5D 15.1353 Clover Cottage, Guildford Road - Planning Committee - 26 July 2016

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5D 15.1353 Clover Cottage, Guildford Road - Planning Committee - 26 July 2016


5d 15/1353 Reg’d: 10.02.2016 Expires: 28.07.2016 Ward: HW

Nei. 03.03.2016 BVPI Minor Number of 24/24 On YES Con. Target Weeks on Target? Exp: : Cttee’ Day:

LOCATION: Clover Cottage, Guildford Road, Chobham, Woking, GU24 8EA

PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing bungalow and construction of a chalet style replacement dwelling with attached garage.


APPLICANT: Mr Williams OFFICER: Barry Curran ______


The proposal is for the erection of a replacement single dwelling which falls outside of the scheme of delegated powers.


The application seeks permission to erect a detached chalet style dwelling following demolition of existing bungalow and detached garage.


 Green Belt  Thames Basin Heaths SPA Zone (400M – 5KM)


GRANT planning permission subject to conditions.


The application site refers to Clover Cottage on the north-western side of Guildford Road which is located in the Chobham region of the Borough and within the defined Green Belt. Dwellings along Guildford Road are of both single storey and two storey nature, of a mixed character set on generous sized plots. The application dwelling is one of the more modest sized dwellings along this linear grain and forms a bungalow constructed of painted render under a tiled roof with 2 pitched dormers puncturing the front roof slope. The front of the site is occupied by a large area of hard-standing with 2.5-3 metre high hedging bounding the neighbor to the south-west with 2 metre high timber boarded fencing separating the neighbour to the North. Towards the rear, the northern boundary treatment changes to 1.5 metre high hedging along this side of the site and increases to 4 metre high hedging towards the terminus with the rear boundary treatment consisting of 3 metre high hedging.


PLAN/2015/1182 – Prior notification for a single storey rear extension to extend a maximum of 6 metres, maximum height of 4 metres and a maximum height of eaves of 3 metres – Refused 12.11.2015

Officer Note: application was refused on the grounds that the proposed extension would infill an area between the side elevation and the rear and would measure more than half the width of the original dwellinghouse and would stem off a part of the dwelling which does not form part of the original building. The proposal therefore failed to comply with the tolerances as set out in Class A, Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) 2015.

PLAN/2000/1157 – Erection of a detached single garage to the side of the property – Permitted 14.12.2000

PLAN/2000/1057 – Two storey side addition – Permitted 16.11.2000

PLAN/1999/0172 – Erection of side and rear extensions and dormer windows in front roof elevation to provide habitable living accommodation in roof – Permitted 08.04.1999


The application seeks permission for the erection a chalet style bungalow with x3 front and x3 rear dormers serving bedrooms in the roof space following demolition of the existing detached bungalow at Clover Cottage. It is also proposed to remove the garage along the northern side and replace it with an adjoining single storey garage on the northern side elevation.


Highways Authority: No objection (23.02.16)


There have been no third party letters of representation.


National Planning Policy Framework 2012 Section 6 - Delivering a wide choice of high quality homes Section 7 - Requiring good design Section 9 – Protecting Green Belt land

Woking Borough Local Plan 1999 NE9 – Trees within Development Proposals

Core Strategy Publication Document 2012 CS6 – Green Belt CS8 - Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area CS10 – Housing provision and distribution CS18 - Transport and accessibility 26th July 2016 PLANNING COMMITTEE

CS21 - Design CS22 - Sustainable Design and Construction CS24 - Woking’s Landscape and Townscape CS25 - Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development

Development Management Policies DPD (2015): DM12 - Custom Build Dwellings DM13 – Buildings within and Adjoining the Green Belt

Supplementary Planning Guidance Supplementary Planning Document ‘Parking Standards’ 2006 Supplementary Planning Document ‘Outlook, Amenity, Privacy and Daylight’ 2008 Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area Avoidance Strategy 2010-2015 Supplementary Planning Document ‘Design’ 2015

The Development Management Policies DPD was submitted to the Secretary of State on 29th February 2016, and subject to a hearing on 10th May 2016, and is therefore now afforded significant weight in the determination of planning applications.


1. The main issues to consider in determining this application are; the principle of development in the Green Belt, design considerations and the impact of the proposal on the character and appearance of the surrounding area, impact on residential amenity, highways and parking implications, sustainability, the impact on the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area having regard to the relevant policies of the Development Plan and local finance considerations.

Principle of Development

2. The National Planning Policy Framework and Policy CS25 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012 promote a presumption in favour of sustainable development. The proposal involves the replacement of a single storey chalet style detached dwelling on previously developed land and is located within an established residential area with a number of services in close proximity and major feeder routes to Woking and surrounding urban centres including the M3. Given this, the site’s location is considered suitably sustainable in the defined Green Belt.

3. The Woking Core Strategy 2012 Policy CS6 seeks to prevent inappropriate development in the Green Belt and notes that its openness should not be compromised. Further to this, section 9 of the National Planning Policy Framework states that ‘The essential characteristics of Green Belts are their openness and their permanence’ and that a Local Planning Authority should regard the construction of new buildings as inappropriate in the Green Belt. Exceptions to this are:

‘ The replacement of a building, provided the new building is in the same use and not materially larger than the one it replaces’.

3 4. It must therefore be considered whether the proposed replacement building is for the same use and whether the proposal results in a materially larger building than the dwelling it replaces. As existing, Clover Cottage covers a footprint of 87 m² and volume of 472.91 m³ with the detached garage covering 31.7 m² and 81 m³ cumulatively equalling 118.7 m² and 553.91 m³. In an appeal decision (ref: APP/A3655/W/16/3143089) on PLAN/2015/0895 which related to a replacement dwelling in the Green Belt, figures which included the dwelling and detached garage were used when calculating the floor area and volume percentages, as both the dwelling and garage were considered to contribute to the built form on site. In this sense, it is considered appropriate to accept the figures of both the garage and dwelling when calculating the built form on site. Moreover the garage is clearly intended to be replaced by the proposed adjoining garage.

5. The existing dwelling on site is considered a small scale building of modest proportions in relation to a number of its surrounding neighbours. The replacement dwelling will cover a footprint of 168.63 m² with a volume of 808.6 m³ including an adjoining garage. When compared to the existing footprint of built form on site of 118.29 m², this represents an increase of 50.34 m² or 42.5% and 45% in terms of volume increase. While this represents a sizeable increase it is worth noting that the detached garage is to be demolished with the integral garage now forming part of the replacement dwelling correlating to a more compact form of development and would reduce the spread of development on site, improving the openness of the Green Belt. Policy DM13 of the Development Management Policies DPD 2015 indicates that as a general rule 20-40% increase will not usually be considered disproportionate, however, this approach may not be appropriate for every site. Nevertheless, a 42% increase in footprint and 45% increase in volume is not considered to represent a materially larger dwelling as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework and is in line with provisions outlined in the NPPF and Policy CS6 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012.

6. In accordance with the Development Plan, new residential development should seek to maximise the efficient use of land by concentrating most new developments in areas at high densities. Housing provision is also integral to the creation of sustainable communities and Policy CS10 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012 seeks to ensure that sufficient homes are built in sustainable locations where existing infrastructure is in place. The proposal makes best use of land, retaining a density which maintains the grain of its character of the local area.

7. The principle of erecting one replacement residential dwelling on the site is considered acceptable subject to the further material considerations as set out in this report.

Design Considerations and the Impact of the Proposal on the Character and Appearance of the Surrounding Area

8. To comply with Policy CS21 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012, the development should be designed so that it reflects the building lines, scale, height, proportions, layout, materials and other characteristics of adjoining buildings and land. The host dwelling is a single storey detached dwelling dating from the late 1960s/early 1970s with a pitched roof. This section of 26th July 2016 PLANNING COMMITTEE

Guildford Road is primarily populated by large detached two storey dwellings set within spacious plots. Dwellings are generally set back from the street scene with intervening features generally of rural appearance such as hedging and vegetative screening or timber fencing. The dwelling to the South at Kerrow is a chalet style bungalow with two storey dwellings positioned further South of that. To the North is a semi-detached two storey dwelling which flanks Scotts Grove Road as well as Guildford Road. Considering the mixture of dwelling types in the immediate area, the principle of the replacement chalet style bungalow standing at 6.4 metres in height with a slightly larger footprint is considered acceptable.

9. The proposed dwelling is set along the same front building line of the existing Clover Cottage and the established building line of Guildford Road adhering the existing grain of development and guidance outlined in section 4.2 of the Supplementary Planning Document ‘Design’ 2015 as it reflects the characteristic pattern of development in the local area.

10. The ridge height of the proposed dwelling is comparable to the neighbouring chalet style properties. Standing at an overall height of 6.4 metres which emulates the dwelling on the neighbouring site, Kerrow, the proposal will reflect the character of the area. The proposed dwelling is set to be constructed in a conventional chalet dwelling style with low eave lines of 2.4 metres and dormers puncturing both the front and rear roof slopes. Adopting architectural cues from the existing dwelling on site, the proposal aims to create a building that will correspond well with the existing character of the area. Particular reference is drawn towards the symmetrical balance of the dwelling with the step in for the adjoining garage along the northern elevation ensuring this is clearly a subservient element. The balanced composition of the proposed front roof dormers correspond with each other with the central focal point marked by the pitched roof open porch. The proportions can even be traced to the rear elevation with the x3 rear dormers conforming to the three dormers on the front roof slope forming a pleasing balance. Although the proposed dwelling will be larger than the immediate neighbours to the South, it is considered to form a similar scale to other neighbouring dwellings in the vicinity and in turn proportionate to the site and surrounding area.

11. The proposed development is of an acceptable design and would maintain the character and appearance of the wider surrounding area as well as tying in with the characteristics of immediate neighbours. As such, the proposal is in accordance with Policy CS21 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012, Supplementary Planning Document ‘Design’ 2015, and Section 7 and 9 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

Impact on Residential Amenity

12. The replacement dwelling will be positioned atop the footprint of the existing dwelling at Clover Cottage albeit with a deeper form and 1.1 metre higher ridge line. Bound to the North by Near-Oaks and South by Kerrow along Guildford Road and to the north-west by Rayan along Scotts Grove Road, the application site is primarily set amongst larger two storey dwellings.

13. To the South, Kerrow’s flank wall is set opposite the flank wall of the existing dwelling at Clover Cottage. The proposed replacement dwelling will stand in a

5 similar footprint increasing the depth and height but will primarily be set opposite the flank wall of Kerrow. The increased depth will result in the dwelling projecting circa 4.5 metres further back than the rear elevation of Kerrow but will adopt a chalet style bungalow form standing at 6.4 metres in height with rear roof dormers to mitigate any undue bulk and mass. The replacement dwelling will not encroach any further onto the shared boundary with this neighbouring property maintaining a 1.8 metres separation to the boundary which is formed of dense 3 metre high hedging. While the replacement dwelling will stretch for a depth of 12.8 metres, the primary mass of this will be set opposite the flank elevation of Kerrow. The 45º test as per the Council’s Supplementary Planning Document ‘Outlook, Amenity, Privacy and Daylight’ 2008 has been applied to the first floor window on the rear elevation nearest the application site which passes in plan form indicating that the room served by this window will receive an adequate amount of light. Further to this, there are no first floor side elevation windows proposed in the southern elevation thus mitigating loss of privacy as a potential detriment. As such, it is considered that the proposed replacement dwelling will not detrimentally impact on the amenities enjoyed by Kerrow, in terms of loss of light, overbearing impact or loss of privacy.

14. Rayan is located along Scotts Grove Road and backs onto the application site. The relationship between the two properties in a back-to-back relationship with a gap of 14 metres between the proposed rear elevation and the rear boundary. The Council’s SPD on ‘Outlook, Amenity, Privacy and Daylight’ 2008 requires a separation distance of 10 metres between rear elevation windows and rear boundaries which is satisfied in this case. Dense hedging measuring 3 metres in height acts as a natural screen along this rear shared boundary and would provide concealment to the majority of the replacement dwelling from the perspective of Rayan. Given this separation gap between the proposed rear dormers and site boundary as well as the boundary treatment, it is not considered that there will be a detrimental loss of privacy or light on the amenity space of Rayan.

15. To the North, Near-Oaks forms the terminus property along this row of dwellings on Guildford Road. The dwelling on Near-Oaks is a semi-detached building positioned close to the northern end of the plot. It is located 10 metres off the shared boundary with Clover Cottage with a detached car-port abutting this boundary. As part of the development it is proposed to remove the existing detached garage along the northern boundary and replace it will an adjoining single storey garage. This element will be set off the shared boundary by 4 metres and stand at a height of 2.5 metres incorporating a false pitched roof on the front elevation measuring 3.5 metres in height. The two storey element of the replacement dwelling will be located 7 metres off this boundary adhering to guidance outlined in the Council’s Supplementary Planning Document on ‘Design’ 2015 and Outlook 2008. These separations are considered adequate to ensure no overbearing impact or undue loss of daylight or sunlight to neighbours. Similar to the southern side elevation, the northern side contains no first floor windows thus safeguarding the privacy of Near-Oaks on this side.

16. The development is considered to be acceptable in terms of its relationship with neighbouring properties and will safeguard the outlook, amenity, privacy and daylight of existing and future occupiers of existing dwellings, in accordance with Policy CS21 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012, 26th July 2016 PLANNING COMMITTEE

Supplementary Planning Document ‘Outlook, Amenity, Privacy and Daylight’ 2008 and the National Planning Policy Framework.

Highways and Parking Implications

17. The Supplementary Planning Document ‘Parking Standards’ 2006 recommends a maximum of 2 parking spaces per dwelling of 3 or more bedrooms. An adjoining garage is proposed with adequate turning and additional parking area available to the front and side of the property. This proposal would utilise the existing site access and driveway on site with space for up to 4 cars to park comfortably. The County Highways Authority responded to this application and raises no objection to the development.

18. The proposal therefore accords with Policy CS18 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012, Supplementary Planning Document ‘Parking Standards’ 2006 and provisions set out in the National Planning Policy Framework.


19. The application site comprises previously developed land. Following a Ministerial Written Statement to Parliament on 25 March, the Code for Sustainable Homes (aside from the management of legacy cases) has now been withdrawn. For the specific issue of energy performance, Local Planning Authorities will continue to be able to set and apply policies in their Local Plans that require compliance with energy performance standards that exceed the energy requirements of Building Regulations until commencement of amendments to the Planning and Energy Act 2008 in the Deregulation Bill 2015. This is expected to happen alongside the introduction of Zero Carbon Homes policy in late 2016. The Government has stated that the energy performance requirements in Building Regulations will be set at a level equivalent to the outgoing Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4.

20. Until the amendment is commenced, Local Planning Authorities are expected to take this statement of the Government’s intention into account in applying existing policies and setting planning conditions. The Council has therefore amended its approach and an alternative condition will now be applied to all new residential permission which seeks the equivalent water and energy improvements of the former Code Level 4. (Condition 4)

Impact on the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area

21. The proposed development lies beyond the 400m threshold but within 5 kilometers of the SPA boundary which provides a protected habitat for ground nesting birds with new residential developments capable of adversely affecting the SPA. As the proposal constitutes a replacement dwelling, however, it can be determined that it will have no significant impact on the SPA.

7 Local Finance Considerations

22. In line with the Council’s Charging Schedule, the proposed development would be CIL liable as it would result in a net additional increase of 179 m2 in gross internal floor space over the existing dwelling. The applicant has confirmed that they wish to apply for the self build exemption and on this being agreed, no CIL payment would be required.


23. The principle of development is considered to be acceptable and the proposal will incorporate a design similar to the existing dwelling and will not be detrimental to the character and appearance of the surrounding area. The replacement dwelling is not considered to be materially larger than the existing dwelling with the removal of the detached garage expected to reduce the spread of development on site improving the openness of the Green Belt. The proposal will not detrimentally affect the setting of the adjacent dwellings along Guildford Road or the dwellings to the north-west on Scotts Grove Road, in terms of impact on neighbour amenities.

24. The proposal is considered to be an acceptable form of development that complies with policies CS6, CS8, CS10, CS18, CS21, CS22, CS24 and CS25 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012, Saved Policy NE9 of the Woking Borough Local Plan, Policies DM12 and DM13 of the Development Management Policies DPD 2015, Supplementary Planning Document ‘Outlook, Amenity, Privacy and Daylight’ 2008, ‘Parking Standards’ 2006 and ‘Design’ 2015, Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area Avoidance Strategy 2010- 2015 and Sections 6 and 7 of the National Planning Policy Framework. Approval is accordingly recommended subject to the recommended conditions.


1. Site visit photographs 2. Response from Highway Authority (23.02.16)


It is recommended that planning permission be Granted subject to the following Conditions:

1. The development for which permission is hereby granted must be commenced not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.

Reason: 26th July 2016 PLANNING COMMITTEE

To accord with the provisions of Section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004).

2. ++ Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved samples of the materials to be used in the external elevations shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


In the interests of the visual amenities of the area.

3. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans listed in this notice:

Drawing No. SF/AJD/06 (Amended Plan) (Received 04.07.16) Drawing No. SF/AJD/03a (Amended Plan) (Received 04.07.16)


For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

4. ++ The development hereby permitted shall not commence until details have been submitted for the written approval of the Local Planning Authority demonstrating that the development will be constructed to achieve a water consumption standard of not more than 105 litres per person per day maximum indoor water consumption and not less than a 19% CO2 improvement over the 2013 Building Regulations TER Baseline (Domestic). Such details as may be approved shall be installed prior to the first occupation of the development and maintained and operated in perpetuity, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


To ensure that the development achieves a high standard of sustainability and makes efficient use of resources and to comply with Policies CS21 and CS22 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012

5. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3 and Schedule 2 Part 1 and Classes A, B, C, D, E and F of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (as amended) (or any order amending or re-enacting that Order with or without modification), no further extensions, additions to the dwelling or areas of hardstanding, or the provision of any additional building within its curtilage, shall be constructed without the prior written permission of the Local Planning Authority.


To ensure a satisfactory form of development takes place and to protect the amenities of occupiers of adjoining properties and openness of the Green Belt.

9 Informatives:

1. The Council confirms that in assessing this planning application it has worked with the applicant in a positive and proactive way, in line with the requirements of paragraph 186-187 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012.

2. Your attention is specifically drawn to the conditions above marked ++. These condition(s) require the submission of details, information, drawings, etc. to the Local Planning Authority PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY DEVELOPMENT ON THE SITE or, require works to be carried out PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE USE. Failure to observe these requirements will result in a contravention of the terms of the permission and the Local Planning Authority may serve Breach of Condition Notices to secure compliance.

You are advised that sufficient time needs to be given when submitting details in response to conditions, to allow the Authority to consider the details and discharge the condition. A period of between five and eight weeks should be allowed for.

3. You are advised that Council officers may undertake inspections without prior warning to check compliance with approved plans and to establish that all planning conditions are being complied with in full. Inspections may be undertaken both during and after construction.

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