A Study of Human Bones

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A Study of Human Bones

A Study of Human Bones

Science Unit of Study By Barb Spicer Canistota Public School

This unit was designed for the fourth grade. The goal of this unit is to help students understand the skeletal system, learn the bones of the skeletal system, and the function of bones. They will be able to identify the bones of the skeleton and their functions. They will learn the joints in the skeleton, where they are located and their movements. The students will also be able to describe what a fracture is and name the kinds of fractures. This Science Unit will have a three to four week timeline depending upon the classroom schedule. It will utilize the textbook, the computer, and other research materials. LEARNING LESSON ACTIVITIES MATERIALS STANDARDS ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES

Lesson1 Show Power Students will: Model of Life Science Master 85 Point -describe the skel #2 on function of eto the the skeleton n skele tal -identify Picture of syste specific house under m bones in the construction (this skeleton will Power Point be used Power Point often note taking ) study sheet

Discuss Pencil framework of body and Master 85 its function

Fill in names of specific bones on a worksheet

Lesson 2 Review the Students will: Model of Life Science Workbook p. 43 name -identify skel #2 s of specific eto speci bones in the n Listening #14 fic skeleton bones Pencil

Take “Tour Workbook of Body” using the computer Computer web site http://tqjunior.t hinkquest.org

Watch ”The Skeletal System” video Lesson 3 Show Power Student will: Power Point Life Science Worksheet #1 Point on the -identify #2 skull, ribs, specific Power Point and backbone bones in the note taking skeleton study sheet Read text pages -describe the Text 79- skull, ribs, 82 and backbone Pencil

Discuss the -explain the Worksheet functions of functions of #1 the skull, the skull, ribs, and ribs, and backbone backbone

Lesson 4 Accessing Students will: Paper Reading #17 Hand-in the –use their assign comp computer Pencil Writing #5 ment uter knowledge to and #10 web research Computer www.yucky.kids.di site “skeletal scove listed system” facts ry.co m , write 10 facts about the skele tal syste m

Lesson 5 Do Students will: Journal Writing #2 None exper -hypothesize iment what will Pencil Speaking with happen to the #6 chick chicken bone Digital en placed in a Camera bones jar of water and the Record chicken bone information placed in in journal vinegar

Hypothesize what will happen to the bones

Lesson 6 Read text Students will: Text Life Science Worksheet #2 pgs. -identify and #2 83- describe the Power Point 85 bones of the arm and leg Power Point Show Power note-taking Point on arm, study sheet leg, and the shortest and Worksheet longest bone #2 in the body

Discuss the number of bones in specific body parts

Lesson 7 Access the Students will: Computer Life Science None computer - observe the www.stemnet.nf.ca #2 web site to functions of Mr. Bones observe the the bones in Puzzle bones in the the body worksheet human body and the Pencil animations showing the functions of the bones

Do Mr. Bones Puzzles accessing the computer site

Lesson 8 Create a Students will Construction Life Science Rubric picture of be able to paper #2 the skeletal create a system replica of a Spaghetti Listening #1, (divide class skeleton Elmer’s glue 2, 5 to do this project) Digital camera

Lesson 9 Access the Student will Numbered Life Science Quiz comp correctly paper for #2 uter identify answers web bones site Pencil to label Computer speci www.enchanted learning.com fic bones Maze in the worksheet skele ton

Human Body Maze Worksheet Lesson 10 Complete “If Students will: “If I Was Life Science Rubric I Was A……?” -use their A…..?” #2 (Human Body knowledge of worksheet writing the bones in Writing #1, assignment) the human Pencil 3, 10 body to complete a writing assignment

Lesson 11 Observe Students will: Paper towels Life Science Rubric chicken -describe #2 bones their findings Journal of the Writing #2, Record chicken bone Text 6 findings in water and the chicken Pencil Listening #1, Read text bone in 2 page 86 vinegar after Worksheet observing and #3 touching them Digital Camera

Lesson 12 Show Power Students will: Power Point Life Science Worksheet #4 Point on the -identify #2 joints of the different Power Point body kinds of note-taking Writing #3 joints study sheet Read text pages 89-92 -describe the Text movement of Discuss the a skeleton Pencil movement of each joint -demonstrate Worksheet the action of #4 joints Lesson 13 Access Students will: Computer Life Science Worksheet computer for -use www.cssd11.co.us/s #2 cience/4human/4hu “The Joints knowledge of man.htm Worksheet” joints to show understandin Worksheet g of location and Pencil movements

Lesson 14 Show Power Students will: Power Point Life Science None Point on -distinguish #2 fractures between the different Power Point Read text fractures note-taking page 87 study sheet

Access Pencil computer to observe x- Text ray bone images Computer www.stemnet.nt.ca

Lesson 15 Invite a Students will: Speaker Life Science None chiropractor - listen to #2 from the enhance their Paper with Ortman Clinic understandin questions Listening to bring x- g of #3 rays to show fractures the class and answer questions the students may ask Lesson 16 Read text Students will: Text Life Science Rubric page 88 -understand #2 the function Power Point Power Point of bone on bone marrow Power Point marrow note-taking study sheet Draw picture of the inside White of a bone construction paper


Colored pencils

Lesson 17 Creative Students will: Paper Life Science Rubric Writing -use #2 understandin Pencil g and Writing #1, knowledge of Computer 10, 15, 17, 18 skeletal system to write a poem

Lesson 18 Unit Test Students will: Test Life Science Unit test -show their #2 knowledge of Pencil the skeletal system Storybook (also other Great Science Sites) http://ktca.org/newtons/14/bones12.html. http://www.medtropolis.com/vbody.asp http://www.innerbody.com/image/skell06.html http://www.stemnet.nr.ca/CITE/teacherhb.htm http://tqjunior.thinkquest.org http://yucky.kids.discovery.com

South Dakota State Standards used in this Unit of Study



2. describe how component parts make up the human body system. (example: digestive, skeletal, muscular systems)



2. use text organization and prior knowledge to make predictions and comprehend information in various content areas. (example: headings, graphics) 4. make inferences using information derived indirectly from text. (example: cause and effect. 16. use text and graphic features to categorize information and gain meaning from informational materials. (example: topic sentences, key words, diagrams, illustrations, charts, maps) 17. use reference tools to manage information. (example: maps and globes, software/CD ROM, video materials, Internet)



1. respond courteously and respectfully to the ideas and thoughts of others. 2. listen and share responses in group learning activities. 3. ask questions to determine the intended meaning and purpose of the speaker’s message. 5.listen in group settings to aid in specifying goals, devising solutions, and choosing the best course of action. 7. distinguish between facts and opinions.

12. record information while listening 14. use various references or sources to determine if information is valuable. (example: encyclopedia, periodicals)



1. make narrative and informative presentations that provide facts, details, examples, and descriptions. 2. present effective introductions and conclusions that guide and inform the listener. 6. present knowledge, ideas, and requests clearly using appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure. 7.use correct subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, and appropriate verb tense when speaking. 11.clarify and support key ideas through the use of appropriate props. (example: objects, pictures, charts) 12. use notes or memory aids to structure presentations. 13. use the tools of technology to enhance spoken messages.



1. apply various stages of the writing process. (example: brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing, publishing) 2. maintain a personal writing journal or folder. 3. write in response to information from various sources to develop personal understanding.

5. organize and write about information according to category, source, or topic.

6. write to explain ideas presented or discussed in various content areas.

10. write using correct grammar. (example: verb forms, posse

15. write to inform or entertain a specific audience

17. edit final copies for capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. (example: abbreviations, nouns of address, apostrophes) 19. revise selected drafts by adding, deleting, combining, and rearranging sentences

I have devised worksheets, charts, and other educational resources to go with this unit.

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