Dear Parents/Guardians s24
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Diane Kridner Email: [email protected] Phone Number: 619-263-3009 ext.4113
Dear Parents/Guardians,
It is with great enthusiasm that I welcome your student to the yearbook class at The O’Farrell Charter School. We have a wonderful program planned. Yearbook is a class filled with creativity and challenges, fun and responsibility. Students will be working toward goals that will have a concrete outcome, which is the publication of this year’s yearbook. I look forward to an exciting and rewarding year.
Your child has received a “The O’Farrell High School Yearbook Staff Manual.” This manual is a living document and will be updated on a regular basis. Because of these ongoing updates, the manual must be with students daily. Manuals will be checked at random intervals for accuracy. We will be going over every aspect of the manual in the opening weeks of school during class. I ask you to please review the material in the manual at home so that I can be sure you and your child have discussed and understand the expectations of this class.
At the back of the manual is a “Commitment / Equipment Contract.” Please read and sign the “Commitment / Equipment Contract” when you have reviewed the material contained in the manual. This will help us all get off to the best possible start this year.
There are times when your student will need to complete work outside of class in order to meet the “deadline” assigned to him or her. Our yearbook is an online-based system, which means that the students may work on the yearbook from home or in my classroom. It is important to remember that the yearbook is a CONFIDENTIAL document, meaning that yearbook students should not work on it in a public space were non- yearbook students can view it.
Should you need to reach me during the school year, I am available during my conference period or can be reached at [email protected]. You may also call the school 619-263-3009 ext.4113 to schedule an appointment. I welcome your calls and comments, and I will return your calls within 48 hours. I believe that good communication between school and home is necessary for student success.
Thank you for helping your students to succeed and for supporting the yearbook program.
Diane Kridner Yearbook Advisor
Student Name: Student Cell #: (I will only contact your student via cell phone in the case of emergency and/or Yearbook related information)
Parent Name: Parent’s Contact #: Parent’s Email: O’Farrell High School Commitment / Equipment Contract
To create and maintain consistency in the organization and morale of the class, commitment and responsibility play as much of a role in our success as a team as does the mastery of yearbook skills. It is important that we all agree on a given set of consistent expectations from the beginning. Therefore, each staff member must establish self-discipline in meeting expectations. All guidelines for expectations are outlined in the “The O’Farrell High School Yearbook Staff Manual.”
Please review the following expectations, initial each of those to which you agree, sign and return it to the yearbook advisor. This form and all other relevant information will be kept on file by the advisor.
Staff Member
______I have received a “The O’Farrell High School Yearbook Staff Manual” and have reviewed and understand my expectations, responsibilities, and the materials contained inside. ______I have been made fully aware that I may be asked to devote outside time in order to complete assigned tasks outlined in job descriptions for deadlines. I commit myself to making those times available. ______I understand the importance of being in class. For whatever reason, when absent, I will be sure that any materials I have at home will be delivered to the yearbook room and/or my partner.
______My child has received a “The O’Farrell High School Yearbook Staff Manual,” and I have reviewed and understand his/her expectations, responsibilities, and the materials contained inside. ______I understand that my child will need to devote time outside of class in order to the complete assigned tasks outlined in their job description. ______I understand the importance of my child being in class. If he/she is going to be absent for whatever reason, I will be sure to deliver any material that has been taken home to work on to the yearbook room and/or his/her partner.
Staff Member Signature Date
Parent Signature Date Equipment Cameras Student Agreement 1. You accept full responsibility for the safe and speedy return of the equipment. 2. Equipment must be returned in the same condition it was in when you checked it out. Any minor damages should be noted on the check in/out form before checking out. 3. All equipment must be signed out through the check in/out form and must be checked back into Mr. Pollard same class period. If you have signed to return the camera overnight, it must be returned by the next following class period. If you are absent the following day, you should return the camera if possible, via a parent or guardian. 4. Never carry a camera without using the neck or wrist strap. Repair bills can be $200 or more and you are responsible for any camera damage while in your possession. 5. When not in use, always store the camera in the camera bag. When at school, keep equipment out of sight, out of other classes, and in your guarded backpack. 6. Camera equipment must be in your immediate possession at all times. Do not leave equipment in classrooms or automobiles. If you lose it, you need to replace it. 7. Never attempt to repair equipment, remove parts, or force the lens or memory card. 8. Do not get water, beverages, dirt, or your lunch on the camera. 9. Do not use the camera in risky environments such as the beach, around small children or pets, or any situation that can lead to a wet or damaged camera. 10. Do not lend any of the camera equipment to anyone else. It is checked out only to you and you are responsible for it. This includes siblings, friends, and other O’Farrell staff. If another person besides your parent or guardian is holding the camera, you will possibly get a referral and lose your ability to check out further equipment. 11. All pictures should be school appropriate, even when cameras are taken home. Any inappropriate pictures will be discussed with parents, homebase teachers, counselors, or administration. 12. Taking home equipment is optional and assignments can be completed at school if preferred.
If you cannot follow the terms of this contract, do not check out the equipment. If you violate the terms of this contract, you will lose the privilege of checking out equipment. Unauthorized use of equipment or equipment that is not returned in a timely manner will be treated as theft and violators will be turned over to school administrators.
Computers I understand that the computers are the property of The O’Farrell High School, and a computer is my responsibility while I am using it. I understand that I am only to go to files/programs which are used by the yearbook staff, and that I will not access the Internet unless it involves research for necessary yearbook articles. I understand that flash drives and discs are the acceptable methods to transfer work from home to school, and if I choose to use this type of transfer equipment, it is used for “school work” only and has no downloaded material from the internet which may contain a virus. If problems occur with a computer or printer, I understand that I must contact the advisor immediately.
Student Agreement I understand and will follow the preceding equipment guidelines, as well as the financial responsibility should equipment be damaged or lost while in my use.
Staff Member Signature Date
Parent Agreement I agree to assume financial responsibility for the equipment my son/daughter has taken home. I will pay for any repairs needed, due to negligence, when the equipment has been checked out to my student. I also agree to pay for, or replace with comparable equipment, any items lost or stolen while in my child’s care.
Parent Signature Date