Holocaust Begins, Walt Disney Releases Bambi

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Holocaust Begins, Walt Disney Releases Bambi

1942 Holocaust Begins, Walt Disney Releases Bambi Environment, Village and City: A Genetic Approach to Urban Geography; with Some Reference to Possibilism, pp. 1-67 Lags and Ranges of Temperature in Hawaii, pp. 68-97 Titles and Abstracts of Papers, New York City, December, 1941, pp. 98-145

Symposia at the New York Meeting, p. 146 Exhibits at the New York Meeting, pp. 147-148 Geomorphology of the Rhone Delta, pp. 149-254 Land Use Differentiation in Sydney, Australia, pp. 255-308 Colonel Claude Hale Birdseye, pp. 309-315 A Note: Suggestions for Illustrating Books, pp. 316-318 Trends in the Development of Geographic Botany, pp. 319-354 Regionalization of the United States on a Precipitation Basis, pp. 355-370 Recent Changes in the Banana Production of Middle America, pp. 371-383

1943 Penicillin comes into common use The Geography of Human Productivity, pp. 1-31 The Unincorporated Hamlet: One Element of the American Settlement Fabric, pp. 32-81 Titles and Abstracts of Papers Offered for Presentation at Columbus, Ohio, 1942 (Meeting Postponed), pp. 82-98 The Description of International Boundaries, pp. 99-117 The Political Significance of Tropical Vegetable Fats for the Industrial Countries of Europe, pp. 118-128 The Seasons' Arrivals and Lengths, pp. 129-134 Grassland and Farmland as Factors in the Cyclical Development of Eurasian History, pp. 135-161 Adjustment of Agriculture to Its Environment, pp. 163-198 Maps and a Mapping Program for the United States, pp. 199-219 Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 39th and 40th Annual Meetings Held Con-currently in Washington, D. C., September, 1943, pp. 220-232

1944 D-Day June 6th, Roosevelt elected 4th term, Battle of the Bulge Structural Properties of Medium- and Small-Scale Maps, pp. 1-46 Geographic Research in China, pp. 47-62 The Wind Flow Diagram, pp. 63-66 Component Geographic Factors of the Natural Regions of Burma, pp. 67-96

United States Malting Barley Production, pp. 97-131 Memoir of Arthur Keith, pp. 132-133 The West Shawano Upland of Wisconsin: A Study of Regional Development Basic to the Problem of Part of the Great Lakes Cut-Over Region, pp. 135-163 A New Production Map of the Appalachian Bituminous Coal Region, pp. 164-172 A Linear-Distance Map of Farm Population in the United States, pp. 173-180 Physical Geography in the Training of the Geographer, pp. 183-189 Training for Research in Political Geography, pp. 190-201 The Training of Military Geographers, pp. 202-206 Training for Research in Economic Geography, pp. 207-215 Douglas Johnson, pp. 216-222 1945 Truman in after FDR Dies, League of Nations forms U.N., Mussolini Killed and Hitler Suicide, First A-Bomb tested then used on Japan The Horizon of Geography, pp. 1-36 Climates of Texas, pp. 37-52 Physiographic Divisions of the Columbia Intermontane Province, pp. 53-75 Glacial Diversion of Drainage (With Especial Reference to the Phenomenon of the "Lost Gorge"), pp. 78-119 Geographic Training, Wartime Research, and Immediate Professional Objectives, pp. 121-143 Recent Changes in the Concentration of Manufacturing, pp. 144-166 Geography in Off-Duty Educational Opportunities for Armed Forces, pp. 167-180 Memorial to Nevin M. Fenneman, pp. 181-189

1946 Nuremberg Trial, U.N. locates in New York Problems of Our Time, pp. 1-43 Climate and Man in China, pp. 44-74 Theory of Physical-Geographic Processes, pp. 75-78 Titles and Abstracts of Papers, Knoxville, Tennessee, December, 1945, pp. 79-109 Future Industrial Land Requirements in the Cincinnati Area, pp. 111-121 The Broadleaf Deciduous Forests of the Pacific Northwest, pp. 122-147 Memorial to Samuel Weidman, 1870-1945, pp. 148-149 The Climates of New Zealand: According to Thornthwaite's Classification, pp. 151-177 Mitteleuropa in German Political Geography, pp. 178-194 Lessons from the War-Time Experience for Improving Graduate Training for Geographic Research, pp. 195-214 Dissertations in Geography Accepted by Universities in the United States and Canada for the Degree of Ph.D., June, 1935, to June, 1946, and Those Currently in Progress, pp. 215-247 A Method for Producing Shaded Relief from Areal Slope Data, pp. 248-252 Memorial to Eliot Grinnell Mears 1889-1946, pp. 253-254

1947 Bell Transitor invented Terrae Incognitae: The Place of the Imagination in Geography, pp. 1-15 Abstracts of Papers Contributed to the Program of the Forty-Third Annual Meeting, Held in Columbus, Ohio December 28, 29, and 30, 1946, pp. 16-63 Supplement to the Compilation in the Annals of December, 1946, p. 64 Stream Meanders, pp. 65-67 Present Status of "The Great Soviet World Atlas" in the United States, pp. 67-72 Site and Situation of Vienna, pp. 72-73 Profiles of Air Temperatures Normal to Coast Lines, pp. 75-86 Climate and Moisture Conservation, pp. 87-100 The Cartography of Japan during the Middle Tokugawa Era: A Study in Cross-Cultural Influences, pp. 101-119 George Henry Primmer, 1889-1946, pp. 120-121 James Warren Bagley, 1881-1947, p. 122 -Inventory of the World's Minerals, p. 123 -California Nomenclature, pp. 123-124 -Alabama's Industrial Opportunities, pp. 124-125 -Regional Planning in Britain, pp. 125-126 Geographic Aspects of Pump Irrigation on the Nebraska Loess Plain in Relation to Subsurface Physiography, pp. 127-134 The Political Rivalry of Patzcuaro and Morelia, an Item in the Sixteenth Century Geography of Mexico, pp. 135-144 Rural Depopulation in Southwestern Ontario, pp. 145-154 Delimitation of the Geographic Regions of China, pp. 155-168 A New Map of the Climates of China, pp. 169-176 The Russian Subarctic, pp. 177-179 The Arctic Institute of North America: Studies in Progress, pp. 179-180 Postglacial Climatic History, p. 180 The Work of the Wind, pp. 181-182 A Functional Atlas of Wartime, pp. 182-184 Land-Use Problems in Cyprus, p. 184 Wartime Changes in the Patterns of United States Coal Production, pp. 185-196 Localizing Vegetation Terms, pp. 197-208 A Geographic Classification of Geography Material as Based upon the Dewey Classification System, pp. 209-222 Fisheries of the North American West Coast, p. 223 Current Developments in Sweden's Industries, p. 224 Biography of the Russian Geographical Society, pp. 225-226

1948 US Congress enacts Marshall Plan, Isreal becomes Jewish State The Prewar Population of China: Distribution and Density, pp. 1-5 Library Filing, Classification, and Cataloging of Maps, with Special Reference to Wartime Experience, pp. 6-37 Memoir to Ellsworth Huntington, 1876-1947, pp. 38-50 Abstracts of Papers Contributed to the Program of the Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting, held in Charlottesville, Virginia December 27 to 31, 1947, pp. 51-109 -Analysis of Estonian Population Movements, p. 110 -Report on the Southwest of England, p. 111 -A Geographical Intelligence Document, pp. 111-112 On the Mores of Methodological Discussion in American Geography, pp. 113-125 Determinism in Geography, pp. 126-132

The Distribution of Water Power Resources in Brazil with Reference to the Participation Ratio Concept, pp. 133-144

Clark Wissler, 1870-1947, pp. 145-146

-Comments on Some Publications of the China Institute of Geography, pp. 147-150 -A Note on the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, pp. 150-151 -Regional Variety in Norway, pp. 151-152 The Climatic Record: Its Content, Limitations, and Geographic Value, pp. 153-168 Some Regional Characteristics of American Farmsteads, pp. 169-225 Nelson H. Darton, 1865-1948, p. 226 Guy Woolard Conrey, 1887-1948, pp. 227-228

-Four Recent General Geographic Bibliographies, pp. 229-231

-Notes on Japanese Geographical Periodicals, pp. 231-232

Outline of a Theory of Area Studies, pp. 233-243

Characteristics of a Regional Margin of the Corn and Dairy Belts, pp. 244-270 Formulating Objectives of Geographic Research, pp. 271-276 Notes on Rice Growing in China, pp. 277-281 Regionalization of Indiana, pp. 282-300 Francois Emile Matthes, 1874-1948, pp. 301-304 Ralph Hall Brown, 1898-1948, pp. 305-309


Communist China formed, Republic of Ireland formed

Geographical Geomorphology, pp. 1-11 On the Climatic Description of Physiographic Regions, pp. 12-25 The Climates of Turkey According to Thornthwaite's Classifications, pp. 26-46 Communication, p. 47 Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 1948 Annual Meetings in Madison, Wisconsin, December 27, 28, 29, 30, 1948, pp. 48-80

The Distribution of Religious Communities in India, pp. 81-98

Geographic Science in Germany during the Period 1933-1945: A Critique and Justification, pp. 99-137

-Location Theory, pp. 138-139

-Latin American Grasslands, pp. 139-140

-North American Place Name Bibliography, pp. 140-141

Climate of the Sonoran Desert Region, pp. 143-187

Some Preliminary Notes on the Use of the Light Airplane and 35mm. Camera in Geographic Field Research, pp. 188-200

A Physiognomic Classification of Vegetation, pp. 201-210 Present Distribution and Affinities of Mexican Mammals, pp. 211-218 Herpetogeny in Mexico and Guatemala, pp. 219-238

Rural Settlements in the German Lands, pp. 239-263 The American Agricultural Fair: The Pattern, pp. 264-282 An Analytical Approach to Map Projections, pp. 283-290 Bailey Willis, 1857-1949, pp. 291-292 Philip Sidney Smith, 1877-1949, pp. 293-294 W. Elmer Ekblaw, 1882-1949, p. 295 Wallace W. Atwood, 1872-1949, pp. 296-306 Mark Jefferson, 1863-1949, pp. 307-312 -Economic Geography of the USSR. -Economic Geography of Great Britain, pp. 314-315 -Cartography, pp. 315-316 -A Study of a Belgian Region, pp. 316-317

1950 North Korea invades South Korea The Climate of the Central North American Grassland, pp. 1-39 Some Features of Early Woodland and Prairie Settlement in a Central Iowa County, pp. 40-57 The Economic Geography of a Micronesian Atoll, pp. 58-83 The Geographic Significance of the Soil Type, pp. 84-88

-Agricultural Geography, p. 89

-Strategic Intelligence, pp. 89-91

The Functional Approach in Political Geography, pp. 95-130

Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Association, Held at Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts, April 5, 6, 7, 8, 1950, pp. 131-167

-A Translation of a Russian Work, pp. 168-169 -A Dictionary of Geography, pp. 169-170

-A New Gazetteer, p. 170

William Morris Davis: Investigator, Teacher, and Leader in Geomorphology, pp. 172-180

Tectonic Relief, pp. 181-187

William Morris Davis: Master of Method, pp. 188-195

The Place of Geomorphology in the Geographic Sciences, pp. 196-208

Davis' Concepts of Slope Development Viewed in the Light of Recent Quantitative Investigations, pp. 209-213

The Geographic Cycle in Periglacial Regions as It is Related to Climatic Geomorphology, pp. 214-236

Manufacturing in the Rock River Valley-Location Factors, pp. 237-253 Notes on the Discovery of Yezo, pp. 254-266

The Winter of 1948-49 in the Great Plains, pp. 267-292 Frequency and Physical Effects of Chinook Winds in the Colorado High Plains Region, pp. 293-327 Oliver Edwin Baker, 1883-1949, pp. 328-334 Isaiah Bowman, 1878-1950, pp. 335-350 Lewis F. Thomas, 1887-1950, pp. 351-353 Merritt Lyndon Fernald, 1874-1950, pp. 354-355

-Geography of Mexico, pp. 356-357

-A Study of New Zealand, pp. 357-358

-Microclimatology, pp. 358-359

-The North German Lowland, pp. 359-361


General Douglas McArthur fired for insubordination

The Location of German Immigrants in the Middle West, pp. 1-41 The American Agricultural Fair: Time and Place, pp. 42-57 The Use of Deformational Data in Evaluating World Map Projections, pp. 58-74 Crofting Settlements and Housing in the Outer Hebrides, pp. 75-87 Kirk Bryan, 1888-1950, pp. 88-94

-World Geography of Petroleum, pp. 95-96

Professional Training of the Membership of the Association of American Geographers, pp. 97-115 The Decline of North Africa Since the Roman Occupation: Climatic or Human?, pp. 116-132 Point Four and Mineral Raw Materials, pp. 133-145 The Origin of the Idea of Natural Frontiers in France, pp. 146-157 Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Association, Held at Chicago, Illinois, March 19, 20, 21, 22, 1951, pp. 158-181

-Rural New England, pp. 182-184

-Water and Land Problems, pp. 184-185 -The Soviet Union, pp. 185-186

-Yosemite Valley, p. 186

Four Papers by the Late Ralph H. Brown A Letter to the Reverend Jedidiah Morse: Author of the American Universal Geography, pp. 188-198 The Land and the Sea: Their Larger Traits, pp. 199-216 The Seaboard Climate in the View of 1800, pp. 217-232 A Plea for Geography, 1813 Style, pp. 233-236 The Climates of the Argentine Republic According to the New Thornthwaite Classification, pp. 237-263 -Swiss in California, pp. 264-265

-Essays in Geography, pp. 266-267

-An Aid to Research, pp. 267-268

Physical Aspects of City Planning, pp. 269-284 A Sample Study of the California Ranch, pp. 285-306 The Northern Wet Prairie of the United States: Nature, Sources of Information, and Extent, pp. 307-323 The Use of Air Photos for Landform Maps, pp. 324-330 Chinese Cities: Numbers and Distribution, pp. 331-347 Geographical Limitations to Food Production in the Mongolian Peoples Republic, pp. 348-369

-The Study of Colonies, p. 370


Hydrogen Bomb tested, China begins collectivization

Rockford, Illinois: A Medium-Sized Manufacturing City, pp. 1-23

Occupying the Wet Prairie: The Role of Artificial Drainage in Story County, Iowa, pp. 24-50

The California-Nevada Boundary, pp. 51-68

Chinese Cities: Origins and Functions, pp. 69-93 The Position of the Koppen Da/Db Boundary in Eastern United States, pp. 94-97 An Aspect of the Social Geography of Indiana, pp. 98-104

-A Geography of Southeast Asia, pp. 105-107

-Political Geography of Macedonia, pp. 107-108

-Korea, p. 108

Odda and Rjukan: Two Industrialized Areas of Norway, pp. 109-128 The Netherlands Demands on Germany: A Post-War Problem in Political Geography, pp. 129-152 Observations on the Physical Geography of Northeast Brazil, pp. 153-176 The Vernon Area, California-A Study of the Political Factor in Urban Geography, pp. 177-191

-Regionalism, pp. 192-193

-Man and Environment in the Tropics, pp. 193-194

Toward a Further Understanding of the Regional Concept, pp. 195-222 Rural Settlement Types in the Uttar Pradesh (United Provinces of Agra and Oudh), pp. 223-246 A Map of Flying Weather, pp. 247-250 Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association, Washington, D. C., August 6-7, 1952, pp. 251-261

The Migration of Cheese Manufacture in the United States, pp. 263-282 The Place of Origin of Florida's Population, pp. 283-294 Pediment Characteristics and Terminology, pp. 295-317 Richard Elwood Dodge, 1868-1952, pp. 318-321 Herbert Ernest Gregory, 1869-1952, pp. 322-323 William Oscar Blanchard 1886-1952, pp. 324-326

-Land Management Policy: The Organization Problems, pp. 327-331

-Population of Switzerland, p. 331

-A New Gazetteer, pp. 331-333

-Cartography, pp. 333-334


Korean War ends, Stalin Dies, Eisenhower becomes U.S. President

Announcement of the Office of Naval Research Contracts for Research in Geography, pp. 1-3 Rollin D. Salisbury and Geography, pp. 4-11 Harry Owen Lathrop, 1887-1951, pp. 12-13 Regional Differences in the World Atmospheric Circulation, pp. 14-26 The Discovery of the Bonin Islands: A Reexamination, pp. 27-46 Pediment Characteristics and Terminology, pp. 47-53

Human Geography and Area Research, pp. 54-66

-Concerning Brazil, pp. 67-68

-A New Work on Africa, pp. 68-69

-History of Cartography, pp. 69-70

A Case for Population Geography, pp. 71-97

Patterns of Land Use in Northeast Brazil, pp. 98-126 Physiological Climatology as a Field of Study, pp. 127-137 A Geographic Analysis of White-Negro-Indian Racial Mixtures in Eastern United States, pp. 138-155 Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association, Cleveland, Ohio, March 30- April 2, 1953, pp. 157-200

An Oblique Equal Area Map for World Distributions, pp. 201-215 Interrupting a Map Projection: A Partial Analysis of Its Value, pp. 216-225 Exceptionalism in Geography: A Methodological Examination, pp. 226-249

-Urban Geography, pp. 250-251

-The Problem of Food and Hunger, pp. 251-253

W. L. G. Joerg, 1885-1952, pp. 255-283 William Herbert Hobbs, 1864-1953, pp. 284-288 The Reliability Factor in the Drawing of Isarithms, pp. 289-304 An Average Slope Map of Illinois, pp. 305-316 An Improved Curriculum for Cartographic Training at the College and University Level, pp. 317-331

The Functions of New Zealand Towns, pp. 332-350

-South American Cities, pp. 351-352


Nautilus launched-first Atomic Submarine

Road and Rail in the Central Massif of France, pp. 1-14 The Surface Water Supply of American Municipalities, pp. 15-32 Small-Scale Continental Landform Maps, pp. 33-42 Upstream Storage Problems in Columbia River Power Development, pp. 43-50 France and "Les Limites Naturelles" from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Centuries, pp. 51-62

The Term "Bayou" in the United States: A Study in the Geography of Place Names, pp. 63-74 The Basis and Significance of Viticulture in Southwest France, pp. 75-101

-Boundary Problems in Europe, pp. 102-106

-Water Supply in Texas, pp. 106-107

-Comment on "Exceptionalism in Geography", pp. 108-109

A Unified Field Theory of Political Geography, pp. 111-123 The Geography of Recent Population Trends in the United States, pp. 124-134 Population Patterns in Tropical Africa, pp. 135-162 The Population Geography of Belgian Africa, pp. 163-193 The Winter Feeding Period in the Southern Interior Plateau of British Columbia, pp. 194-204 Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 50th Anniversary Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, held at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1954, pp. 205-230

The Way Lies Open, pp. 231-244 Circulation and Settlement Patterns of the Calumet Region of Northwest Indiana and Northeast Illinois (The First Stage of Occupance-the Pottawatomie and the Fur Trader,-1830), pp. 245-274 Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 50th Anniversary Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, held at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1954, pp. 275-289

Titus Smith, Junior, and the Geography of Nova Scotia in 1801 and 1802, pp. 291-314 The Market as a Factor in the Localization of Industry in the United States, pp. 315-348 The City as a Center of Change: Western Europe and China, pp. 349-362 Alluvial Morphology of Anatolian Rivers, pp. 363-391


Rosa Parks, MLK Jr rises to national prominence

The Black Swamp: A Study in Historical Geography, pp. 1-35 The Miskito Pine Savanna of Nicaragua and Honduras, pp. 36-63 Values and Concepts in Conservation, pp. 64-84 Changing Locational Patterns in the Soviet Pulp and Paper Industry, pp. 85-104 Must Geographers Apologize?, pp. 105-108

Mackinder and the Course of Events, pp. 109-126 Rural Development in the Italian South: A Geographic Case Study, pp. 127-151 Dynamic and Synoptic Climatology, pp. 152-162 Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Memphis, Tennessee, April 11-14, 1955, pp. 163-204

"Exceptionalism in Geography" Re-Examined, pp. 205-244 The Cemeteries of Chicago: A Phase of Land Utilization, pp. 245-257 The Regressive Effects of Late 18th Century British Colonial Policy on Land Development along the Upper St. Lawrence River, pp. 258-268 Functions and Occupational Structures of Cities of the American South, pp. 269-286 Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Memphis, Tennessee, April 11-14, 1955, pp. 287-308

What Has Happened to Physical Geography?, pp. 309-318 Some Problems in the Distribution of Generic Terms in the Place-Names of the Northeastern United States, pp. 319-349 Use of Stratified Random Samples in a Land Use Study, pp. 350-367 Geographic Regions of Missouri, pp. 368-392 The Climate of China According to the New Thornthwaite Classification, pp. 393-403 A Comprehensive Method of Mapping Vegetation, pp. 404-415 A New Method for Measuring Manufacturing, pp. 416-436


Construction begins on American Highway System

Southern Rhodesia-An African Compage, pp. 1-97 Mangrove Swamps of the Pacific Coast of Colombia, pp. 98-121 Cultural Factors in the Location of the Swatow Lace and Needlework Industry, pp. 122-128 Influence of Underlying Rock Structures on Stream Courses and Valley Profiles in the Georgia Piedmont, pp. 129-139 The United States in Professional Geographic Literature, pp. 140-149 Extended Uses of Polyconic Projection Tables, pp. 150-173

Manufacturing Industry in Belfast, Northern Ireland, pp. 175-196 Man as a Geomorphological Agent: The Example of Coal Mining, pp. 197-210 The Nature and Origin of the Canadian Dry Belt, pp. 211-232 The Necessity of Weighting Values in Correlation Analysis of Areal Data, pp. 233-236 Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Montreal, Canada, April 1-5, 1956, pp. 237-284

Book review ~pp. 285-286 Finland and Its Geography.

The Education of a Geographer, pp. 287-299 The Water Balance of India According to Thornthwaite's Concept of Potential Evapotranspiration, pp. 300-311 Circulation and Settlement Patterns of the Calumet Region of Northwest Indiana and Northeast Illinois (The Second Stage of Occupance-Pioneer Settler and Subsistence Economy, 1830-1850), pp. 312-356 Lawrence Martin, 1880-1955, pp. 357-364 ~p. 365 Climatic Atlas of the United States. ~pp. 365-367 World Population and Production: Trends and Outlook. ~pp. 367-368 The Language of Social Research: A Reader in the Methodology of Social Research. Cause and Effect in Human Geography, pp. 369-377 The Agricultural Background of Settlement in Eastern Nova Scotia, pp. 378-404 Durum Wheat and the Expansion of Dry Farming in the Soviet Union, pp. 405-410 Changing Significance of Environmental Factors at Bloomington, Indiana, pp. 411-416 ~pp. 417-422 Current Literature on Communist China,

1957 Russia launches Sputnik

Historical Geography of the Iron and Steel Industry of France, pp. 3-14 The Role of Nuclear Power in Europe's Future Energy Balance, pp. 15-40 New Population Maps of Uganda, Kenya, Nyasaland, and Gold Coast, pp. 41-58 Pre-Building Growth Patterns of Chicago, pp. 59-82 Statistical Testing of Regional Boundaries, pp. 83-95 Roderick Peattie, Geographer and Romanticist, 1891-1955, pp. 96-99

~pp. 100-103 Some Recent Books on Transportation, Water in the Desert, pp. 105-124 Climatology: Complex, Dynamic, and Synoptic, pp. 125-136 The Spatial Structure of Agricultural Activities, pp. 137-144 The Status of "Conifers" in Vegetation Classifications, pp. 145-149 Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 1-4, 1957, pp. 150-186 -A Review of Regional Geography, pp. 187-190 -The Face of the Earth, pp. 191-193 -Some Recent Literature on Ports, pp. 193-195 Natural Resources and Economic Development, pp. 197-212 A Comparative Analysis of the Dry Western Littorals, pp. 213-230 The Political Geography of the Gulf of Aqaba, pp. 231-240 World Patterns of Monthly Soil Temperature Distribution, pp. 241-249 Lumbering and Western Louisiana Cultural Landscapes, pp. 250-266 The Local-Supply Agriculture of California, pp. 267-276 A Note on Rollin D. Salisbury, p. 276 Seattle: Regional Capital of Alaska, pp. 277-284 Vincennes and French Settlement in the Old Northwest, pp. 285-297 -Recent Work by British Archaeologists, pp. 298-303 -Economic Development in Ceylon and Malaya, pp. 303-305 Beira, Mozambique Gateway to Central Africa, pp. 307-335 Some New Maps of the Underground Bituminous Coal Mining Industry of Pennsylvania, pp. 336-349 King Wheat in Southeastern Minnesota: A Case Study of Pioneer Agriculture, pp. 350-362 A Contribution to Structural Vegetation Mapping, pp. 363-369 The Distribution of Manufacturing in Texas, pp. 370-378 A Method for Describing Quantitatively the Correspondence of Geographical Distributions, pp. 379-391 The Myth of a Natural Prairie Belt in Alabama: An Interpretation of Historical Records, pp. 392-411 -Some Basic Materials on the Geography of Italy, pp. 412-414

1958 United States launches Explorer 1, Domestic air travel begins Cultural and Economic Changes of Bastos, A Japanese Colony on Brazil's Paulista Frontier, pp. 3-19 Location of Manufacturing: Methods of Measurement, pp. 20-26 Suitcase Farming in Sully County, South Dakota, pp. 27-40 Matadi, Focus of Belgian African Transport, pp. 41-72 Hsia-Ke Hsu-Pioneer of Modern Geography in China, pp. 73-82 Alternate Explanations of Urban Rank-Size Relationships, pp. 83-91 -Recent Methodological Contributions to German Economic Geography, pp. 92-96 The Concept of Geography as a Science of Space, from Kant and Humboldt to Hettner, pp. 97-108 The Antecedents of the Double-Pen House Type, pp. 109-117 The Cold Summer of 1816, pp. 118-131 Map Symbols: Equal-Appearing Intervals for Printed Screens, pp. 132-139 Decision Making in Regional Construction, pp. 140-148 The Spread of Mining in the Coal Basin of Upper Silesia and Northern Moravia, pp. 149-163 Letters and Comments on Annals Topics Chi Square as a Tool for Regional Studies, p. 164 Joseph Burton Kincer, 1874-1954, pp. 166-167 Sidman Parmelee Poole, 1893-1955, pp. 168-170 Malcolm Jarvis Proudfoot, 1907-1955, pp. 172-173 John Lyon Rich, 1884-1956, pp. 174-177 -Whither Political Geography?, pp. 178-183 Dutch Concentrations in Rural Southwestern Ontario during the Postwar Decade, pp. 185-194 Urban Impact on Agriculture in Santa Clara County, California, pp. 195-208 Sidewalk Farming in Toole County, Montana, and Traill County, North Dakota, pp. 209-231 Terrain Diagrams in Isometric Projection-Simplified, pp. 232-236 Samuel Whittemore Boggs: An Appreciation, pp. 237-243 George Renner, 1900-1955, pp. 244-249 Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, California, August 18-22, 1958, pp. 250-299 Letters and Comments on Annals Topics A Note Concerning Methods of Classification, pp. 300-303 -Economic Development in the Middle East, pp. 304-308 John Muir's Image of the West, pp. 309-318 The Port of Genova: External and Internal Relations, pp. 319-351 Railroad Traffic Densities and Patterns, pp. 352-374 Wheat Failure in Western Nebraska, 1931-54, pp. 375-397 Changing Economy and Landscape in a Missouri Ozarks Area, pp. 398-418 Dar es Salaam, The Port and Its Tributary Area, pp. 419-435 General Cargo Hinterlands of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and New Orleans, pp. 436-455 Letters and Comments on Annals Topics The Distinction between Relative and Absolute Frequencies in Using Chi Square for Regional Analysis, pp. 456-457

-Postwar Population Movements in Europe, pp. 458-472 -Recent Publications on the Distribution of Population in the United States, pp. 472-481

1959 Alaska and Hawaii into Union, Fidel Castro comes to power in Cuba Geographical Aspects of the Law of the Sea, pp. 1-23 An Evaluation of the 1948 Thornthwaite Classification, pp. 24-30 Atoll Development and Morphology, pp. 31-54 Basic Concepts in the Analysis of Small Urban Centers of Minnesota, pp. 55-72 Some Recent Developments in the Content and Theory of Soviet Geography, pp. 73-82 Armin Kohl Lobeck, Geomorphologist and Landscape Artist, 1886-1958, pp. 83-87 Letters and Comments on Annals Topics Map Projections, Linear Scale, and the Representative Fraction, p. 88 Comments on the use of Chi-Square, p. 89 -The "Hydraulic Society", pp. 90-95 The Russian Non-Chernozem Wheat Base, pp. 97-109 The Filchner Ice Shelf, pp. 110-119 Fedorov's Complex Method in Climatology, pp. 120-144 Ribbon Developments in the Urban Business Pattern, pp. 145-155 Zonal Indices as Related to the Winter Climate in East Asia, pp. 156-163 Charles C. Adams, 1873-1955, pp. 164-167 Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 30-April 2, 1959, pp. 168-222 -The Cities of India and Their Problems, pp. 223-231 -Spatial Structure of the Economy: I, pp. 232-239 Boundary Concepts in the Setting of Place and Time, pp. 241-255 A Free and Secure Access to the Sea, pp. 256-268 The Nature of Frontiers and Boundaries, pp. 269-282 Exclaves, pp. 283-295 The Function and Methods of Electoral Geography, pp. 296-304 The Location of River Towns in the Central Lowland of the United States, pp. 305-323 Letters and Comments on Annals Topics Non-Western Views of the "Hydraulic Society", pp. 324-325 Centrography in Russian Geography, pp. 326-327 -Recent Studies Concerning the Role of Transportation in the Space Economy, pp. 328-342 Man, Time, and Change in the Far Southwest, pp. 8-30 Comments on George F. Carter's "Man, Time, and Change in the Far Southwest", pp. 31-33 The Evolution of a Wild Landscape and Its Persistence in Southern California, pp. 34-56 Comments on Homer Aschmann's "The Evolution of a Wild Landscape and Its Persistence in Southern California, p. 57 Transformation of Southern California to a Cultivated Land, pp. 58-78 Comments on H. F. Raup's "Transformation of Southern California to a Cultivated Land", pp. 78-79 The Spread of an Artificial Landscape Over Southern California, pp. 80-99 Comments on Howard J. Nelson's "The Spread of an Artificial Landscape Over Southern California", pp. 99-100 The Future of California's Southland, pp. 101-117 Landform-Vegetation Relationships in the Atrato Delta, pp. 345-360 Land Consolidation in Spain, pp. 361-373 Aboriginal Chibcha Settlement in Colombia, pp. 374-392 Trends in Airline Passenger Traffic: A Geographic Case Study, pp. 393-408 Origins and Development of a Food Economy in Central Minas Gerais, pp. 409-419 Manufacturing in the Kita Kyushu Industrial Zone of Japan, pp. 420-442 The Geography of Commuting in West Germany, pp. 443-456 Letters and Comments on Annals Topics "The Curve of the Grey Spectrum": A Review, pp. 457-460 Charles F. Brooks, 1891-1958, pp. 461-465 -Limnology: Its Growth and Evolution, pp. 466-470 -Spatial Structure of the Economy: II, pp. 471-482

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