Program Review Feedback Form: French
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Evergreen Valley College Program Review Feedback Form: French
Date: 4/22/09 Reviewed by: French
SUMMARY OF THE DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM Did the Review Team clearly articulate summary? If not, provide concrete feedback on information needed. FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMT EXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT Did the Review Team clearly identify and assess strength and areas of improvements in relevant areas? Were there action plans included that would address areas of improvement? If not, provide concrete feedback on information needed in specific section. Summary of the Departmen t/Program is missing ( kuni) This part is missing (wei)
PART A: Overview of Program Did the Review Team answer all questions thoroughly? If not, identify additional information needed. Appendices: A, B, & C need further explanations and summary/evaluation of results. #8 - missing data, only F’08 data was provided. Questions not answered thoroughly and supporting documents not available. FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FOR MTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT Did the Review Team provide necessary culture of evidence (data, references, etc.)? If not, identify additional information and analysis needed. Supporting documents not available. Did the Review Team include action plans for areas that need improvements? If not, identify areas and information needed. Part A is mislabeled as Part 1; answers to questions are not fully explained; the report would be easier to understand if the answers were preceded by the questions, and all were written out in complete sentences. Part A3 indicates that the program “met the CTA’s listed in the draft” but Part A4 indicates that the program has not been offered according to plan due to section cuts. No dates are provided. When were cuts made? Why? Has the program met its goals some semesters and not others? The report needs to quantify how the program “met the CTA’s listed in the draft” in order to provide background for the discussion in Part F1. FORMTEXT #1,2,3: CTA needs to be listed as appropriate for French courses, as well as a description as to "how" they met the College's CTA. FORMTEXT #4 Unmet goals need to be identified first. Analysis requires an objective observation and examination of the situation. French was cancelled due to low enrollment and offering was pending the Program Review analysis. FORMTEXT #6,7: please include brief analysis of the raw data. Please include potential reasons for decline of enrollment. #8, #9: Incomplete productivity information. (kuni) This part is not complete. (wei) 1
French Program Review Feedback 4_22_09 VP Academic Affairs PART B: CURRICULUM Did the Review Team answer all questions thoroughly? If not, identify additional information needed. Very little details in answering the questions. Part B6: French 1A is transferable to CSU and UC. Please elaborate on answers (wei) Did the Review Team provide necessary culture of evidence (data, references, etc.)? If not, identify additional information and analysis needed. FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FO RMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT Did the Review Team include action plans for areas that need improvements? If not, identify areas and information needed. #1: please address status re: SLO #2 Can it be more specific? We will benefit from knowing. #3 Please provide more specific plan of revision of the material with SLO inclusion (i.e. submit to Curriculum committee fall 2009, etc.) #6 Important information for it directly relates to enrollment ,please include information (kuni) How does the innovative pedagogy impact student success? Is French 1A transferrable to US/CSU or not? Students need to know. (wei) PART C: STUDENT OUTCOMES Did the Review Team answer all questions thoroughly? If not, identify additional information needed. FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMT EXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT Did the Review Team provide necessary culture of evidence (data, references, etc.)? If not, identify additional information and analysis needed. #1. As indicated above, please give us specific plan of revision with semester indicated. ( kuni) Did the Review Team include action plans for areas that need improvements? If not, identify areas and information needed. If the only course, French 1A doesn’t have SLOs, the course outline needs to be updated within this semester (wei) PART D: FACULTY AND STAFF Did the Review Team answer all questions thoroughly? If not, identify additional information needed. Need faculty specialty and how the position contributes to success. (wei) FORMTEXT F ORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT
Did the Review Team provide necessary culture of evidence (data, references, etc.)? If not, identify additional information and analysis needed. How/why is professional development affecting student success? (wei) FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT Did the Review Team include action plans for areas that need improvements? If not, identify areas and information needed. French program is pretty minimal. 2
French Program Review Feedback 4_22_09 VP Academic Affairs No areas mentioned. (wei) PART E: FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND MAINTENANCE Did the Review Team answer all questions thoroughly? If not, identify additional information needed. Need identified but no rationale provided. (wei) Did the Review Team provide necessary culture of evidence (data, references, etc.)? If not, identify additional information and analysis needed. What’s the fiscal impact of the needs? (wei) Did the Review Team include action plans for areas that need improvements? If not, identify areas and information needed. Part E1 needs to quantify the need for a “Language Lab” devoted to languages. Part E2 needs to specify the amount and cost of French software needed. Needs for language lab & computers mentioned. But action plan for this need may be beyond the scope of the author. (wei)
PART F: FUTURE NEEDS Did the Review Team answer all questions thoroughly? If not, identify additional information needed. FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT Did the Review Team provide necessary culture of evidence (data, references, etc.)? If not, identify additional information and analysis needed. FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT F ORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT FORMTEXT Did the Review Team include action plans for areas that need improvements? If not, identify areas and information needed. Part F1 needs to quantify the need for an instructor. Have the section cuts mentioned in Part A4 been made due to a lack of instructors, or are the section cuts due to a lack of student interest? What conditions would necessitate enough interest to hire another instructor? How many sections of French would the instructor need to teach? #3 seems to be incomplete. The need for an instructor mentioned but rationale not available. (wei)
PART G: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Provide concrete questions or feedback if needed. FORMTEXT
French Program Review Feedback 4_22_09 VP Academic Affairs