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Supplier S Personal Information


BID DOCUMENT FOR Supply of 11 KV metering CTs for H.T. consumers

Bid Document No. SE/NUC/T-I/07-08/17



Seal & Signature of the supplier Seal & Signature of the supplier TENDER NOTICE

Following tenders are invited on prescribed Tender Forms from eligible contractors for following works. The tender documents are available at our web site www. after 24.10.2007. Submit the tender duly filled in latest by 02.11.2007 up to 15.00 Hrs. While submitting the tenders please attach the tender form fees as shown below in the form of Demand draft only in favour of MSEDCL. Contact person Executive Engineer (Administration), Urban Circle, Nashik. Telephone No. 0253- 2308003-04.

Tender Est. Cost in Tender fee No. Particulars of Work Rs. Lakhs in Rs. 07-08 Work of Providing & fixing of 33 & 11KV CT & T-12 1000/- PT for Substation metering at various 33/11 25.00 KV S/Station in Urban Circle, Nashik and Cross over points under Urban Circle, Nashik.

T-13 Supply of PVC Gum Boots 2.00 500/- T-14 Supply of printed stationery 5.00 500/- T-15 Supply of computer stationery (Papers) 5.00 500/- T-16 Hiring of cranes in the area of Urban Circle, 5.00 500/- Nashik

T-17 Supply of 11 KV metering CTs for 5.00 500/- H.T.consumers.

T-18 Supply of 11 KV metering PTs for 4.00 500/- H.T.consumers. T-19 Supply of 33 KV metering CTs & PTs for 5.00 500/- H.T.consumers & for S/Stn. T-20 Laying of 11 KV underground power cable by Horizontal boring machine for railway track 3.00 500/- crossing for 11 KV Lahavit Feeder under GFSS – I Scheme.

SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (NUC), MSEDCL, 2nd Floor, Prosper Park, Near Shingada Talav, Nashik – 01.


Office of The Superintending Engineer, Urban Circle, 2nd Floor, Prosper Park, Near Shingada Talav,Nashik-422001.

TENDER FOR -- Supply of 11 KV metering CTs for H.T. consumers

ESTIMATED COST -- Rs.5.00 Lakhs

Period of Issue -- 24/10/2007 To 01/11/2007, 11.00 to 16.00 Hrs.

Last Date Of Submission -- 02/11/2007 up to 15.00 Hrs.

DUE DATE OF OPENING -- 03/11/2007 AT 11-00 HRS

Tender No. -- SE/NUC/T-I/07-08/17

Cost of Tender document -- Rs.500/- Per copy in person + VAT (The tender form is non transferable) ------Paid Tender cost Rs.500/- vide M.R.No. ______date ______

Identification copy No. ______

Issued to – M/s. - ______

Tender copy delivered – By Hand/By Post ------EMD Rs.5,000/- paid vide DD/MR.No.______date ______------

Tender form issued on behalf of The Suptdg.Engr.,MSEDCL.Urban Circle,Nashik

Accounts Officer, Executive Engineer MSEDCL.Urban Circle,Nashik MSEDCL.Urban Circle,Nashik

Note – To be submitted on or before 15.00 hrs. 02/11/2007. The tender will be opened at 11.00 hrs on 03/11/2007 (if possible) or on next working day at the same time, at the office of The Suptdg.Engr.,MSEDCL.Urban Circle, 2nd Floor, Prosper Park, Near Shingada Talav, Nashik, The tenderer or his representative may remain present while opening the tender.


Tender NO. SE/NUC/T-I/07-08/17

TENDER FOR -- Supply of 11 KV metering CTs for H.T. consumers.

1) MSEDCL has taken every care to make the documents complete, it will be the responsibility of the tenderer to check that tender documents handed over to him are complete in all respect.

2) In case of any clarification, the tenderer is requested to contact immediately and in any case at least one hours before due date & time of submission of the tender documents.

3) In case no reference is received from the tenderer, it will be presumed by the MSEDCL that the tender documents received by the tenderer are complete in all respect. The tenderer shall not raise any complaint/dispute subsequently.

4) In case the due date of the tender submission and opening happens to be a holiday, the next working day will be considered as due date.

5) The tenderer has an option to send his tender either by post or by a messenger. However the tender must be received by MSEDCL. on or before the due time on appointed date. In case any tender is received after due time and date the same will be rejected. Postal delay or any other delay will not be considered.

6) The tender documents are not transferable.

7) A tenderer can submit only one tender. In case multiple tenders are submitted, all such tenders will be rejected.

8) In case there is conflict between the instruction given above & the relevant terms & conditions given elsewhere in the tender specification the above instructions shall govern.

9) The tenderers are requested to write their confirmation where asked for. Silence on any part will be taken granted in favour of the Company.

10) The tender shall be submitted in two-envelope system as under. In absence of proper documents duly attested in Envelope No. 1, the Envelope No. 2 shall not be opened.

ENVELOPE NO. 1 ENVELOPE NO. 2 1. Proof of Tender Fee paid Complete Tender Form in 2. Sales Tax registration Certificate. (Attested copy) along with rate schedule. 3. If the firm is a S.S.I. unit, valid S.S.I. registration certificate. (Attested copy) 4. Proof of E.M.D. paid. 5. Solvency certificate of Rs. 5.00 Lakhs. (Valid for the year 2007-2008) 6. Past experience /supply of similar type of material to M.S.E.D.C.L./Govt./Public undertaking. (Giving full details of order). 7. Literature of the product.


Instructions to Supplier

I. PRICE: - Prices are acceptable only at F.O.R. destination basis inclusive of risk in transit and freight paid basis showing the break up as desired in schedule 'A'. It shall be noted that offers not conforming to F.O.R. destination basis and to the unit as specified in Schedule 'A' shall not be considered even though they may be the lowest. MSEDCL reserves the right to accept or reject any of the offers submitted by the tenderer without assigning any reasons thereof. Rates should be exclusive of taxes. The tentative cost of tender is Rs. 5.00 Lakhs.


Excise duty will be paid extra, if applicable and agreed to in the contract, at the rates applicable at the time of dispatch (within the contractual delivery period) on Ex-works prices to be indicated by the supplier against copy of E.D. gate pass. Benefits due to further changes in MODVAT system, if any, should be passed on to M.S.E.D.C.L.


1) The MSEDCL is registered under Sale Tax Act/Ordinance of the Maharashtra State, so also under the Central Sales Tax Act 1956.

2) Declaration on form 'E/C' will be issued whenever and wherever applicable.

3) Suppliers should give his Sales Tax Registration No./VAT No. and mention tax applicable for this offer.

1. Sale Tax/VAT: % with 'E' form.

2. Central Sale Tax/VAT: % with 'C' form.

3. Sale Tax/Central Sale Tax is not Levi able as my sales are second sale.

My Sale Tax/VAT No. Registration No. ------

Goods will be moving from ------

State to------

IV. OFFERING THE MATERIAL ON SLAB BASIS: - Suppliers are requested to quote the rates on unit basis only. The offer with price of the material quoted in slab basis and or with any conditional discount on any account viz. payment; quantity, etc. shall be rejected. The suppliers shall quote the delivery only in the unit of the item specified in schedule ‘A’. Similarly if the supplier quotes combined delivery in assorted sizes for all the items, he would be required to supply all the items ordered on him in fair proportion or particular item/items as may be required by the purchaser.

Seal & Signature of the supplier V. DISCLOSING THE NAME OF THE MANUFACTURER: -

Whenever a material is described by the name of a particular brand or being offered on re-sale basis, the supplier shall specifically disclose the name of the original supplier or the manufacturer. The firm shall not be allowed to supply the material offered from any other manufacturer unless prior permission in writing is obtained from the undersigned.


1) Supplier shall quote his rate per unit specified in schedule ‘A’ in figures as well as in words. Any variation in the rates etc. will not be allowed on any ground such as mistake, misunderstanding etc. after the tender has been submitted. The tendered rate must include in general (a) all charges for container and packing (b) all charges to effect F.O.R. destination of the supplies. 2) Suppliers printed terms and conditions will not be considered to form part of the Tender. 3) In case of divergence between the rates in figures and words, it will be considered to read the rate most favorable to the MSEDCL.


Suppliers are requested to please make a note that in case of ambiguous terms in respect of F.O.R. destination condition excise duty, sale tax/VAT or if the blanks are not filled in/unanswered; the offer/tender shall be liable to be rejected.


Suppliers are requested to ensure that the comments against each and every item/clause of Annexure/Questionnaire shall be clearly filled in and answered. Any item/clause shall not be left blank or "NOT APPLICABLE" shall be written against it.


Suppliers shall not make any additions, alterations or changes in the tender form and the conditions of tender and supply including the description of material mentioned. They should quote rate for the material described or write the words 'Not Quoted' against each of item in schedule ‘A’


Offers must be submitted in the tender documents only and be clearly and legibly filled in with all schedule and must be either in ink or typewritten. Offer and all documents comprising of tender details, tender form, conditions of tender and supply questionnaires, drawings, test certificates and other documents should be duly signed on each page and corrections if any, to the information filled in should not be overwritten and new details given duly initialed. Tenders not signed as above shall be liable to be rejected.


If the supplier is not in a position to quote for entire quantity and for delivery as required, state specifically the quantities, which they can deliver at the price, quoted. Silence on this point will be considered for supply at quoted rate in full quantity as per delivery offered.


a) Telegraphic offers or offers received in the form of telex message shall not be entertained b) Tender documents received after the due date and time of submission will not be accepted. Seal & Signature of the supplier c) Tender received in person or by post after the due date and time of submission shall not be opened and no correspondence will be entertained. The Company shall not be responsible for any cause arising out of such delay. d) In case the date of opening happens to be a holiday, the tender shall be opened on the next working day at the same time.

The MSEDCL reserves the right to reject any or all offers without assigning any reason whatsoever.


The MSEDCL reserves the right to reject any tender that does not confirm to any of the conditions/instructions/specifications etc.

XIV. The supplier should clear all the points with the concern officials regarding any confusion with terms and conditions and should note that no correspondence shall be entertained after the due date and time of submission of tender unless otherwise sought by the office.

XV. The Tenderer should have prior experience of supplying similar items to different Govt. / Private companies. To judge the capacity and capability of the supplier or his manufacturer the supplier shall furnish the list of orders executed by him or his manufacturer/stockiest for the last 3 years indicating the name of the order, name of the purchaser, quantity ordered, value of the order, and any deviation in delivery peri- od. Details of pending orders and quantities outstanding against orders of this office and other should be indicated separately.

XVI. ACCEPTANCE OF TENDER: - The MSEDCL does not bind itself to accept the lowest offer or else with any reasons be assigned for the rejection of any tender or part of tender. It is also not binding on the MSEDCL to disclose any analysis report on tender/samples. The supplier on his part binds himself to supply any item or items selected from his offer in part or at the option of the MSEDCL.

The MSEDCL reserves the right to order /procure any quantity in excess to the extent of 50% or part of the quantities offered by the supplier.


Suppliers should pay the Earnest Money at 1% (one percent) of the total value of the tender. Earnest Money shall be paid in Cash/DD to this office drawn on any Scheduled/Nationalized Bank in Maharashtra. A reference to the tender number should be given in case the E.M.D is paid in cash before the due date of the tender and relevant deposit amount and receipt no shall be mentioned in the tender. Interest shall not be allowed on the Earnest Money Deposit. Earnest Money Deposit shall be forfeited in the following situations:-

(1) In case the supplier withdraws tender/offer during the validity period. (2) In case the supplier fails to pay the Security Deposit within stipulated period if the contract is awarded and (3) In case the supplier fails to execute the order.

XVIII. EARNEST MONEY OF UNSUCCESSFUL SUPPLIER. Earnest Money Deposit shall be returned to the unsuccessful supplier within three months after the tender has been decided and on submission of original receipt of E.M.D. paid to the MSEDCL.

XIX. OFFER OF SSI UNIT: - Offers of the SSI unit shall not be considered for concession applicable as per applicable provisions unless the unit is registered with Directorate of Industries of the Government for manufacturing the item tendered/offered and have valid Registration Certificate up to the date of estimated completion of the supplies. The SSI Registration Certificate must include the item for which offer has been submitted.

Seal & Signature of the supplier XX. DELIVERY: -

The supplier should quote clear delivery period in Schedule ‘A’. Offers with qualified delivery schedule which directly or indirectly affects conditions of tender and supply shall be liable for rejection. In the event of the tender being accepted for supply of the material, the supplier should strictly adhere to the delivery period as the time being essence of the contract. The delivery will be deemed to have been completed on the date of R.C/on the date of receipt of material at stores in case of door delivery.


In case the materials are not delivered in time, the supplier shall be liable to pay penalty/liquidated damages @ 1/2% of the contract price per week subject to a maximum of 10% reckoned on the contract value of such complete portion or section of the plant, equipment or material, including the portion supplied which could not be brought into commercial use due to any part thereof not being delivered in time. All the quotations dispute or differences arising under out of order in connection with the contract, if concluded, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Nashik Court.


1) Quality of supply: - Materials offered should be strictly as per specification mentioned in schedule ‘A’ and strictly in accordance with and as per the approved standard/samples. Preference will be given to ISI mark material. In case of material for which there are no standards of approved samples the supplies shall be of the best workmanship and quality available. You will keep this office informed of the progress of manufacture of the material. The goods shall be subject to the approval of the consignee after receipt of stores.

2) Validity of the tender: - The validity period of the offer/tender should be 90 (ninety) days from the date of opening of the tender. The supplier is bound to supply the material as per his offer during validity period.

3) Security Deposit: - Supplier should pay security deposit at the rate of 10% of the value of the order within seven days of receipt of the order failing which order will stand cancelled automatically without any further intimation. Security Deposit is payable by Cash/ DD / B.G. of Nationalised/ Scheduled Bank. The SSI unit has to pay security deposit as per statutory provisions.

4) Payment of Bills: - 100% payment will be made by A/c Payee Cheque on receipt of 100% material at Stores in good condition and on receipt of S.R. Note from the stores. The payment will be made on receipt of funds only.

5) Insurance: - In all cases the insurance shall be covered by you with Government Insurance Fund or if so desired by the MSEDCL with your or other conditions of contract for the total value of the order plus 10% to cover freight, Sales Tax and other incidental charges.

6) Guarantee: - Material should be guaranteed for workmanship and quality for a period of 18 months from the date of supply or 12 months from the date of commissioning whichever is earlier. You shall replace any defective material supplied free of cost immediately.]

7) Consignee: - The Executive Engineer MSEDCL Major Store ‘A’, Panchak, Nashik Road.

8) Testing Condition: - The CTs shall be supplied as per MSEDCL specifications and drawing. Type test from NABL is essential before call for testing. 100 % material will be tested by the Testing Engineer, Nashik before transportation to consignee at your cost, including testing charges. Test certificate should be submitted along with the bill. All reasonable facilities should be extended to the inspecting engineer free of cost. The material will be inspected within 15 days on receipt of inspection call. The delay in inspection will be at our account. Seal & Signature of the supplier 9) Name Plate: - The instrument transformers shall be provided with non- corrosive, legible nameplates with the information specified in relevant standards, duly engraved / punched on it. The materials shall be embossed/marked with words "MSEDCL Urban Circle, Nashik.

10) Supplier shall have to submit the solvency certificate from any nationalized or schedule bank equivalent to amount of estimated value of this tender.

11) Other conditions of supply if any: - As per Annexure I, II & III.

12) You will be deemed to be fully aware of the MSEDCL's General Conditions of contract for the supply of plant, equipment and material particularly in respect of Security Deposits, terms of payment, penalty for late delivery etc. And any ignorance of these conditions will not exempt you from your liability to abide by the same. Copies are available from the MSEDCL's Office.

13) CTs should be supplied of approved make by MSEDCL, Head Office. A list of which is enclosed herewith. If any contractor supplies CTs of make not included in the list, should procure a copy of H.O order / approval along with the tender.

14) Earthing of CTs should be done effectively. (Earthing resistance between 0.5 to 1 ohms range).

15) All the relevant drawings in triplicate shall be submitted alongwith the tender documents to the Suptdg. Engineer, NUC, Nashik. The drawings duly approved by the concern authority/officials would be issued separately. The approval of drawing and waival / approval of Type Test reports wherever issued, shall not relieve you from your responsibility and liability for ensuring correctness and correct interpretation for meeting the requirement as specified in the specifications and the relevant IS/IEC, please note.

16) All disputes/arbitration etc. are subject to Nashik jurisdiction only.

17) MSEDCL reserves the right to accept or reject any of the offers submitted by the tenderer without assigning any reasons thereof.

Seal & Signature of the supplier TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR 11KV, 22 KV and 33 KV CT & PT

1.0 SCOPE:

1.1 This specification covers design, manufacture, assembly, testing at manufacturer’s works, packing and delivery of outdoor instrument transformers for metering of supplies made to 11 KV, 22 kV and 33 KV consumers in Maharashtra State (India).

1.2 It is not the intent to specify completely herein all details of the design and construction of equipments. However, the equipment shall conform in all respects to high standards of engineering, design and workmanship mentioned in clause 4.0 and shall be capable of performing in continuous commercial operation up to the supplier’s guarantee in a manner acceptable to the purchaser, who will interpret the meanings of drawings and specification and shall have the power to reject any work or material which, in his judgment, is not in accordance therewith.

1.3 The equipments offered shall be complete with all components necessary for their effective and trouble free operation. Such components shall be deemed to be within the scope of supplier's supply irrespective of whether those are specifically brought out in this specification and/or the commercial order or not.


2.1 Equipment to be supplied against this specification shall be suitable for satisfactory continuous operation under the following tropical conditions.

2.1.1 Maximum ambient temperature in open air (C): 50.00 2.1.2 Maximum ambient temperature in shade (C) 45.00 2.1.3 Minimum temperature in shade(C): 03.50 2.1.4 Relative humidity (%) 10 to 100 2.1.5 Maximum annual rainfall (mm) 1450 2.1.6 Maximum wind pressure (Kg/m2) 150 2.1.7 Maximum altitude above mean sea level (Mtrs) 1000 2.1.8 Isoceraunic level (days/year) 50 2.1.9 Seismic level (Horizontal acceleration) 0.3 g. 2.1.10 General nature of climate Moderately hot and humid tropical climate, conducive to rust and fungus growth.

3.0 STANDARDS Unless otherwise specified elsewhere in this specification, the rating, performance and testing of the instrument transformers and accessories shall conform to the latest revisions, of all relevant standards listed in Annexure-I.

4.0 PRINCIPAL TECHNICAL PARAMETERS: The Current transformers covered in this specification shall meet the technical requirements listed in Annexure II.


5.1 COMMON FOR ALL INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS Seal & Signature of the supplier 5.1.1. The insulation of the instrument transformers shall be so designed that the internal insulation shall have higher electrical withstand capability than the external insulation. The designed dielectric withstand values of external and internal insulations shall be clearly brought out in the GTP(Guaranteed Technical particulars). The dielectric withstand values specified in this specification are meant for fully assembled instrument transformer.

5.1.2 PORCELAIN HOUSING: porcelain housing shall be of a single piece construction without any joint or coupling .The housing shall be made of homogeneous, vitreous porcelain of high mechanical and dielectric strength. Glazing of porcelain shall be of uniform brown or dark brown colour with a smooth surface arranged to shed away rainwater or condensed water particles (fog.). The profile of porcelain shall be aerodynamic type as per IEC 815. vertical clearance of porcelain housing shall be at least 370mm for 11 KV & 450 mm for 22 kV and 33 KV. Details of attachment of metallic flanges to the porcelain for pressure release valve, and primary/secondary terminals shall be brought out in the offer. Nuts and bolts or screws used for the fixation of inter facing porcelain component for taking out the terminals shall be provided on flanges and not on porcelain.

5.1.3 METAL TANKS: The metal tanks shall have bare minimum number of welded joints so as to minimize possible locations of oil leakage. The metal tanks shall be made out of mild steel. The thickness and metal of the tank shall be more than 3.00 mm. Actual thickness provided shall be specified by the tenderer. The bottom of the tank shall be adequately accessible for periodical maintenance of open surface.

5.1.4. SURFACE FINISH The metal tanks shall be coated with at least two coats of zinc rich epoxy painting. All the ferrous hardware, exposed to atmosphere, shall be hot dip galvanized. All other fixing nuts, bolts, washers in the electrical current path shall be made out of stainless steel.


Insulating oil required for first filling of the instrument transformer shall be covered in bidder's scope of supply. The oil shall meet the requirements of latest edition of IS- 335. The equipment shall be completely oil filled type and use of insulating materials such as quartz and marble etc. is not permissible.

5.1.6. PREVENTION OF OIL LEAKAGES & ENTRY OF MOISTURE As specified elsewhere in this specification, the instrument transformer shall be guaranteed for a trouble free and maintenance - free performance for a period as specified. Therefore, the bidder shall ensure that the sealing of instrument transformer is properly achieved. In this connection the arrangement provided by the bidder at various locations including the following ones shall be described, supported by sectional drawings. i) Locations of emergence of primary and secondary terminals. ii) Interface between porcelain housing and metal tanks Seal & Signature of the supplier iii) Cover of the secondary terminal box Nuts and bolts or screws used for fixation of the interfacing porcelain bushings for taking out terminals shall be provided on flanges cemented to the bushings and not on the porcelain. For gasket joints, wherever used nitrite butyl rubber gaskets shall be used. The gasket shall be fitted in properly machined groove with adequate space for accommodating the gasket under compression.

5.1.7. OIL LEVEL INDICATORS For compensation of variation in volume of the oil due to temperature variation, nitrogen cushion or Stainless Steel bellows shall be used. Rubber diaphragms shall not be permitted for this purpose. Instrument transformer provided with nitrogen cushion for Compensation of oil volume variation shall be provided with prismatic type oil sight window at suitable location so that the oil level is clearly visible with naked eye to an observer standing at ground level. If metal bellow is used for the above purpose, a ground glass window shall be provided to monitor the position of metal bellow.


Metal tank of the instrument transformer shall be provided with two separate earthing terminals for bolted connection to 50 mm x 8 mm MS flat to be provided by the purchaser, for connection to station earth-mat. The size of two numbers of earthing terminals shall be 16 mm dia x30 mm length, HDG, with one plain washer and one nut.

5.1.9. Instrument transformers shall be provided with suitable lifting arrangement, to lift the entire unit. The lifting arrangement (lifting eye) shall be positioned in such a way as to avoid any damage to the porcelain housing, primary terminals or the tanks during the process of lifting for installation/transport. The general arrangement drawing shall show clearly the lifting arrangements provided such as lifting eye, lug, guides etc.

5.1.10. NAME PLATE:

The instrument transformer shall be provided with non-corrosive, legible nameplates, with the information specified in relevant standards, duly engraved/punched on it and shall be attached to the main tank, forming integral part of the instrument transformer.

5.1.11.Mounting details for fixing the instrument transformer on purchaser’s supporting structure shall be strictly in accordance with the mounting details. Base M. S. channels of 75 mm x 40 mm x 5 mm of instrument transformers shall have four equidistant holes at 350 plus or minus 5 mm center.

5.1.12.The terminal connectors required for connection of the instrument transformer to purchaser’s bus bar shall be arranged by the purchaser.

5.1.13.Enamel, if used for conductor insulation, shall be either polyvinyl acetate type or amide type and shall meet the requirements of IS- 4800. Polyester enamel shall not be used. Double cotton cover, if used, shall be suitably covered to ensure that it does not come in contact with oil.

5.1.14.Oil filling and/or oil sampling cocks, if provided to facilitate factory processing, shall be permanently sealed before dispatch of the Instrument Transformers.

5.1.15. Test Tap shall not be provided.

Seal & Signature of the supplier 5.2. CURRENT TRANSFORMER (C.T.)

5.2.1. The C.T. shall be of dead tank design and shall be so constructed that it can be easily transported to site within the allowable transport limitation, even in horizontal position, if the transport limitation so demands. The C.T. shall be hermetically sealed and method of such sealing shall be detailed in the offer and shall be subject to the approval of the Purchaser.

5.2.2. The C.T. secondary terminals shall be brought out in a weatherproof terminal box. The terminal box shall be provided with removable gland plate and glands. The cable glands shall be suitable for 1100 volts grade PVC insulated, PVC sheathed multi core stranded 6 sq. mm. copper conductor cable. This terminal box shall be dust and vermin proof. The dimensions of the terminal box and its opening shall be adequate to enable easy access and working space with the use of normal tools.

5.2.3. Polarity shall be invariably marked in each primary and secondary terminal. Facility shall be provided for short circuiting and grounding of the CT secondary terminals inside the terminal box.

5.2.4. The CT shall be provided with a rating plate with dimensions and marking as per IS- 2705. The markings shall be punched and not painted.

The serial number and code of the supplier shall also be punched on the tank to identify the unit in case of loss or damage to the rating plate.

5.2.5.The Current Transformer shall be vacuum filled with oil after processing and thereafter hermitically sealed to eliminate breathing and to prevent air and moisture entering into the tank. Oil filling and/or oil sampling cocks, if provided to facilitate factory processing should be permanently sealed before dispatching the CT. The method adopted for hermetic sealing shall be described in the offer.

5.2.6. The casting of base collar etc. shall be die-cast and tested before assembly to detect cracks and voids if any.

5.2.7. The instrument security factor of metering core shall be low enough, but not greater than 5. This shall be demonstrated on all the ratios of metering core in accordance with procedure specified in IEC-185 or IS-2705.

5.2.8 PRIMARY WINDING: Primary winding shall be bar (U-pin) type or wound type made out of high conductive copper. Specific reasons for selection of particular metal/alloy and its merits shall be clearly brought out in the offer. Conductors used for the primary winding shall be rigid or housed in rigid metallic shell. Unavoidable joints in the primary winding shall be welded type. The details of such welded joints shall be indicated in the drawings submitted with the offer. For primary winding, current densities shall not exceed the limit 1.60 A/ for normal current.

The design density for short circuit current as well as conductivity of the metal used for primary winding shall meet the relevant requirement of IS- 2705. The tenderer shall, in his offer furnish detailed calculations for selection of winding cross sections.

The cross section area of primary winding, cross section area of secondary winding, number of primary turns, number of secondary turns, current density etc. shall be mentioned by the tenderer. The primary winding shall be designed for extended primary current at 120% of rated primary current. Seal & Signature of the supplier 5.2.9 SECONDARY WINDING:

Suitably insulated copper wire of electrolytic grade shall be used for secondary windings. Type of insulations used shall be described in the offer.

5.2.10. The excitation current of the CT shall be as low as possible. The tenderer shall furnish, along with his offer, the magnetizing curve.


Primary terminal shall be made out of 1 rod (stud) of 30 mm dia x 80 mm length in parallel. The primary terminal shall be of heavily tinned electrolytic copper of 99.9% conductivity. The minimum thickness of tinning shall be 15 microns.


Secondary terminal studs shall be provided with at least 3 nuts and adequate plain and spring washer for fixing the leads. The studs, nuts and washer shall be made of brass duly nickel-plated. The minimum outside diameter of stud shall be 6mm. The length of at least 15mm shall be available on the studs for inserting the leads. Horizontal spacing between centers of adjacent studs shall be at least 1.5 times the circum dia of the nuts.

5.2.13. Current transformer characteristic shall be such as to provide satisfactory performance for burdens ranging from 25% to 100% of rated burden over a range of 10% to100% of rated current in case of metering CTs and in case of Protection cum metering, current transformer shall be provided with CT ratio changing facility on secondary side only.

5.2.14. Expansion chamber at the top of porcelain insulator should be suitable for expansion of oil and have provision for twin primary terminals.

5.2.16.Following accessories / fittings shall, but not restricted to be supplied along with the Current Transformers.

(i) Pressure release device. (ii) Oil level indicator. (iii) Lifting lugs. (iv) The CT shall be so constructed that it can be easily transported to the site within the allowable transport limitations even in horizontal position, if the transport limitations so demand.

Seal & Signature of the supplier ANNEXURE-I


List of Standards

Sr.No. Standard No. Title 1) IS-2165 Insulation co-ordination of highest voltages for equipments. 2) IS-2705(I- Current transformers. IV) 3) IS-2099 High voltage porcelain bushing. 4) IS-3347 Dimensions of porcelain transformer bushing. 5) IS-2071 Method of high voltage testing. 6) IS-335 Insulation oil for transformers and switchgears. 7) IS-2147 Degree of protection provided by enclosures for low voltages, switchgear and control. 8) IEC-185 Current transformers. 9) IEC-270 Partial discharge measurement. 10) IEC-44(4) Instrument transformer measurement of PDs. 11) ICE-171 Installation co-ordination. 12) IEC-60 High voltage test techniques. 13) IEC-8263 Method of RIV tests on high voltage insulators. 14) Indian Electricity Rules, 1956. 15) IEC-815 Porcelain housing for Instrument Transformers


Seal & Signature of the supplier No. ------1. Type of CT/ Single phase, dead tank / Polycrete Dry type, Installation Outdoor, oil filled and Hermetically sealed 2. Type of mounting Pedestal type 3. Suitable for 50 Hz system frequency 4. Ratio taps Achievable by secondary side reconnection 5. Method of earthing Solidly Effectively earthed the system to be connected to 6. Rated continuous 120% of the rated primary current thermal current(A) 7. Acceptable limit of As per IS 2705 temperature rise above the specified ambient temperatures for continuous operation at rated current. 8. Acceptable partial Less than 10 pc discharge level at 1.1 times the rated voltage 9. Max. radio interfe- Less than 500 micro voltages rence voltage at 1.1 times the rated voltage 10. Current Ratio Nominal system Voltage CT ratio 12kV 200-100/5-5A – For Sub-station 5/5A, 10/5A, 50/5A, 100/5A, 200/5A – For HT Consumers 11. Rated Voltage 11kV (kV rms) 12. Basic Insulation 75 Level(kVp) 13. One minute dry/ 28 wet power frequency withstand voltage primary(kV rms) 14. Rated short 200/5A, 100/5A, 50/5A - 13.1 time withstand 10/5A, 5/5A – 3.3 current for 1 second duration(kA rms)

15. Rated dynamic 2.5 times RST withstand current(kAp)

16. Class of Accuracy 0.5

17. Burden 10 VA

18. Primary Terminals 1x16x80mm requirement


PRINCIPAL TECHNICAL PARAMETERS OF CURRENT TRANSFORMERS (Metering) Seal & Signature of the supplier ------Sr. Item S P E C I F A C A T I O N No. ------19. Mounting Frame size requirement(mm) 350x350mm mounting holes 30mm

20. Power frequency over voltage with- stand requirement for Secondary As per clause 9.4 and 9.5 of IS 2705(Part-I) winding (kV rms)

21. Type of oil com- Nitrogen cushion or SS Below pensation provided.

Seal & Signature of the supplier ANNEXURE-III

LIMITS OF TEMPERATURE RISE The temperature rise on any part of equipment shall not exceed the maximum temperature rise specified below under the conditions specified in Test clauses. Sr. Item Specification No. Nature of the part of the liquid Maximum values of Temperature Temperature rise at a max. ambient air temperature not exceeding 50 Deg.C Deg.C Deg.C 1) Contacts in air: Silver-faced copper, 105 55 Copper alloy or aluminium alloy (See Notes i and ii) Bare copper or tinned aluminium 75 25 2) Contacts in oil :

Silver-faced copper, copper alloy or 90 40 Aluminium alloy (See Note ii)

Rare copper or tinned aluminium alloy 80 30 3) Terminals to be connected to external conductors by screws or 105 55 bolts silver-faced (See Note iii)

Bare 90 40 4) Metal parts acting as springs (See Note iv) (See Note iv) 5) Metal parts in contact with insulation of following classes: Class Y : (For non-impregnated 90 40 materials) Class A : (For materials immersed 100 50 in oil or impregnated) Class E : In air 100 50 In oil 120 70

Class B : in air 130 80 In oil 100 50

Class F : in air 155 105 In oil 100 50

Enamel : oil base 100 50 Synthetic, in air 120 70 Synthetic, in oil 100 50

6) Any part of metal or of insulating 100 50 Material in contact with oil, except Contacts. 7) Oil 90 40 NOTES : i) When applying the temperature rise of 55 deg.C, care should be taken to ensure that no damage is caused to the surrounding insulating materials. ii) The quality of the silver facing shall be such that a layer of silver remains at the points of contact after the mechanical endurance test. Otherwise, the contacts shall be regarded as “bare”. ii) The values of temperature and temperature rise are valid whether or not the conductor connected to the terminals is silver-faced. iii) The temperature shall not reach a value where the elasticity of the materials is impaired. For pure copper, this implies a temperature limit of 75 deg.C. Seal & Signature of the supplier MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DIST. CO. LTD., URBAN CIRCLE, NASHIK.

Date To, The Superintending Engineer, M. S. Electricity Dist. Co. Ltd., Urban Circle, Nashik.

Dear Sir,

I/We agree to supply the articles noted above at the rates herein tendered by me/us subject to the conditions of the tender and supply above which I/We have carefully read and which I/ We have thoroughly understood and to which I/We hereby agree.

I / we hereby agree to keep this offer open for 90 days from the date of opening of the tender.

Yours faithfully,

Seal & Signature of the Supplier



Seal & Signature of the supplier MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DIST. CO. LTD.


1. The name and address of the :- Firm/Company tendering quotation.

2. The name and address of proprietor/ :- partners/director of the Firm/Company.

3. The Name and address of manufacturer :-

4. SSI REGISTRATION: Whether you are registered as SSI unit :- with the Government of Maharashtra for the item under purchase. If yes, give SSI Regn. No. and date (Xerox copy of your SSI Regn. Certificate should be enclosed)

5. Whether the supplier is the approved :- contractor of the MSEDCL? If yes, please state the class and Regn. No. and date.

6. Whether the supplier has paid the :- required Earnest Money, please state Receipt No. and the amount for which the Earnest Money is paid.

7. Whether the equipments offered con- :- firm to relevant specifications.

8. Whether this MSEDCL has placed any time :- any order/s with you previously for the equipment which you have tendered the quotations? If yes, give the details.

9. Whether you/your principals are having :- proper equipments for manufacturing the items for which the quotations have been tendered. Please give the full details of the manufacturing plant and machinery (this information is to be furnished if no order has been placed on the supplier up till now for this tendered item)

10. Whether you/your principals are having :- equipments for carrying out test as per requirement of relevant specification. Please submit details of the testing equipments.

Seal & Signature of the supplier List of Suppliers for Supply of CTs

M/s Crompton Greaves Ltd. M/s. Madhav Electrical Ind. Pvt. Ltd. Western Region, Kanjurmarg (E), F-4, Jawaharlal Nehru Industrial Estate, Mumbai-400042. Pirangut, Tal. Mulshi, Dist. Pune – 412111.

M/s. Gyaro Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. M/s. Techno Associates Vidyut Pvt. Ltd., 8, Gazdar Street, Chitra Bazar, W-160 MIDC, Phase II, P.O.Box No. 2481, Dombivli (E). Mumbai-400002, Dist – Thane. Fax: 91-22-56340087 Fax: 0251-287187.

M/s. Industrial Components M/s. Transdelta Electricals. Corporation. B 8-9, MIDC Area Chikhalthana, 105, Champaklal Industrial Estate, Aurangabad 431210. Unit No. 13, Sion. Fax: 0240-482643. Mumbai-400022. Fax: 24091004.

M/s. Industrial Electrical Mfg. Co. M/s. Universal Magnoflux (P) Ltd. Pvt. Ltd., 24, Palasia Road, Vimal Villa, Flat No. 2, Plot No. Indore – 452008. 5486, Dr. Ambedkar Road. Mumbai-400019

M/s. Skipper Engineers, M/s. Elcont Electrical Equipment Pvt. Ltd. W-49, Phase III, MIDC, Trimurti, 05, S. Bapat Marg, Akola – 444104. Dadar. Mumbai – 400028.

M/s. Transfield Electric, M/s. Atlanta Electricals. Rajashri Industrial Complex, Vimal Villa, Flat No. 2, 17, Bldg. No. 2, Behind Lawkim Plot No. 548-C, Ltd., Dr. Ambedkar Road. Ghodbunder Road, Thane (W) – Matunga. 400607. Fax: 25361932.

Seal & Signature of the supplier MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DIST. CO. LTD., URBAN CIRCLE, NASHIK. SCHEDULE ‘A’ ( Rate and delivery sheet) TENDER NO. :- SE/NUC/T-I/07-08/17

Sr. Description of material with Quantity Ex. F.O.R. Required Delivery No Specification. Required works Destination Delivery Period price price Period. offered. Rs. per Rs./unit unit 1 2 3 4 6 7 8

1 Supply of 11 KV metering CTs for H.T. consumers

1)5/5 Amp. One core 21 Nos. VA : 10, Class : 0.5, Major Store 30 Days Highest System Voltage : ‘A’, 12 KV 20 Nos. Panchak, 2)10/5 Amp. One core Nashik VA : 10, Class : 0.5, Road. Highest System Voltage : 25 Nos. 12 KV 3)25/5 Amp. One core VA : 10, Class : 0.5, 12 Nos. Highest System Voltage : 12 KV 4)50/5 Amp. One core VA : 10, Class : 0.5, Highest System Voltage : 12 KV

Delivery of above material is required at Major Stores ‘A’, Panchak, Nashik Road.

Particulars of taxes: -

A) Excise Duty : @______E) Delivery period: 30 Days from Date of order B) Sales Tax : @______F) Validity of offer: 90 days

C) Packing & forwarding charges: @______

G) Payment conditions, if any

D) Octroi, if applicable : @______H) Discount offered

I] Guarantee :- One year from date of Commissioning.

J] The list of testing equipments with you should be submitted along with Tender

K] Manufacturer having type test report from recognized govt. laboratory are only eligible to quote this tender. Type test certificate is essential.

7] Detailed drawing to be enclosed along with offer.

Superintending Engineer [NUC]

Seal & Signature of the supplier

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