In Company SECOND EDITION Pre-Intermediate s2

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In Company SECOND EDITION Pre-Intermediate s2

in company SECOND EDITION Pre-intermediate Unit 4

headword pronunciation translation/notes example sentence be based /biː 'beɪst/ "Where is your company based?" "Our offices are in Berlin". bump into sb (phr v) /bʌmp 'ɪntuː I often bump into Carla at conferences. ˌsʌmbədi/ business (n) /'bɪznəs/ business development /'bɪznəs dɪ He has an important position at Guinness as Director ˌveləpmənt/ of Business Development. line of business /laɪn əv 'bɪznəs / "What line of business are you in?" I'm a sales manager for a clothing firm. conference (n) /'kɒnfərəns/ sales conference /'seɪlz ˌkɒnfərəns/ The sales conference was held in Dubai last year. contact (n) /'kɒntækt/ have contact with sb /hæv 'kɒntækt Do you still have have contact with Jan in your wɪƟ ˌsʌmbədi/ work? gossip (n) /'gɒsɪp/ the latest gossip / ə ˌleɪtəst Conferences provide a good opportunity for catching 'gɒsɪp/ up on the latest gossip. laugh (n) /lɑːf/ be a good laugh /biː ə gʊd 'lɑːf/ I like Cathy - she's a really good laugh. marketing (n) /'mɑːkətɪɳ/ Florent is in marketing. He works for a retail company. operation (n) /ɒpə'reɪʃən/ It is a big operation with nearly fifty stores worldwide. public relations (n pl) /ˌpʌblɪk rɪ' leɪʃənz/ A Public Relations Manager is responsible for developing a good relationship between a company and its customers. site (n) /saɪt/ We have found several possible sites just outside Milan.

This page has been downloaded from 1 It is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright Ó Macmillan Publishers Limited 2009. store (n) (AmE) /stɔː/ We have 50 clothing stores throughout the country. (BrE = shop/outlet)

This page has been downloaded from 2 It is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright Ó Macmillan Publishers Limited 2009.

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