Information for Foreign Students

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Information for Foreign Students

University Rovira i Virgili Faculty of Legal Sciences

Information for exchange students 2 Index

1. Introduction...... 4

2. Academic calendar...... 4

3. Language of instruction...... 4

4. Course catalogue...... 5

5. Subjects...... 5

5.1. Compulsory subjects...... 5

5.3. Subjects in English...... 6

5.4. Timetable...... 6

6. Language courses...... 6

3 7. Contacts...... 7

8. Further information...... 7

9. Appendix A – Compulsory subjects in Law Degree...... 8

10. Appendix B – Optional subjects in Law Degree...... 11

11. Appendix C – Compulsory subjects in Labour Relations and

Occupation Degree...... 13

12. Appendix D – Optional subjects in Labour Relations and

Occupation Degree...... 15

13. Appendix E – Compulsory subjects in Social Work degree...... 17

14. Appendix F – Optional subjects in Social Work degree...... 19

15. Appendix G – Master’s degree subjects...... 20

16. Double titulations...... 24

1. Introduction

This leaflet contains general information about studying law at the University Rovira i Virgili, intended to help exchange students.

2. Academic calendar

The academic year begins in September and is divided into two semesters. Lectures run from early-September to mid-December (fall semester) and again from early- February till end-May (spring semester).

Exams take place during or at the end of the lecture time. There is a second examination period every term, in which students have a second chance of taking exams (not taken or failed during the lecture period). It takes place in January and early February (for subjects of fall semester) and in June (for subjects of spring semester).

4 Academic Year 2014 – 2015

Fall Semester September 8th 2014 – January 30th 2015 Lecture period September 8th 2014 – December 19th 2014 Examination period January 7th 2015 – January 9th 2015 Holidays January 12th 2015 – January 16th 2015 2nd Examination period January 19th 2015 – January30th 2015

Spring Semester February 2nd 2015 – June 26th 2015 Lecture period February 2nd 2015 – May 22nd 2015 Examination period May 25th 2015 – May 29th 2015 Easter Week. It varies from year to year, Holidays and also June 1st 2015 – June 12th 2015 2nd Examination period June 15th 2014 – June 26th 2015

* The academic calendars of the next course will be able to consult at the following websites before the beginning of the course 2015/16: - Degrees: - Masters: 3. Language of instruction

The University Rovira i Virgili is located in Tarragona, Catalonia. This region is characterized, among other things, by the coexistence of two different co-official languages: Spanish and Catalan.

Both of them are languages of instruction and examination. Lecturers can freely choose which language they use in their lectures. However, exchange students can ask them to use one language in particular and professors might agree to this request. Exchange students are advised to have a basic working knowledge of Spanish when they arrive in Tarragona.

4. Course catalogue

A course catalogue, containing the course list of our faculty, is available at: → “Guia docent” → “Ensenyaments” → Choose the degree you are interested in (“Grau” or “Màster oficial”) → “Assignatures” → Course list *Please, notice that there might still be changes to the course list. The final list is not published until end-May/June*

5 Exchange students can freely choose the courses they want to attend, as long as they belong to “Grau” (= Bachelor’s degree) or “Màster” (= Master’s degree). “Llicenciatura” subjects are no longer available.

They can even attend lectures of other degrees of other faculties. To consult course catalogues of other faculties, follow these instructions: → “Facultats i escoles” → Choose the faculty you are interested in → “Guia docent” → “Ensenyaments” → Choose the degree you are interested in (“Grau” or “Màster oficial”) → “Assignatures” → Course list

5. Subjects

There are two types of subjects: compulsory and optional subjects.

5.1. Compulsory subjects Compulsory subjects are always held in Spanish or Catalan (see Language of Instruction and Appendix A). However, most of the bibliography for them is only available in Spanish in our library. Also, some books can be found in other languages.

All compulsory subjects are divided in two groups: morning group and afternoon group. Both groups progress at the same pace, but they can differ in the professor who usually imparts the lecture and the evaluation system. At the beginning of the academic year, each student has to choose which group he wants to be in for each subject in particular.

5.2. Optional Subjects Most of the optional subjects are held in Spanish or Catalan (see Language of Instruction and Appendix B). Contrary to compulsory subjects, there is only one group in optional subjects. There is the option to choose master subjects which are held mostly in spanish or catalan, but you can find some also in english (see Appendix C).

5.3. Subjects in English This subjects are tought in English and are offered to all the students:

- Belonging to Law Bachelor’s degree: 1) Roman Foundations of European Private Law (4 ECTS Credits)

6 2) Company Contracting (4 ECTS Credits) - Belonging to Labour Relations and Occupation Bachelor’s degree: 1) Immigration

Law (5 ECTS Credits)

- Belonging to Master’s degree in Environmental Law: 1)) European Union Environmental

Law (4.5 ECTCredits)

5.4. Timetable You can obtain a recreation of your timetable by using the following application: → Choose the academic year (“Curs acadèmic”) → Choose the faculty you are interested in → Choose the degree you are interested in (“Grau” or “Màster oficial”. “Llicenciatura” subjects are no longer available!) → Select the subjects you want to attend → Click on “Continuar” → Choose the group you want to be in for each subject1 → Click on “Continuar” → Select the period of which you want to see your timetable2 → Your timetable!

1 Subjects are divided in two groups: morning group and afternoon group. Besides, some hours are dedicated to theory (“Classe magistral”), while others are used for practical exercices (“Seminaris/Problemes ECTS”). First numbers belong to the morning group, while last numbers indicate the afternoon group.

2 Practical exercices (“Seminaris/Problemes ECTS”) usually start two or three weeks later than theoretical lessons (“Classe magistral”). Therefore, only “Classes magistrals” are imparted during the first weeks of each semester; the timetable might seem to be a little empty.

6. Language courses

Spanish and Catalan language courses are offered by the Linguistic Office (“Servei Lingüístic”), located at our Faculty of Law.

A basic Catalan course (“Programa Gràcies”) is offered free of charge during the two first weeks of each semester. For other Spanish and Catalan language courses taking place during the semester, a fee must be paid in order to enrol.

For further details please consult the following website:

7 7. Contacts

Law, Social Work and Labour Relations and Occupation Erasmus Coordinator for incoming students Dra. Aitana de la Varga E-mail address: Room 39, 2nd floor [email protected] Faculty of Law Telephone: +34 977 55 8339 Av. Catalunya 35 Fax: +34 977 55 8357 43002 Tarragona (Spain) *Contact first per e-mail*

Law, Social Work and Labour Relations and Occupation Erasmus Coordinator’s assistant Dean’s Office, 1st floor E-mail address: [email protected] Faculty of Law Telephone: +34 977 55 8621 Av. Catalunya 35 Fax: +34 977 55 8357 43002 Tarragona (Spain)

International Center Av. dels Països Catalans 17 E-mail address: [email protected] 43007 Tarragona (Spain) Telephone: +34 977 25 6569

Open: - Monday to Thursday: 09.00-13.00 and 16.00-18.00 - Friday: 09.00-13.00 - July and August: Monday to Friday 09.00-13.00

8. Further information

For information on transport, accommodation or living in Tarragona in general, please consult the following web link:

8 9. Appendix A – Compulsory subjects in Law Degree

ACTIVITI BIBLIOGRAP ES FOR ECTS LANGUAGE COMPULSORY SEMEST HY IN ERASMU CREDI PROFESSORS USUALLY REMARKS SUBJECTS ER FOREIGN S TS USED LANGUAGES STUDEN TS Constitució i 1Q / Fall 6 Neus Oliveras Catalan None Tutorials Possibility of Sistema de Semester Albert Noguera oral final exam Fonts / The Constitution and the System of Sources Dret Romà / 1Q 6 Encarnació Catalan Some in Tutorials Different Roman Law Ricart foreign methodology Carmen Gómez languages for Erasmus Albert Gómez students in the afternoon group. Teoria del Dret / 1Q 6 Víctor M. Merino Spanish Some in Tutorials Theory of Law Mario Ruiz foreign languages Ciència Política / 2Q / 6 Alberto Reig Spanish Political Science Spring Oliver Klein Catalan Semester Economia / 2Q 6 Daniel Canalda Catalan None Economy Mª Dolors Casas Verónica Fernández Fonaments de 2Q 6 Jordi Jaria Catalan Some in None Dret Públic de Albert Noguera foreign Catalunya / languages Fundamentals of Public Law in Catalonia Introducció al 2Q 6 Federic Adan Catalan Some in Tutorials Different Dret Processal / Xènia Fuguet foreign methodology Introduction to languages for Erasmus Procedural Law students. Part General del 2Q 6 Ana Giménez Spanish None None Dret Civil / General Civil Law Dret Comparat / 1Q / Fall 3 Sergio Nasarre Catalan Some in Tutorials Different Comparative Law Semester Paola Rodas foreign methodology Endrius Cocciolo languages for Erasmus Carmen Gómez students in the Jaume Vernet afternoon group. Dret 1Q 6 Reyes Barrada Catalan None None d’Obligacions i Sergio Nasarre Contractes / Law Hector Simón of Obligations and Contracts Dret Internacional 1Q 8 Santiago Spanish Some in Tutorials

9 Públic / Public Castellà Catalan foreign and International Law Susana Borràs languages materials Adrià Calvet in English

Dret Penal. Part 1Q 8 Núria Torres Catalan None Tutorials Different General / Gonzalo methodology Criminal Law. Quintero for Erasmus General Section Inmaculada students. Muñoz Carlos Preciado Miriam Morell Organització i 1Q 6 Ramon Fuentes Catalan None Tutorials Institucions Lucía Casado Bàsiques Endrius Cocciolo Administratives / Judit Esteve Basic Sílvia Carmona Administrative Meritxell Roigé Organization and Maria Inés Gil Institutions

Activitat 2Q / 4 Ramon Fuentes Catalan None Tutorials Administrativa i Spring Marta Cassany Control de les Semester Aitana de la Administracions Varga Públiques / Endrius Cocciolo Administrative Sílvia Carmona Activity and Marina Control of Public Rodríguez Administrations Monica Bernal Drets 2Q 5 Laura Román Catalan None Tutorials Fonamentals / Fundamental Rights Drets Reals / Law 2Q 6 Pedro del Pozo Catalan None None At the end of of Property Esteve Bosch every lecture, Erasmus students can ask the professor about their doubts, in Spanish. Els Delictes en el 2Q 8 Núria Torres Spanish None Tutorials Different Sistema Penal Gonzalo Catalan methodology Espanyol / Crimes Quintero for Erasmus in the Spanish Miriam Morell students. Criminal System David Lanaspa Carlos Preciado Inmaculada Muñoz Institucions de 2Q 6 Alfonso Spanish Some in Specific Dret de la Unió González (afternoon foreign activities Europea / Legal Adrià Calvet group) languages for Institutions of the Catalan Erasmus European Union (morning students group) who do not belong to Law degrees. 10 Dret de Família / 1Q / Fall 4 Pedro del Pozo Catalan None None At the end of Family Law Semester Martín Garrido Spanish every lecture, (Practicals) Erasmus students can ask the professor about their doubts, in Spanish. Dret de 1Q 5 Esteve Bosch Catalan None None Different Successions / Cristina Villó methodology Inheritance Law for Erasmus students. Dret Financer / 1Q 6 Xavier Milà Catalan None None Financial Law Pablo Navarro Milenka Villca L’Acció 1Q 6 Anna Pallarés Spanish None Tutorials Spanish is used Administrativa Xavier Forcadell (afternoon in the Especialitzada i group) afternoon els Béns Públics / Catalan group, if Specialized (morning Erasmus Administrative group) students ask it. Action and Public Assets Dret del Treball i 2Q / 8 Vicente Martínez Spanish None None de la Seguretat Spring José B. Herrero Social / Semester Esther Guerrero Employment, Josep Eduard Labour and Social Ortiz Security Law Dret Mercantil: 2Q 8 Pablo Girgado Spanish Some in None L’Empresari i la Paola Rodas Catalan foreign seva Activitat en Mònica Assamà languages el Mercat. Javier Tua L’Empresari Teresa Franquet Social / Commercial Law: Entrepreneurs and their Activity in the Market. The Social Entrepreneur Dret Processal 2Q 7 Joan Picó Catalan None None Different Civil / Civil Joan Perarnau methodology Procedural Law Elías Franco for Erasmus students in the morning group. Dret Mercantil: 1Q / Fall 7 Pablo Girgado Spanish None Tutorials Insolvència i Semester Carlos Alegret Catalan Tràfic Jurídic de Maria Rosa Isern l’Empresari / Xavier Pérez Commercial Law: Insolvency and the Entrepreneur’s Legal Transactions Dret Processal 1Q 3 Elisabet Cerrato Catalan None Tutorials If there are any Penal / Criminal Joan Perarnau and Erasmus Procedural Law Xènia Fuguet Seminari students, es Spanish is

11 used. Sistema 1Q 7 Ángel Urquizu Spanish None Periodic Different Tributari / The Estela Rivas (afternoon Tutorials methodology Tax System group) for Erasmus Catalan students in the (morning afternoon group) group. Filosofia del Dret / 2Q 3 Mario Ruiz Spanish None None Philosophy of Law Ángeles Galiana Catalan

*This does not prevent that students choose subjects of other degrees of other faculties!*

12 10. Appendix B – Optional subjects in Law Degree

LANGUA ACTIVITIES ECTS BIBLIOGRAPH OPTIONAL SEMEST GE FOR CREDI PROFESSORS Y IN FOREIGN REMARKS SUBJECTS ER USUALLY ERASMUS TS LANGUAGES USED STUDENTS Acció Exterior de la 1Q / Fall 4 Alfonso Spanish Some None Unió Europea / Semester González recommend Foreign Activity of ed the European bibliography Union is in other foreign languages. Dret de la 1Q 4 Josep Lluís Díez Spanish None None If Erasmus Navegació, Catalan students do not Transport i understand Logística / Catalan, Navigation, Spanish is Transportation and spoken. Logistics Law Dret de la 1Q 4 Raúl Ángel Spanish Some in Tutorials Seguretat Social: Navarro Catalan foreign and Acció Protectora / languages Seminari Social Security es Law: Welfare Action Dret Eclesiàstic de 1Q 4 Josep Queraltó Catalan None None l’Estat / State Ecclesiastical Law Dret Local / Local 1Q 4 Jaume Renyer Catalan None Tutorials Only when Law Master students attend the lesson, Spanish is used. Dret Penal 1Q 4 Núria Torres Catalan None None Econòmic i de Gonzalo Spanish l’Empresa / Quintero Economic and Business Criminal Law Dret Privat del 1Q 4 Diana Marín Spanish None Tutorials Consum i del Ana Giménez Catalan Turisme / Private Consumer and Tourism Law Fonaments del 1Q 4 Jordi Jaria Spanish Some in None Dret Públic foreign Ambiental / The languages Fundamentals of Environmental Public Law Intervenció 1Q 4 Lucía Casado Catalan None Tutorials Only when Administrativa Master students Ambiental / attend the Environmental lesson, Spanish Administrative is used. Intervention Justícia 1Q 4 Albert Noguera Catalan Some in None Constitucional / foreign Constitutional languages Justice

13 La Planificació 1Q 4 Milenka Villca Catalan None Periodic Different Tributària de Xavier Milà Tutorials methodology l’Empresa / for Erasmus Planning Company students. Taxation La Tributació 1Q 4 Milenka Villca Catalan None Tutorials If there are any Autonòmica i Local Joan Pagès Erasmus de l’Empresa / student, the Local and Regional lesson is given Company Taxation in Spanish. Les Garanties del 1Q 4 Reyes Barrada Catalan None None Crèdit / Credit Pedro del Pozo Guarantees

Règim Jurídic de 1Q 4 Joan Anton Font Catalan None Tutorials Only when l’Ordenació del Xavier Master students Territori i Dret Forcadell attend the Urbanístic / Law lesson, Spanish Governing Land is used. Ordinance and Urban Law Sociologia del 1Q 4 Ángeles Spanish Some in Tutorials It is a semi- Dret / The Galiana Catalan foreign virtual subject. Sociology of Law languages. All documents Students required are in have to both languages. especially ask for it to Professor. Contractació 2Q / 4 Paola Rodas English None None Mercantil / Spring Company Semester Contracting Dret de Danys / 2Q 4 Sergio Nasarre English Some in None Different Tort Law Spanish foreign methodology Catalan languages for Erasmus students. Dret del Comerç 2Q 4 Sergio Prats Catalan None None Different Internacional / methodology International for Erasmus Commercial Law students. Dret dels Mercats 2Q 4 Carlos Alegret Spanish None None Financers / Maria Rosa Catalan Financial Market Isern Law Dret Parlamentari / 2Q 4 Laura Román Catalan None None Most invited Parliamentary Law lecturers only speak in Catalan. Fonaments 2Q 4 Carmen Gómez English Some in Tutorials Romanístics del Spanish foreign and Dret Privat Catalan languages Seminari Europeu / Roman es in Foundations of English European Private Law L’Arbitratge del 2Q 4 Federic Adan Catalan Some in Tutorials Different Dret Privat / foreign methodology Private Law languages for Erasmus Arbitration students. La Regulació 2Q 4 Laura Román Spanish None None Most invited

14 Jurídica de la Ana Giménez Catalan lecturers speak Igualtat / Legal Inmaculada in Spanish. Regulation of Pastor Equality La Tutela Judicial 1Q 4 Elisabet Cerrato Catalan None Tutorials de l’Empresa / The Legal Protection of Companies Nacionalitat i 2Q 4 Maria Font Catalan None None Different Estrangeria / Carles methodology Nationality and Perdiguero for Erasmus Immigration students. Protecció 2Q 4 Santiago Catalan Professor Special Internacional dels Castellà will give following Drets Humans / Erasmus of their International students progress Protection of complete by the Human Rights bibliography Professor in their own language Estudis en el Marc Annual 4 de Convenis de Mobilitat / Studies in the Framework of Mobility Agreements

15 11. Appendix C – Compulsory subjects in Labour Relations and Occupation Degree LANGUA ACTIVITIES ECTS BIBLIOGRAPH COMPULSORY SEMEST GE FOR CREDI PROFESSORS Y IN FOREIGN REMARKS SUBJECTS ER USUALLY ERASMUS TS LANGUAGES USED STUDENTS Economia / 1Q / Fall 6 Lluís Carreras Catalan None None Economy Semester Daniel Miravet Daniel Canalda Elements de Dret 1Q 6 Antonio Catalan None None Constitucional / Carreras Elements of Laura Roman Constitutional Law Elements de Dret 1Q 6 Haide Costa Spanish None None Civil / Elements of Irene Lorenzo (morning) Civil Law Catalan (afternoo n) Dret Sindical I / 1Q 5 Rosa Mª Spanish None None Union Law I Rodríguez Antonio Jimenez Mètodes i 1Q 5 Angel Gabriel Catalan Some in None Tècniques Belzunegui foreign d’Investigació Xavier Puig Languages Social / Methods and Techniques of Social Research Dret de la 1Q 5 Raúl A. Navarro Catalan None None Seguretat Social II / Elena Social Security Law Rodríguez II Dret Mercantil / 1Q 5 Mònica Assamà Spanish None None Commercial Law Paola Rodas (morning) Catalan (afternoo n) Elements de Dret 1Q 5 M. Inés Gil Catalan None None Administratiu / M. Cruz Elements of Gallardo Administrative Law Polítiques de 1Q 5 Emma Gorgori Catalan None None Recursos Humans / Alejandro Grau Human Resources M. Victòria Policies Fabregat Dret de l’Ocupació 1Q 6 Esther Guerrero Spanish None None i del Treball Antonio Autònom / Law of Bermúdez Occupation and Self-employment Elements de Dret 1Q 3 Federic Adán Catalan None None Processal / Joan Perarnau Elements of Elías Franco Procedural Law Dret de la 1Q 6 J. Bernardo Spanish None None Seguretat i Salut al Herrero Catalan Treball / Health Diego de los and Safety at Work Riscos Law

16 Direcció 1Q 6 Maria Mar Spanish None None Estratègica de les Souto Organitzacions / Mario Arias Strategic Management of Organizations Igualtat, Gènere i 1Q 6 Rosa María Spanish None None Ocupació / Casas Equality, Gender Inmaculada and Employment Pastor Relacions Laborals 1Q 6 Jordi Agràs Catalan None None Especials / Special Neus Ciscart Labour Relations Fiscalitat del 1Q 9 Milenka Villca Catalan None None Treball i de Joan Pagès l’Emppresa / Labour and Business Taxation

Gestió de la 1Q 6 Rafael Böcker Spanish Some in None Qualitat i Auditoria foreign del Sistema / Languages Quality Management and System Audit Dret del Treball I / 2Q / 6 Jordi Múria Catalan None None Labor Law I Spring Neus Ciscart Semester Dret de la 2Q 6 Raúl A. Navarro Catalan None None Seguretat Social I / Elena Social Security Law Rodríguez I Teoria de les 2Q 6 Sergio Furquet Catalan None None Organitzacions / M. Victòria Theory of the Fabregat Organisations Sociologia del 2Q 6 José David Spanish Some in None Treball / Labour Moral Catalan foreign Sociology Ignacio Brunet languages Psicologia del 2Q 6 Adriana Gil Catalan Some in None treball i de les Sonia Gonzáles foreign Organitzacions / Fernando Ferré languages Psychology of the Work and the Organisations Dret del Treball II / 2Q 5 Neus Ciscart Catalan None None Labor Law II Dret Sindical II / 2Q 5 Antonio Spanish None None Union Law II Jimenez Esther Guerrero Economia Laboral / 2Q 5 Catalina Jordi Catalan Some in None Labour Economics Lluís Carreras foreign languages Règim 2Q 5 Maria Font Catalan None None d’Estrangeria / Albert Martí Immigration Law Rubén Viñuales Psicologia dels 2Q 5 Fernando Ferré Catalan None None recursos Humans / Human Resources Psychology Teories i Models de 2Q 5 Ignacio Brunet Catalan Some in None

17 les Relacions foreign Laborals / Theories languages and Models of Laboour Relations Dret de la 2Q 6 Raúl A. Navarro Spanish None None Seguretat Social Antonio III / Social Security Bermúdez Law III Dret Sancionador i 2Q 6 José Luís Beato Catalan None None Processal del Treball / Sanctioning and Procedural Labor Law Mercat de Treball 2Q 6 Jordi J. Teixidó Catalan None None Aplicat / Applied Esther Ruiz Labor Market Ferran Mañé Sistemes Laborals 2Q 6 J. David Moral Spanish Some in None Comparats / Antonio foreign Comparative Fernández languages Labour Systems Angel Belzunegui

18 12. Appendix D – Optional subjects in Labour Relations and Occupation Degree LANGUA ACTIVITIES ECTS BIBLIOGRAPH OPTIONAL SEMEST GE FOR CREDI PROFESSORS Y IN FOREIGN REMARKS SUBJECTS ER USUALLY ERASMUS TS LANGUAGES USED STUDENTS Règim Jurídic del 1Q / Fall 3 Francesc Josep Catalan None None Medi Ambient / Semester Artero Environmental Legal Framework Acció Col·lectiva i 1Q 3 J. David Moral Spanish None None Conflicte / Collective Action and Conflict Comptabilitat / 1Q 3 M. Arantzazu Spanish Some in None Accountancy Vidal foreign languages Medi Ambient i 1Q 3 David Dueñas Catalan Some in None First classes in Relacions foreign Spanish for Laborals / languages helping Environment and Erasmus Labour Relations students. English and French can be also spoken for the professor Recursos i 1Q 3 J. Eduard Ortiz Catalan None None Execució Laboral / Elías Franco Appeal and Labor Enforcement Règim Jurídic de la 1Q 3 Ramon Torres Catalan None None Funció pública / Legal Regime of Public Workers Selecció de 1Q 3 Fernando Ferré Catalan None None recursos Humans / Human resources Recruiting Innovació i Canvi 2Q / 3 Daniel Miravet Catalan None None tecnològic / Spring Innovation and Semester Technological Change Dret de 2Q 3 Mª del Carmen Catalan None None Cooperatives / Iturrioz Cooperative Law Dret Penal de 2Q 3 Inmmaculada Catalan None None l’Empresa / Muñoz Company Criminal Law Dret Social de la 2Q 3 José Luís Beato Catalan None None Unió Europea / European Union Social Law Economia i 2Q 3 Catalina Jordi Catalan None None Immigració / Economy and Immigration Gestió de 2Q 3 M. Victòria Catalan None None

19 l’acompliment i la Fabregat Compensació / Gestion of accomplishment and Compensation Inserció i 2Q 3 Diego de los Catalan None None Dependència / Riscos Spanish Integration and Dependence Polítiques 2Q 3 Ignacio Brunet Catalan None None Públiques i Sistemes de Penestar / Public Policies and Welfare Systems Procediment 2Q 3 Milenka Villca Catalan None None Tributari / Tax Joan Pagès Procedure

Qualitat de Vida 2Q 3 M. Pilar Bonasa Catalan None None Laboral / Labour Quality of life

Relacions Laborals 2Q 3 Josep Eduard Catalan None None en les Ortiz Administracions Públiques / Labour Relations in Public Administrations

Tractament 2Q 3 M. Soledad Spanish None None Laboral Duran d’Empreses en crisi / Labour Treatment on Business in Crisis

20 13. Appendix E – Compulsory subjects in Social Work degree LANGUA ACTIVITIES ECTS BIBLIOGRAPH COMPULSORY SEMEST GE FOR CREDI PROFESSORS Y IN FOREIGN REMARKS SUBJECTS ER USUALLY ERASMUS TS LANGUAGES USED STUDENTS Antropologia Social 1Q 6 Yolanda Catalan In foreign None The Student i Cultural / Social Bodoque Puerta languages (If can be and Cultural it is Evaluated in Anthropology required) French, Italian or Portuguese Fonaments del 1Q 6 Jordi Navarro Treball Social / Llibertato Foundations of Social Work Habilitats del 1Q 6 Blanca Catalan Some in Tutorials Monitoring of Treballador Social / Deusdad Ayala foreign the work and Skills of the Social languages adapted Worker curricula for Erasmus students Marginació i 1Q 6 Yolanda Catalan In foreign None The Student exclusió social / Bodoque Puerta languages (If can be Marginalitization it is Evaluated in and Social required) French, Italian Exclusion or Portuguese Psicologia Social / 1Q 6 M. del Pilar Catalan or None None Social Psychology Bonasa Jiménez Spanish Comunicació i 2Q 6 Encarnación Catalan or None None The final work societat de la Rodríguez Spanish can be done in informació / Perez other Communication languages. and Information Society Habilitats Socials i 2Q 6 Ariadna Gil Catalan None None Comunicació Juárez Interpersonal / Social Skills and Interpersonal Communication Pedagogia Social / 2Q 6 Xavier Ferré Catalan None None Social Pedagogy Trill Política Social / 2Q 6 Oliver Klein Catalan Some in Adapted Evaluation Social Policy Bosquet foreign activities adapted to the lenguages for students Erasmus requirements students Sociologia / 2Q 6 David Dueñas Sociology Cid Constitució i 1Q 6 Neus Oliveras Catalan None None Evaluation Administració Jané i Aitana de language can Pública / la Varga Pastor be adapted Constitution and Public Administration Estructura de la 1 Q 6 Francesc Valls Catalan Some in None Evaluation Població i Fonayet foreign language can Desigualtat Social / languages be adapted Populations Structure and Social Inequality

21 Metodologia del 1Q 6 Eva Zafra Catalan Some in None Adaptation to Treball Social: Aparici foreign the students Planificació i languages. requirements Intervenció / Social Work Methodology: Planification and Intervention Sistemes de 1Q 6 Maria dels Catalan None None Benestar Social / Àngels Social welfare Armengol Systems Armengol Tècniques 1Q 6 Gaspar Maza Catalan or Some in None qualitatives Gutiérrez Spanish foreign d’Investigació languages Social / Qualitative techniques of Social Investigation Dret de Persona, 2Q 9 María de los Catalan or Possibility of None Família i Reyes Barrada Spanish recommendi Estrangeria / Orellana ng books in Person, Family and foregin Immigration Law languages Drets Socials / 2Q 6 Víctor Manuel Catalan Some in None Social Rights Merino Sancho and foreign Spanish languages Estructura de 2Q 9 Ramona Catalan Some in None Adaptation to Serveis Socials / Torrens Bonet and foreign the students Social Services Spanish languages requirements Structure Models i Tècniques 2Q 6 Rosa Garriga d’Intervenció Blasco Social / Models and Techniques of Social Investigation Dret Laboral i 1Q 6 Elena Catalan None None Erasmus Penal / Labor and Rodríguez Bea / for students can do Criminal Law Núria Torres Criminal and oral exam Rosell Law and Spanish for Labor Law Psicologia 1Q 6 Maria Catalan Some in None Evolutiva i Familiar Montserrat foreign / Developmental Moya Claravalls languages and Familiar Psychology Tècniques 1Q 6 Angel Gabriel Catalan None None Evaluation Quantitatives Belzunegui and language can d’Investigació Eraso/ Ignacio Spanish be adapted Social / Brunet Icart Quantitative techniques of Social Investigation Treball Social, 1Q 6 Cristina García Catalan Some in None Individual i Moreno and foreign Familiar / Spanish languages Individual and Familiar Social Work

22 Deontologia del 2Q 3 Elisa Abellán Catalan None None Treball Social / Hernández and Ethics of Social Spanish Work Intervenció Social 2Q 6 Josefa Perelló Catalan None Tutorials Monitoring of Comunitària / Bargalló and the work Community Social Spanish Intervention

Treball Social de 2Q 6 Jordi Navarro Grups i Equips / Lliberato Social Work of Groups and Teams Investigació Social Anual 9 Blanca Catalan Some in Tutorials Monitoring of Aplicada / Applied Deusdad Ayala foreign the work and Social Investigation languages adapted curricula for Erasmus students Gestió i Lideratge 1Q 6 Eugenia Altaba d’Organitzacions Dolz de Serveis Socials / Management and Leadership of Social Services Organizations Serveis Socials 1Q 6 Blanca Catalan Some in Tutorials Monitoring of Comparats / Deusdad Ayala foreign the work and Comparative Social languages adapted Services curricula for Erasmus students Clínica Social i 2Q 6 Neus Cardenas Catalan or None None Supervisió / Social Morell Spanish Clinical and Supervision

23 14. Appendix F – Optional subjects in Social Work degree LANGUA ACTIVITIES ECTS BIBLIOGRAPH OPTIONAL SEMEST GE FOR CREDI PROFESSORS Y IN FOREIGN REMARKS SUBJECTS ER USUALLY ERASMUS TS LANGUAGES USED STUDENTS Intervenció Social 1Q 6 Olga Salvat Catalan Some in None en l’Àmbit de les Salvat foreign Addiccions / Social languages Intervention in the Field of Addictions Mediació i Gestió 1Q 6 Jorge Moreras Catalan Some in None del Conflicte / Palenzuela foreign Mediation and languages Conflict Management Treball Social i 1Q 6 Laura Aguadé Infància / Social López Work and Childhood Treball Social i 1Q 6 Mercedes Vellesa / Social Boquera Borrull Work and oldness Justícia Penal 2Q 6 Jesús del Cacho Spanish None The Juvenil / Young Student Criminal Justice can make a work about the Young criminal System in his country, Polítiques 2Q 6 Ignasi Brunet Catalan or Some in Some d’Igualtat de Icart Spanish foreign activities Gènere / Equality languages can be Policies arranged Treball Social en el 2Q 6 Olga Salvat Catalan Some in None Sistema Sanitari / Salvat foreign Social Work at the languages Health System Treball Social i 2Q 6 Neus Cardenas Catalan or None None There isn’t a Discapacitat / Morell Spanish if final exam for Social Work And it is Erasmus Disability requested students. It is replaced by a work. The language also can be adapted. Treball Social i 2Q 6 Elisa Abellán Catalan None None Trastorns Hernández and Mentals / Social Spanish Work and Mental Disorders

24 15. Appendix G – Master’s degree subjects

LANGUA ACTIVITIES ECTS BIBLIOGRAPH MASTER SEMEST GE FOR CREDI PROFESSORS Y IN FOREIGN REMARKS SUBJECTS ER USUALLY ERASMUS TS LANGUAGES USED STUDENTS Master’s degree in Environmental Law Dret Internacional 1Q / Fall 4,5 Antoni Pigrau Spanish Some in None del Medi Ambient / semester foreign International languages Environmental Law Fonaments del 1Q 4,5 Jordi Jaria Spanish Some in None Dret Públic foreign Ambiental / languages Fundations of Environmental Public Law Intervenció 1Q 4,5 Lucía Casado Spanish Some in None Administrativa foreign Ambiental / languages Environmental Administrative Intervention Règim Jurídic de 1Q 4,5 Joan Anton Font Catalan None None l’Ordenació del Xavier Territori i Dret Forcadell Urbanístic / Legal Régime of Land Use and Urban Law Clínica Jurídica Annual 10,5 Jaume Vernet Catalan Ambiental / Aitana De la Environmental Law Varga Lab Ángeles Galiana Susana Borràs Maria Marquès Dret Ambiental de Annual 4,5 Susana Borràs Spanish Some in None Tutorials and la Unió Europea / English foreign materials in European Union languages English for Environmental Law International students. Economia del Medi Annual 4,5 Joan Mogas Catalan None None Ambient / Environmental Economics Introducció a les Annual 4,5 Rosa Maria Catalan Some in None Ciències Marcé foreign Ambientals / Maria Teresa languages Introduction to Novo Environmental Núria Ruiz Science Introducció al Dret Annual 4,5 Lucía Casado Spanish None None Ambiental Sectorial / Introduction to Sectoral Environmental Law Introducció al Medi Annual 4,5 Òscar Saladié Catalan None None Ambient / Introduction to the Environment

25 La Responsabilitat Annual 4,5 Josep Maria Catalan None None per Danys Sabaté Ambientals / Environmental Tort Responsibility

Anàlisi i Gestió del Annual 3 Ángeles Catalan None None Conflicte ambiental Galiana / Analysis and Víctor Manuel Management of Merino Environmental Conflict Dret d’Aigües / Annual 4,5 Ramon Torres Spanish None None Water Law Josep Maria Elorduy Lucía Casado Dret de la Annual 3 Lucía Casado Spanish None None Contaminació / Aitana De la Pollution Law Varga Dret de l’Energia / Annual 4,5 Endrius Catalan None None Energy Law Cocciolo Dret dels Residus / Annual 3 Aitana De la Catalan None None Waste Law Varga Endrius Cocciolo Dret Penal Annual 4,5 Maria Marquès Catalan None None Ambiental / Environmental Criminal Law Fiscalitat Annual 3 Joan Pagès Catalan None None Ambiental / Environmental Taxation Gestió de la Annual 4,5 Mario Arias Catalan Some in None Qualitat Ambiental María Mar foreign i Responsabilitat Souto languages Corporativa a l’Empresa / Environmental Quality Management and Company’s Corporate Responsibility Introducció a la Annual 4,5 Ferran Rufi Catalan Some in None Tecnologia foreign Ambiental / languages Introduction to Environmental Tecnology Metodologia de la Annual 3 Ángeles Catalan None None Investigació Galiana Jurídica / Legal Research Methodology Protecció del Medi Annual 3 Gonzalo Catalan None None Natural / Quintero Spanish Environment Núria Torres Protection

26 Tècniques Annual 3 Ángeles Catalan None None d’Investigació / Galiana Research Techniques Master’s degree in Bussiness and Contracts Law Contractació Annual 5 Pedro Del Pozo Catalan None None Immobiliària / Frederic Adán Estate Contract Sergio Nasarre Contractació Annual 3 Rosa Rodríguez Catalan None None Laboral Nacional i Diana Marín Internacional / National and International Labour Contract Contractació Annual 3 Mª Teresa Catalan None None Mercantil / Franquet Commercial Pablo Girgado Contracts Paola Rodas Dret Concursal / Annual 4 Pablo Girgado Catalan None None Insolvency Law Joan Picó Xavier Pérez Dret de Societats / Annual 4 Pablo Girgado Spanish None None Company Law Javier Tua Fiscalitat de la Annual 4 Estela Rivas Catalan None None Contractació / Recruitment Taxation Fiscalitat de Annual 5 Ángel Urquizu Catalan None None l’Empresa / Business Taxation La Prova en la Annual 3 Joan Picó Catalan None None Litigació Empresarial i dels Negocis / The Evidence on International and Business Litigation Litigació en els Annual 3 Maria Font Catalan None None Negocis Internacionals / Litigation on Internationa Business Noves Perspectives Annual 5 Ana Giménez Catalan Some in None del Dret Sergio Nasarre foreign Contractual / New Reyes Barrada languages Perspectives of Hector Simón Contractual Law Andrés Miguel Cosialls Resolució Judicial Annual 3 Elisabet Cerrato Catalan None None de Conflictes i Frederic Adán Arbitratge / Judicial Resolution of Disputes and Arbitration Master’s degree in Administration and Public Law Advanced Studies

27 Anàlisi Històrica i Annual 3 Antoni Jordà Catalan Some in None Jurídica de foreign l’Administració languages Pública / Historical and Juridical Analysis of the Public Administration Contractació del Annual 3 Joan Anton Font Catalan None None Sector Públic i Josep Mª Gestió de Serveis Sabaté Públics / Public Marta Cassany Procurement and Management of Public Services Dret Financer / Annual 3 Estela Rivas Catalan None None Financial Law Economia Pública / Annual 3 Christian Duran Catalan None None Public Economics Institucions i Annual 3 Antonio Catalan Some in None Polítiques de la Cardesa foreign Unió Europea / languages European Union Institution and Politics Integritat Pública i Annual 3 Enrius Cocciolo Catalan Some in None Bona Praxis foreign Administrativa / languages Integrity and Good Administrative Practice Metodologia de la Annual 3 Mario Ruiz Catalan Some in None Recerca Jurídica / foreign Legal Research languages Methodology Organització i Annual 3 Josep Mª Catalan None None Activitats Sabaté Administratives / Judit Bages Administrative Organization and Activities

Organització i Annual 3 Albert Noguera Spanish None None Institucions Catalan Polítiques de l’Estat i de Catalunya / Spanish and Catalan Political Institutions and Organization Polítiques Annual 3 Oliver Klein Catalan Some in None Públiques I: foreign Elaboració i languages Implementació / Public Policy I: Elaboration and Implementation

28 Polítiques Annual 3 Javier Spanish Some in None Públiques II: Anàlisi Villamayor Catalan foreign i Avaluació / Public languages Policy II: Analisys and Evaluation Règim Jurídic del Annual 3 Endrius Catalan None None Personal al Servei Cocciolo Spanish de les Ramon Torres Administracions Blanca Gifre Públiques / Legal regime of Public Employees Sociologia de les Annual 3 Rafael Böcker Catalan Some in None Administracions Spanish foreign Públiques / languages Sociology of Government Teoria de l’Estat i Annual 3 Mario Ruiz Catalan Some in None Pensament Jurídic / foreign Theory of the State languages and Legal Thinking Optional Subjects of the Master’s degree in Administration and Public Law Advanced Studies Administració Annual 3 Endrius Catalan Some in None Electrònica / Cocciolo foreign eGovernment languages Comunicació Annual 3 Francesc Xavier Catalan Some in None Organitzativa i Arnavat foreign Marketing de les Andrea Oliveira languages Administracions Públiques / Organizational Communication and Public Administration Marketing Dret i Gestió Annual 3 Xavier Catalan None None Urbanística / Urban Forcadell Spanish Law and Gestion Judith Gifreu Habilitats Annual 3 Mireia Valverde Catalan Some in None Directives i Yury Ustrov foreign Competències languages Organitzatives / Management Skills and Organisational Competencies

16. Double titulations

29 Since the present course, URV offers to their students two new degrees. Those are double titulations: that means that the students will obtain two titulations at the ending of their studies. This two new deegres are composed by:

- Business Administration and Management and Law

Subject Semest ECTS Area er credi ts

First Year Dret Romà / Roman Law 1Q \ Fall 6 Law Semester Fonaments de Màrketing / Fundamentals of 1Q 6 Business and Marketing Management Habilitats del Jurista / Lawier skills 1Q 6 Law Introducció a la Comptabilitat / Introduction 1Q 6 Business and to accounting Management Matemàtiques I / Mathematics I 1Q 6 Mathematics Teoria del Dret / Theory of Law 1Q 6 Law Constitució i Sistema de Fonts / The 2 Q \ 6 Law Constitution and the System of Sources Spring Semester Ciència Política / Political Science 2Q 6 Political Science Comptabilitat Financera / Financial 2Q 6 Business and Accounting Management Dret Internacional Públic / Public International 2Q 8 Law Law Matemàtiques II / Mathematics II 2Q 6 Mathematics Organització d’Empreses / Business 2Q 6 Business and Organization Management

Second Year Fonaments del Dret Públic de Catalunya / 1Q 6 Law Fundamentals of Public Law in Catalonia Estadística I / Statistics I 1Q 6 Mathematics Instroducció al Dret Processal / Introduction 1Q 6 Law to Procedural Law Introducció a la Microeconomia / Introduction 1Q 6 Economy to Microeconomics Matemàtiques de les Operacions Financeres / 1Q 6 Mathematics Mathematics of financial operations Organització i Institucions Bàsiques 1Q 6 Law Administratives / Basic Administrative Organization and Institutions Introducció a la Macroeconomia / 2Q 6 Economy Introduction to Macroeconomics Activitat Administrativa y control de les 2Q 6 Law Administracions Públiques / Administrative

30 Activity and Control of Public Administrations Drets Fonamentals / Fundamental Rights 2Q 5 Law Estadística II / Statistics II 2Q 6 Mathematics Part General del Dret Civil / General Civil Law 2Q 6 Law Principis d’Economia Aplicada 2Q 6 Economy

Third Year Ciutadania / Citizenship 1Q 6 Business and Management Comportament Organitzatiu / Organizational 1Q 6 Business and Behaviour Management Compatabilitat de Gestió / Management 1Q 6 Business and Accounting Management Direcció d’Operacions / Operations 1Q 6 Business and Management Management Gestió de Qualitat / Quality Management 1Q 6 Business and Management Microeconomia / Microeconomics 1Q 6 Economy Dret Penal: Part General / Criminal Law. 2Q 8 Law General Section. L’Acció Administrativa Especialitzada i els 2Q 6 Law Béns Públics / Specialized Administrative Action and Public Assets Dret d’Obligacions i Contractes / Law of 2Q 6 Law Obligations and Contracts Dret del Treball i de la Seguretat Social / 2Q 8 Law Labour and Social Security Law Institucions del Dret de la UE / Legal 2Q 6 Law Institutions of the European Union

Fourth Year Dret Comparat / Comparative Law 1Q 3 Law Dret de Família / Family Law 1Q 4 Law Dret Financer / Financial Law 1Q 6 Law Drets Reals / Property Law 1Q 6 Law Dret Mercantil: l’Empresari i la seva Activitat 1Q 6 Law en el Mercat. L’Empresari Social. / Commercial Law: Entrepreuners and their Activity in the Market. The Social Entrepreneur. Dret Processal Civil / Civil Procedural Law 1Q 7 Law Direcció Estratègica / Strategic Management 2Q 6 Business and Management Direcció Estratègica de Màrquetring / 2Q 6 Business and Strategic Marketing Management Management Direcció Financera: Inversió / Financial 2Q 6 Business and Management: Investement Management Direcció de Recursos Humans / Human 2Q 6 Business and Resources Management Management Macroeconomia / Macroeconomics 2Q 6 Economy

31 Fifth Year Direcció Financera: Finançament / Financial 1Q 6 Busines and Management: Financing Management Els Delictes en el Sistema Penal Espanyol / 1Q 8 Law Crimes in the Spanish Criminal System Dret de Successions / Inheritance Law 1Q 5 Law Economia Mundial / World Economy 1Q 6 Economy Investigació de Mercats i Aplicacions/ 1Q 6 Business and Investigation of Markeys and Applications Management Sistema Tributari / The Tax System 1Q 7 Law Dret Internacional Privat / International 2Q 8 Law Private Law Dret Mercantil: Insolvència i Tràfic Jurídic de 2Q 7 Law l’Empresari / Commercial Law: Insolvency and the Entrepeuneur’s Legal Transactions Dret Processal Penal Criminal Procedural Law 2Q 3 Law Filosofia del Dret / Philosophy of Law 2Q 3 Law

- Labour Relations and Occupation Degree and Law

Subject Semester ECTS credit s

First Year Dret Romà / Roman Law 1Q \ Fall Semester 6 Habilitats del Jurista / Lawier skills 1Q 6 Teoria del Dret / Theory of Law 1Q 6 Economia / Economy 1Q 6 Constitució i Sistema de Fonts / The Constitution 2 Q \ Spring Semester 6 and the System of Sources Ciència Política / Political Science 2Q 6 Dret del Treball I / Labour Law 2Q 6 Dret Internacional Públic / Public International 2Q 8 Law Sociologia del Treball / Labour Sociology 2Q 6 Dret de la Seguretat Social I / Social Security Law 2Q 6

Second Year Fonaments del Dret Públic de Catalunya / 1Q 6 Fundamentals of Public Law in Catalonia Dret Sindical I / Union Law I 1Q 5 Instroducció al Dret Processal / Introduction to 1Q 6 Procedural Law Dret de la Seguretat Social II / Social Security 1Q 5

32 Law II Mètodes i Tècniques d’Investigació Social / 1Q 6 Methods and tecniques of Social Investigation Organització i Institucions Bàsiques 1Q 6 Administratives / Basic Administrative Organisation and Institutions Psicologia del Treball i de les Organitzacions / 2Q 6 Work and Organizations Psicology Activitat Administrativa y control de les 2Q 4 Administracions Públiques / Administrative Activity and Control of Public Administrations Drets Fonamentals / Fundamental Rights 2Q 5 Dret del Treball II / Labour Law II 2Q 5 Part General del Dret Civil / General Civil Law 2Q 6 Dret Sindical II / Union Law II 2Q 5 Teoria de les Organitzacions / Organisations 2Q 6 Theory

Third Year Gestió de la Qualitat i Auditoria del Sistema / 1Q 6 Quality Management and System Audit Dret de l’Ocupació i del Treball Autònom / Law of 1Q 6 Occupation and Self-employment Direcció Estratègica de les Organitzacions / 1Q 6 Strategic Management of Organisations Dret de la Seguretat i Salut al Treball / Health 1Q 6 and Safety at work Law Polítiques de Recursos Humans / Human 1Q 5 Resources Policies Igualtat, Gènere i Ocupació / Equality, Gender 1Q 6 and Employment Dret Penal: Part General / Criminal Law. General 2Q 8 Section. L’Acció Administrativa Especialitzada i els Béns 2Q 6 Públics / Specialized Administrative Action and Public Assets Dret d’Obligacions i Contractes / Law of 2Q 6 Obligations and Contracts Psicologia dels Recursos Humans / Human 2Q 5 Resources Psicology Institucions del Dret de la UE / Legal Institutions 2Q 6 of the European Union Economia Laboral / Labour Economics

Fourth Year Dret Comparat / Comparative Law 1Q 3 Dret de Família / Family Law 1Q 4 Dret Financer / Financial Law 1Q 6 Drets Reals / Property Law 1Q 6 Dret Mercantil: l’Empresari i la seva Activitat en 1Q 6

33 el Mercat. L’Empresari Social. / Commercial Law: Entrepreuners and their Activity in the Market. The Social Entrepreneur. Dret Processal Civil / Civil Procedural Law 1Q 7 Règim d’Estrangeria / Immigration Law 2Q 5 Dret de la Seguretat Social III / Security Social 2Q 6 Law III Mercat de Treball Aplicat / Applied Labor Market 2Q 6 Sistemes Laborals Comparats / Comparative 2Q 6 Labour Systems Dret Sancionador i Processal del Treball / 2Q 6 Sanctioning and Procedural Labour Law Teories i Modeles de les Relacions Laborals / 2Q 5 Theories and Models of Labour Relations

Fifth Year Fiscalitat del Treball i de l’Empresa / Labour and 1Q 9 Business Taxation Els Delictes en el Sistema Penal Espanyol / 1Q 8 Crimes in the Spanish Criminal System Dret de Successions / Inheritance Law 1Q 5 Relacions Laborals Especials / Special Labour 1Q 6 Relatons Sistema Tributari / The Tax System 1Q 7 Dret Internacional Privat / International Private 2Q 8 Law Dret Mercantil: Insolvència i Tràfic Jurídic de 2Q 7 l’Empresari / Commercial Law: Insolvency and the Entrepeuneur’s Legal Transactions Dret Processal Penal Criminal Procedural Law 2Q 3 Filosofia del Dret / Philosophy of Law 2Q 3


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