Science Practical Assessment

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Science Practical Assessment


Criterion D: Scientific Enquiry The IB says to get top marks…

Our rubric: make sure you have completed all of the tasks at each level if you want to succeed! ASPECT 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 Clear aim allows the reader Good aim, though may be to immediately understand AIM: Aim attempted, though lacking in detail or the point of the may not be clear, or may reference to variables. investigation. identifying the problem not identify the variables. Independent and dependent Independent and dependent variables stated. variables clearly stated,


e with units. v o

b Clear prediction made, with

a Very basic prediction Clear prediction made,

s relationship between r

HYPOTHESIS (1): o made, with no mention of with an attempt at defining t variables predicted and p i type of relationship the type of relationship prediction r c quantifiable where s expected. expected. e

d appropriate.

e h

t Very basic reasons given Good explanation of theory Supporting Science is


b for the prediction, with behind the prediction, sound and explains all

HYPOTHESIS (2): t e little or no depth. though some minor errors aspects of the prediction. m Scientific background d Hypothesis may be may be apparent, or Hypothesis is clearly r a

d difficult to test. lacking in depth. testable. n a t Very basic materials list Full and complete materials s Full list produced, mostly a produced, some of those list, with quantities and o

t with sizes/ quantities MATERIALS:

d required may not be dimensions of all

e stated. t

e mentioned. equipment stated. l p Very basic method. Method gives enough data Method allows for m o c

No detail of units, number for testing the hypothesis, collection of sufficient data METHOD (1): t o of data points or measures with units. Details of steps points, stating units to be N collecting data taken to ensure enough taken to ensure accuracy used and techniques for data are collected. may be missing. accuracy. 3 variables that may affect Clear method given to Fewer than 3 variables METHOD (2): results stated, with some control at least 3 variables controlled. Method used steps given to minimize that may affect results controlled variables my or may not be effective. their effects. (table produced?) Little thought given to Method clearly stated how METHOD (3): Some steps taken to reduce reliability of results or reliability of the data sampling or testing errors. reliability repetition of samples. produced will be ensured. Good basic diagram of Diagram is minimal, Clear, large, labeled METHOD (4): some stages of scruffy, unlabelled or diagram of critical stages of investigation, though may Diagram inaccurate. investigation given. lack some accuracy. Type of graph/ statistical METHOD (5): Type of graph or - method stated and calculations stated. data manipulation explained. Evaluation attempted, Limitations of method Limitations of method EVALUATION (1): though may focus on recognized and explained. suggested, with some limitations outside the with examples given from limitations of method reasons given. method. collected data. Some valid suggestions for Basic or unrealistic Clear, achievable EVALUATION (2): improvements made, which suggestions made, with improvements suggested, may or may not be suggestions for improvement little basis. based on results collected. connected to collected data. SCIENCE PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT: COMPLETE INVESTIGATION ASSESSMENT RUBRICS

Criterion E: Data Processing The IB says to get top marks…

Our rubric: make sure you have completed all the tasks if you want to succeed! ASPECT 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 Results presented in a RAW DATA: Scruffy, poorly labeled Results presented in a clear, large, labeled and Tables or charts results table produced. clear, large, labeled table. titled table or chart, with units given. Data transformed into the

. Some inconsistent data Data converted into most appropriate form for

TRANSFORMATION OF e v transformation, which may averages or frequencies, later use. Anomalies noted o b


or may not be useful. and re-stated in the table. and removed from s r

o calculations. t p i

r Appropriate graph, diagram c


e Basic graph or chart or other form chosen to d

PRESENTATION: e produced, which may not - present data. Adds value to h t be the appropriate choice. the write-up and clarifies y

Graphs, diagrams, images b

t results. e m

Clear, large, labeled and d r

a Graph or diagram lack Generally good titled, with units given and

ACCURACY OF DATA d n labels, accuracy or is presentation, though may results presented a t s PRESENTATION otherwise seriously flawed. lack some labels or units. accurately. Plotting is a


t precise and tidy.

d e

t Trends in data identified e l RESULTS (1): p Very basic, possibly and stated, with supporting m

o inaccurate statement of Overall trend in data given. results. Changes in the c

statement of results. t data given. trend identified. Anomalies o

N identified. Trends, patterns and RESULTS (2): relationships identified, trends, patterns and - - with proper terminology relationships and defined limits based on collected data. Trends explained using All trends in data explained May or may not match scientific theory, though accurately using scientific CONCLUSION (1): collected data, lacks in some relationships may be theory and supported with depth and scientific reasoning forgotten or inappropriately examples from collected explanation. interpreted. data. Hypothesis accepted or CONCLUSION (2): Simple, unsupported Hypothesis accepted or rejected, based on collected statement, such as ‘My rejected, based on collected results and supported with relationship with hypothesis hypothesis was right.’ results. theory. Rejected hypothesis is modified with reasons. One or more appropriate One or more appropriate ideas given for areas or CONCLUSION (3): Simple or unrelated idea ideas given for areas or further study, based on the given for areas of further further study, based on the conclusion of this further study study. conclusion of this investigation. Variables investigation. stated, and method outlined. SCIENCE PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT: COMPLETE INVESTIGATION ASSESSMENT RUBRICS

Criterion F: Attitudes in Science The IB says to get top marks…

Our rubric: make sure you have completed all tasks to get the best possible marks! ASPECT 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 Generally independent, Constant supervision though some help from the Completely independent. INDEPENDENCE needed and help given. teacher may be required. Equipment used Generally uses equipment Steps taken to ensure inappropriately, with little appropriately, though some precision of measurements


e regard for accuracy or evidence may be apparent taken. Equipment used v

o precision. of lack of precision. appropriately. b a

s Very safe, uses all r o t protective equipment p i Generally safe, with good r

c Requires guidance or necessary, ensures safety of s regard for lab rules. May e

d monitoring to ensure own other members of the


e make minor errors in

h safety and safety of others. group, may include risk t judgement. y assessment in the method b


e (6 marks only) m

d Work area is messy or Clean, organised work r Work area is generally kept a

d disorganized. Materials not area, all equipment cleaned

n clean and organised, a

t returned to storage areas or after use and returned. Live s

though may lack effort in a RESPONSIBILITY may be broken or missing. resources treated with care o

t clearing up. Live resources Handling of live resources and respect. Environmental d

e treated with respect and t

e may be immature or impacts of the investigation l care. p inappropriate. considered. m o

c Respects views of other


o Works generally well with team members, includes all N others, though some lack of in the decision making Works poorly with others, fluidity of communication process, ensures safety of TEAMWORK or only under duress. between the group may be all, makes sure all have a evident. complete set of data. Takes responsibility for errors. Only the most basic Sources cited and Sources are cited and ACADEMIC HONESTY attempt at referencing, with referenced, though with referenced appropriately, no in-text citation. some inaccuracy. using a standard method.

MYP SCIENCE PRACTICAL INVESTIGATION MARK SHEET (Crit D, E, F). There is no point printing the whole lot each time. You will receive a form like this, so keep this document safely stuck in your notebook or file and refer to it each time you are assessed for these criteria. CRITERION D Score= CRITERION E Score= CRITERION F Score= Aim Raw data Independence Hypothesis (1) Transformation Precision/ Skill Hypothesis (2) Choice of pres. Safety Materials Accuracy of pres Responsibility Method (1) Results (1) Teamwork Method (2) Results (2) Ac. Honesty Method (3) Conclusion (1) Notes: Method (4) Conclusion (2) Method (5) Conclusion (3) Evaluation (1) Evaluation (2)

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