Cold War review sheet---key people, terms, places

Warsaw vs. NATO Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan Where did communism first threaten Europe aside from the U.S.S.R? Containment Domino Theory Iron Curtain Berlin Blockade/Airlift Space Race—Sputnik/Apollo Korean War and its aftermath (Korea today) Bay of Pigs Invasion Cuban Missile Crisis Significance of the Berlin Wall Significance of the Vietnam War Key methods of fighting during the Vietnam War—U.S/South Vietanm vs. that of North Vietnam Results and aftermath of the Vietnam war Afghanistan and the significance for the U.S.S.R Failed European Revolutions Solidarity The fall of the wall…when? China and the rise of communism with whom? Great Leap Forward Cultural Revolution Cambodia and Pol Pot Tiananman Square—what happened?


Afghanistan Vietnam North Korea South Korea China Taiwan Japan Cambodia Pakistan India Locate Major events in Europe

Key People

Truman Marshall Stalin Kruschev Gorbachev Castro JFK Ho Chi Minh Kim Il Sung Syngman Rhee Mao Deng Xiaoping Pol Pot