Affordable Housing
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Affordable Housing: Change of Use: In terms of the current MSDC and Babergh policy this A change in the way that land or buildings are used housing for social rent and/or shared ownership. (see use class order). Planning permission is usually necessary in order to change a ‘use class’. Agricultural (Forestry or Other Rural Occupational) Dwelling: Character: A dwelling which is subject to a planning condition or A term relating to Conservation Areas or Listed legal agreement restricting occupation to someone Buildings, but also to the appearance of any rural or employed, or who was last employed, in agriculture, urban location in terms of its landscape or the layout of forestry or other appropriate rural employment. You streets and open spaces, often giving places their own should look at the specific permission for the dwelling distinct identity. for the exact requirements. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL): Appeals: A levy allowing local authorities to raise funds from The process whereby a planning applicant can owners or developers of land undertaking new building challenge an adverse decision, including a refusal of projects in their area. permission. Appeals can also be made against the failure of the planning authority to issue a decision Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO): within a given time, against conditions attached to An order issued by government or a local authority to permission, against the issue of an enforcement notice acquire land or buildings for public interest purposes. and against refusals of listed building and conservation For example, the construction of a major road or area consent. In England and Wales, appeals are redevelopment of certain brownfield sites. processed by the Planning Inspectorate. Conditions (on a Planning Permission): Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty: Requirements attached to a planning permission to An area with statutory national landscape designation, limit or direct the manner in which development is the primary purpose of which is to conserve and carried out. enhance natural beauty. Conservation Areas: Article 4 Direction: Areas of special architectural or historic interest, the Direction removing some or all permitted development character, appearance or setting of which it is desirable rights, for example within a conservation area or to preserve or enhance; permitted development rights curtilage of a listed building. Article 4 directions are may be restricted in these areas. issued by local planning authorities. Felsham and Glemsford have Article 4 Directions in place within Core Strategy: Conservation Areas. A local plan document. It sets out the long term vision for a local planning authority area, the strategic Breach of Conditions Notice: objectives, and the strategic planning policies needed A notice served by a local planning authority where to deliver that vision. they suspect that a planning condition linked to a planning permission has been breached. County Councils: Responsible for the preparation of Waste and Minerals Brownfield Land: development plans, and dealing with applications for See previously developed land. their own development, for example, schools and libraries. Building Control/Regulation: Control exercised through local authorities over the Curtilage: details and means of construction to secure health, Land surrounding, and ancillary to, a building which is safety, energy conservation and access. necessary for its function and enjoyment – for example this may include, the domestic garden of a dwelling or Call-in: the storage yard of a factory. The Secretary of State can order that a planning application or Local Plan is not decided by the local Decision Notice: authority and decided by the Secretary of State. These A formal, written, legal document which states the will then be subject to a public inquiry presided over by decision made by a planning authority in relationship to a Planning Inspector, who will make recommendation an application - usually the result of planning to the Secretary of State, who will decide the application and including any conditions attached to application or Local Plan instead of the local planning permission. authority. Design and access statement: Listed Buildings Consent: A short report accompanying and supporting a Consent required for the demolition, in whole or in part planning application to illustrate the process that has of a listed building, or for any works of alteration or led to the development proposal, and to explain and extension that would affect the character of the justify the proposal in a structured way. building.
Development: Local Development Documents (LDDs): The legal definition of development is “the carrying out These include Development Plan Documents (which of building, mining, engineering or other operations in, form part of the statutory development plan) and on, under or over land, and the making of any material Supplementary Planning Documents (which do not change in the use of buildings or other land” (Sec 55 of form part of the statutory development plan). LDDs 1990 Act); this covers virtually all construction activities collectively deliver the spatial planning strategy for the and changes of use. local planning authority's area.
Development Control/Management: Local Development Framework (LDF): The process whereby a local planning authority The Local Development Framework (LDF) is a non- receives and considers the merits of a planning statutory term used to describe a folder of documents, application and whether it should be given permission, which includes all the local planning authority's local having regard to the development plan and all other development documents. An LDF is comprised of material considerations. Development Plan Documents (which form part of the statutory development plan) and Supplementary Dwelling House: Planning Documents. The local development A self-contained building or part of a building used as a framework will also comprise of the Statement of residential accommodation, and usually housing a Community Involvement, the Local Development single household. A dwelling may be a house, Scheme, the Annual Monitoring Report, any Local bungalow, flat, maisonette or converted farm building. Development Orders or Simplified Planning Zones that may have been added. Enforcement Action: Procedures by a local planning authority to ensure that Local Development Order: the terms and conditions of a planning decision are An Order made by a local planning authority (under the carried out, or that development carried out without Town and Country Planning Act 1990) that grants planning permission is brought under control. planning permission for a specific development proposal or classes of development. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Statement: Applicants for certain Local Development Scheme: types of development, usually more significant The local planning authority's scheduled plan for the schemes, are required to submit an "environmental preparation of Local Development Documents. statement" accompanying a planning application. This evaluates the likely environmental impacts of the Local Planning Authority: development, together with an assessment of how the The local authority or council that is empowered by law severity of the impacts could be reduced. to exercise planning functions, often the local borough or district council. National parks and the Broads General Permitted Development Order (GPDO): authority are also considered to be local planning A set of regulations made by the Government which authorities. County councils are the authority for waste grants planning permission for specified limited or and minerals matters. minor forms of development. Local Plan: Greenfield Land: The plan for the future development of the local area, Land (or a defined site), often farmland or gardens that drawn up by the local planning authority in consultation has not previously been developed with the community. In law this is described as the development plan documents adopted under the Listed Buildings: Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. Current A building of special architectural or historic interest. core strategies or other planning policies, which under Listed buildings are graded I, II* or II, with grade I the regulations would be considered to be being the highest. Listing includes the interior as well development plan documents, form part of the local as the exterior of the building, and any buildings or plan. The term includes old policies which have been permanent structures (e.g. wells within its curtilage). saved under the 2004 Act. Material Considerations: Planning Inspectorate: A matter that should be taken into account in deciding An executive agency of the Department for a planning application or on an appeal against a Communities and Local Government of the United planning decision. Kingdom Government. It is responsible for determining final outcomes of planning and enforcement appeals National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF): and public examination of local development plans. This provides a national policy overview that is implemented in Development Plans and is a material Planning Obligations: consideration. A legally enforceable obligation entered into under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act Neighbourhood Plans: 1990 to mitigate the impacts of a development A plan prepared by a Parish Council or Neighbourhood Proposal Forum for a particular neighbourhood area (made under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Previously Developed Land (Brownfield land): Act 2004). Land which is or was occupied by a permanent structure, including the curtilage of the developed land Outline Application: (although it should not be assumed that the whole of An application for planning permission which does not the curtilage should be developed) and any associated include full details of the proposal, usually only fixed surface infrastructure. This excludes: land that is sufficient detail to identify the principles of the or has been occupied by agricultural or forestry proposal; details not submitted at this stages are called buildings; land that has been developed for minerals ‘reserved matters’. Details of the Reserved Matters are extraction or waste disposal by landfill purposes where then submitted to the local planning authority at a later provision for restoration has been made through stage. development control procedures; land in builtup areas, such as private residential gardens, parks, recreation Parish Council: grounds and allotments; and land that was previously- Where an area is designated as a civil parish, the developed, but where the remains of the permanent community it contains may be represented by a Parish structure or fixed surface structure have blended into Council which is an elected local government body. the landscape in the process of time. Particularly significant to planning in that it can make submissions on behalf of its community when Public Consultation: development plan documents are being prepared and A process by which the public's input on matters on planning applications submitted within the parish. affecting them is sought.
Parish Plans: Reserved Matters: A community planning tool which assists communities A planning permission usually outline, may specifically to articulate issues of concern to them. reserve for later consideration some matters not relating to the principles of the proposed development. Permitted Development: Matters reserved at outline stage can include access, Permission to carry out certain limited forms of appearance, layout, scale and landscaping. This can development without the need to make an application be confused with details submitted to address pre to a local planning authority, as granted under the determination planning conditions. terms of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order. Statement of Community Involvement: This sets out the processes to be used by the local Planning Committee: authority in involving the community in the preparation, A term referring to the planning decision-making body alteration and continuing review of all local of a local authority. The planning committee is made development documents and development control up of elected members/councillors. One of the roles of decisions. The Statement of Community Involvement is planning committee is to make decisions on planning an essential part of the new-look Local Development applications. Frameworks.
Planning Condition: A condition imposed on a grant of planning permission (in accordance with the Town and Country Planning Act 1990). Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD): Documents which add further detail to the policies in the Local Plan. They can be used to provide further guidance for development on specific sites, or on particular issues, such as design. Supplementary planning documents are capable of being a material consideration in planning decisions, but are not part of the development plan.
Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG): May cover a range of issues, both thematic and site specific, and provide further detail of policies and proposals in a development plan.
Statutory Undertakers: Organisations which have powers derived from statute to develop and operate utility services, including gas, water supply, electricity, and telecommunications.
Tree Preservation Order (TPO): A mechanism for securing the preservation of single or groups of trees of acknowledged amenity value. A tree subject to a tree preservation order may not normally be topped, lopped or felled without the consent of the local planning authority.
Use Classes Order: The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 puts uses of land and buildings into various categories. Planning permission may not be needed for changes of use within the same use class.
Written Representations: A procedure by which representations on planning appeals, development plans and Development Plan Documents can be dealt with without the need for a full public inquiry or informal hearing