For Classroom Support Staff
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Induction Booklet For Classroom Support Staff
September 15
Introduction to Baytree School Welcome to your new post at Baytree School. We hope you will enjoy your work and will soon settle into the routines of school life. We have put together the following basic information that you might find useful.
Your school day starts at 8.40am and ends at 3.40pm. Your hours of work will depend on your specific contract. (The pupils start school at 8.55am and leave at 3.30pm).
You will either need to bring your own packed lunch or you can purchase lunch from the local amenities
There is a no smoking policy in the school/Campus or in its grounds.
Clothing needs to be both practical and adhere to an appropriate standard. You might be working on the floor with a pupil, participating in PE and games activities as well as cookery and art, therefore washable clothes are a must! We also advise not to wear low-cut tops, shorts and open-toed shoes. If you have visible tattoos please cover these up. Please be aware of jewellery – only wear what is necessary as this is likely to be grabbed or possibly broken.
You will need to bring a cup, tea or coffee. If you take milk you could either bring your own or join in your individual classes’ arrangements for milk!
It is school policy that all mobile phones are switched off and not used during pupil contact time. Phones should be with your personal possessions and not with you in pupil areas.
The meetings that you are expected to attend are dependent on your contract. All staff are encouraged to attend the Monday morning diary meeting at 8.40am which gives everyone an opportunity to keep up to date with events happening throughout the school. Ideally the whole Class Team should attend, but Teachers should ensure at least 1 person from their team attends. Minutes of these meeting are in a diary based in the school office for those people who cannot attend the meetings.
Swimming is part of the curriculum for all pupils and staff are expected to participate both in the water and at the poolside. However, if you have a medical reason for not being able to go in the water this will be accommodated.
All members of staff have a job description, this will have been in the job pack for the post you have been successful in gaining.
New members of staff will be allocated a mentor/buddy who will be able to give you advice and information as you settle into your new post. It is your responsibility to keep your personal possessions secure. It is recommended that you only bring enough money into school to cover your daily needs and that you keep these in a locked classroom cupboard or personal locker. Personal medication should be kept in a locked cabinet in the General Health Care Assistant’s room.
The school has a full induction programme which will give you more information and insight into the expectations of your new post.
If you do have any queries or problems, please ask!
Baytree School Vision
Baytree aims to provide pupils with a supportive, nurturing, safe, secure and stimulating environment in which their social, emotional intellectual and health needs are met. Pupils are encouraged to make choices and be as independent as possible so that they remain happy, positive young citizens achieving beyond that which society expects of them. Their strengths and talents are identified and challenging and stretching targets are set to ensure they achieve their individual potential. Baytree pupils are provided with a sense of achievement; leading them to grow in confidence and increasing their feeling of self-worth and self-esteem, empowering them to adopt a ‘have a go attitude’ in all aspects of their lives. Baytree School is Child Centered; listening to and learning from the pupils which allows us to provide an outstanding, fun and enjoyable educational provision beyond the National Curriculum. Baytree pupils are provided with opportunities to build friendships, show and receive respect, feel valued and accepted for who they are and achieve a sense of belonging. Baytree is an inclusive school that works closely with other organisations and professionals to meet the needs of all pupils. Baytree ensures that it’s pupils, staff, parents / carers, governors and all that are involved with the school feel valued and that we remain an ‘amazing and fantastic place to come to’. All staff, parents/carers and Governors truly believe that EVERY CHILD MATTERS and that every day we will ensure that this is at the forefront of everything we do.
Created by Pupils, Parents, Staff and Governors June 2008 Roles and Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of all staff to work together to ensure the highest possible quality of education is provided to the pupils at all times.
Role of the School Office
The office plays a key role in the smooth running of the school, good communication between the office staff and the education staff enables this.
Telephone Message – messages for staff are handed to them or where possible an email is sent to the specific member of staff. Staff cannot be disturbed in class for calls unless they are urgent
Staff Absence Procedure – in the event that you are unwell and not able to come to work, you are expected to ring the school office between 8.00-8.15am (01934 427555). If you are going to be absent for more than one day you can either give an indication of how many days and your date of return or ring school on a daily basis. This is essential for Issy so that she can endeavour to arrange supply cover for your duties within school. If you are absent for more than 5 days, this requires a note from your doctor and on your return it is your responsibility to arrange a meeting with the Headteacher.
Pupil Files – these are kept in the office. If files are removed, they must not leave the school as they are confidential – please let Carolynne know if you remove files from the office.
Stationery – disks, batteries, cartridges, wallets and all other stationery items can be obtained from the office from the two stationery cupboards, if the item is not there please ask.
Pupil and Staff Contact Numbers – these are kept in the office. Pupil contact numbers in a green file in the book cabinet marked as such. For staff contact numbers please ask Issy or Fiona.
Keys – all keys are held in the office in the key cabinet on the wall.
Telephone Calls – staff are welcome to use the school telephone for personal calls in their break time, before or after school. For any lengthy calls please offer a contribution to the ‘slush fund’.
Claim Forms – casual supply and travel claim forms are available from Issy in the office (if unsure how to complete these forms please ask Issy). Please note that casual forms need to be handed in on the last working day of the month and these hours will be paid at the end of the following month. For all travel claims where mileage is being claimed you must add a fuel VAT receipt to all claims (Baytree currently has a mileage claim of 40p per mile).
Equipment – if items on the inventory (ie laptops) are taken out of school overnight or at the weekend, they must be signed out and agreed with Jackie Rawle or Aline Kay (other than the allocated equipment to each Teacher). Please ensure you have Household Insurance to cover any damage or breakage. (This equipment is for employee use only and for accessing software only for use within school – not to be used to access personal banking, inappropriate images or social media sites.
Post – each class has a pigeon hole in the Staff Room. Please arrange for a member of the class team to check this each day.
The minibuses are for the purpose of transporting pupils and staff on school business only. All use of the bus is at the discretion of the Headteacher.
The keys to the minibus are to be found in the key cabinet in the office.
All drivers must hold the MIDAS qualification and this is updated every 4 years – this only applies to minibus drivers.
It is the responsibility of the class teacher and support staff to ensure that all pupils and staff are securely seated in the bus, it is important to keep observing the pupils whilst in transit to ensure they have not unfastened their own/neighbour’s seat belt.
Journey details are recorded in the book kept in each vehicle.
All vehicle drivers must ensure that the necessary checks are carried out before driving the vehicle – these checks are listed in the log book in each vehicle.
Visits with Pupils Pupils and staff need to be signed out when they are leaving the school premises. It is extremely important that the school is aware of who is on the premises in the case of a fire and for the safety of pupils and staff.
Some staff may be requested to transport pupils in their own vehicles. This can only be sanctioned if the driver has the relevant car insurance, which covers the transportation of pupils – copies of these documents must be supplied to Issy prior to staff using personal vehicles.
Before any journeys are made by car or minibus a Risk Assessment is required to be completed – please speak to Fiona/Ed if transporting pupils in own car for risk assessment.
A Risk Assessment will also be completed by the Class Teacher or Deputy Headteacher if pupils are taken out on a community visit and transport is not being used.
In both cases it is the responsibility of all staff to read the risk assessment before the visit and be fully aware of the implications to all party members.
Total Communication is a process that ensures that all forms of verbal and non- verbal communication are recognised, valued and actively promoted within an individual’s environment.
These are some of the communication strategies we use experience at Baytree School:
Modified Language
Objects of Reference Voice Output Communication Aids (VOCA)
Gestures/changing body language
Facial expressions/eye pointing
Touch and Sound Cues
TOBIs (true object based icons)
Pupil Communication Placemats – summarise important information for successfully communicating with many pupils.
IEPs (Individual Education Plans) - must also include reference to specific methods of communication used.
Makaton Training – this is available from our Speech and Language Assistant.
Widgit – we have agreed a list of Widgit symbols that we use across school to provide consistency for pupils.
If you have any questions please ask Alison Innes (English – Speaking and Listening Leader).
Health and Safety Issues
The Health and Safety at Work Act of 2005 places a general duty on employers to ensure the safety, health and welfare at work of their employees and also places a duty on the employees to adhere to these regulations. Within education this is extended to cover pupils and others on school premises and we ALL have a responsibility to be alert to any problems, and to report them as soon as possible.
Health and Safety Policy – a copy of the school Health and Safety Policy can be found in the Policy file in the school office and is also available on the school website. It is recommended that you take the time to read it as soon as possible after starting work.
School security – we all have a responsibility to maintain the safety of the pupils in our school. Therefore the main doors are security coded and fobs need to be used to unlock them.
Visitors – all visitors are given a badge to wear. If you see anyone not accompanied by a member of staff, not wearing a badge, you are be expected to ask them if they need any help and ensure they sign in appropriately. Fire Precautions – all rooms have a copy of the fire precautions displayed on the wall, please familiarise yourself with the procedures. We have a fire drill once a term. There are fire extinguishers around the school but the safety of everyone in the building is our first priority. If you discover a fire vacate the premises. If you are going out of school for any reason during the school day you must sign out.
Hydrotherapy Pool – if you have to vacate due to a fire alarm go straight to the ‘parade square’ outside the front of the Campus building. There are towelling gowns to use to keep swimmers warm.
Moving and Handling – within school we have pupils that need to be lifted and handled and each of them has written guidelines included in their personal profiles. We have a rolling programme of training for all staff. You need to make sure that you use the correct techniques and manual handling aids provided, to ensure the pupils safety, and your own! If in doubt ask the physiotherapist. Do not put yourself or pupils at risk by trying to lift a pupil who can walk but who is exhibiting challenging behaviour.
Body waste – please remember when dealing with body waste to wear plastic gloves and an apron and to seal all wet and/or soiled pads in the yellow bags provided in the hygiene changing areas.
Classroom Duties for Teaching Assistants
It is important that you carry out your duties in a professional and diligent manner at all times. The children are always treated with respect and their dignity preserved and maintained. It is expected that you will be courteous and respectful to your colleagues.
Remember a smile works wonders for everyone!
Recording Information and Behaviour Policies – you may be asked to record information by your class teacher, each class will have different methods of recording, and your class teacher will tell you their preferred method. Some children have (Individual Consistent Handling plans) and these are distributed for everyone to access in order that the child is given consistent management and handling. It is important that everyone is familiar with the strategies used in your classroom and these will be gone through by your classroom teacher. Other Professionals – in the course of your work you will come into contact with professionals from other agencies and it is vital that you refer them to your classroom teacher in order that relevant information is received. This also applies to parents, but of course it is perfectly acceptable to exchange pleasantries but the teacher needs to be the person to discuss issues regarding the pupils unless you are expressly asked to do so. Any information you are given about a child must be kept confidential at all times.
Display Boards – the display boards around school are allocated to classes for their use. It is often necessary to repair and tidy displays to maintain an attractive and stimulating environment for the children. It is the responsibility of all of us to keep the school looking as tidy as we can.
Central Resources – If you use central resources in your classroom make sure they are used appropriately and supervised. When they are finished with they must be returned ready for use by others. NB the signing in and out system will be shown to you in another part of your induction programme.
Staff Information – there is a staff handbook in each class where you will find information and guidelines. All school policies can be found in the blue file in the school admin office or on the school website (
Staff Development – there are training programmes throughout the school year, some of these will be during school hours and others after school (twilight sessions). Also, dependent on your contractual hours you will attend whole school In-Service training opportunities. Staff development also includes appraisal which it is an opportunity for you to focus on your work, achievements and aspirations and highlight any training needs that have arisen or you are keen to pursue.
Lunchtimes – a very valuable part of our duties is in ensuring that lunch times are a pleasurable and learning experience for all the children. You may be expected to assist in the dining room or supervise in the playground. Wherever you are deployed it is important that the children have a positive and happy time. When you are in the playground try to offer play opportunities that are appropriate always maintaining safety for everyone
ICT – Baytree School has a range of IT equipment that is used by both children and staff. You may be asked to supervise and give learning opportunities to individuals or groups of children, your teacher will give you guidance if you are unsure. There is an IT support TA employed part-time in school and other staff who are able to give you training and help you to develop your skills if this is necessary. Please remember if in doubt, please ask!
Baytree Top Twelve Behaviour Points
1. At Baytree we manage incidents of unsocial/challenging behaviour, and work towards lessening their frequency with a proactive approach.
2. Our goal is to support students to manage their own behaviour in a socially acceptable way, considering age appropriateness.
3. No staff member should be required to deal with a situation that they do not feel adequately and/or prepared to meet. Always ask for help if you want it.
4. When dealing with an incident be aware of your own self control, body language, level of eye contact and tone of voice. Try to appear non-threatening and avoid sending contradictory messages. 5. Staff are expected to be firm, positive and consistent in their approach.
6. Avoid flooding with language, choosing words carefully to match comprehension level, back up with signing if necessary.
7. Some students have ongoing behaviour management procedures outlined in their Consistent Handling Plan (CHP) – make yourself aware of these to ensure a consistent approach.
8. Remember to praise/reward/celebrate the behaviour you want – giving it more attention than the behaviour you do not want.
9. Ensure all incidents of challenging behaviour are recorded and reported appropriately
10. Do not say what you cannot deliver.
11. Make it clear to the student that it is their behaviour we do not like, not them personally.
12. After a major incident you may need a debrief or time to recover – take the opportunity.
NB The school’s strategy for managing behaviour (including physical intervention) is currently based on the PROACTSCIPr – UK philosophy and ethos, for which further training is necessary. See your Mentor or the Bursar.
Flow diagram from Keeping children safe in education (2014)
All Baytree staff and volunteers should report any concerns they have immediately to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (Fiona Richings) or Designated Safeguarding Lead Deputy (Ed Bowen-Roberts) immediately.
If ay any point there is a risk of immediate serious harm to a child / student a referral should be ,made to children’s / adult’s social care immediately.
Anybody can make a referral. INDUCTION CHECKLIST
Form to be completed with inductee by Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher or Bursar
Name of New Member of Staff: Mentor/Buddy:
Starting Date:
Class Base:
Name of Person delivering induction and designation:
Date of Induction:
ITEM TO BE COVERED/PRACTISED VERBAL NOT YET SIGN & COVERED/PRACTISED EXPLANATION SHOWN/EXPLAINED DATE OR EXPLAINED Signing in/out procedures Smoking Policy Toilet Facilities Medication Policy, First Aid facilities Accident and Near-Miss reporting procedures Fire Procedure (including exit routes, assembly points, alarms, risk assessment and drills Lunchtime arrangements facilities for drinks etc Introduction to other staff on site Child Protection – designated person, introductory guidance, location of policy, mobiles, email Behaviour – Pro Act SCIP Training Confidentiality – breach of conduct – outcome of any breach Security of building (including unauthorised visitors) & ID cards Location of Health & Safety Policy Risk Management – knowledge of risk assessments Pro Act SCIP Training procedures Hoisting/Lifting Pupils Telephone, Walkie Talkie Feeding/Drinking Issues School Website and Staff Handbook Use of access equipment (steps/stools and ladders) COSHH materials and data sheets Defect reporting procedure Lone Working Arrangements Absence
HEALTHASSURE – confidential service for employees Use this space to expand on any points (eg Training needs that may have been identified, where further input may be needed etc) Signed: Inductor: Date:
Signed: New Member of Staff Date: