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VERSION 27/01/2012 Project Title
3160 IPA-CP WP12-10-01-MNE
0. Summary (This section will go on the ETF website after editing by ECU)
The reforming of Montenegrin education and training system started a decade ago. Reforms carried out so far have increased compulsory schooling from 8 to 9 years, introduced new curricula and textbooks and improved school infrastructure. Vocational education, however, being followed by 68% of upper secondary education students, continues to deliver unsatisfactory results with regard to quality and responsiveness to labour market skills needs. The quality of primary and secondary education can be improved further for all students as the 2009 edition of the PISA study (OECD Programme for International Student Evaluation) assessing reading performance of 15-years old school children ranked the country 54th out of 65 participating countries. Although its scores have relatively improved in relation to the former survey in 2006, the percentage of students who could achieve only the lowest reading scale (level 1* or below) was still 50% (down from 60% in 2006).
The GDP growth of Montenegrin economy has been sluggish in 2010 and 2011 (1.1% and 2.0% respectively), and the country ranking in the global competitiveness index (WEF) was deteriorated from 49th to 60th position. Montenegro’s labour market is characterized with relatively low activity rate – 50.1% (58.1% for males and 42.6% for females among 15+ population) and low employment rate (47.6% in LFS 2010). Based on LFS 2010 (15-64 age group), the unemployment rate is also high (19.8%), but it is the youth unemployment rate which has particularly increased to 45.5%. Montenegro still faces serious structural unemployment, regional unemployment disparities, chronic long-term unemployment and large numbers of disadvantaged groups at the labour market.
This implementation plan outlines ETF support to Montenegro in 2012 as designed to respond to the major HRD challenges in the country, as well as to the priorities of the corporate ETF mid-term perspective (2010-2013). It aims to complement and add value to the EU support for the country’s VET and employment policies. More specifically, the ETF interventions in Montenegro in 2012 will focus on three specific policy areas in Montenegro, working at both local and national level.
This ETF Country project, will address the drive and capacities of various stakeholders for active engagement in VET and Labour Market reforms. The 2012 Torino Process and Bruges will be carried out in order to further determine the possible ways forward in policy and system development. Further, the ETF will capitalise on the activities implemented in the country in the field of in-service teacher preparation in 2009- 2011. As a follow-up of the long-term unemployment study which was finalised and disseminated in 2011, a value chain analysis in dairy sector is planned with a specific focus on the Northern region of Montenegro. It aims at strengthening the capacities of the national and local stakeholders to better link the employment policy with job creation and contribute to a more inclusive labour market. Based on the findings of 2010 education and business cooperation study and the follow-up actions to improve capacities in 2011, the ETF will implement activities that will aim to support and encourage the private sector to engage in strategic partnerships with VET providers.
1. Background
The Human Resource Development Review for Montenegro, conducted by the European Training Foundation in 2010, has highlighted the progress made by the country in the past decade in terms of developing its human capital, but also the challenges vis-à-vis the EU membership aspirations of the country. The long-term unemployment study in the Northern Montenegro contributed further on analysing the specific trends and challenges in a less developed region, and developed a set of recommendations for national stakeholders. The decision of the European Council of 17 December 2010 for granting Montenegro the status of candidate country and requesting further progress of the reform processes as a pre-condition for opening of the accession negotiations and the European Council’s decision in December 2011 on the opening of access negotiations between Montenegro and the EU in June 2012 have made the need to address these challenges more pressing.
2 The ETF HRD report identifies the following key challenges: In education and training: a. Shifting from pilot projects to national policy, and from policy design to policy implementation b. Promoting key competences in primary and secondary education and in adult training c. Improving policies and practices for teacher training d. Improving access to tertiary education, and developing post-secondary and higher vocational education e. Developing adult training, particularly enterprise-based learning
In labour market and employment policy: a. Coordinating policy action to improve the matching of supply and demand b. Improving activation policies; optimizing passive and active labor market measures c. Enhancing job creation and the ability of workers and enterprises to cope with change d. Enhancing capacities in labor market management and delivery
In social inclusion: a. Increasing the participation of vulnerable groups in high-quality education and training and in decent employment b. Supporting regional cohesion by developing comprehensive strategies for the Northern region c. Mainstreaming social inclusion
This implementation plan outlines ETF support to Montenegro in 2012 as designed to respond to the above challenges, as well as to the priorities of the corporate ETF mid-term perspective (2010-2013). The key focus of ETF interventions in Montenegro in 2012 will be on increasing capacities of key players in VET and labour market to respond to the demands of the EU accession process. Therefore, particular attention will be paid on Torino process self-assessment based on ETF methodology, as well as preparation for Bruges reporting for a Candidate Country based on CEDEFOP methodology. Further support for in-service teacher training policy will be provided, thus referring to set of challenges as identified under education and training section above. This comes under ETF’s mid-term perspective core theme of actions in the area of vocational education and training system development and provision in a lifelong learning perspective. Another strand of 2012 activities in Montenegro will focus on the value chain analysis as part of capacity building to deal with long-term unemployment, thus being directly related to ETF’s core theme of labour market needs and employability, and addressing country challenges as identified above. Finally, ETF’s core theme of education and business cooperation will resonate in Montenegro in 2012 through a set of measures aiming to encourage school-enterprise partnerships and work-based learning.
Further to the rationale presented hitherto, the 2012 activities in Montenegro have been consulted and fine-tuned with key national actors (Ministry of Education and Sport, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, VET Centre, Employment Agency, Montenegrin Employers’ Federation, Ministry of Agriculture) and EU stakeholders and donors (DG ELARG, DG EMPL, EU Delegation to Montenegro, the British Council, LUX Development, GIZ, USAID, Danida).
2. Overall Objective
The overall objective of the ETF 2012 Country Project in Montenegro is to build capacities for planning, designing, implementing, evaluating and reviewing human capital development policies process in the country.
2.1. Specifics Objectives
2.1.1 To support EU’s external assistance policies in Montenegro in the field of VET and employment 2.1.2 To support Montenegrin authorities in the assessment of their VET systems through the involvement of in Torino Process and Bruges. 2.1.3 To support relevant key stakeholders to capitalize on the ETF handbook with a new approach to in-service teacher training for key competences promotion in Montenegro
3 2.1.4 To support Montenegrin authorities in dealing with long-term unemployment with a particular focus on the mobilization of local resources in the North on the basis of a value chain analysis in dairy sector 2.1.5 To boost school-enterprise partnerships in Montenegro 2.1.6 To ensure synergies between ETF interventions at country and regional level, as well as coordination and complementarities with the donor community active in VET and employment policy in Montenegro
3. Project Approach
Target Beneficiaries
X European Commission X EU Delegation X Ministry of Education X Ministry of Labour/Employment/Social affairs Ministry of Economy X Regional and local authorities Schools and other training institutions X Teachers and Trainers Social partners X Employment offices X Business X Donor NGOs Other
To further support the country to build capacities for planning, designing, implementing, evaluating and reviewing human capital development policies process, the ETF activities in 2012 in Montenegro will build on previous achievements in the sector. Previous ETF support where the key focus was placed on policy review and evidence collection to support key counterparts in better decision making in sector, will be the starting point for actions. In 2010 particularly this included: ETF HRD ETF assessment in Montenegro based on ETF methodology, as well as Education and Business study. This approach allowed to collect up-dated information on the status of human capital development polices, than to understand better the relationship between business and education, and to gradually develop approach to partnership with Montenegrin counterparts that will ensure desired changes in the system in line with the objectives states in the country strategic documents and policies. Based on this approach, in 2011 ETF was able to better target the support for capacity building and to focus on some key areas, such as in-service teacher training, school – enterprise cooperation as well as regional unemployment.
The key areas in which ETF will work at country level in 2012 will refer to: increased capacities of various stakeholders for active involvement in human capital development in Montenegro; further promote the policy dialogue and active engagement of the stakeholders in the human capital development agenda, taking into consideration the vision for VET as stated in the country policy documents, ensured understanding of all key stakeholders that in-service teacher training as discussed already during 2011 is received as an option which will have ultimate goal to strengthen the VET schools in Montenegro.
4 Overarching framework will be renewed Torino Process. The Torino Process is a participatory review of progress in vocational education and training policy. It is carried out every two years by all ETF partner countries with the ETF’s support. The first round of self-assessment for Montenegro will be in 2012.1The Torino Process is a participatory process leading to an evidence-based analysis of vocational education and training (VET) policies in a given country. It is carried out in order to build consensus on the possible ways forward in VET policy and system development. This includes the determination of the state of the art and vision for VET in the country or, after a two-year period, an assessment of the progress if the country is achieving the results they want. The added value of the Torino Process lies in embedding VET within the socio-economic context and by ensuring that the analysis is informed by relevant evidence and takes place through structured dialogue.
Result 3.2.1: Capacities for evidence-based VET reform policies in the country strengthened
Montenegro has been invited to take part in the 2012 round of the Torino Process. The Torino Process is a vehicle to: develop a common understanding of a mid-term vision, priorities and strategy for VET development, to explore possible options to implement this vision and/or to make further progress; design and evaluate home-grown and affordable VET policies, based on evidence or knowledge and collaboration; update the analysis and achievements at regular intervals; identify opportunities for policy learning among the countries and with the EU; enable the country to better coordinate the contributions of donors to achieving agreed national priorities. The Torino Process has been inspired by review and learning processes at EU level, notably the Copenhagen/ Bruges process in VET. Second round of discussion (the first preliminary discussion took place during the ETF Country Team mission in December) with the key counterparts on the Torino Process issues will take place, during the ETF Country Team mission in February, 2012. Since, this is the first time that Montenegro will undertake Torino Process, therefore the country will be encouraged to: Nominate a counterpart who takes on an overall liaison role with ETF; Agree with ETF on the most appropriate implementation modality for Montenegro – in particular by assessing the preference for self-assessment or an ETF-led assessment. In the first case, Montenegro itself will take care of collecting relevant research incl. data, to organise the consultation process, as well as to draft and validate the final report. The ETF could provide some support to ensuring the quality of the final report. In the case of an ETF-led assessment, the ETF could render more comprehensive support to collect data and information, to design and implement the consultation process and to draft and validate the final report with country stakeholders; Identify people to collect data and information in consultation with ETF Engage or assist in the operational implementation of the consultation, drafting and validation processes through the organisation of workshops, focus groups, public consultations or other types of meetings.
The Torino Process will lead to a draft country report during the third quarter of 2012, and a final report by the last quarter of 2012. As a candidate country, Montenegro has been invited in 2011 by the European Commission’s Directorate- General for Education and Culture to nominate a representative to participate as observer in the meetings of the Directors General for Vocational Training (DGVT). Furthermore, participation in DG VT – which is an informal group of Directors General responsible for both initial and continuing vocational education and training in the EU Member States – is related to the Bruges Process and the central role this group has in steering and implementing the objectives of the Process. ETF will ensure that the key counterparts understand the difference between the Torino Process and Bruges Process, while at the same time capitalizing on the collection of data, information and materials. Result 3.2.2: In-service teacher training better embedded as policy option – at both levels strategic level, as well as VET school level
1 ETF Work Programme 2012/ Sept
5 Between 2009 and 2011 ETF has been supporting the Montenegrin authorities in the development of a model of teacher training for key competence promotion, with a particular focus on two key competences: learning to learn and ICT competences. In 2009, activities centred around initial teacher training facility of Faculty of Philosophy in Niksic, conducting an analysis of existing pre-service teacher education delivery in terms of curricula, teaching methods and overall organisation of the learning process as set against the requirements for teaching and learning of key competences. The project concentrated on developing the key competence “learning to learn” through the innovation of in-service teacher competence development. This initial teacher training activity was followed up in 2010 with a similar profile of actions but addressing the in-service teacher training. 20 teachers from 9 pilot secondary schools (combined and VET ones) were trained as trainers with their skills as future trainers of teachers recognised by both the VET Centre and the Bureau for Educational Services, while the possibility for delivering similar training courses to other teachers have been included in the 2011 catalogue for in-service teacher training published every year by the Bureau.
In 2011 the project has developed and tested a new – school-based – model for teacher training for key competence promotion through the establishment of Communities of practitioners (CoP) in each of the pilot schools and also at national level – by means of networking of the school CoPs. The teachers trained in 2010 as trainers have comprised the nucleus of the CoPs while involving and attracting new members. The Communities have been established and made operational with international expertise, while their facilitation and sustainability has been entrusted to local stakeholders (MoES, VET Centre and BES, civil society actors). In 2012 the handbook on the establishment of school-based Communities of practitioners as a means for teacher training and professional development – whose drafting has started in 2011 - will be finalised, translated into local language and disseminated.
Result 3.2.3: Capacities for evidence-based policy for combating long-term unemployment strengthened
VET policies alone are not sufficient to address socio-economic challenges and improve human capital in Montenegro. Comprehensive approaches are required which link VET to other policies, in particular employment and social policies.
Having identified long-term unemployment as one of the salient and chronic features of the Montenegrin labour market and following an explicit request from the Montenegrin Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, ETF launched in 2010 a study on long-term unemployment in the most disadvantaged region of the country – in the North, taking a local approach and zooming in the situation in three Northern municipalities: Kolasin, Plav and Rozaje.
The long-term unemployment (LTUE) study was finalised in 2011 and its conclusions and recommendations verified at a seminar with stakeholders from the three municipalities, from the central government (MoLSW, EAM), social partners at central and local level, donors. The study was translated into Montenegrin language and disseminated among interested institutions. Discussions and consultations were then held with the Ministry of Labour and other related stakeholders on the type of specific follow-up actions that resulted in a “value chain analysis in dairy sector”.
In 2012, ETF will conduct a value chain analysis in dairy sector, which will particularly focus on the value chains of milk and cheese production from the Northern region. The core objective of the study is to understand why the good quality dairy products from the North can not reach to the tourism sector in the South, and how to create more jobs / income for agricultural producers in the North by linking it with tourism sector of the South. The study should give clear ideas on what to improve in the value chain for more employment creation in the North and the necessary skills and training needs for those jobs. The study approach will include desk research, collection of statistics, interviews with producers, processors and final customers of dairy products, particularly following the trade links from the North to the South. ETF will try to link this activity with the existing initiatives in the field, particularly coordinating with the Ministry of Agriculture and some donors who work on the development of North region.
Local expertise will be hired for this purpose and two events with the relevant stakeholders will be organised: one kick-off meeting, which would also include a half-day training on the value-chain analysis methodology, for both the local expert and the interested local stakeholders (Ministry of
6 Labour, local administrations, PES); and, when the study is available, one small dissemination event for presentation and discussion of the findings. LUX-Dev and the VET Centre will provide backstopping support (through international expertise of the Overseas Development Institute - ODI) to the ETF value chain analysis.
Result 3.2.4: Capacity of the VET Centre for school-enterprise partnerships strengthened
This strand of activities has been conceived during the 2010 stock-taking of education and business cooperation in Montenegro, conducted by ETF, which found out that this cooperation takes place mainly at the level of VET policy governance and much less at the level VET policy implementation or at the level of VET providers (ie weak liaison of VET institutions with relevant enterprises). Another main finding of the study was that representatives of both businesses and schools in Montenegro lack skills for establishing and engaging in action-oriented partnerships.
In this context and in close cooperation with the British Council (BC) in Montenegro, that has been part of ETF’s 2010 thematic consultation process, a range of joint activities has been implemented to address the identified gap in 2011.
As a follow-up to 2011 activities, ETF has drafted text for a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation between the VET Centre in Montenegro and three companies. The MoU foresees that ETF, together with the British Council in Montenegro will have a monitoring role in the implementation of the activities.
Result 3.2.5: Better informed decision making in the EU external policy instrument/IPA programming cycle and project implementation and contribution to better donor coordination
ETF country team will prepare a short country progress review for the needs of DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, and to DG Enlargement on progress achieved and key challenges in VET, employment and social inclusion for the needs of the EC annual progress report. The ETF country progress report will be available end of April, 2012. In addition, ETF will take active role in DG Enlargement sub-committee meetings on Montenegro in education and training/social policy (subject to invitation and formal approval)
The ETF will continue to provide to the European Commission support and custom-made responses to specific requests on education, training and employment. ETF will provide background information (country and thematic analyses) to feed into the EU enlargement strategy and the country progress report 2012, into country and multi-beneficiary IPA programming and reporting exercises, and into regional policy dialogue processes (e.g., the Union for the Mediterranean, the Danube Strategy, etc.).
The main priority for ETF in this area in 2012 is to assist the IPA Component IV programming cycle by commenting and reviewing upon request from DG EMPL - Montenegro’s HRD Operational Programme. Furthermore, ETF will be available – within its thematic remit – to provide support to the EC services in assisting Montenegro to tackle any other key priorities, especially those that are of crucial importance for the opening of the accession negotiations.
In 2012 the ETF country team for Montenegro will aim at improving the coordination and synergies among the different levels of ETF intervention in the country - country, regional and corporate, as well as at establishing enhanced dialogue and joint activities with the donor community in the country. Montenegro representatives will continue to actively participate in the ETF’s corporate initiatives and events.
ETF will continue to take part in the donor coordination meetings, organised by MoES, and to inform on a regular basis the rest of the donors (the British Council, LUX Development, GTZ, ADA, etc.) about its activities. Moreover, joint activities with the British Council have been planned in the area of education and business cooperation (as described in 3.2.4). The opportunities for building
7 complementarities with LUX Development project in the North of Montenegro will be explored with regard to ETF’s activities presented under 3.2.2. and 3.2.3.
The Torino Process is a participatory process leading to an evidence-based analysis of vocational education and training (VET) policies in a given country. Evidence can take many forms, such as experience and evaluation of practice, the results of scientific analyses, quantitative and qualitative research, basic and applied research, and the development of statistics and indicators. Education and training are part of the diverse cultural traditions and identities and they interact with a web of other policies. In these circumstances, there can be no simple prescriptions about what makes good policy or practice. This makes it all the more important to know, as much as possible, about what works, for whom, under what circumstances and with what outcomes.2
The majority of ETF 2012 activities in Montenegro will apply the concept of policy learning and will be framed within the Torino Process - aimed at sharing partner country knowledge on systemic issues and of the connection between education and training policies and broader socio-economic policy challenges social participation and employment). With this approach, ETF would like to support policy makers and key stakeholders to gradually move from “What to do” approach to “doing it”.
Montenegro will continue its participation to EU peer-learning activities and activities related to the ETF regional project 2012-2013 “ VET for Social Inclusion” aiming to map the role of VET policy and systems for combating social inclusion and for contributing to building more inclusive societies in the region of the Western Balkans and Turkey. An ETF multi-country project aims to promote the regional cooperation in the area of VET and social inclusion in Western Balkans and Turkey. ETF will conduct a regional action research with the participation of 2 VET schools in each of the countries. The 2012- 2013 intervention will focus on case studies in a national context to identify effective educational practices in vocational training, highlighting specific transformative approaches to education policy and practise at the level of vocational training for inclusion and cohesive societies. The project will also focus on capacity building of national stakeholders in the Western Balkan and Turkey countries to establish and develop inclusive education systems and, more particularly, on the role of VET and its multi-dimensional contributions, not only through its skills dimension, but also through it’s socialisation, civic, social and equity dimensions. ETF will continue to support DG ENL in its work for the implementation of the IPA Multi-beneficiary 2011-2013 Program on inclusive education by facilitating the discussions and capacity development of the Western Balkans and Turkey policy network, where Montenegro is a beneficiary country.
2 Commission staff working document, Towards more knowledge-based policy and practice in education and training, SEC(2007)1098, Brussels, 2007.
8 4. Outputs
Outputs table
A. ETF Function indicators B. ETF Theme C. Description D. Target Q E. ETF Corporate F. Planned ETF FUNCTION output output publication Select one of the following Select one of Select one of the A VET Reform and Lifelong the following following Learning Q1/2/3/4 : B Employability and Labour -Publication (EB) Markets -Working doc. C Entrepreneurship–Business -Web only and Education
1.1 Country reviews and needs analysis 1. Input to Commission sector programming and project cycle 1.2 Support for EC instruments programming A 1.2 A ETF inputs to EC Q2 1.A.007 Progress report
B 1.2.A Support to DG Q1-Q4 1.A.008 EAC policy platform for WBT through ETF expertise and analysis
B 1.2 B Support to DG Q1 1.B.10 EMPL/ DG ELARG with comments to HRD OP
1.3 SWAP support and preparation ( identification, feasibility, financing) 1.4 Project design (identification, feasibility, financing 1.5 SPSP/Project implementation support and follow-up 1.6 Support to regional policy dialogue 2.1 Capacity for policy evidence creation 2. Support to partner A 2.2 Finalisation and Q1 - Q4 2.A.018 Working document countries 2.2 Capacity for policy formulation dissemination of capacity Handbook on Teacher building Training on key competences
B 2.3 Value chain analysis Q1-Q4 2.B.029 in dairy sector 2.3 Capacity for policy implementation B Q1-Q4 2.B.029 2.3.Improved capacities for building school- enterprise partnerships through monitoring implementation of MoU VET Centre/companies 2.4 Capacity for policy review 3.1 Comparative analysis 3. Policy analysis 3.2. Torino Process and Working doc/Web- 3.2 Country studies A Bruges reports Q3 3.A.033 only
3.3 Thematic studies
3.4 Analytical tools 4.1 Specialised publications 4. Dissemination and Networking
4.2 Promoting collaborations and facilitation A 4.2 Dissemination of Q4 4.A.040 of dissemination activities/events 2012 TRP review
A 4.2 Exchange of Q1-Q4 4.A.041 information and cooperation with EU countries, EC and donors in Montenegro
4.3 ICT-based dissemination
10 5. Expected results
5.1. Capacities for evidence-based VET reform policies in the country strengthened 5.2. In-service teacher training better embedded as policy option – at both levels strategic level, as well as VET school level 5.3. Capacities for evidence-based policy for combating long-term unemployment strengthened 5.4. Capacity of the VET Centre for school-enterprise partnerships strengthened 5.5. Better informed decision making in the EU external policy instrument/IPA programming cycle and project implementation and contribution to better donor coordination
11 Annex 1 Logical Framework Matrix
Project number: IPA-CP WP12-10-01-MNE Team Leader: Margareta Nikolovska, Q1; Evgenia Petkova, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Date: December 2011
INTERVENTION LOGIC OBJECTIVELY VERIFIABLE INDICATORS SOURCES OF VERIFICATION ASSUMPTIONS As Candidate Country which will start the OVERALL OBJECTIVE negotiations, Montenegro counterparts have The overall objective of the ETF interventions wider ownership and are engaged in the EU in Montenegro in 2012 is to build capacities for integration process; understanding the planning, designing, implementing, evaluating requirements for systemic approach in policy and reviewing human capital development making and policy implementation in human policies process in the country. capital reforms.
There is wider support, including support at political level to the reform of the human capital and this reform, continue to be one of the priorities in Montenegro.
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE(S) Montenegrin authorities remain committed to 1.To support EU’s external assistance 1. Input delivered to Commission’s Mission reports enhance teacher development and education- policies in Montenegro in the field of programming and project cycles Participants’ feedback on the events business cooperation, as reflected in the VET VET and employment Exchange with donors recorded in mission strategy (2010-2014), and to improve labour 2.To support Montenegrin authorities in 2. Torino and Bruges reports reports market chronic deficiencies and social the assessment of their VET systems Articles published on ETF WEB page cohesion as set out in NAPE 2010-2011. through the involvement of in Torino Process and Bruges. 3.To support relevant key stakeholders to 3. School-based model of teacher training Key counterparts are well aware of the needs capitalize on the ETF handbook with a through CoPs introduced for moving to policy formulation and policy new approach to in-service teacher development in respective areas based on training for key competences promotion evidence. in Montenegro 4.To support Montenegrin authorities in 4. Value chain analysis in dairy sector dealing with long-term unemployment completed with a particular focus on the Ministry of Education and Science is well mobilization of local resources in the aware about the importance to take active role North on the basis of a value chain in the Bruges Process, as part of the accession to EU. analysis in dairy sector 5. VET schools and employers trained to 5.To boost school-enterprise partnerships engage in partnerships VET Centre staff is actively engaged in the in Montenegro development of policy for in-service teacher 6.To ensure synergies between ETF 6. Information disseminated and exchanged training, taking on board lessons learned from interventions at country and regional with the donor community, improved synergies other pilot projects in the country. level, as well as coordination and among ETF interventions at different level complementarities with the donor VET Centre staff has appropriate level of community active in VET and understanding on its leading role in relation to employment policy in Montenegro development of the school-enterprise
12 relationships.
Counterpart nominated Counterpart active Stakeholders willing to participate in the RESULTS Torino Process report – midterm priorities process Common understanding or a mid-term vision, highlighted 1. Capacities for evidence-based VET reform priorities and strategy for VET Stakeholders participation lists policies in the country strengthened Broad range of stakeholders Bruges report Records of - workshops/focus groups/public consultations/meetings Endorsement 2. In-service teacher training better embedded Handbook edited, translated and endorsed by Handbook – nos of copies printed and Montenegrin authorities remain committed to as policy option – at both levels strategic level, national authorities. translated enhance teacher development as well as VET school level Distribution list
Pilot project – Stakeholders involved in value 3. Capacities for evidence-based policy for chain analysis of dairy sector. Value chain report Montenegrin authorities remain committed to combating long-term unemployment Value chain identifies opportunities for Opportunities identified combat long-term unemployment strengthened increased trade between south and north.
MoU signed 4. Capacity of the VET Centre for school- ETF supports VET centre in finalising MoU Action plan VET Centre and companies remain committed enterprise partnerships strengthened with local partners Minutes of meetings to cooperate
5. Better informed decision making in the EU ETF attends DG-Enlarge sub-committee ETF produces a country progress review for external policy instrument/IPA programming meetings and donor coordination meetings annual progress report cycle and project implementation and Input into Programming Cycle Meeting minutes, presentations contribution to better donor coordination Joint actions with British Council, LUX Dev and ADA. 1. Concept note and in-depth agenda for two ACTIVITIES MEANS events Willingness of the Montenegrin authorities to 1.1. In agreement with Torino Process and collaborate in the reviews ETF MISSIONS 2. List of participants Bruges coordinating institution organize 3. Registration list of the participants for all consultative meetings with Ministry of 2 EVENTS – workshops Education, VET Center, Ministry of 4. Minutes and where applicable reports from Labour in order to introduce ONE IN MAY, TO PRESENT THE FIRST ASSESSMENT the meetings and events methodology for reporting BASED ON ETF TORINO METHODOLOGY, TO 5. Feedback from ETF events from the 1.2. In cooperation with coordinating PRESENT THE FIRST DRAFT OF BRUGES PROCESS counterparts Institution organize collection of data and REPORTING – 60 PARTICIPANTS, 2 EU MEMBER 4. ETF staff mission reports
13 statistics necessary for the 2012 Torino and Bruges Process report STATES GUESTS, 2 ETF 1.3. Draft the Torino process report ONE IN OCTOBER/NOVEMBER – TO PRESENT THE 1.4. Draft Bruges process report FIANL OUTCOMES OF TORINO PROCESS ASSESSMENT 1.5. Organize 2 major events in Montenegro AND BRUGES PORCESS REPORTING on Torino and Bruges process Event 1: May , 2012 -60 PARTICIPANTS, 2 EU MEMBER STATES GUESTS Torino Process launching event, Bruges process consultation
1.6. Organize ETF internal peer review on Torino Process report, June 2012 1.7. Organize event on dissemination of the results from Torino Process review
Event 2. October/November/2012 Torino Process review event, Bruges process
1.8. Disseminate the Torino Process and Bruges reports to key institutions
2.5. ORGANIZE A DISSEMNATION PROCESS OF THE HANDBOOK TOGETHER WITH THE VET CENTER 3.1 Drafting of a study on value chain Local expertise (indicatively 40 wd) Willingness of local authorities and donors to analysis in dairy sector. Desk research, cooperate on the study collection of statistics, interviews with Two events producers, processors and final
14 customers of dairy products will be conducted, particularly following the trade links from the North to the South. 3.2 A kick-off meeting (May/June – 20 participants) with the relevant stakeholders. The meeting will include a half-day training on the value-chain analysis methodology. 3.3 A dissemination event (October or November – 30 persons) for presentation and discussion of the findings of the study.
4.1. ORGANIZE DISCUSSION WITH THE VET MISSIONS Readiness of the companies to remain CENTER ON THE APPOROACH OF THE SCHOOL- committed to the efforts in finding solution to ENTERPRISE PARTNERSHIP better school-enterprise cooperation in Montenegro. IN LEASON WITH BRITISH COUNCIL, SUPPORT 4.2. Readiness of the VET Center to be actively THE VET CENTER IN PREPARATION OF A involved in discussion and a dialogue with the SHORT POLICY NOTE ON THE VET CENTER companies. APPROACH TO SCHOOL-ENTERPRISE PARTNERSHIP
5.1. In consultation with counterparts in MISSIONS EU supported projects continue to be Montenegro, organize collection of relevant implemented as planned materials for drafting progress review for DG Enlargement/DG Employment 5.2. Draft the ETF progress review document Montenegrin authorities are interested to for Montenegro on progress achieved and key international expertise inputs. challenges in VET, employment and social inclusion for the annual 5.3. Provide feedback to DG Employment on the HRD Operational Programme for Montenegro 5.4. Keep DG Enlargement and EU Delegation counterparts informed on ETF work in 2012, regular e-mails, where applicable meetings in Brussels 5.5. Take active role in DG Enlargement sub- committee meetings on Montenegro in education and training/social policy (subject to invitation and formal approval)
15 Total for 2012: 7 missions MNI or EPE (5 MNE, 2 BXL) 1 mission SNI (MNE) 3 missions UBA (MNE) 2 missions CBU (MNE) Montenegro country budget: € 80,000 Montenegro mission budget: € 18,000
Annex 2 Division of roles and responsibilities. List of tasks and responsibilities by project members
Project member Role FTE Specific responsibility and task of each project team member EPE Team Leader 0.40 Country management IPA related issues Education and business cooperation activities oversight and expertise inputs Contribution to teacher training CoP handbook Donor cooperation Torino Process MNI Team Leader (Q1) ??? Country Management Finalization of the Country plan Preparation of Torino and Burges process in the country Contribution to in-service teacher training SNI Teacher training expert Inputs to EC IPA programming in the field of VET Teacher training activities oversight and expertise inputs Editorship of teacher training CoP handbook UBA Labour market expert 0.20 Inputs to EC IPA programming in the field of LM Value chain analysis in dairy sector: oversight and expertise inputs CBU Project officer 0.25 Country assistance