Sale of Ukrainian children (An open letter)

“ Every year 4000 children are exported from Ukraine, 2500 of whom are adopted by foreign families. 1500 children are adopted by individuals.” (A report of 13 February 2008, Member of Parliament K. Lukyanova, article: Paedophiles from abroad buying up our children from orphanages) A certain Mr Krüger (a public paedophile) living in America has adopted three boys from the orphanage in Kherson. He encourages his “partners” via the internet to adopt children from Ukraine: “There’s no problem with it in Ukraine.” It is a shock to learn about child trafficking existing in Ukraine for so many years. We ask: What is the Ministry of Justice doing? What is the Ministry of Interior doing? Who is responsible for these crimes? On 15 February 2011, by adopting an obscure amendment to the law the Parliament approved the possibility of adoption of children by homosexual pseudo married couples living abroad. This act violated the Constitution of Ukraine. On 14 February 2011, Minister Lavrynovych ratified an amendment to the UN Convention on a so- called legal right of children to lodge complaints against their parents directly with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Quotation: “The reason for the adoption of the Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child was ineffectiveness or low efficiency of national mechanisms for protecting children’s rights.” It follows from this that the Ukrainian judiciary, police, State Security Committee or army are not able to prevent the sale of Ukrainian children to paedophiles abroad. Minister of Justice, therefore, has invented an original solution: Let children save themselves on their own on a supranational level. “Children will be given an opportunity to lodge complaints directly with the UN Commission on the Rights of the Child.” What a paradox! If children in children’s homes want to save themselves from being bought by paedophiles, this hotline does not work. It works only for the purpose of manipulation of children by specially trained psychologists in schools and kindergartens who lead them to lodge complaints against their parents. The first step is a phone call. Once this is done, it triggers an effective supranational mechanism of so-called juvenile justice which permanently removes children from good families. Lavrynovych justifies the signing of these so-called Conventions before the public by speaking about protection of children against “child trade, child prostitution, child pornography and child involvement in armed conflicts”. In fact, secret introduction of the juvenile justice system will give a free rein right to these phenomena: child trade, child prostitution and child pornography. These will then affect not only children sold from children’s homes but also children who will be “legally” removed wholesale from moral and decent families. A hotline for lodging complaints will no more be available for children adopted by paedophiles. Lavrynovych calls child abuse a children’s right. “Ukraine will become a party to the Conventions on the Rights of Children.” This is one of the means of preparation of the genocide of Ukraine. All is founded on an antichristian principle. One talks about the rights of women and children but all rights of children – such as the right to their parents and upbringing – are eliminated. The juvenile justice system deprives mothers of the right to their own children. An example is the actress N. Zakharova in France. She has demanded for more than 11 years that her daughter, who was taken away from her by juvenile justice by reason of “smother love”, should be returned her. The child has been placed in a closed children’s home. The mother has not been allowed to see her daughter for four and a half years already. In the years before she was allowed to meet her once a month for one hour but she could not embrace her. However, there were times when she could not see the child for half a year. Juvenile justice workers set the condition that if she was not going to improve in the matter of “smother love”, she would see her child still less and less. This is how juvenile workers tyrannize over an innocent mother! But when it comes to gays and lesbians one talks about traumas, stigmatization, discrimination and preferential right to adoption in order to prevent the emotional distress of lesbians. At the beginning of this year, N. Zakharova was imprisoned in France. On 5th February she began a hunger strike. She is not allowed to meet with an advocate. She is treated badly. The wardresses beat her. Only when she lost consciousness, they called a doctor. These are the rights of women and children! In France, the juvenile justice system is responsible for 2 million artificial orphans. Statistics on suicides committed by mothers are concealed. And this document of cunning introduction of juvenile justice has been signed by the Minister of Justice of Ukraine, O. Lavrynovych. (Even television today is paving the way for establishment of the juvenile justice system. It purposefully carries broadcasts which, for example, show parents illicitly selling their child. A common viewer is outraged at such a crime. The broadcast, however, pursues a definite aim: instead of emphasizing that such parents must be justly punished in conformity with the Law of Ukraine it manipulates public opinion into ultimate approval of introduction of juvenile justice, which, however, will eventually aggrieve the innocent.) What are the rights of women and children, for example in Germany? Over 5 years in Germany, 35 parents have been punished by imprisonment or by heavy fines. The reason was that they withdrew their children from attendance at so-called sexual education classes which were morally depraving. We insist on our appeal to the Parliament for annulment of the criminal document of 14 February 2011 relating to complaints of children against their parents as well as of the document of 15 February 2011 relating to the right to child adoption by homosexuals living abroad. We demand that the existing laws of Ukraine should be observed and not changed for the worse. Bishops of the UOGCC Lvov, 13th March 2011