Baylor Buddies Application 2009-2010

Baylor Buddies is a mentoring program in which Baylor students reach out to at-risk children in the Waco Community. The children that you will be working with in the program range from Kindergarten-8th grade. You will be assigned to one specific student and be paired with him or her for the entire school year. You will be expected to meet with your buddy for one hour a week at their school location. Please be sure that you have transportation to get to and from the school. If you are carpooling with someone please indict that so that we can place you at the same school. At each visit you will be expected to talk with the student, play games, read to them, help them with homework, or anything else that would benefit you and the child’s relationship. Please be aware of the commitment you are making to this child before returning the application. We look forward to a great year!!!

Please complete every page in this application packet completely as it will not be submitted if it is missing information. Please try to turn in your application before the end of September into the Baylor Buddies office or Student Activities so we can get a start on the matching process.

Checklist: (all boxes should be checked off before turning in this application!)

Pg. 1-2 (CIS-HOT Application) Complete each required section in its entirety Pg. 3 (Tutor Profile Form) Please be detailed in the times you are available to meet with a student. Pg. 4-7 (CIS-HOT Affidavit, Civil and Criminal History, CIS-HOT Criminal History Investigation Form) Pages 6 and both sides of 7 MUST be notarized. Do not sign them until you are in the presence of the notary.  Also, Linda Propst is a notary in the New Student Programs office located in the basement of the SUB (near the bowling alley).  You can also get them notarized in Student Activities  Make sure to bring a form of id (driver’s license) with you Pg. 8 (Training) Please pick the training session that works best for you and be specific about possible meeting times

If you have any further questions please e-mail [email protected] or call 254-710-4187.