Hominoids Test

1. Which of the following is NOT a common primate PHYSICAL trait? A. Social life B. Fur C. Live young D. Infant dependency

2. When did the split between the genus Pan and Homo occur? A. 1-3 mya B. 3-5 mya C. 5-7 mya D. 7-9 mya

3. Which of the following is NOT a major characteristic of hominid evolution? A. Jaw shape B. Bipedal posture C. Body hair D. Brain size

4. Which species had the largest average brain? A. Australopithecus afarensis B. Australopithecus africanus C. Homo habilis D. Homo erectus

5. In the course of primate evolution there has been a trend toward ______A. longer juvenile dependency B. shorter juvenile dependency C. longer gestation D. shorter gestation

6. The two main groups of hominids are ____ and ____. A. Australopithecines and homo B. Afarensis and africanus C. Habilis and erectus D. Heidlebergensis and neandertal

7. Where was the “Lucy” skeleton found? A. Olduvai gorge B. Hadar C. Lake Turkana D. Laetoli

8. Who discovered the “Lucy” skeleton? A. Don Johansen B. Raymond Dart C. Richard & Mary Leaky D. Eugene Dubois 9. Where were the “Lucy” footprints found? A. Olduvai gorge B. Hadar C. Lake Turkana D. Laetoli

10. The two species classified as gracile are: A. A. africanus and A. boisei B. A. africanus and A. afarensis C. A. boisei and A. afarensis D. A. africanus and A. robustus

11. Which of the following is NOT a fossil characteristic of heavy chewing? A. Large molars B. Large jaw C. Mid-saggital crest D. Foramen magnum

12. A. africanus was discovered by: A. Donald Johansen B. Raymond Dart C. Richard & Mary Leaky D. Eugene Dubois

13. How long ago did A. africanus live? A. 2-1.3 mya B. 3-2.3 mya C. 4-2.7 mya D. 4.2-3.9 mya

14. Taung child was an example of which species? A. A. africanus B. A. afarensis C. A. boisei D. A. robustus

15. What is hypothesized to have killed Taung child based on the scratch marks on the orbit bones of the eyes and the single large hole in the occipital bone? A. A leopard B. An ape C. An accident D. An eagle

16. How long ago did A. afarensis live? A. 2.0 - 1.3 mya B. 3.0 - 2.3 mya C. 4.0 - 2.7 mya D. 4.2 - 3.9 mya 17. What species was Lucy? A. A. africanus B. A. afarensis C. A. Boisei D. A. robustus

18. Which hominoid species pre-dates Lucy? A. A. anamensis B. Kenyanthropus platyops C. A. africanus D. None of the above, Lucy is still the oldest

19. What is the shape of the vertebral column in Homo sapiens? a. S-shaped b. I-shaped c. L-shaped d. T-shaped

20. Which of the following hominids is known as “handy man” ? a. Homo habilis b. Homo ergaster c. Homo erectus d. Homo sapiens

21. Which of the following hominids is known as “working man” ? a. Homo habilis b. Homo ergaster c. Homo erectus d. Homo sapiens

22. Which of the following hominids is known as “upright man” ? a. Homo habilis b. Homo ergaster c. Homo erectus d. Homo sapiens

23. Which of the following hominids is known as “wise man”? a. Homo habilis b. Homo ergaster c. Homo erectus d. Homo sapiens

24. Where have most of the Homo neandertalis fossils been found? a. Europe b. Africa c. Australia d. Asia 25. What does garhi mean in Australopithecus garhi? A. New B. Surprise C. Treasure D. Ape-man

26. Which of the following was NOT anatomically changed for bipedalism to occur? A. Neck B. Pelvis C. Thigh D. Hands

27. Theories supporting the need for bipedalism include all of the following EXCEPT: A. Temperature regulation B. Tool use C. Find mates for reproduction D. Predation

28. Which muscle extends and straightens the knee joint? A. Gluteus maximus B. Gluteus medius C. Quadruceps femoris D. Vastus lateralis

29. Which muscle straightens and supports the hip joint and is involved in walking? A. Gluteus maximus B. Gluteus medius C. Quadruceps femoris D. Vastus lateralis

30. Which muscle rotates and balances the trunk over the single supporting limb and foot? A. Gluteus maximus B. Gluteus medius C. Quadruceps femoris D. Vastus lateralis

31. Which fossil discovered by Tim White is the oldest hominoid fossil dating to about 4.4 mya? A. A. afarensis B. A. anamensis C. Ardipithecus ramidus D. Australopithecus aethiopicus

32. Which fossil was found near Lake Turkana and is known as the Black Skull? A. A. afarensis B. A. anamensis C. Ardipithecus ramidus D. Australopithecus aethiopicus 33. Zinjanthropus or Zinj was which species? A. A. robustus B. A. boisei C. Ardipithecus ramidus D. Australopithecus aethiopicus

34. Which hominid was discovered by Robert Broom in 1938? A. A. robustus B. A. boisei C. Ardipithecus ramidus D. Australopithecus aethiopicus

35. Who discovered Homo habilis? A. Donald Johansen B. Raymond Dart C. Richard & Mary Leaky D. Eugene Dubois

36. Who discovered Homo erectus? A. Donald Johansen B. Raymond Dart C. Richard & Mary Leaky D. Eugene Dubois

37. Oldowan tools are associated with which species? A. H. habilis B. H. erectus C. H. neandertalis D. H. sapiens

38. Which of the following is NOT an anatomical characteristic unique to the genus Homo? A. Reduced lower facial prognathism B. Mid-saggital crest C. Increase in brain size D. Reduction in size of the molars and premolars

39. “Java man” and “Beijing man” are representative fossils from: A. H. habilis B. H. erectus C. H. neandertalis D. H. sapiens

40. Which species first controlled the use of fire? A. H. habilis B. H. erectus C. H. neandertalis D. H. sapiens 41. Which species reached modern human height? A. H. habilis B. H. erectus C. H. neandertalis D. H. sapiens

42. Which hypothesis displays the branching of the genus Homo approximately 1-2 mya? A. Multiregional theory B. Out of Africa theory C. Both A & B D. None of the above

43. Which hypothesis displays the branching of the genus Homo approximately 100, 000 – 200, 000 years ago? A. Multiregional theory B. Out of Africa theory C. Both A & B D. None of the above

44. What evidence exists that suggests we are NOT descendents of Homo neandertalis? A. DNA B. MtDNA C. Fossil D. Morphological

45. Homo florensis is commonly called: A. Hobbit man B. Midget man C. Tiny man D. Flores man