Southwell Medical Centre

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Southwell Medical Centre

Southwell Medical Users Group

Minutes of the thirteenth AGM held at 7.00pm on Monday 12th January 2015, in the Medical Centre

Present: Dr Simon Reeves, Dr Rajeev Kalia, Nigel Kenward, Paul Smith, Ann Smith, Dennis Brown, Pat Palmer, Gillian Ramsay, John Elkington, Peter Hancock, Tony Morris, Glenys Breedon, Isobel McKenzie, Kate Sartain, Sheila Fox, Donald Fox, Ronald Smithers, Carol Tinker, Geoff Tinker, Marian Kemp, Bobby Craik, Martin Lloyd, Mary Pay, Jane Ellis, Ted Waters, Lesley Barker, Bill Evans, Wendy Evans, and Melitta Webster.

1. Welcome: The Chairman, Paul Smith extended a warm welcome to the thirteenth Annual General Meeting of SMUG. 2. Apologies: These had been received from Jen Stark, Mary Dakin, Angie Burrows, Dr Nigel Nice, Ronald Milner, and Barrie Ellis. 3. Minutes of the 12th AGM on 6th January 2014: the minutes were accepted as a true record. 4. Matters Arising: Ron Smithers drew attention to the suggestion in the Chairman’s report that Lisa Green’s replacement would address SMUG on the progress of the CCG over its first 12 months and asked if this would still take place. Dennis replied that efforts made last Autumn to match Lisa’s successor, Robert Ferris-Roger’s free diary dates to venue availability were unsuccessful but hoped to arrange a meeting early in 2015. There were no other matters arising. 5. Chairman’s Report – Paul Smith: Paul reported that the group met four times during the year, three times in the evening and once in the afternoon. Attendances suggest that this pattern should be continued. The Management Committee met early in the year to review the SMUG constitution using the NAPP guidelines. Without being complacent it was agreed that SMUG met the criteria required. Representative members met with the practice manager and senior doctors to review the Patients Survey held the previous autumn. The Chairman met with the Practice Manager and members of the Southwell Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee. He was able to report that the Patients Survey had portrayed the practice in a good light showing very high levels of satisfaction with all areas of the service provided to patients. Projections indicated that the Medical Centre would be able to sustain the level of its current provisions until 2026 if the annual growth in population in Southwell and its surrounding villages continued to rise as per the last decade. The group continues to be well served on the Stakeholder Reference Group by Geoff Tinker and the Newark and Sherwood Clinical Commissioning Group by Dennis Brown. The Chairman thanked Geoff and Dennis for all their work over the year. The power of public opinion, the local press and sterling work from our local MP was illustrated by the decision to retain the CT scanner at Newark Hospital for which the chairman has been exceedingly grateful for in recent times! During the year we have hosted a Men’s life, Men’s Health event and an open meeting with Diabetes as the topic. The Chairman extended his personal thanks to members who helped arrange and chair the meeting in his absence. The year has seen two long standing projects come to fruition, the provision of a seat outside the surgery and new toys for the surgery waiting room. We also owe a big ‘thank you’ to Pat Palmer for using her charms on the Handicentre to keep the seat in storage for so long before it could be properly fixed in place! During the year we said goodbye to Dr Stuart Ockleford. We hope the coffee making machine we presented to him is percolating well in Canada. The Group welcomes Dr Bartholomeuz and all the other staff who have joined the practice over the year. Finally, Paul thanked on behalf of the Group all the doctors, nurses and other medical staff, receptionists and those working behind the scenes at The Medical Centre. A special ‘thank you ‘ to Nigel Kenwood for his support and interest in our group, and to Peter Hancock, Gillian Ramsey and Pat Palmer in their continuing roles. Last but not least a personal ‘thank you’ to Dennis Brown whose words of wisdom are never ending. Dennis has already given notice that his tenure as secretary will come to an end in twelve months so please give serious thought to who will lead SMUG forward in the years to come.

1 6. Secretary’s Report – Dennis Brown: Dennis reported that we started the year with the Group having 40 members. During the year there have been two resignations, one death and five new members, giving a current total of 42 members. The average number of members attending the four meetings during the year was 22. 37 of members now receive SMUG correspondence by e-mail. The other five are hand delivered which continues to help keep the administrative costs of the Group very low. In addition to the above we also circulate our agenda and minutes to 34 “virtual” members by e-mail We renewed our membership of the National Association for Patient Participation (NAPP) in October. Dennis thanked Nigel Kenward and other Practice Staff for making the arrangements for use of the waiting room for SMUG meetings during the year and for the use of the photo-copying facilities. Finally Dennis reminded members that he would not be seeking re-election as Secretary at the next AGM by which time he will have done the job for 10 years. The Group expressed their thanks to Dennis for his hard work as Secretary. 7. Treasurer’s Report: - Pat Palmer Pat gave her report and recorded her thanks to Peter Ward for auditing the accounts. Expenditure during the year had included £168.35 as a donation towards the cost of new toys and a storage cupboard for use in the waiting area and £132.05 for a bench seat outside the front door. Pat was pleased to report feedback from grateful patients that the bench seat was a welcome addition. Income: £ 60.00 (collection for retiring present for Dr Ockleford) Expenses: £ 472.72 (includes purchase of retiring present for Dr Ockleford) Loss for year: £ 412.72 Surplus from 2013: £ 689.41 Surplus carried forward: £ 276.69 The accounts for the year 2014 were adopted, proposed by Bill Evans and seconded by Gillian Ramsay. 8. Election of vice Chairman: Bill Evans was elected as Vice Chairman, proposed by Paul Smith and seconded by Pat Palmer. 9. Election of member to serve as SMUG representative on the N&S Stakeholder Reference Group: Geoff Tinker had indicated his willingness to continue in this role and was duly elected; proposed by Paul Smith and seconded by John Elkington. 10. Any other business: 12.1 Peter Hancock agreed to continue to produce reports of SMUG activities for the Bramley. 12.2 The following future meeting dates were provisionally agreed. Monday 30 March 2015 @ 7:00pm Monday 6 July 2015 @ 7:00pm Wednesday 14 October 2015 Monday 11 January 2016 @ 7:00pm

11. Closing: The AGM was closed at 7:18 pm.


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