Lab #1 ID Guide Assignment
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NAME______Section______Date______MSC 172 – Marine Biology Lab #1 – ID Guide Assignment
Refer to pages 9-14 in the Seashore Animals of the Southeast ID guide to help you answer these questions:
1. Most chapters in this book group organisms according to their ______or ______relationship.
2. The illustrated key to seashore animal groups organisms according to their ______.
3. If a specimen resembles more than one illustration, then ______.
4. What is the size range (in cm) of sea porks?
a. 1-4 c. 0.25-4
b. 2.5-20 d. 2.5-10
5. On what page can you find organisms in the Phylum Echinodermata?
a. 7 c. 58
b. 22 d. 69
e. f. Complete the following questions using your Seashells of North Carolina ID guide. Refer to pages 2 through 10. g.
6. What is the name of the animal that lives inside of a shell? ______
7. How many species of mollusks are found in this book?
a. 82 c. 179
b. 109 d. 261
8. What is the name of the brownish “outer skin” found on many shells when they’re alive? ______NAME______Section______Date______a.
9. What is the name of the anchor used by bivalves? ______
10. Gastropods have more structures for feeding than bivalves.
a. True
b. False
11. Currently, there is only one commercially harvested bivalve in North Carolina, the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica).
a. True
b. False
c. d. e. f. g. Complete the following questions using your Field Guide to Coastal Fishes. Refer to pages 12 through 21. h.
12. When discussing color patterns in fishes, the term bars refers to ______lines, while the term stripes refers to ______lines.
a. V-shaped; diagonal c. Diagonal; broken
b. Horizontal; vertical d. Vertical; horizontal
13. Ocellated spots are different from other spots or blotches in what way? (Hint: You can look up the terms ocelli and ocellated in the Glossary beginning on page 428.)
a. Ocellated spots are actually not c. Ocellated spots appear eye-like different d. Ocellated spots have jagged or pointed b. Ocellated spots are always solid white edges
14. A tiger shark exhibits: NAME______Section______Date______a. Faint stripes c. Ocellated spots
b. A mottled pattern d. Faint bars
15. The barndoor skate exhibits:
a. Banded dorsal fin c. Scattered dark spots & blotches
b. Broad bands d. A reticulating pattern
16. Which of the following animals is NOT considered a cartilaginous fish?
a. Tiger shark c. Atlantic guitarfish
b. Barndoor skate d. Striped searobin
17. The dorsal fins are located on the _____ of the fish.
a. Top side c. Left & right sides
b. Bottom side d. Tail end
18. To determine the total length of a fish, you should measure from the ____ to the ____.
a. Back edge of the eye; tip of the caudal fin
b. Tip of the snout or lower jaw; tip of caudal fin
c. Front edge of eye; fork of caudal fin
d. Tip of the snout or lower jaw; base of dorsal fin
19. The striped searobin exhibits:
a. A dark blotch on first dorsal fin
b. A banded caudal fin
c. Large dark Ocellated spot on pectoral fin
d. Both a and b
e. NAME______Section______Date______20. How many dorsal fins does the gafftopsail catfish have?
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4
21. How many dorsal fins does the bar jack have?
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4
22. The cross-sectional shape of a fish is the shape of the body as it appears:
a. From the side
b. From head-on
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
23. The term laterally compressed means:
a. To be flattened from top to bottom c. To be perfectly round
b. To be flattened from side to side d. To be slightly oblong or oval
24. The term anterior refers to:
a. The front of the body c. The top of the body
b. The back/tail of the body d. The bottom of the body
25. The term posterior refers to:
a. The front of the body c. The top of the body
b. The back/tail of the body d. The bottom of the body
26. When counting spines and rays, the norm is to count ______to______. NAME______Section______Date______a.