Board Meeting Minutes for the Mystical Spiritualist Church
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Board Meeting Minutes for the Mystical Spiritualist Church ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES, held January 8th, 2012 at Creekside Center, 337 N. Rush St., Prescott AZ, 86301 Present: President: Rev. John M. Kohlenberger, Secretary: Mary S. Timpany, Treasurer: Rev. Martine R. Kohlenberger, Communications Director: Debby A. Taylor, and Church Supporters: Peter & Karen McGeoghegan, Gary Wright and Faith (?) Call to Order - 1:10 PM, by John Kohlenberger (from notes by Debby Taylor) In review: John related that the Inspirational Services began 8/5/2007, in Prescott Valley. Our 3rd Sunday Community Healing Circles began in January 2010. Spirit Circles (originally began January 2008) will begin anew on 1/17/2012 6:30 - for spiritual development and personal empowerment. The Year Ahead: ( continued from Mary Timpany's notes) John reported the web site had been started in 2007 at the recommendation of the California Board of Directors and he plans to continue to expand its content and form this year in the form of more sound files and adding videos. Martine brought up that in 2012, her 2 year term as treasurer and John’s as president are up. Peter McGeoghengan moved John be re-elected as president and Martine as treasurer. Debbie Taylor seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously carried. Both John and Martine would serve another 2 year term in the same capacity. John talked about chaos before better times ... this is what is happening in this church and worldwide. He felt these were exciting times and that we can expect the unexpected. He reminded us we are creators made in the image of God and that we are practicing and thus learning from our personal response abilities. Martine said for the new year we would need some fund raisers. She proposed that we have a psychic fair at Creek Side because the cost of rent is so reasonable. Based on how we did, we could expand from there. She proposed we have one in late spring or early fall. Her other idea was to have four pot lucks this year and charge a fee. The pot lucks would coincide with the seasonal equinoxes and solstices, the next one being a St. Paddy’s Day potluck with Corn Beef and Cabbage. The date would be March 17th and this is closely aligned with the Spring Equinox, which is March 20th. Debbie Taylor moved and Peter McGeoghegan seconded that we have a fund raiser on March 17th and have a suggested donation of $8 for the St. Paddy’s Day meal of corn beef and cabbage. The motion unanimously carried. Martine added that there would be a vegetarian alternative available. The other fundraisers would be discussed in more detail at a later point. As of now, they would be one held outdoors in the summer (June), one in the fall (September) which also maybe held outdoors, and one for the Winter, which would for the Holidays, probably inside at Creekside as it had been done before. The subject of music for the services was raised. John said they’d get a lap top and we could have music played off of it. John would get a CD which would match the words we presently use. He knew of songs that he could record on MP3 and/or CD that were played by a woman from the original church and he could use it to play our music for some of the songs in our Songbook. It was clarified that he and Martine would buy a lap top and the church would use it, so there would be no additional expense to the church.
Page 1 of 2 (928) 776-1686 Board Meeting Minutes for the Mystical Spiritualist Church John was also looking into Skype possibilities for the church for conferencing. We also have several sermons, meditations and inspirations (as MP3 sound recordings) on the website. Offering new ones "for donation" could give the church additional revenues, as would MP3/CD/DVD sermons. There was also possibility of having some e-books, such as Debby Taylor’s, Gary’s poems and/or a small book of Prayers or Affirmations by John. On the topic of music, Gary Wright asked about the circle chant and said how he enjoyed it. Martine said it could be reintroduced and be made a part of the service again. Debbie added that she would like to have Gary’s angel harp playing at services. Gary thought it was too faint, but Debby said it wasn’t to us and would like to have it during the meditations. Gary said he would consider it if it fits well with the church. Martine gave her financial report, pointing out how the major expense was the rent. She could see no more places to cut the budget which is why we need the fund raisers. After reviewing the colorful charts and looking at the report, it was moved by Debbie Taylor to accept the financial report and budget for 2012. Karen McGoenghegan seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously. We then went back to the topic of fund raisers. Martine had a calendar and said that June 17 th would be date of the Summer Solstice Celebration with a pot luck. Peter McGoenghegan moved we accept this date and Gary Wright seconded the motion. The motion carried with an unanimous vote. The next fund raiser would be the Fall Solstice Celebration to be held on September 22nd 21012. this would probably be held in a park, with the cite to be determined later. As for all the pot luck fund raisers, a suggested minimum donation would be $8.00. It was moved by Martine that we accept that date and amount for the Fall solstice Celebration, and seconded by Debbie Taylor. Again, the motion passed with all in favor. Since there was a vacancy for Vice President, Martine asked Debbie if she would be interested in holding the post. Debbie agreed to do so. Martine moved that Debbie be made Vice President, and John seconded the motion. It was unanimously accepted that Debbie take the position of Vice President. John said there would be no board meeting for the month of January and that we would have one the 3rd or 4th week end in February. John reminded everyone that Martine would be speaking on astrology at the February Sunday service, and that this was the year of the water dragon. John called the meeting to a close at 2:10PM. Respectfully Submitted, Mary S. Timpany, Secretary ______
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