatinous matrix B. Metabolizes substrate from saliva C. Derives energy from enamel constituents D. Lives symbiotically with lactobacillus acidophilus E. All of the above

№9. Differential sign of incipient caries and enamel hypoplasia: 6. Pain during probing 7. Sensitivity to the thermal irritants 8. Color test, luminescence of defect area 9. EOD test 10. None of the above

№10. Diamonds are superior to burs for cutting: A. Cementum B. Dentin C. Enamel D. Soft tissue

№11. Retention of amalgam restoration is obtained by: A. Occlusal divergence B. Occlusal convergence C. Straight walls D. Resiliency of dentin

№12. The organic matrix of composite resins contains: A. Bishphenol glycidyl methacrylate B. Dimethyl methacrylate C. Glycidyl methacrylate D. Any of the above

№13. Instruments used for handling resins are made of: A. Stainless steel B. Carbon steel C. Teflon coated metal D. Platinum

№14. Which of the following may cause dead tracts in dentin? A. Caries B. Erosion C. Cavity preparation D. Odontoblastic crowding E. All of the above

№15. Amelogenesis imperfecta is a pathology affecting: A. Decidious teeth only B. Permanent teeth only C. Both dentitions D. Dentine of the teeth E. Dentine and enamel

№16. A patient has a toothache. Radiographs show a deep carious lesion. There is no detectable pulpal exposure upon excavation of decay. The best treatment at this time is A. Direct pulp cap B. Root canal therapy C. A permanent restoration after placing a suitable base D. Placement of a zinc phosphate cement temporary restoration E. Placement of two coats of cavity varnish and an amalgam reatoration

№17. The Carabelli’s tubercle is: 1. A palatine tubercle 2. A mandibular tubercle 3. A dental tubercle 4. All of the above 5. None of the above

№18. The lateral compaction of gutta percha needs an adjustment of the master point so that: A. The tip of the point reaches the foramen since the spreader pluggs the gutta only laterally B. The tug-back is left only in the middle third since the apical third is compacted at the begining C. The X Ray shows a canal space that might receive the spreader laterally beside the gutta point D. It will be from the same calibre of the largest file that has been worked in the canal E. Pressents a tug-back at the apical third

№19. The action used for placing a K-type file into a canal should resemble A. An up-and-down motion B. A straight apical pressure C. Complete rotation of the instrument with pressure directed apically D. A clockwise-counterclockwise motion with pressure directed apically E. A scraping motion on the canal walls

№20. Total etch technique is better than enamel etch alone since: A. It removes the dentin mud B. Partially demineralized dentin C. Removes the dentin plug D. All of the about E. None of the about

№21. A patient has a severe, throbbing toothache in the area of the mandibular right first premolar. The tooth is very painful to percussion, but does not respond to heat, cold or the electric pulp tester. No swelling is noted. Radiographs show no abnormalities. The most probable diagnosis is A. Reversible pulpitis B. Irreversible pulpitis C. Acute apical periodontitis D. Chronic apical periodontitis E. Suppurative apical periodontitis

№22. The principal aim of the pulpal capping is: A. To preserve the pulp and the odontoblasts in order to allow the reactional dentine formation B. To stop the bacterial contamination C. To avoid pain D. To avoid inesthetic aspect E. None of the above

№23. Pain that persists for several minutes or longer after a thermal stimulus has been removed from a tooth is suggestive of A. A normal pulp B. Pulp necrosis C. Reversible pulpitis D. Irreversible pulpitis E. Exposed cervical dentin

№24. The peripheral zone of the dental pulp is divided into 3 layers from the periphery to the center as follows: A. Odontoblastic layer, cell rich zone of Weill, zone and poor cell zone of Hohl B. Odontoblastic layer, cell free zone and cell rich zone of Hohl C. Poor cell zone, cellular layer and the odontoblastic layer D. Cell rich zone of Hohl, cell free zone of weil, odontoblastic layer E. Dentine, predentine, odontoblastic layer

№25. Approximately how long does the antibacterial effect of a Calcium Hydroxide lining last? A. 2 days B. 2 weeks C. 2 months D. 2 years E. Permanently

№26. The so-called Hutchinson’s tooth is encountered on: 1. An upper central incisor 2. A lower central incisor 3. A lower canine 4. A lower premolar 5. None of the above

№27. The Hutchinson’s tooth is: A. Smaller than its homologuos B. In mesioversion C. Ovoid D. Indented with an incisal edge E. All of the above

№ 28. Composite: What are the filler particles made of? A. Methacrylate resins B. Glass C. Glass Ionomer D. Titanium Dioxide

№ 29. What is special about a hybrid composite? A. It is a mixture of Composite and Compomer B. It contains both large and small filler particles C. The matrix is a mixture of Bis-GMA and TEG-GMA D. The filler particles are a mixture of glass and Silicon Dioxide

№ 30. Which one of the following is the normal serum fluoride concentration in the absence of a dietary fluoride supplement? A. 0.01ppm B. 0.1 ppm C. 1.0 ppm D. 2.0 ppm E. 5.0 ppm

№1. When fluoride ions leach out of GIC, what replaces them? A. Aluminium ions B. Hydroxyl ions C. Carboxylate ions D. Silicate ions

№2. What shape is the access cavity for upper and lower premolars? A. Triangular B. Ovoid C. Round D. Oblong

№3. How many upper incisors have two canals? A. Hardly any B. 5% C. 25% D. 50% E. 75% F. 95%

№4. The first clinical sign of early caries of enamel is 1. Cavitation 2. Sensitivity 3. Loss of translucency 4. A brown or black pigment spot 5. All of the above

№5. Caries on the contact areas of all teeth: 1. Root cement caries 2. Cervical caries 3. Atypical caries 4. Proximal caries 5. None of the above

№6. Color test with 2% solution of methylen blue is positive for: 1. Enamel hypoplasia 2. Endemic fluorosis 3. Caries in the stage of white spot 4. Caries in the stage of brown spot 5. V-shaped defect

№7. The earliest micro-organism occurring in bacterial plague are 1. Vibrios 2. Spirochetes 3. Gram-positive rods and cocci 4. Fungus 5. Virusis

№8. The rate of carious destruction of dentin tends to be slower in adults than in children because: A. Increase in intratubular organic content B. Change in pH of saliva with age C. Generalised dentinal sclerosis with aging D. All of the above

№9. The self-curing composite resins have accelerator as: A. Organic amine B. Peroxide C. Diketones D. UV light

№10. Anodontia means: A. Total absence of all the teeth B. A number of teeth superior to the normal C. The union between two germs D. Absence of dentine E. None of the above

№11. Which of the following provides the best guarantee for sterilization in a heat sterilizer? 6. Using a chemical indicator strip or pouch 7. Recording the temperature and/or pressure readings from the sterilizer gauges 8. Using bacterial store test 9. Determining the ability of the sterilizer to kill the hepatitis B virus 10. Demonstrating inactivation of the tuberculosis bacterium

№12. The vertical compaction of gutta percha 1. Needs a big pressurein the crown to root direction to compensate the expansion phenomenon of the gutta percha when it cools down 2. Needs a big guantity of the sealer so that the gutta will not stick to the plugger 3. Needs a passage of the plugger to the last mm apically because gutta percha is a thermal isolator 4. Needs a penetration of the plugger to the middle third because the gutta percha mold under vertical pressuare 5. Needs a very few quantity of sealer so that the gutta will stick in the canal

№13. Silver amalgams of the last generation acquired high mecanical and physical properties due to: A. Reduction to the half the quantity of mercury B. Reduction to the half the quantity of powder C. The modification of the alloy and the adjuction of cooper D. The modification of the alloy and the adjuction of zine E. The modification of the alloy and the adjuction of tin

№14. Which of the following are characteristics of an apical cyst? A. It usually is asymptomatic B. It can be differentiated from chronic apical periodontitis histologically C. It can be differentiated from chronic apical periodontitis radiographically D. Its formation is associated with stimulation of epithelial cell remmants E. A+B+D

№15. The action of calcium hydroxide in promotig formation of an apical calcified barrier in a tooth with an open apex and necrotic pulp is probably best explained by 1. Creation of a zone of liquefaction necrosis at the apex 2. Creation of a zone of coagulation necrosis at the apex 3. Creation of an alkaline environment that promotes hard tissue deposition 4. Calcium ions from the canal dressing precipitating apically to form an apical bridge 5. None of the above

№16. A patient is experiencing a throbbing pain in a specific tooth. This pain is aggravated by heat and relieved by cold. The tooth is sensitive to percussion. The most likely diagnosis is: A. Occlusal trauma B. Periodontal abscess C. Irreversible pulpitis D. Hyperemia of the pulp E. B+D

№17. The functions of the dental pulp include all the following EXCEPT to A. Form dentin B. Supply dentin with nutrients C. Innervate the enamel with nerve fibers D. Transmit sensory stimuli to the central nervous system E. Protect the tooth against microbial aggressions

№18. Which of these is NOT a form of Calcium Hydroxide? A. Life B. Dycal C. Hypocal D. Coltosol E. Apexit

№19. Which of these is NOT essential for a successful direct pulp cap? A. There should be no spontaneous pain from the tooth B. When stimulated by hot or cold, the pain should disappear as soon as the stimulus is removed C. Bleeding from the pulp should be minimal and easily controlled D. The exposure must be traumatic, I.e. no infected dentine present E. Hard leathery infected dentine should be present

№20. The Hutchinson’s tooth could result from: A. A congenital toxoplasmosis B. A congenital syphilis C. A tuberculosis that occurred at birth D. A hepatitis that occurred at the earliest age E. None of the above

№21. What is the Matrix in Composite usually made of? A. HEMA B. Mylar C. EDTA D. Bis-GMA E. Celluloid

№22. What is the typical particle size in microfilled composite, in micrometres? A. 0.04 B. 0.4 C. 4 D. 40

№23. What is the maximum thickness of composite that a curing light can penetrate? A. 0.5 mm B. 1 mm C. 2 mm D. 3 mm

№24. Plaque extracellular polysaccharide synthesis is greatest when which one of the following sugars is present in the diet? А. Glucose В. Manose С. Fructose D. Sucrose Е. Sorbitol

№25. Upper second premolars usually have A. One canal B. Two canals C. Three canals

№26. Which of the following apply when using a light to cure light activated composite resin? A. Curing time should be increased with darker resin shades B. Curing time should be increased with lighter resin shades C. The light should be held at least 5.0 mm from the resin surface D. A+C E. C+B

№27. The greatest polential hazard of chronic mercury toxicity comes from 6. Skin contact with mercury 7. Inhalation of mercury vaper 8. Amalgam restorations in a patient 9. Injection of amalgam scrap during removal of an old restoration 10. Only the big number of amalgam restorations in the patient’s mouth

№28. Glass ionomer cement: 1. Bond only to cementum 2. Bond only to enamel 3. Bond only to dentine 4. Bond to enamel, dentin and cementum 5. Do not bond to neither, cementum, enamel or dentine

№29. An apical lesion which has established drainage through a sinus tract is termed A. Acute inflammation B. Chronic inflammation C. Suppuractive inflammation D. Acute apical abscess E. B+C

№30. During the incision of the carious dentine on the 1st permanent molar, a minimal pulpal exposition occurred. The best treatment is: 1. Pulp capping with Ca (OH)2 2. Pulpotomy with Ca(OH)2 3. Pulpotomy with Formocresol 4. Pulpectomy 5. None of the above

1. A 16 year old patient complaints of a cosmetic defect in the area of his upper frontal teeth in form of white spots that were revealed long ago and haven’t changed since that. Objectively: there are white spots on the vestibular surfaces of the 11, 12, 21, 22 teeth by the cutting edge and on the vestibular surfaces of the 16, 26, 36, 46 teeth close by the masticatory surface. Probing showed that the spot surface was smooth, painless; reaction on the cold stimulus was painless. The spots couldn’t be stained by 2% solution of methylene blue.What is the most probable diagnosis? A. Fluorosis, spotty form B. Local enamel hypoplasia C. Systemic enamel hypoplasia D. Erosion of hard tooth tissues E. Acute initial caries

2. A 22 year old patient complained about colour change of the 11 tooth crown. The tooth was treated on account of chronic deep caries a year ago. Immediately after treatment the patient felt slight pain. She didn’t consult a dantist. X-ray picture shows broadening of periodontal fissure in the area of root apex of the 11 tooth. Percussions is painless. What is the most probable diagnosis? A. Chronic fibrous pulpitis B. Chronic granulating periodontitis C. Chronic fibrous periodontitis D. Chronic granulematous periodontitis E. Chronic deep caries

3. A 40 year old patient complains about a carious cavity in the 22 tooth. Objectively: a deep carious cavity on the medial surface of the 22 tooth, probing induces mild pain. What is the optimal material for filling of the 22 tooth? A. Silica-alumina cement B. Composite light-setting material C. Silicophosphate cement D. Glass-ionomer chemical-setting cement E. Glass-ionomer light-setting cement

4. A 25 year old patient complains of a light brown spot on the frontal tooth of her upper jaw. Objectively: a single light brown spot in the precervical area of the 23 tooth, probing revealed that its surface was smooth. Reaction to the cold stimulus and probing was painless. What is the most probable diagnosis? A. Chronic superficial caries B. Fluorosis C. Local enamel hypoplasia D. Acute initial caries E. Chronic initial caries

5. A patient complains about spontaneous pain in the area of his 15 tooth he has been feeling for 2 days. Thermal stimuli make the pain worse, Its attacks last up to 30 minutes. Objectively: there is a deep carious cavity in the 15 tooth consisting of light softened dentin, floor probing is painful in one point, reaction to the thermal stimuli is positive, percussion is painless. Make a diagnosis: A. Acute condition of chronic pulpitis B. Acute diffuse pulpitis C. Acute deep caries D. Acute local pulpitis E. Pulp hyperemia

6. A 32 year old patient applied to a dental surgeon for oral cavity sanitation before prosthetics. During examination of oral cavity the dentist revealed that crown of the 35 tooth was decayed. The root is stable, its percussion is painless. Mucous membrane of alveolar process was unchanged. X-ray picture showed a slight broadening of periodontal fissure. What is your presumptive diagnosis? A. Chronic granulomatous periodontitis of the 25 tooth B. Chronic fibrous periodontitis of the 25 tooth C. Cystogranuloma D. Chronic periodontitis of the 25 tooth E. Chronic granulating periodontitis of the 25 tooth

7. A 23 year old patient underwent treatment of pulpitis of her 16 tooth. During endodontic procedure an obstructed distal buccal canal was found. What medications can be applied for chemical dilatation of root canal? A. Resorcin-formaline liquid B. 10-20% solutions of EDTA sodium salts C. 30% solution of silver nitrate D. Essential oils E. Medications with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect

8. A 47 year old patient complains of permanent pain the 27 tooth that is getting worse during cutting. Objectively: the patient’s face is symmetric, skin is of normal colouring, mouth opening is not limited, mucous membrane of alveolar process is edematic and hyperemic at a level with the 27 tooth. The 27 tooth has a deep carious cavity communicating with pulp chamber. Percussion of the 27 tooth causes acute pain. What is presumptive diagnosis? A. Acute condition of chronic periodontitis of the 27 tooth B. Acute general purulent pulpitis of the 27 tooth C. Chronic periodontitis of the 27 tooth D. Acute purulent periostitis of the upper jaw beginning from of the 27 tooth E. Chronic left-sided odontogenous maxillary sinusitis

9. During restoration of a II class (according to Black’s classification) carious cavity of the 25 tooth a doctor applied methods of total mordanting and drying of hard tissues. After that he noticed that enamel surface became chalky and dentin became completely dry. How should he treat enamel and dentin surfaces for the further restoration by method of „wet-Bonding”? A. Enamel and dentin should be treated with adhesive system B. With dentin wetting agent C. Enamel and dentin should be treated with alcohol D. Enamel and dentin should be treated with mordanting gel once again E. Enamel and dentin should be treated with hydrogen peroxide

10. A 35 year old patient complained about toothache on the of his upper jaw that appears during eating, can be caused by thermal stimuli (especially by cold water) as well as by mechanical and chemical stimuli. The pain abates when the stimuli are eliminated. Objectively: there is a deep carious cavity with a narrow inlet within circumpulpar dentin. Probing of carious cavity floor is painful. Thermodiagnosis causes acute pain that abates immediately after stimulus elimination. Electric odontodiagnostics results  15 microampere. Make a diagnosis: A. Chronic simple pulpitis B. Acute medial caries C. Pulp hyperemia D. Acute partial pulpitis E. Acute deep caries

11. A 45 year old patient complains about pain induced by thermal stimuli, spontaneous pain in the 26 tooth. A week ago this tooth was treated on account of pulpitis. Objectively: the 26 tooth is filled, percussion is painful, thermal stimuli induce long-lasting, slowly intensifying pain. X-ray picture shows that palatine canal is filled by 2/3, no material can be seen in the buccal canals. What is the most probable cause of this complication? A. Inflammation in periodontium B. Infection C. Injury of periodontium tissue D. Inadequate canal filling E. Incomplete pulp extirpation

12. A 16 year old patient complained about discomfort in the area of her upper jaw teeth she has been feeling for 2 weeks. Examination of precervical area of the 11 and 12 teeth revealed whitish matt spots with indistinct outlines that absorb dyes intensively. What treatment of the 11 and 12 teeth should be administered? A. Antiseptic treatment B. Remineralizing therapy C. Spot removal D. Silver impregnation E. Preparation and filling

13. A 26 year old patient complains about a sense of tooth heaviness and pain caused by hot food stimuli, halitosis. Objectively: crown of the 46 tooth is grey, there is a deep carious cavity communicating with tooth cavity, superficial probing is painless, deep one is painful, percussion is painful, mucous membrane has no pathological changes. Make a provisional diagnosis: A. Chronic granulating periodontitis B. Acute condition of chronic periodontitis C. Chronic fibrous pulpitis D. Chronic gangrenous pulpitis E. Chronic concrementous pulpitis

14. A 48 year old patient complained about having pain in the 45 tooth during mastication for a year. The 45 was treated before. Objectively: mucous membrane in the area of this tooth is hyperemic and slightly cyanotic. The 45 tooth is pink, the filling fell out. What examination method should be applied in order to choose treatment? A. Probing B. Roentgenography C. Electro odontodiagnostics D. Gum palpation E. Thermometry

15. A 46 year old patient complains about pain and bleeding from the carious cavity of her 27 tooth during eating. Previously she had spontaneous pain. Examination of the 27 tooth revealed a deep carious cavity on the masticatory surface consisting of red tissue, probing induced pain and haemorrhage. What treatment method should be chosen? A. Vital amputation B. Vital extirpation C. Biological method D. Devital amputation E. Devital extirpation

16. A patient complains about long-lasting pain attacks in the lower jaw teeth, on the left. The pain irradiates to the ear, occiput and is getting worse during eating cold and hot food. Objectively: there is a deep carious cavity on the approximal-medial surface of the 36 tooth. Floor probing is overall painful and induces a pain attack. What is the most probable diagnosis? A. Acute deep caries B. Chronic concrementous pulpitis C. Acute purulent pulpitis D. Acute diffuse pulpitis E. Acute local pulpitis 17. A patient complained about pain in his 45 tooth induced by cold, sour and sweet food stimuli. The pain abates when the stimulus action is stopped. Objectively: there is a carious cavity on the masticatory surface within mantle dentin consisting of food rests and softened dentin, overhanging enamel edeges are chalky. What is the diagnosis? A. Chronic deep caries B. Acute deep caries C. Acute median caries D. Acute supeficial caries E. Chronic median caries

18. A 23 year old man complains about gingival haemorrhage during tooth brushing, massive formation of dental deposit in spite of thorough oral hygiene. Objectively: gingival papillae are somewhat edematic, congestively hyperemic, bleed when touched. Fyodorov-Volodkina hygienic index is 3,5. What toothpaste would you recommend this patient as a part of complex therapy of this diseases? A. Toothpaste with mineralizing components B. Gel toothpaste with microelements C. Fluoride-containing toothpaste D. Toothpaste with salts E. Toothpaste with antifungal agents

19. Unused stomatological instruments were left on a sterile table in the dental room after the end of working day. What actions should be taken in order to provide sterility of these stomatological instruments? A. Presterilizing cleaning, sterilization B. Disinfection, sterilization C. Sterilization without pretreatment D. Disinfection only E. Disinfection, presterilizing cleaning, sterilization

20. A patient complains about pain in the 51 tooth that is getting worse during cutting. Anamnesis data: the patient underwent treatment on account of pulpitis of the 51 tooth, the tooth was treated with devitalizing paste, the patient didn’t come to use a dentist for the second time. Objectively: carious cavity of the 51 tooth is closed by dentin layer. Percussion is painful. Mucous membrane in the root apex projection of the 51 tooth is hyperemic, edematic, palpatory painful. Make a diagnosis: A. Acute arsenous periodontitis B. Pulpitis complicated by focal periodontitis C. Acute condition of chronic periodontitis D. Acute infectious periodontitis E. Acute purulent pulpitis

21. Reduction in which of the following represents the most significant advantage of using an acid- etch technique? A. Microleakage B. Setting shrinlage of the restorative material C. Coeficient of thermal expansion of the restorative material D. Reduced porosity of the restoration E.

22. The patient complains on the discomfort in the 26th tooth which has had root canal treatment a month ago. There is a painful response when tested with a hot stimulus. What is the reason? A. Missed canal during treatment B. Acute pericimentitis caused by the treatment C. It is a normal reaction to endodontic treatment D. The patient may have been envolved in a recent episode of trauma E. Canals have been overfilled

23. How are treatment tests best conducted? A. At the closest distance to the masticatory surface B. At the closest distance to the filling C. Thermal tests should be conducted on the cervical aspect of a tooth and as close as possible to the free gingival margin D. On the cusps in molars and incisive edges in front teeth E. In proximal regions between two teeth

24. Indicate the correct sequence of files in step-back technique A. File sizes 40, 35, 30, 25, 20 B. File sizes 10, 15, 10, 20, 15, 25, 20 C. File sizes 08, 10, 20, 08, 10, 20, 25 D. File sizes 35, 30, 25, 10, 15, 20 E. File sizes 10, 20, 30, 35, 20, 40

25. Which of the following sequences would be correct for pulpal protection prior to composite insertion into a cavity in the case of medium caries. A. Dentin Bonding System B. Dycal, Vitremer, Gluma C. Dycal, Dentin Bonding System D. Glassionomer, Dentin Bonding System E. Dycal, Glassionomer, Dentin Bonding System

26. Patient P. complains on throbbing pain after hot irritants in the front left incisive. Tooth is changed in the color. The 11th tooth had deep carious cavity, pulp chamber is open. Exploration of the coronal pulp is unpainful, deep exploration is painful. What is the probable diagnosis? A. Chronic fibrous pulpitis B. Chronic proliferative pulpitis C. Chronic fibrous pericementitis D. Traumatic pulpitis E. Chronic gangrenous pulpitis

27. The patient 30 years old. During the dental examination the cavity in the 25th tooth has been revealed. Preparation of the bottom of the cavity is painless. What additional investigations are necessary? A. Probing B. Palpation C. Measuring of tooth mobility D. Rhoentgenological investigation E. Blood analysis

28. The patient A., 40 years old complains on unbearable attacks of pain on the upper right side with irradiation, which occurs without any visual irritants or sometimes after rapid head movements. All teeth on the right upper quadrant are intact with unaffected occlusal surface. Rtg: some denticles are seen in the tooth cavity of 16th tooth. What is the diagnosis? A. Acute pericementitis B. Acute diffuse pulpitis C. Local acute pulpitis D. Exacerbation of chronic fibrous pulpitis E. Concremental pulpitis

29. The patient B. complains on the cavity in the lower first molar. Objective changes: deep carious cavity, connected with pulp chamber, hyperemia of the gingiva near the tooth, presence of the sinus of the gums near the projection of the roots of affected tooth. What changes most probably will be seen at the X-ray? A. Widening of the periodontal slit B. No changes C. Denticles in pulp chamber D. Focus of bone resorption without clear borders E. Radiolucency beneath the enamel surface

30. What method of pulpitis treatment is recommended in the case of chronic gangrenous pulpitis of 26th tooth? A. Method of partial pulp preservation B. Pulp extirpation with devitalizing agents C. Biological method of treatment D. Pulp preservation in bucal root canals and pulp extirpation in palatal root E. Vital pulp extirpation

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