BL414 Genetics Spring 2006
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BL414 Genetics Spring 2006 Lecture 2 Outline January 23, 2006
Chapter 2: 2.5 Important Terms: Gene: element of heredity Alleles: alternative forms of a given gene Chromosomes: condensed form of chromatin; houses the genetic material, observable during mitosis, composed of DNA tightly coiled around histone proteins Humans have 46 chromosomes, 2 homologous sets of 23 different chromosomes Locus: the position of a gene on a chromosome, also indicates a single gene –“genetic locus” Genotype: the genetic constitution of an individual organism – often used in reference to a particular gene Homozygous: individual has 2 of the same alleles for a particular gene, at a particular locus Heterozygous: individual has 2 different alleles for a given gene Phenotype: the observable traits in an individual caused by expression of the individual’s genotype These traits can be biochemical, behavioral, physical, etc. A molecular phenotype could also be observed using molecular biology techniques. There is not always direct correspondence between genotype and phenotype. Some phenotypes which don’t seem to fit Mendelian genetics are caused by more than one gene or by the environment. 2.6-2.7: There are molecular biology techniques for observing differences in human genetics sequences at the DNA level. This is useful for understanding the human genome and human genetic diseases. DNA polymorphism: differences in the DNA sequences of individuals SNP: single-nucleotide polymorphism: a common variation in nucleotide sequence at a particular site in the human genome, this doesn’t include very rare sequence differences that are in less than 1% of the population. 500,000 SNP’s have been mapped – this is useful because it gives us some human alleles to keep track of, even though we might not yet know the genes or their functions in a particular stretch of the genome RFLP: restriction-fragment length polymorphism: a difference in DNA sequence that occurs within a restriction site – this makes it easy to study because it is observable by a restriction digest of the DNA in question
Chapter 3: Transmission Genetics: the Principle of Segregation Transmission genetics: the study of inheritance of traits Mendelian genetics: follow the principles first defined by Mendel, synonymous with transmission genetics
3.1 Morphological and Molecular Phenotypes Terms: Wildtype: the nonmutant allele of a gene – usually the most common allele found in nature, or in the organism being studied Dominant allele: is expressed whether heterozygous or homozygous Recessive allele: expressed only when homozygous “Dominant” or “recessive” can also refer to the trait itself. Transposable element: a sequence of DNA that is able to move around in the genome, sometimes inserting into other genes possibly causing disruptions Codominant: both alleles in a heterozygote are expressed
Mendel used peas in his genetic studies – looked at various morphological traits: seed shape, seed color, flower color, pod shape, and others. *Mendel’s genius was in that he chose simple, mutually exclusive traits and he studied the inheritance of these traits. For example, Mendel studied the gene for wrinkled seeds Phenotype: round vs. wrinkled Gene product (we now know): SBEI, starch branching enzyme I, which is involved in the synthesis of the branched-chain starch amylopectin, which keeps seeds smooth! Alleles: W or w Wildtype allele: W Wildtype phenotype: round phenotype allele wildtype Gene Molecular dominant Genotype or product basis or mutant recessive round W wildtype SBEI Normal W = WW, or dominant Ww wrinkled w mutant absent Insertion w = ww into the gene that disrupts recessive expression of the SBEI protein
3.2 Segregation of a single gene Mendel’s studies came up with the important and essential concept of the segregation of genes. How did he do it? His pea plants worked well for these experiments because they self-pollinate unless Mendel intentionally surgically cross-pollinated (or “outcrossed”) them with another plant of his choosing. If a pea plant was homozygous, and was allowed to self-pollinate, its offspring would also remain homozygous. E.g. ww ww, or WW WW. In this way, another name for homozygous plants is “true-breeding” they will always produce identical offspring. Breeding pea plants from parents with different traits for a given gene produced hybrid offspring. For a single trait, this is called monohybrid, for two traits: dihybrid, for three traits, trihybrid, etc.
P1 generation: the parents
F1 generation: the offspring of the parents. In Mendel’s experiments, The F1 generation all had the dominant phenotype. Reciprocal crosses: Male of one trait mated to female with a different trait, and vice versa. For the wrinkled gene, reciprocal crosses always have the same result. For example: Cross A: Male (pollen from) WW x Female (Stigma) ww Ww Cross B: Male (pollen from) ww x Female (Stigma) WW Ww
F2 generation: the offspring of mating F1 individuals to each other. In Mendel’s experiments, the F2 generation of the hybrid crosses always had a phenotypic ratio of 3:1 of dominant: recessive. In explaining and understanding the 3:1 ratio, we come to the heart of “Mendelian genetics.” The ratio is explained by looking at what happened to the genes during the mating and production of offspring. Remember that at the time of Mendel’s studies, nothing was known about genes or chromosomes or DNA, all Mendel had was the numbers of offspring of various phenotypes.
The principle of segregation of alleles
Key features of single gene genetics: 1. Genes come in pairs – an individual has two alleles of each gene. 2. For a given gene, the alleles can be identical (homozygous) or different (heterozygous). 3. Each gamete (reproductive cell) from an individual has only one of the two alleles. 4. In the formation of gametes, each one is equally likely to get one or the other allele. 5. The union of male and female gametes is a random process that reunites the alleles in pairs.
Points 3 and 4 are essentially the principle of segregation(also called the Mendel’s first law). More formally (from your book), the principle holds that: “In the formation of gametes, the paired hereditary determinants separate (segregate) in such a way that each gamete is equally likely to contain either member of the pair.” This segregation of alleles yields the results observed by Mendel and holds true for the genetics of all higher organisms. (Plants, animals, humans)
Punnett square: a diagram of the alleles contained in the gametes of a particular genetic cross, which allows the calculation of the offspring genotypes and the projected ratios of genotypes and phenotypes.
Verification of segregation: Testing the genetic makeup of an organism:
Self-fertilization of the F1 progeny gave results that supported the principle of segregation. Round F1 offspring that were self-fertilized yielded plants that either gave only round F3 seeds (WW F2) or plants that were both round and wrinkled in the 3:1 ratio (Ww F2), and the WW:Ww F2’s were in a ratio of 2:1. Testcross: a cross between an organism that is heterozygous for one or more genes (e.g. Ww), and an organism that is homozygous for the recessive allele (ww). Ww x ww expect offspring to be 1:1 dominant:recessive (50% Ww, 50% ww) Backcross: a cross between a heterozygous organism (Ww) and one of the parental genotypes (WW or ww)