Point Loma High School s1

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Point Loma High School s1

POINT LOMA HIGH SCHOOL A California Distinguished School Course Syllabus 2013-2014


Course Description/Goals Welcome to Surf PE. This course will challenge students’ athletic abilities, develop students’ surfing knowledge, understanding and thinking, while also helping to prepare students for high levels of achievement in Surfing competitions.

In this course we will be approaching Surfing through manipulative means, audio/video uses and personal interviews both inside and outside the classroom. The class will meet in Coach Murphy’s room #655 the first two weeks of school during 1st period (7:30 am – 8:29 am) to review expectations, etiquette and to work on cooperative activities prior to holding class at the beach.

The class will meet Monday – Friday in front of Tower 2 in Ocean Beach. Attendance will be taken at 6:45 AM any students arriving after that time will be marked tardy. The students will surf on most days from 6:50 AM – 7:50 AM and will then meet with Coach Murphy and prepare to return to school for their 2nd period class which begins at 8:27 AM. Carpools will be set-up to return the students back to Point Loma High School; these will be arranged during the first two weeks of school.

All students must pass a swim test administered by a SD Lifeguard on the test dates set forth by Coach Murphy (September 12h 2013). All students must also fill out and complete the Athletic Packet which can be downloaded from our athletics website.

The physical can be given by the students own physician (please have them fill out the appropriate page in the Athletic Packet), or can be taken at school on a date TBA in the fall.

We will also teach basic CPR to all students with the goal being that each student will have the opportunity to become CPR certified by the end of each semester. A tentative outline of subject matter includes:

Course Objectives: 1. To gain an understanding of the sport of Surfing at an introductory level. 2. To learn basic CPR and become exposed to first responder medical techniques in the field. 3. To give beginner, intermediate and advanced level surfers the opportunity to develop and demonstrate knowledge of and competency in motor skills, movement patterns, and strategies essential to perform a variety of physical activities. 4. Students will achieve a level of physical fitness for health and performance while demonstrating knowledge of fitness concepts, principles, and strategies. 5. Students will demonstrate knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principals, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity. 6. To gain a general knowledge of Water Safety techniques through an overview in the classroom (reading and video materials) and by personal interviews/discussions with SDFD/Lifeguard personnel.

II. Course Content and Performance Standards Students in this course work toward demonstrating competency in the California State content standards for high school level physical education. These standards reflect the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and establishing a life long appreciation for health and fitness. These standards include:  Knowledge of and competency in motor skills, patterns of movement and strategies needed to perform a variety of physical activities.  Achieve a level of physical fitness for health and performance.  Performing physical activities while demonstrating psychological and social concepts.

III. Expected Student Learning Outcomes (ESLRs)

Complex Thinkers: Students demonstrate complex thinking through the use of knowledge of game rules with the application of specific strategies in order to facilitate a favorable outcome. Effective Communicators: Students demonstrate effective communication skills through demonstrating their abilities to listen to and follow directions and to provide appropriate directions/feedback to their teammates. Healthy Lifestyle Advocates: Students demonstrate an understanding and application of the importance of practicing positive lifestyle behaviors of physical fitness and nutritionally sound behaviors. Involved Citizens: Students demonstrate involve citizenship through showing respect for athletic facilities, including the track, field, gymnasiums, handball courts, weight room and locker rooms. Responsible Self-Directed Learners and Workers: Students demonstrate self-direction through setting health and fitness goals and persevering in order to seeing their goals brought to fruition.

IV. Types of Assessment, Teaching Strategies, and Grade Determination Daily participation is integral to this class. Regular attendance is a requirement; thus, students with excessive absences may fail the semester, unless make-up work is scheduled and satisfactorily completed. Students earn points on a daily basis by suiting up in the required uniform and participating to the best of their abilities. Absences that are not cleared by the attendance office within three days will be recorded as a truant. One (1) truancy results in an automatic “U” in citizenship for the six-week grading period. Medical excuses from a doctor are required for excuses of more than three consecutive days and will be dealt with on an individual basis. If a student is medically excused from physical activity the following procedures must be followed:  Student presents the doctor’s note to his/her physical education teacher,  Physical education teacher will give the note to the school nurse,  Student suits up in the proper physical education uniform,  Student follows a modified physical education program,  Teacher contacts parent regarding modification of physical education program,  When student is medically cleared by his/her doctor, student is then expected to make-up any missed runs or fitness testing.


The consequences for not properly suiting-up are: 1. Teacher communicates to parent that their child was not properly suited for physical education class. 2. The next time student comes to class not properly suited, a referral will be written for defiance and sent to the counselor. 3. If there is a third or any subsequent occurrence, the student will receive a referral to the Vice Principal for continued defiance. 4. Not properly suiting will severely affect the student’s grade.

Academic Grades are based on a point system. 90% and above = A 80% and above = B 70% and above = C 60% and above = D 59% and below = F

65% of the grade is based on points accumulated through daily participation. This includes suiting up, being on time, putting forth acceptable effort as determined by the teacher, cooperation and attitude. 25% of the grade is based on fitness proficiencies, exercises, (abdominal work, push-ups) and aerobic fitness, (jogging and/or running). Minimum requirements for fitness are based on the Prudential Fitness Gram for Girls and Boys and include: One Mile Timed Run: Girls – 12:00 minutes minimum Boys – 10:00 minutes minimum 20 minute fitness jog/run – completing 5 laps (Based on four-minute walking lap pace.)

10% of the grade is determined by skills testing, written exams and other assignments.

Citizenship Grade Determination: Students’ behavior grades are based on their degree of cooperation with other students and with the teacher. An “E” student displays leadership by setting a good example, following directions, helping with equipment and most importantly being respectful. Truancies, absences and tardies will affect citizenship. Teacher will evaluate student on class participation and the way in which the student meets class responsibilities and obligations. Tardy Policy:  0 Students may receive an “E” grade.  0 – 1 Student may receive a “G” grade.  2 Student will receive no higher than an “S” grade.  3 Student will receive no higher than an “N” grade.  4 or more Student will receive a “U” in citizenship.

Again, a single truancy during a six-week grading period will result in student receiving a “U” in citizenship for that grading period.

Make-Up Policy: It is the student’s responsibility to contact his/her teacher and arrange after school make-up work. Generally, a teacher is available for all P.E. students to complete after school make-up runs on Wednesdays. Teachers will make weekly announcements in class regarding after school make-up work.


1. Students who break equipment negligently will pay to replace the damaged equipment. 2. Students must remain with the teacher throughout the entire class period and if student is out of sight of the teacher the student will be marked truant. 3. If an accident occurs, students must inform their teacher immediately. 4. Students must come to class prepared to work and be in the proper physical education attire. 5. Students must follow the instructions given by the teacher the first time. 6. No food, no drinks, no gum, or no sunflower seeds are allowed in the gyms, on the track, on the football field, in the locker room or in class at any time * Sunflower seeds and gum are detrimental to our track and artificial turf field.

IV. OFFICE HOURS AND CONFERENCE PROCEDURES A voice mail message can be left at anytime by calling the school at 619-223- 3121. Please include your name, your student’s name, a brief description of your concern, a telephone number, and time when you can be reached. The Physical Education Department Staff member can be reached at the following extension or e-mail address:

MURPHY, JOHN Ext. 4655 [email protected] ------Please sign and then detach the form below------By signing this form I have read and I understand the above mentioned information.

STUDENT’S NAME: ______(Please Print Legibly) (Class Period)



DATE: ______

Parent/Guardian, please fill-out the following information, so that the teacher may reach you if necessary. Name: ______(Please Print) (Relationship to student)

______Home Telephone Number Cell Telephone Number

E-Mail Address: ______

Is there anything that you would like us to know about your child at this time?

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