CNS Partnership – Status Report For Period: 6 Apr to 10 Apr 2009 Project Lead: Cris Landgraf Project Sponsor: Gary Bauerschmidt Project Description: Project support for CNS on Campus projects OVERALL PROJECT HEALTH Status Item Current Prior Status Notes Status Status Overall Project Status GREEN GREEN These projects help create the solidarity of organizations and offer backup and assistance. Schedule Status GREEN GREEN Schedules are all on track as we have re-defined expectations. NAC and Project 0 are in very good shape Budget Status GREEN GREEN Careful adjustments made to keep project on financial stable ground by dedication of ABQG Engineer to project manage. Also, joint review of data needs are on-going insuring best options for UNM. Major Visible milestone GREEN GREEN NAC project lead assumed, and a separate project now. Project “0” and pit status (optional) remodel in conjunction with MDS fiber being jointly reviewed.

90%+ probability task will meet dates and acceptable quality. 75%+ probability task will meet dates and acceptable quality. Schedule, resource or scope changes may be required. <75% probability task will meet dates and acceptable quality. Schedule, resource or scope changes will be required.

Starting Project Budget: $ _____None______Expense Description In orig. Index code Amount Spent Project Balance budget?

Tasks and Activities for Previous Period Finish Date  Sevilleta – Quote for RGON sent to Don and Renee— Ed May  RR Campus—Cost estimates have been provided and options are being discussed Cris  RC TI P– VPN concentrators moved to the new network core Ed May  Pit Project – Ongoing Meetings, work to start during 2009 Ed May  MDS fiber - Scheduled to begin January Cris  NAC—Schedules and priorities are being worked out Paul 

Tasks and Activities for Next Period Assignee  Pit Project – CNS to provide closer to complete quote, without SC zone hub included Ed May  South Campus Planning – George Thorning leads the team for infrastructure design, next meeting unknown Ed May  RC TI P– Geology Zone Hub to be moved to the new core Ed May  Rio Rancho Campus – Under design, ABQG participating in weekly meetings Looking at all options for Cris Landgraf 026de67753b6d0488f76a67a920af5fa.doc Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2

service  Sevilleta – RGON fiber meetings, quote from NMT on service submitted to Don and Renee Cris Landgraf  Internet Service to Research Park—Options under study, meeting Thursday 730am to discuss Cris Landgraf  Research Network – Working with CNS staff to explore options for a Research network on campus Ed May  Taos Campus – Site visit next Monday, will install DSL, and talk about what network plans they have Ed May

Project Deliverables Milestone? Responsible Original Plan Actual/Plan y/n Party Date date  Redundant paths from 505 and UNM to MDS Y CL  CABQ connection to MDS Y CL  

Critical Issues Request Management Assistance? y/n Sevilleta – RGON fiber not lit yet—Have price list from NMT N