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SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ITHACA 24615 State Highway 58 Richland Center, Wisconsin 53581 School Board Meeting Minutes from December 12, 2016
1. Meeting was called to order by Mr. Huffar at 7:45 p.m. Verification of meeting notice – posted on web, doors of school, community gym and faxed to WRCO and Richland Observer. 2. Roll Call: Mrs. Burch, Mr. Huebsch, Mr. Huffar, Mr. Louis, Mr. Magee, Mrs. Mueller and Mr. Manning were present. 3. Motion made by Mrs. Mueller to approve the agenda. Motion seconded by Mr. Louis. Motion carried 7-0. 4. Motion made by Mr. Magee to approve the November 14th board minutes. Motion seconded by Mrs. Burch. Motion carried 7-0. 5. Citizens Forum: No one spoke 6. Finance Committee Report – Mr. Louis reported on bills of note. Check # 45133 to Atlas Copco to replace the bus garage compressor in the amount of $2,391.52, which is due to the power outages experienced early this school year; Check # 45172 to Really Great Reading for reading intervention materials in the amount of $2,791.80; and Check # 45179 to Richland School District for October school meals provided. 7. Administrator’s Reports 7.1. District Administrator’s Report – Mr. Smudde reported that he attended the Ridge and Valley Conference meeting on November 30th where several things were discussed, but the most discussed item was the topic of 8-man football. Five of the conference teams are interested in moving to this with De Soto and Ithaca the only ones wanting to stay with 11 man teams. At the Cesa PAC meeting the topic of discussion was teacher training and the lack of teachers to fill open positions. Mr. Smudde and Mrs. Baker have compiled the academic data from the 2015-16 school year and will present that information later in the meeting. In speaking with other District Administrators about their post-retirement benefits to help us gauge what we want to do in our district, it is difficult to find any one way of doing this that seems to have a positive effect on teacher retention and morale. No two districts are doing it the same way. Mrs. Richards and Mr. Smudde at the request of Mr. Butler are working on projections to help us understand what we can sustain as a school district with the development of a compensation model. Mr. Tony Pitz, who is the regional manager for service with Alliant Energy came and met with Mr. Smudde in regards to power outages earlier this school year, which is believed, and he agrees, caused several mechanical failures in our school building. We have been able to find a full time bus driver and will stop advertising on the radio and newspaper for the time being. Staffing issues have been coming up as we continually add students throughout the school year. Our special education student population continues to rise. 7.2. Principal’s Report Mr. Coenen reported that the Chromebooks and carts for Middle School students have been delivered so will be devising a plan for implementation as well as working out the growing pains that are being experienced with the new devices. The winter sports
December 12, 2016 Page 1 season has started, band concert was last week and was widely attended. The school forest continues to be used for classroom teaching and Mr. Coenen planted prairie seeds before the cold weather hit as it was supposed to be a frost planting. Mr. Coenen reported that he and Mr. Smudde have been working on identifying areas of improvement and generating goals, defining strategies and implementation methods and timelines. A team of teachers attended the Academic and Career Planning Conference in Madison. The elementary holiday concert is planned for December 23rd at 1 p.m. The Student Council is taking over the holiday season food drive this year and will occur after the holiday break instead of before 7.3. Business Manager’s Report – Mrs. Richards reported on required reports that were filed. Reminded school board about filing Campaign Registration Statements for this year. Elections will take place on April 4, 2017. We have two positions that are both AT LARGE and that incumbents are Heather Burch and Randy Manning. Mrs. Richards provided an update on Diesel/Gasoline bids for the school year thus far as well as an update on the Food Service Program with Richland. Participation rates with breakfast have seen an increase in each of the last three months. Lunch on average is higher than it has been in the last three years. 7.4. Athletic Director’s Report – Mr. Rice reported that the Wrestling Season is going well with Ithaca/Weston winning the Conference Duals that took place last weekend. Upcoming events/meets include the Richland Tourney, Quadrangular in Lancaster and Bi-State over the winter break. Middle School Boys Basketball has 8 – 8th grade boys out and 15 – 7th grade. Middle school Wrestling and Middle School Girls basketball starts next week. H.S. Girls Basketball has 30 students participating with a record of 1-2 in the Ridge & Valley Conference. Boys Basketball also has 30 students participating with a record of 1-1 in the conference. Mr. Rice reported on the WADA Conference that he attended and how beneficial it was. 8. New Business 8.1. Motion made by Mr. Louis to approve bills and balances with receipts of $620,385.28 and Disbursements of $536,440.90. Motion seconded by Mr. Magee. Roll call vote – Mrs. Mueller-yes; Mr. Huebsch-yes; Mr. Magee-yes; Mr. Louis-yes; Mr. Huffar-yes; Mrs. Burch-yes; Mr. Manning-yes. Motion carried 7-0. 8.2. Mr. Smudde and Mrs. Baker presented Academic Data. 8.3. There was discussion regarding Post-Retirement Benefits but no action was taken at this time. It will be considered as the board goes through the process of creating a compensation module for teachers. 8.4. There was discussion regarding Ithaca providing all transportation in regards to the wrestling co-op with Weston District with the costs split between the districts. 8.5. Motion made by Mrs. Burch to set the next regular board meeting for January 16, 2017 Motion seconded by Mrs. Mueller. Motion carried 7-0. 8.6. Items for the next board meeting were discussed. 8.7. Motion made by Mr. Louis to set the next regular Finance Committee Meeting for January 16, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. Motion seconded by Mr. Magee. Motion carried 7-0. 9. Old Business 9.1. Motion made by Mrs. Mueller to approve the Animals in School Policy. Motion seconded by Mr. Magee. Motion carried 7-0. 10. Motion made by Mr. Magee to adjourn to closed session under Wisconsin Statute 19.85 (1) (c) for “Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility”. Motion seconded by Mr. Huebsch. Roll call vote – Mr. Manning-yes; Mrs. Mueller-yes; Mr. Huebsch; Mr. Magee-yes; Mr. Louis-yes; Mr. Huffar-yes; Mrs. Burch-yes. Motion carried 7-0. 11. Motion made by Mr. Louis to reconvene to open session. Motion seconded by Mrs. Burch. Motion carried 7- 0.
December 12, 2016 Page 2 12. Coaching Positions for 2016-17 12.1. Motion made by Mr. Manning to approve Summer Roh as MS 8th grade Girls Basketball coach. Motion seconded by Mrs. Mueller. Roll call vote – Mr. Huffar-yes; Mrs. Burch-yes; Mr. Manning-yes; Mrs. Mueller-yes; Mr. Huebsch-yes; Mr. Magee-yes; Mr. Louis-yes. Motion carried 7-0. 12.2. Motion made by Mr. Huebsch to approve Bret Keller as a volunteer High School Boys Basketball coach. Motion seconded by Mr. Manning. Motion carried 7-0. 13. Motion made by Mr. Huebsch to approve hiring Rebecca Bremmer as School Bus driver. Motion seconded by Mr. Louis. Roll call vote – Mr. Louis-yes; Mr. Huffar-yes; Mrs. Burch-yes; Mr. Manning-yes; Mrs. Mueller-yes; Mr. Huebsch-yes; Mr. Magee-yes. Motion carried 7-0. 14. Motion made by Mr. Magee to approve hiring Carrie Pope as the third forensics coach. Motion seconded by Mrs. Mueller. Roll call vote – Mr. Magee-yes; Mr. Louis-yes; Mr. Huffar-yes; Mrs. Burch-yes; Mr. Manning-yes; Mrs. Mueller-yes; Mr. Huebsch-yes. Motion carried 7-0. 15. Motion made by Mr. Manning to approve the resignation of Mr. J.P. Da Prato as Middle School Math Teacher. Motion seconded by Mrs. Burch. Motion carried 7-0. 16. Motion made by Mr. Huebsch to approve the resignation of Mr. Zach Thome as Assistant Baseball coach. Motion seconded by Mr. Magee. Motion carried 7-0. 17. No action on item 17 as it was a duplicate covered in Item 12. 18. Motion made by Mrs. Burch to adjourn board meeting. Motion seconded by Mr. Louis. Motion carried 7-0.
Submitted by Pat Magee School Board Clerk
December 12, 2016 Page 3