Core Standards for NQT Induction

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Core Standards for NQT Induction

Progress Review and Tracking Tool to Support Induction Tutors and NQTs

This can be used both to inform review and assessment meetings and to record progress. It is not statutory and can be adjusted to meet the school’s needs.




1. Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils

Scope of Standard: What factors in the learning environment enable pupils to Personal/Professional conduct in school  Establish a safe and stimulating feel safe, confident and valued? environment for pupils, rooted in Contributions within meetings with staff mutual respect. How do you ensure that your teaching practices are fully inclusive? Planning  Set goals that stretch and challenge pupils of all How do you use information from assessment and Lesson Observation backgrounds, abilities and monitoring in your planning and teaching? dispositions Student progress data How do you communicate, model and promote positive  Demonstrate consistently the attitudes, values and behaviour which are expected of Classroom displays & environment positive attitudes, values and pupils through your teaching? behaviour which are expected of Consistently working within school pupils. What in your practice is influenced by your understanding policies of key school policies? STANDARD: DATE Health & Safety taken into account e.g. Fully met in risk assessment On track Target

NQT Standards Tracker: A tool for supporting Induction Tutors and NQTs. September 2013 TEACHERS’ STANDARD POINTS TO CONSIDER POSSIBLE EVIDENCE NOTES/EXAMPLES

2. Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils How do you monitor the progress of students in your class? Scope of Standard:  Be accountable for pupils’ What do you do to establish pupils’ prior knowledge and Communications with colleagues attainment, progress and capabilities in order to build upon this in your planning? outcomes Communications with parents (written How do you give feedback in a positive, accurate and and oral  Be aware of pupils’ capabilities constructive way? and their prior knowledge, and Feedback from parents plan teaching to build on these How do you promote the skills necessary for learners to be able to identify the progress they have made? Feedback from colleagues  Guide pupils to reflect on the progress they have made and What do learners know about the standards of attainment Contributions to meetings of working their emerging needs expected of them in the next stage in learning, or at the groups point of transition? Evidence of student progress  Demonstrate knowledge and How do you plan for learners to respond to your understanding of how pupils feedback? Planning to support progress for all learn and how this impacts on teaching. How do you effectively use verbal feedback in your Book/work scrutiny lessons?  Encourage pupils to take a responsible and conscientious What professional development opportunities have you attitude to their own work and undertaken to improve the effectiveness of your teaching? study. How do you evaluate the impact of your teaching?

What aspects of your practice promote the social and emotional aspects of learning?

What strategies do you use to develop independent learning? STANDARD: DATE How do you plan and provide for learners to co-operate Fully met and collaborate? On track Target

NQT Standards Tracker: A tool for supporting Induction Tutors and NQTs. September 2013 TEACHERS’ STANDARD POINTS TO CONSIDER POSSIBLE EVIDENCE NOTES/EXAMPLES

3. Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge Scope of Standard:  Have a secure knowledge of the relevant subject(s) and curriculum areas, foster and What do you do to develop your subject/curriculum Self review (of teaching and practice) maintain pupils’ interest in the knowledge? subject and address Contribution to objective setting misunderstandings Can you talk about ways in which you have adapted your practice in response to developments in your subject / Range of professional development  Demonstrate a critical curriculum areas? opportunities undertaken understanding of developments in the subject and curriculum What approaches have you found successful in fostering Response to feedback from colleagues areas, and promote the value of and maintaining pupil interest in your subject? including lesson observations scholarship How do you keep up to date with the latest developments Willingness to approach colleagues  Demonstrate an understanding in education? of and take responsibility for Pupil response / engagement (e.g. promoting high standards of How are cross-curricular approaches effectively reflected observation, homework evidence) literacy, articulacy and the in your work? correct use of standard English, Lesson planning - showing progression whatever the teacher’s specialist How do you maximise opportunities for learners to and effective learning sequences subject develop and use literacy and numeracy skills? informed by secure subject knowledge Knowledge of relevant frameworks  If teaching early reading, demonstrate a clear understanding of systematic synthetic phonics

 If teaching early mathematics, demonstrate a clear understanding of appropriate teaching strategies.

STANDARD: DATE Fully met On track Target

NQT Standards Tracker: A tool for supporting Induction Tutors and NQTs. September 2013 TEACHERS’ STANDARD POINTS TO CONSIDER POSSIBLE EVIDENCE NOTES/EXAMPLES

4. Plan and teach well structured lessons

Scope of Standard:  Impart knowledge and How do you demonstrate good planning? Short/Medium/Long term plans understanding through effective use of lesson time How do you demonstrate a secure knowledge and Lesson planning - showing progression understanding of the curriculum you teach? and effective learning sequences  Promote a love of learning and informed by secure subject knowledge pupils’ intellectual curiosity. How do you ensure that homework is relevant to, and marked to, learner’s needs or interests? Lesson evaluation  Set homework and plan other out-of-class activities to Do you apply constructive criticism to new ideas, research Work sampling consolidate and extend the and approaches and contribute to change and innovation knowledge and understanding in your school? Lesson observation pupils have acquired. Are you proactive in seeking, listening to and acting upon Homework diaries advice? (including opportunities for coaching and  Reflect systematically on the mentoring, professional dialogue or other professional Parent/Carer feedback effectiveness of lessons and development activities)? approaches to teaching. Differentiated tasks (including What contributions do you make to, for example, homework)  Contribute to the design and departmental, team, staff, planning or other meetings? provision of an engaging Department minutes, contributions in curriculum within the relevant What do you do to extend your pupils’ learning outside the staff meetings subject area(s). classroom? Coaching/Mentoring feedback

CPD opportunities

Meeting minutes, email correspondence, presentations to staff

STANDARD: DATE Fully met On track Target

NQT Standards Tracker: A tool for supporting Induction Tutors and NQTs. September 2013 TEACHERS’ STANDARD POINTS TO CONSIDER POSSIBLE EVIDENCE NOTES/EXAMPLES

5. Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils

Scope of Standard: How do you support and guide learners so that they can Planning, including evidence of  Know when and how to reflect on their learning, identify the progress they have differentiation differentiate appropriately, using made, set positive targets for improvement and become approaches which enable pupils successful independent learners? Assessment records to be taught effectively How do you make effective use of an appropriate range of Work sampling  Have a secure understanding of observation, assessment, monitoring and recording how a range of factors can inhibit strategies as a basis for setting challenging learning Lesson observation pupils’ ability to learn and how objectives and monitoring learners’ progress and levels of best to overcome these. attainment? Involvement in CPD opportunities

 Demonstrate an awareness of How can you show that you have taken account of Interaction with SENCo and EAL co- the physical, social and specific needs of individual/groups of pupils within your ordinator (as appropriate) and the intellectual development of planning and teaching to promote equality and inclusion? expertise of other colleagues as children, and know how to adapt relevant teaching to support pupils’ How do you show awareness of the school’s SEND policy education at different stages of In your planning? TA deployment and feedback. development. How do you demonstrate and show differentiation in your  Have a clear understanding of planning and practice? the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational What strategies have you found successful in supporting needs; those of high ability; EAL pupils in your classroom? those with EAL; those with disabilities; and be able to use and evaluate distinctive teaching approaches to engage and support them.

STANDARD: DATE Fully met On track Target

NQT Standards Tracker: A tool for supporting Induction Tutors and NQTs. September 2013 TEACHERS’ STANDARDS POINTS TO CONSIDER POSSIBLE EVIDENCE NOTES/EXAMPLES

6. Make accurate and productive use of assessment How do you use information from assessment and Planning Scope of Standard: monitoring in your planning and teaching? CPD/Staff development activities  Know and understand how to How is the school assessment policy/practice evidenced assess the relevant subject and in your planning and practice? Lesson observation curriculum areas, including statutory assessment How does your planning and teaching show progression Work sampling requirements. towards national levels and/or public examinations? Whole school/department moderation  Make use of formative and How do you assess achievement both within lessons and summative assessment to in pupils’/students’ work? Assessment records secure pupils’ progress How do you use assessment as part of your teaching to  Use relevant data to monitor diagnose learners’ needs, set realistic and challenging progress, set targets and plan targets for improvement and plan future teaching? subsequent lessons How do you work with relevant colleagues to access and use local and national data?  Give pupils regular feedback, both orally and through accurate When, where and how do you use formative and marking, and encourage pupils to summative assessment in your teaching? respond to the feedback How can you show that data informs your planning?

How do you give feedback in a positive, accurate and constructive way?

STANDARD: DATE Fully met On track Target

NQT Standards Tracker: A tool for supporting Induction Tutors and NQTs. September 2013 TEACHERS’ STANDARD POINTS TO CONSIDER POSSIBLE EVIDENCE NOTES/EXAMPLES

7. Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment

Scope of Standard: How have you demonstrated the effective use of the Lesson observations school’s behaviour management policy?  Have clear rules and routines for Classroom displays behaviour in classrooms, and What factors in the learning environment enable pupils to take responsibility for promoting feel safe, confident and valued? Seating plans good and courteous behaviour both in classrooms and around What strategies do you use to encourage appropriate Behaviour records/logs the school, in accordance with behaviour? the school’s behaviour policy CPD linked to behaviour management How do you support learners to take responsibility for their  Have high expectations of own behaviour? Holds positive values and attitudes – behaviour, and establish a has high expectations framework for discipline with a How effectively do you establish and build relationships range of strategies, using praise, with pupils and colleagues? Able to use and adapt a range of sanctions and rewards behaviour management strategies consistently and fairly. Clear and positive framework for  Manage classes effectively, discipline in line with school’s behaviour using approaches which are policy appropriate to pupils’ needs in order to involve and motivate Learners demonstrate self-control and them. cooperation

 Maintain good relationships with pupils, exercise appropriate authority and act decisively when necessary.

STANDARD: DATE Fully met On track Target


NQT Standards Tracker: A tool for supporting Induction Tutors and NQTs. September 2013 POINTS TO CONSIDER POSSIBLE EVIDENCE NOTES/EXAMPLES 8. Fulfil wider professional responsibilities

Scope of Standard: How do colleagues e.g. teaching assistants/department Planning  Make a positive contribution to staff, know what you want them to do in order for learners the wider life and ethos of the to achieve learning outcomes? Assessment school. How can you demonstrate that you are able to collaborate Lesson observation including  Develop effective professional and cooperate effectively with colleagues and other deployment of TA support relationships with colleagues, professionals? knowing how and when to draw Professional development on advice and specialist support. How do you involve them in planning and the assessment and recording of pupil progress? Communication with colleagues  Deploy support staff effectively How do you use and organise resources, including Communication with parents support staff, to support personalisation?  Take responsibility for improving Lesson evaluation and use of self- teaching through appropriate How do you liaise with relevant colleagues to assist in review tools professional development, supporting the range of learning and development needs? responding to advice and feedback from colleagues. How do you know that you fully utilise the skills and expertise of your support staff?  Communicate effectively with parents with regard to pupils’ How can you demonstrate that contributions from achievements and well-being. colleagues impact on your teaching?

What do you think other team members value about your contributions?

How effectively do you establish and build on your relationships with parents and carers, engaging with them in a respectful and trusting manner?

Do you actively promote strategies by which the learner STANDARD: DATE can be supported at home and in other out of school Fully met situations? On track Target


NQT Standards Tracker: A tool for supporting Induction Tutors and NQTs. September 2013 A teacher is expected to demonstrate consistently high standards of personal and professional conduct. The following statements define the behaviour and attitudes which set the required standard for conduct throughout a teacher’s career.


Teachers uphold public trust in the profession and maintain How does your teaching reflect mutual respect and high standards of ethics and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs? behaviour, within and outside Professional development How can you demonstrate that you are aware of local and school, by: national legal requirements which guide the teaching Updated pupil records profession, including the safeguarding and well-being of Scope of Standard: children and young people? Response to possible incidents  Treating pupils with dignity, (safeguarding and child protection) building relationships rooted in How can you demonstrate your awareness of legislation mutual respect, and at all times governing the teaching profession e.g. Children Act 2004; Communications with colleagues observing proper boundaries Safeguarding children in education (DfE2004) and linked appropriate to a teacher’s Local Authority guidance? Contributions to meetings professional position  Having regard for the need to Lesson observation safeguard pupils’ well-being, in What are the possible signs of neglect, physical, accordance with statutory emotional and sexual abuse? Learner feedback provisions How would you pass on any concerns you had about an Child Protection training  Showing tolerance of and individual? respect for the rights of others Safeguarding training How have you been made aware of school policy and  Not undermining fundamental procedures? E.g. Student disclosures and confidentiality Record of having read school policies British values, including and other key documents democracy, the rule of law, How do you liaise effectively with key people in your individual liberty and mutual workplace? respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs Do you know who the appropriate colleagues are who  Ensuring that personal beliefs provide/can access specialist support? are not expressed in ways which


NQT Standards Tracker: A tool for supporting Induction Tutors and NQTs. September 2013 POINTS TO CONSIDER POSSIBLE EVIDENCE NOTES/EXAMPLES

exploit pupils’ vulnerability or Is your teaching impartial and reflective of school policy might lead them to break the law and procedures? e.g. PSHE

 Teachers must have proper and How do you demonstrate a clear understanding of the Professional development contributions professional regard for the ethos, school’s ethos, policies and practices? to meetings. policies and practices of the school in which they teach and Does your attendance and punctuality meet the Communication with colleagues maintain high standards in their expectations of the school? own attendance and punctuality Attendance records

Induction tutor meeting minutes

Homework diaries

Parent/carer/learner feedback

 Teachers must have an How can you demonstrate your practice and awareness of Parent/carer/learner feedback understanding of, and always act the statutory frameworks? within, the statutory frameworks Professional development that set out their professional duties and responsibilities. Contribution to meetings

Communications with colleagues

Induction tutor meeting minutes.

NQT Standards Tracker: A tool for supporting Induction Tutors and NQTs. September 2013

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