Measured Demand Black Start Excluding Exports

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Measured Demand Black Start Excluding Exports


Settlements and Billing

BPM Configuration Guide: Measured Demand Black Start Excluding Exports

Pre-calculation Version 5.0cb Settlements and Billing Version: 5.0cb BPM Configuration Guide: Measured Demand Black Start Excluding Exports Date: 0901/2631/11

Table of Contents

1. Purpose of Document 3

2. Introduction 3 2.1 Background 3 2.2 Description 8

3. Charge Code Requirements 9 3.1 Business Rules 9 3.2 Predecessor Charge Codes 10 3.3 Successor Charge Codes 10 3.4 Inputs – External Systems 10 3.5 Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations 11 3.6 CAISO Formula 13 3.7 Outputs 15

4. Charge Code Effective Date 18

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1. Purpose of Document

The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and design specification for a SaMC Charge Code in one document.

2. Introduction

2.1 Background

In the allocation of various payment and charges, the amounts are divided among Business Associates (BAs) in proportion to their relative contribution to the overall Measured Demand quantity (in MWh) over which the allocation is performed. Thus, an allocation of payment or charges requires the following two components calculated for the particular time period over which the allocation is performed: (1) the overall metered CAISO Demand plus Real-Time Interchange export schedules in the grid sector or area over which the allocated payments and charges apply and (2) the contribution of each Business Associate to the overall CAISO Demand plus Real- Time Interchange export schedules referenced in the prior item. To provide the Measured Demand quantities that are used in multiple Charge Code calculations that allocate various payments or charges, the CAISO implements a set of Pre-calculation processes, referred to as Measured Demand Pre-calculations, to calculate particular Measured Demand quantities. There are five (5) Measured Demand Pre-calculation configurations in which an overall Measured Demand quantity is calculated. The five Pre-calculations differ by the composition of the Loads and exports that are included in their Measured Demand outputs. The Measured Demand Pre- calculation process configurations, the Load and export composition of their outputs, and the associated output frequency (10-minute, hourly, etc.) are identified as follows:

Measured Demand Pre-calculation Configurations Dependent Allocation Name Output Composition and Frequency Charge Codes

MD over Control Composition: CC 6474 - Real Time Area Pre- Unaccounted for calculation Measured Demand: Energy Settlement The sum (as a negative value) of all CC 6475 – Real Time (a) metered CAISO Demand Uninstructed Imbalance Energy (b) Real-Time Interchange export Settlement schedules CC 6477 - Real Time Net MSS Measured Demand: Imbalance Energy The lesser of Offset

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Measured Demand Pre-calculation Configurations Dependent Allocation Name Output Composition and Frequency Charge Codes

CC 6480 - Excess Cost Neutrality Allocation CC 6636 - IFM Bid Cost Recovery Tier 1 Allocation CC 6637 - IFM Bid Cost Recovery Tier 2 Allocation CC 6678 - Real Time Bid Cost Recovery Allocation CC 6774 - RT Congestion Offset CC 6790 – CRR (a) zero (0) Balancing Account or the net value defined as CC 6806 - Day Ahead (b) the sum of Meter Data(as a Residual Unit negative value) for Demand of Commitment (RUC) all Loads internal to an MSS Tier 1 Allocation plus (+) the sum of CC 6807 - Day Ahead Residual Unit (c) Meter Data representing Commitment (RUC) Generation of all Generating Tier 2 Allocation Units for the MSS CC 6947 - IFM to which lesser value is added Marginal Losses (d) the sum of all of the MSS Real- Surplus Credit Time Interchange export Allocation schedules (as a negative value). CC 550 – Monthly FERC Fee Settlement Frequency: CC 551 – Annual 10-minute, hourly, daily FERC Fee Settlement CC 4501, 4505 (GMC Variants) CC 4989 – Daily Rounding Adjustment Allocation

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Measured Demand Pre-calculation Configurations Dependent Allocation Name Output Composition and Frequency Charge Codes

CC 4999 – Monthly Rounding Adjustment CC 6457 – Declined Hourly Pre-Dispatch Penalty Allocation CC 7056 – Flexible Ramp Cost Allocation CC 7879 – Monthly Significant Event ICPM Allocation CC 8999 – Neutrality Adjustment MD over Control Composition: CC 1302 - Long-Term Area Excl MSS Voltage Support Energy Pre- Measured Demand: Allocation calculation The sum (as a negative value) of all CC 1303 - (a) metered CAISO Demand Supplemental Reactive Energy (b) Real-Time Interchange export Allocation schedules The overall Measured Demand output quantity excludes Energy from MSS entities. Frequency: 10-minute and monthly MD Emissions Composition: CC 591 – Emissions over Control Area Cost Recovery Excl External Measured Demand (in-state): Exports Pre- The sum (as a negative value) of all calculation (a) metered CAISO Demand (b) in-state Real-Time Interchange export schedules The sum excludes CAISO-external exports and any external contractual Transmission Loss adjustments. Net MSS Measured Demand (in- state):

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Measured Demand Pre-calculation Configurations Dependent Allocation Name Output Composition and Frequency Charge Codes

The lesser of (a) zero (0) or the net value defined as (b) the sum of Meter Data (as a negative value) for Demand of all Loads internal to an MSS plus (+) the sum of (c) Meter Data representing Generation of all Generating Units for the MSS to which lesser value is added (d) the sum of all of the MSS in- state Real-Time Interchange export schedules (as a negative value).

The sum excludes CAISO-external exports and any external contractual Transmission Loss adjustments. Frequency: Monthly MD Black Start Composition: CC 1353- Black Start Excl Exports Pre- Energy Allocation calculation Metered CAISO Demand: the sum of all metered CAISO Demand (as a negative value). Net MSS Demand: The greater of (a) zero (0) or the net value defined as (b) the sum of Meter Data (as a negative value) for Demand of all Loads internal to an MSS, plus (+) the sum of (c) Meter Data representing

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Measured Demand Pre-calculation Configurations Dependent Allocation Name Output Composition and Frequency Charge Codes

Generation of all Generating Units for the MSS. Frequency: Hourly MD over Control Composition: CC 6977 – Allocation Area Excl of Transmission Loss Transmission Loss Measured Demand: Obligation Charge for Adjustment Pre- Real Time Schedules The sum (as a negative value) of all calculation under Control (a) metered CAISO Demand Agreement (b) Real-Time Interchange export schedules The calculated value excludes contractual Transmission Loss adjustments. Net MSS Measured Demand: The greater of (a) zero (0) or the net value defined as (b) the sum of Meter Data for Demand (as a negative value) of all Loads internal to an MSS plus (+) the sum of (c) Meter Data representing Generation of all Generating Units for the MSS to which lesser value is added (d) the sum of all of the MSS Real- Time Interchange export schedules (as a negative value). The calculated value excludes contractual Transmission Loss adjustments. Frequency: 10-minute and Hourly

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Some of the Measured Demand configurations listed above recognize exemptions to the calculation for various Business Associates and resources. In some instances a Measured Demand configuration may produce multiple outputs, each one recognizing a particular exemption or set of exemptions. For each Measured Demand calculation, its exemptions are determined and defined by the requirements of the allocations in which the Measured Demand Pre-calculation outputs are employed. All of the dependent allocation charge codes listed in the above Measured Demand Pre- calculation configuration summary table do not necessarily use the entire set of Measured Demand output components that the table associates with the charge codes. Some of the outputs used in the allocations are adjusted for exceptions as explained in the prior paragraph. Moreover some outputs used in various allocations are adjusted for various transmission-related contracts in order to exclude Measured Demand that is associated with contract rights from being used in a calculation. Additionally, based on the MRTU Tariff, special rules apply for the application of Measured Demand components for MSS entities that Load Follow, or for the allocation of Unaccounted-For- Energy (UFE). Some allocations may be based on metered CAISO Demand, not the full Measured Demand quantity. Thus, the configuration summary table above is quite simplistic and is intended to present only a top-level view of the output components of the Measured Demand Pre-calculations.

2.2 Description

Generically, Measured Demand calculations represent the sum of metered CAISO Demand (or net MSS Demand) quantities plus Real-Time Interchange export schedule quantities. Depending upon the exact Measured Demand calculation, various components are included or excluded in a summed Measured Demand output value. The “Measured Demand Black Start Excl Exports” output calculations do not include exports. Likewise, the calculations do not employ quantities for Transmission Losses under operating agreements (contractual Transmission Loss adjustments that serve as a form of export Energy). The “Measured Demand Black Start Excl Exports” process provides for BA and resource-specific exemptions for particular Business Associates and combinations of BA and resource. The Energy for exempted entities or resources is not included in the Measured Demand outputs. The “Measured Demand Black Start Excl Exports” process derives its Measured Demand quantities from all metered Demand in the CAISO Control Area and from the net MSS Demand of Metered Subsystem (MSS) entities. Net MSS Demand is defined to be the lesser of zero (0) or the sum of Meter Data (as a negative value) for the Demand of all Loads internal to an MSS, to which is added the Meter Data representing the Generation of all MSS Generating Units (as a positive value). The “Measured Demand Black Start Excl Exports” Pre-calculation generates a set of outputs that produce Measured Demand quantities on an hourly basis. The outputs are expected to serve the CC 1353 - Black Start Energy Allocation Charge Code, as stipulated in the prior section. The calculation produces an output at two levels of summation for use in allocating charges and payments. The Measured Demand output appears as the sum of metered CAISO Demand added to the net MSS Demand quantities for each Business Associate of the CAISO Control Area. Additionally, the Measured Demand quantity is summed over all Business Associates to formulate a value for the overall CAISO Control Area.

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3. Charge Code Requirements

3.1 Business Rules

Bus Req Business Rule ID The Measured Demand Black Start Excluding Exports shall perform a set of calculations to determine and output Measured Demand as metered 1.0 CAISO Demand over the CAISO Control Area without inclusion of Real- Time Interchange export Energy schedules. Measured Demand shall be calculated and output as a total quantity for 1.1 the overall CAISO Control Area. Measured Demand shall be calculated and output as a total quantity for 1.2 each Business Associate. For Meter Subsystem (MSS) entities for which their Energy is settled via the net-Settlement option, a net Measured Demand quantity will be 2.0 obtained from the sum of values from all MSS city gate meters or, if the city gate meter values are unavailable, from a calculated net Demand value. (Fact) The net MSS Measured Demand quantity shall be input from the MSS 2.1 Netting Pre-calculation process. The Measured Demand Black Start Excl Exports shall provide Measured 3.0 Demand outputs that exclude particular combinations of Business Associate (BA) and resource values 3.1 Exceptions shall be defined in a standing data table. Exceptions shall be organized in the standing data table as “exception 3.1.1 sets”. A set of distinct Measured Demand outputs shall be provided for each 3.1.2 exception set. An exception flag input shall be provided for each exception set in order 3.1.3 to indicate when an exception condition within the exception set is valid. Each exception set shall be effective-dated (with a start data and end 3.1.4 date) to indicate the period over which the exception set is in effect. The current implementation of the Measured Demand Black Start 3.1.5 Excluding Exports shall provide for two (2) exception sets, referred to as “Exceptions #1” and “Exceptions #2”. 4.0 The Measured Demand Black Start Excl Exports pre-calculation shall provide Measured Demand outputs that exclude the transmission rights

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Bus Req Business Rule ID (in MWh) associated with particular Business Associate (BA) values. The Measured Demand outputs shall be calculated on an hourly interval 5.0 basis. PTB Charge Adjustment shall not apply to the Measured Demand Black 6.0 Start Excluding Exports process.

3.2 Predecessor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name MSS Netting Pre-calculation ETC, TOR, CVR Quantity Pre-calculation

3.3 Successor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name CC 1353 - Black Start Energy Allocation

3.4 Inputs – External Systems

Row Variable Name Description # Flag value, provided as a standing data input, that indicates whether a condition from Exceptions #1 is met (true) for a given combination of Business Associate B and resource r values of resource type t. When an MeasuredDemandBlackStartEx Exceptions #1 condition is true, the 1 clExportsExceptions1Flag Brt Measured Demand Black Start Excluding Exports shall exclude any associated metered CAISO Demand (or export Energy) or net MSS Measured Demand for the resource in the calculation of Measured Demand outputs.

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Flag value (a binary 0-1 indicator) derived by the data mapping process from the Exceptions #1 standing data input, that indicates whether a condition from Exceptions #1 is met (true) for a given Business Associate B value independent of any Resource. BAMeasuredDemandBlackStart When an Exceptions #1 condition is 2 ExclExportsExceptionsFlag B true for the given value of B, the Measured Demand Black Start Excluding Exports pre-calculation shall exclude any associated metered CAISO Demand (or export Energy) or net MSS Measured Demand for the BA in the calculation of Measured Demand outputs. Flag value, derived by the data mapping process from the Exceptions #2 standing data input, that indicates whether a condition from Exceptions #2 is met (true) for a given Business Associate B. When an Exceptions #2 condition is true, the Measured MeasuredDemandBlackStartEx Demand Black Start Excl Exports pre- 3 clExportsExceptions2Flag B calculation shall exclude any associated transmission rights Energy from the calculation of the CAISOTotalHourlyMeasuredDemandBl ackStartExclExportsQty_Ex1 mdh and BAHourlyMeasuredDemandBlackStart ExclExportsQty_Ex1 Bmdh Measured Demand outputs. A constant value (in MWh as a negative value), provided as standing data input, in effect for Trading Day d MeasuredDemandMinimumLimi of Trading Month m, that Measured 4 t md Demand is expected to always be less than. The input is effective-dated to provide the date range over which the input’s value applies.

3.5 Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

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Predecessor Charge Code/ Row # Variable Name Pre-calc Configuration The net MSS Measured Demand Energy quantity (in MWh as a negative value) attributable to resources scheduled by Business Associate B for UDC/MSS u of IntervalNetMSSDemand entity type T’ for 10-minute Settlement 1 Quantity BuT’I’M’AA’W’VL’mdhi Interval i of Trading Hour h and Trading Month m. For the Measured Demand Black Start Excluding Exports calculations only input values for which T’ = ‘MSS are used. Received from the MSS Netting Pre- calculation, the BAResIntervalMeteredCAISODemandQu antity BrtuT’I’Q’M’AA’R’pPW’Qd’Nz’VvHn’L’mdhi input presents ten -minute CAISO Metered Demand (in MWh as a negative value) that is attributable to resource ID r of BAResIntervalMeteredC Resource Type t, and to Business AISODemandQuantity Associate B and UDC/MSS u (having 2 BrtuT’I’Q’M’AA’R’pPW’Qd’Nz’VvHn’L’m Entity Type T’, MSS Gross/Net Energy dhi Settlement Type I’, MSS Emissions Pay Flag W’, RUC Participation Flag V and Load Following Selection Flag L’) for Settlement Interval i of Trading Hour h, Trading Day d and Trading Month m. Input attributes that are not mentioned in the current input description are incidental to the CT calculations herein. Received from the ETC, TOR, CVR Quantity Pre-calculation, the SettlementIntervalResourceContractMD Brtz’mdhi input presents the transmission SettlementIntervalReso right-exempted Measured Demand 3 urceContractMD Brtz’mdhi quantity (in MWh as a negative value) for contract type z’ that is associated with resource ID r, resource type t, Business Associate B, Settlement Interval i, Trading Hour h and Trading Month m.

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3.6 CAISO Formula

Measured Demand Quantity over CAISO Control Area (by Settlement Hour)

CAISOTotalHourlyMeasuredDemandBlackStartExclExportsQty mdh =

 BAHourlyMeasuredDemandBlackStartExclExports Bmdh B

Measured Demand Quantity over CAISO Control Area (by BA and Settlement Hour)

BAHourlyMeasuredDemandBlackStartExclExports Bmdh =  i BASettlementIntervalMeasuredDemandBlackStartExclExports Bmdhi

Measured Demand Quantity over CAISO Control Area (by BA and Settlement Interval) Where

BASettlementIntervalMeasuredDemandBlackStartExclExports Bmdhi = IntervalLoadDemandQty_MDBlackStartExclExports Bmdhi + IntervalTotalNetMSSDemandQty_MDBlackStartExclExports Bmdhi Where

IntervalLoadDemandQty_MDBlackStartExclExportsBmdhi =                    r t u T' I' Q' M' A A' R' p P W' Q d' N z' V v

   BAResIntervalMeteredCAISODemandQuantity H n' L'

BrtuT’I’Q’M’AA’R’pPW’Qd’Nz’VvHn’L’mdhi Where

T’ <> ‘MSS’

And Where

IntervalTotalNetMSSDemandQty_MDBlackStartExclExports Bmdhi =          IntervalNetMSSDemandQuantity u T' I' M' A A' W' V L'

BuT’I’M’AA’W’VL’mdhi Where

T’ = ‘MSS’

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Measured Demand Quantity over CAISO Control Area for Exceptions #1 (by Settlement Hour)

CAISOTotalHourlyMeasuredDemandBlackStartExclExportsQty_Ex1 mdh =

 BASettlementIntervalMeasuredDemandBlackStartExclExportsQty_Ex1 Bmdh B

Measured Demand Quantity over CAISO Control Area for Exceptions #1 (by BA and Settlement Hour)

BAHourlyMeasuredDemandBlackStartExclExportsQty_Ex1 Bmdh =  i BASettlementIntervalMeasuredDemandBlackStartExclExportsQty_Ex1 Bmdhi

Measured Demand Quantity over CAISO Control Area for Exceptions #1 (by BA and Settlement Interval) Where

BASettlementIntervalMeasuredDemandBlackStartExclExportsQty_Ex1 Bmdhi = IntervalLoadDemandQty_Ex1_MDBlackStartExclExports Bmdhi + IntervalTotalNetMSSDemandQty_Ex1_MDBlackStartExclExports Bmdhi - BASettlementIntervalLoadRightsQty_MDBlackStartExclExports Bmdhi Where

IntervalLoadDemandQty_Ex1_MDBlackStartExclExports Bmdhi =                    r t u T' I' Q' M' A A' R' p P W' Q d' N z' V v

   BAResIntervalMeteredCAISODemandQuantity H n' L'

BrtuT’I’Q’M’AA’R’pPW’Qd’Nz’VvHn’L’mdhi Where

T’ <> ‘MSS’

And Where

MeasuredDemandBlackStartExclExportsExceptions1Flag Brt <>True And Where

BAMeasuredDemandBlackStartExclExportsExceptionsFlag B <>True

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And Where

IntervalTotalNetMSSDemandQty_Ex1_MDBlackStartExclExports Bmdhi =          IntervalNetMSSDemandQuantity u T' I' M' A A' W' V L'

BuT’I’M’AA’W’VL’mdhi Where

T’ = ‘MSS’ And Where

BAMeasuredDemandBlackStartExclExportsExceptionsFlag B <> True And Where

If MeasuredDemandBlackStartExclExportsExceptions2Flag B = ‘True’ Then (

BASettlementIntervalLoadRightsQty_MDBlackStartExclExports Bmdhi =    r t z'

SettlementIntervalResourceContractMD Brtz’mdhi

Where t = ‘LOAD’

) ( Else

BASettlementIntervalLoadRightsQty_MDBlackStartExclExports Bmdhi = 0


3.7 Outputs

Output Name Description Req ID In addition to any outputs listed below, all 1 All inputs. external inputs shall be included as outputs. CAISOTotalHourlyMeas Total Measured Demand quantity (in MWh 2 uredDemandBlackStart as a negative value) calculated over the ExclExports mdh CAISO Control Area in Trading Hour h. 3 BAHourlyMeasuredDem Measured Demand quantity (in MWh as a

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Output Name Description Req ID negative value) calculated for Business andBlackStartExclExpor Associate B over the CAISO Control Area in ts Bmdh Trading Hour h. Measured Demand quantity (in MWh as a BASettlementIntervalMe negative value) calculated for Business 4 asuredDemandBlackSta Associate B over the CAISO Control Area in rtExclExports Bmdhi 10-minute Settlement Interval i of Trading Hour h. Sum of meter input values for all Load resources r that were scheduled by Business IntervalLoadDemandQty Associate B for 10-minute Settlement 5 _MDBlackStartExclExpo Interval i of Trading Hour h. The summed rts Bmdhi quantity (in MWh as a negative value) is restricted to Energy from non-MSS entities or from gross-settled MSS entities. Sum of net demand (in MWh as a negative IntervalTotalNetMSSDe value) attributable to Business Associate B 6 mandQty_MDBlackStart calculated over all net-settled MSS entities ExclExports Bmdhi for 10-minute Settlement Interval i of Trading Hour h. Total Measured Demand quantity (in MWh as a negative value) calculated over the CAISOTotalHourlyMeas CAISO Control Area in Trading Hour h, with 7 uredDemandBlackStart exclusion of Energy provided by Business ExclExportsQty_Ex1 mdh Associates and resources that comprise Exceptions #1. Measured Demand quantity (in MWh as a negative value) calculated for Business BAHourlyMeasuredDem Associate B over the CAISO Control Area in 8 andBlackStartExclExpor Trading Hour h with exclusion of Energy tsQty_Ex1Bmdh provided by Business Associates and resources that comprise Exceptions #1. Measured Demand quantity (in MWh as a negative value) calculated for Business BASettlementIntervalMe Associate B over the CAISO Control Area in asuredDemandBlackSta 9 10-minute Settlement Interval i of Trading rtExclExportsQty_Ex1Bm Hour h with exclusion of Energy provided by dhi Business Associates and resources that comprise Exceptions #1. 10 IntervalLoadDemandQty Sum of meter input values for all Load _Ex1_MDBlackStartExcl resources r that were scheduled by Business ExportsBmdhi Associate B for 10-minute Settlement

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Output Name Description Req ID Interval i of Trading Hour h, with exclusion of input values for Business Associates and resources comprising Exceptions #1. The summed quantity (in MWh as a negative value) is restricted to Energy from non-MSS entities or from gross-settled MSS entities. Sum of net demand (in MWh as a negative value) attributable to Business Associate B IntervalTotalNetMSSDe calculated over all net-settled MSS entities mandQty_Ex1 11 for 10-minute Settlement Interval i of Trading _MDBlackStartExclExpo Hour h, with exclusion of input values for rts Bmdhi Business Associates and resources comprising Exceptions #1. Transmission Rights quantity (in MWh as a negative value) that apply to scheduled Load BASettlementIntervalLo over the CAISO Control Area for Business 12 adRightsQty_MDBlackS Associate B, Settlement Interval i, Trading tartExclExports Bmdhi Hour h, Trading Day d, and Trading Month m.

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4. Charge Code Effective Date

Effective Effective Charge Code/ Document Version Start End Version Update Type Pre-calc Name Date Date Measured Demand Documentation Black Start 5.0 04/01/09 05/23/10 Edits Only Excluding Exports Measured Demand Documentation Black Start 5.0a 05/24/10 01/31/11 Edits Only Excluding Exports Measured Demand Open12/ Documentation Black Start 5.0b 02/01/11 12/11 Edits Only Excluding Exports Measured Demand Documentation Black Start 5.0c 12/13/11 Open Edits Only Excluding Exports

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