Writing 12/13 Course I E05 Poetry-Final

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Writing 12/13 Course I E05 Poetry-Final



(Poetry Writing) (July 2014)

Unit Statement: In this Unit the student will write a variety of poems. The student will use a variety of poetic devices to write the poem with a focus on Free Verse and Lyrical. The student will produce clear and coherent writing piece in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. The student will apply the Writing Process and 6+1 traits. The essential questions for this unit are: What do you think? and Why write?

Point of knowledge: A mentor text is a written piece used in education as an example of quality writing by a student who is studying the writing process. Typically, mentor texts are used by individuals. When an entire group uses them, they are known as "touchstone texts."

Essential Outcomes: (must be assessed for mastery)

1. The Student Will analyze mentor poems (Such as: Frost, Silverstein, Browning)

2. TSW produce different types of poetry (these may include, free verse, lyrical, Haiku, limerick, quatrain, concrete poems, acrostic or other types of poems).

3. TSW employ poetic devices to add interest to his/her poems.:(simile, metaphor, personification, onomatopoeia, hyperbole, repetition, rhyme, symbolism, and imagery)

4. TSW revise his/her own poems. (Independent Endeavor)

5. TSW edit and revise other students’ poems. (Group Interaction)

6. TSW read or recite a mentor or original poem before an audience. (Oral Component)

Practiced/Ongoing Outcomes: (development is ongoing)

1. The Student Will review and apply the Writing Process and the 6+1 Traits.

2. TSW engage technology, including the internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others, such as peer editing and conferencing, within one or more narrative essays.

3. TSW write routinely over extended time frames for a range of discipline-specific task, purposes and audiences.

4. TSW use a thesaurus, dictionary or other source to improve personal vocabulary during the editing portion of The Writing Process.

5. TSW identify and correct any spelling errors discovered during the proofreading

1QSI WRITING-12/13 COURSE I E05 Copyright © 1988-2014 portion of The Writing Process.

6. TSW continue to develop grammar skills (E01) in the ongoing Grammar unit throughout all Writing units.

Key Terms and Concepts:

emotion line stanza symbol meter verse

Suggested Professional Materials for Teachers: (provided by school)

Writing Coach by Prentice Hall Poetry: 12, 118-143

Literature by Holt McDougal Personal narrative writing: 880-889

Suggested Student Materials: (provided by school)

Writing Coach Student Edition by Prentice Hall Poetry: 12, 118-143

Literature by Holt McDougal Poetry: 132, 288, 516, 522, 560, 574, 582, 594, 604, 612, 874, R106 See also: Poetic elements and devices See also: Poetic forms

Additional Resources: (may not be provided by school)

6+1 Traits of Writing: The Complete Guide Grades 3 and Up (for teachers) by Culham, Ruth. Write Trait Student Traitbook and Teacher edition by Vickie Spandle Lucy Calkins Units of Study in Argument, Information, and Narrative Writing Middle School Series Bundle, Grades 6-8 (http://www.heinemann.com/products/E05375.aspx) Writing Workshop by Fletcher, Ralph and Portalupi, JoAnn A Fresh Approach to Teaching Punctuation by Janet Anelillo The Everyday Writer by Anderson, Jeff Reviving the Essay: How to Teach Structure Without Formula Bernabei, Gretchen.

Technology Links:

Destiny Webpath Express (found in school library) Use this search engine to find age-appropriate websites that align with your unit. This website is on the Library Destiny Catalog.

Online Writing Coach www.successnetplus.com Highly recommend that you explore the Online Writing Coach. It is full of lesson plans, graphic organizers, assessments, interactive student grammar exercises, interactive writing center, the Writing Coach e-textbook and more. The website keeps track of students' online activities and grades, and more. Automated paragraph and essay grading requires that students engage specific writing prompts.

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Owl Purdue Writing Center https://owl.english.purdue.edu/ . Famous Children Poems by Famous Poets http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/ Poetry 4 Kids Welcome to Poetry4kids.com the funny poetry playground of Children's Poet Laureate Kenn Nesbitt, where you will find lots of funny poems and poetry booksfor children, classic children's poetry, games, contests, poetry lessons and activities, and journals, plus a rhyming dictionary, funny poetry podcast, videos,school visit information and lots more. http://www.poetry4kids.com/

Suggested Strategies and Assessments:

Have students: 1. Compose a collection of poems of various types employing poetic devices. 2. Create a poetry book or project (digital). 3. Give an oral presentation of a mentor or original poem (oral component). 4. Create a rubric of poetic devices a student may include in his/her poetry. 5. Take a quiz or test on definitions of various poems and/or poetic devices. 6. Attach an appropriate graphic or drawing to his/her poem (Aesthetic Appreciation). 7. Compose a poem on a topic from another class. (Inter-disciplinary component Cultural Studies, Reading or Science/Language Arts). 8. Develop a writing hexagon (see links below) or other graphic organizer to draft poetry. (Include the following topics: *Poetic Elements *Themes *Author's Technique *Similarities to Other Works *What I Liked or Didn't Like *Summary) 9. Follow the URL to a sheet for Poem Analysis. http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/lesson_images/lesson1160/poetry_ana lysis.pdf

The following are a set of questions to help students analyze poems including their own and poetry by peers. Could be used as a final project for Poetry.

1. Plot summary: What happened in the poem? Summarize the poem in your own words. Be sure to capture the main events from the whole poem. 2. Personal association / allusions: Associate the poem with something you know or have experienced. What in the poem is like something/someone in your life—family, friends, and experience? Explain the association. 3. Theme: What is the universal message or life lesson found in the poem that the author is trying to get across? The theme applies to all people at all times or can be applied to a person at a given time in history. 4. Analyze: What the literary devices used by the author? Think of tone, mood, similes, metaphors, symbols, onomatopoeia, personification, imagery, or another element you found interesting in the way the poem was written. Locate an example and explain why the writer used this device and why it’s important? 5. Literary allusions: Compare and contrast the poem to other works of literature. Consider movies, TV shows, songs, newspaper events, currents events, and other books. How are the two texts similar or different. Be sure to explain your text to text connection. 6. Evaluate it: Do you like the poem or not? Why do you think or feel this way? What in the selection made you feel this way? Be sure to explain your thinking.

3QSI WRITING-12/13 COURSE I E05 Copyright © 1988-2014 Suggested Unit Evaluation Rubric – Writing 12/13-Course I-- E05 Poetry

Student name:______Date:______• To receive a ‘B’ in the unit a student must demonstrate mastery of all TSWs • To receive an ‘A’ in the unit a student must demonstrate ‘A’ level mastery on at least 3 of the 4 identified TSWs

TSW ‘A’ Level ‘B’ Level Notes 1. Analyze mentor poems A correlation was made to Mentor poem was the readers life. analyzed. 2. Produce different types Compose several of poetry different types of poetry. 3. Employ poetic devices Employ poetic devices to Employ poetic devices to add interest to add interest to poem and to add interest to his/her poems. explain why the devices poem. add to the piece. 4. Revise his/her own Revise his/her own poems. poems. 5. Edit other students’ Basic edit of peer’s poems. poem(s). 6. Read or recite an Recites an original poem Recites an mentor original or mentor or memorize a mentor poem before an poem before an poem for an audience audience with audience. with expression and expression and preparation preparation

4QSI WRITING-12/13 COURSE I E05 Copyright © 1988-2014 Poetry Rubric:

Trait ‘A’ Level ‘B’ Level Notes Ideas and content Clear, focused and Evident main thesis, · Main theme engaging thesis well rounded details. · Complementary Interesting Ideas and details details Organizations Creative structure Organization is · Structure Poetic style that appropriate and complements these conventional Voice Voice supports thesis Writer show tone and · Tone with details that emotion · Emotion support tone and emotion. Word Choice Word Choice shows Word Choice shows · Rhyme mastery of understanding of · Imagery language .usage. language usage. Crafted for effective word choice, powerful verbs and nouns. Sentence Fluency Crafted for perfect Occasional transition · Rhythm flow, smooth problems, readable. · Flow phrasing that enhances the reading. Conventions Convention rules A couple of spelling · Spelling followed or bent to or grammar errors · Punctuation enhance to story. that do not detract · grammar from the story.

5QSI WRITING-12/13 COURSE I E05 Copyright © 1988-2014

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