AP European History s7

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AP European History s7

AP European History Unit 1 Test 40 points

Answer the following questions by choosing the most correct answer from the choices and placing your answer on the blank provided on the answer sheet.

1. At the end of the Roman Empire, the best-organized political structure in Italy was: a. the Italian monarchy. b. the Holy Roman Empire. c. the Papacy. d. the Germanic monarchy. e. the Eastern Roman Empire

2. Caesaropapism: a. was encouraged in Europe by Augustine’s City of God. b. developed in the Western Roman Empire but not in the Eastern Roman Empire. c. developed in the Eastern roman Empire but not in the Western Roman Empire. d. meant the separation of church and state. e. was adopted by the Ostrogothic King but rejected by Charlemagne.

3. By accepting the crown from the Pope in A.D. 800, Charlemagne: a. demonstrated his domination over the Pope. b. established the independence of Europe from the Eastern Roman Empire. c. moved his capital to Rome. d. outmaneuvered the powerful great lords of Germany. e. unified all of the continental Western Europe except Spain.

4. The center of the Carolingian cultural renaissance was located at: a. Constantinople. b. Aachen. c. Baghdad d. Paris. e. Salamanca.

5. The Great Schism of A.D. 1054 divided the: a. Holy Roman and Eastern Roman Empire. b. the Holy Roman Empire and the kingdom of France. c. Christian Western Europe and pagan Russia. d. the Roman Catholic and the Greek Orthodox Church. e. the Roman Catholic and the Nestorian Churches. 6. In the fourth through sixth centuries, the barbarian tribes from the north and east Europe: a. were feared for their vicious killings of civilians. b. refused to learn Latin. c. converted to Christianity and settled down. d. became followers of Eastern Orthodoxy. e. rejected the leadership of the Pope, insisting on the rights of their own bishops.

7. Improved agricultural productivity after the tenth century: a. restrained the development of towns, as more people chose to stay in the countryside. b. initially encouraged the development of serfdom. c. had little to do with new technologies but more with improvement in the weather. d. meant that there was less need to develop marginal land. e. led to the development of the domestic system of manufacturing.

8. The guild system limited competition by all of the following except: a. forbidding women from participating in craft production. b. regulating production quality. c. controlling the quantity of goods produced. d. controlling education for people in the trades. e. limiting the number of master shops.

9. Italian towns began to assert their sovereignty over imperial authorities when they: a. passed laws. b. issued coinage. c. built walls. d. organized themselves into Leagues like the Hanseatic. e. established guilds.

10. Parliaments developed as ways to: a. enforce feudal rights. b. allow the commoners to have a say. c. supervise the charters given to towns. d. restrict the power of the great churchmen. e. enhance the power of the monarchs over the great lords.

11. Which statement about Renaissance Florence is false? a. Its major industry was wool production. b. It lost about half of its production to the Black Death. c. It was a major banking center. d. It was an important Mediterranean port city. e. It was dominated by merchants and guildsmen. 12. Which subject would not probably have been part of humanist education? a. history b. ethics c. classical languages d. rhetoric e. theology

13. Humanism, in its specific Renaissance usage, refers to: a. the use of the study of languages in the service of the church and other political elites. b. concern for humanity as a whole. c. the study of Greek and Latin literature. d. a movement in direct opposition to the church and church leaders. e. the rejection of Christianity in favor of classical paganism.

14. Renaissance art: a. was rarely religious in content. b. depicted the nude in a spiritualized way. c. was seen as threatening and too radical by the merchant elite. d. glorified the human body. e. was produced within the guild structure.

15. Which of the following statements about the early printed books is false? a. They dealt mainly with economic and business subjects. b. They encouraged literacy. c. They affected the process of learning. d. They played an important role in the Reformation. e. They increased the distance between the literate and the illiterate.

16. In The Prince, Machiavelli: a. debated which was the best form of government. b. argued for a republican constitution. c. criticized the immorality of rules. d. praised what we now call the New Monarchs. e. wrote about hypothetical, rather than real, rulers.

17. In contrast to their position in the Middle Ages, women during the Renaissance: a. were elevated in social status. b. had greater educational opportunities. c. got better legal protection against such crimes as rape. d. were generally wealthier so that infanticide and abandonment of babies abated. e. were likely to be excluded from literary circles and courts. 18. A primary difference between the Italian and the Northern Renaissance was that the latter was: a. more secular. b. more concerned with national issues. c. more religious. d. more concerned with sexual misbehavior. e. relatively unimportant for their societies.

19. What was the basis of Lorenzo Valla’s claim that the Donation of Constantine was a forgery? a. The paper on which the document was written did not exist in the 4th century. b. The style of Latin used in the document was not the style of the 4th century. c. No other record could be found that such a decree was made by Constantine. d. The document was written in Italian. e. The document wasn’t discovered until centuries after its supposed creation.

20. Which of the following is not a reason for the Italian Renaissance ideals being adopted in the southern region of the Holy Roman Empire? a. The region was dominated by city-states, promoting individualism. b. The city-states of the region were economically stable, allowing for development of the arts. c. The development of the printing press in the region helped spread ideas of the Renaissance. d. Warfare by the Holy Roman Empire against Italian city-states gave the empire access to humanist ideas. e. Many German philosophers studied in Italy.

ESSAY Respond to the following essay question:

Describe key features of humanism, outlining the basis for the movement and the influences it had on Italian Renaissance culture. Additionally, be sure to highlight some examples of humanist philosophers that contributed to the movement, as well as some of their contributions.

The essay will be worth 20 points. Ten points will come from the content of your essay (thesis statement and 3-4 supporting facts). The remaining 10 points will be based on the PSSA writing rubric (five categories - focus, content, organization, style and conventions) that you have used in the past. You can score up to two points for each of these categories. Be sure to include a thesis statement that is supported by details. Answers should be written in the space provided on the answer sheet.

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