Public Advisory Board Meeting November 8Th, 2007

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Public Advisory Board Meeting November 8Th, 2007

KUAT PUBLIC ADVISORY BOARD MEETING November 8th, 2007 University Annex Building

ATTENDANCE: Nance Crosby, Chair; Jim Jutry, Vice-chair; Betsy Bolding; Ron Bornstein; Martin Camacho; Karen Christensen; John Fendenheim; Ann Fina; Chris Helms; David Iaconis; Fred Johnson; Roberta Konen; Judith Leonard; Anne Maley; Simon Rosenblatt; Priscilla Storm; Peter Bramley; Jim Murphy; Judy Myers; David Steele; Andrew Greeley; Dan Cavanagh; Stephen MacCarthy; Don Thigpen

ABSENT: Stephen Golden; Erin Hertzog; Cesar Rodriguez; Judith Brown; John Escher; Judy Lynn; Jim Ronstadt

KUAT STAFF: Jack Gibson; John Kelley; Cynthia McFarlin; Kimberly Heath; Misty McCormick

Nance Crosby, Chair, called the meeting to order at 11:45am; followed by staff and Board member introductions.

A UA Mars preview clip was shown to the group highlighting the documentary that aired November 6th.

Ms. Crosby reviewed the Mars event that was held on November 5th; there were approximately 120 attendees: scientists, donors, KUAT Staff, President Shelton and Peter Smith- this was an original KUAT production; the Mars Documentary has been submitted to PBS.

Remarks by Stephen MacCarthy:

Ms. Crosby introduced Stephen MacCarthy, VP for External Relations. Mr. MacCarthy is responsible for UA Media press; he joined UA in May 2007- before that he was VP for External Relations at PENN State.

Mr. MacCarthy shared his thoughts on External Relations for the UA; now that KUAT is under the College of External Relations (formerly under the VP for Research) he plans to honor the editorial independence of KUAT. The emphasis for the College as a whole is outreach and KUAT helps to keep the community connected to the UA. Mr. MacCarthy talked briefly about the UA Branding issue. He feels we should be data driven and has done survey work that shows the UA quality levels are seen as ‘high’ across the state. New marketing will emphasize faculty, magazines, newspaper, KUAT- and wants to do more video (such as the Pres UA Address). We will also have a daily news wire UA NOW (in beta test phase now).

1 Ms. Crosby asked what was surprising about survey- we scored high with older demographic, but not with younger demo.

Consent agenda:

Ms. Crosby called for a motion to approve all items sent on the consent agenda which include:

 PAB Meeting Minutes – September 12, 2007  PAB Schedule of Meetings (corrected)  PAB Job Description (corrected)  Bylaws Amendment (modified to reflect new committees)

The motion was so moved, seconded, and unanimously approved.

Management report was presented by Jack Gibson:

 November 1st, 2007- KUAT began 24/7 operations.  Mars: Phoenix Ashes to Ice premier event was well received and attended by 120 guests.  Art-e, the AZ Illustrated spin off Art Magazine series premiered in October.  Preview, the new member magazine will replace the current Member Guide- a copy of the guide was given to the PAB which highlighted a letter to members which explained the change from the current member guide. Will go to current list of member guide, will also go to 30K more subscribers of the Lifestyle magazine.  DTV Antenna will be replaced from11/29 to 12/2- will we be off the air during the install- need to do it now before winter- we will communicate to public on KUAZ and KUAT and the Web about the outage and why.

Kimberly Heath reviewed financial report: 1st quarter this year vs. last year- revenues and expenses: we are down in revenue 10%; over 1.9% due to tower and NPR dues which were budgeted to next quarter. KUAT is doing well and on track.

John Kelley reviewed underwriting issues: A complaint was submitted by Dr. Brown on the KUAT Rosemont underwriting spots. Dr. Brown was contacted by Nance Crosby and Jack Gibson to let her know it was being handled, and that her comments were forwarded to the Exec Committee and to full Board.

About 50 people complained on underwriting of mining company, Rosemont. KUAT crafted the underwriting message that was in line with guidelines. FCC attorney in WA, D.C., were able to re-write the underwriting message to be more benign.

2 Channel 6 will also be underwriting NAU. ASU also interested in running radio exclusive spots; the message is that we welcome corporate support, even to competition; and we are hoping that the UA will also underwrite. Betsy Bolding wondered how to handle public inquiries in the future. Mr. Kelley suggested forwarding inquiries to KUAT and to thank the person for their interest.

APTS Grasstops Advocacy Briefing: Don Thigpen APTS Consultant:

Don Thigpen represents APTS (American Public Television Stations) which acts as an advocate to public television stations across the country; they are the lobbying arm of Public TV on Capitol Hill with 15 full time lobbyists in Washington.

Definition: Grasstops are influential citizens (like PAB members) that do the ask Definition: Grassroots are groups of public citizens- viewers, members that organize

From the Congressional perspective: reelection, perception is reality, squeaky wheel gets the grease, silence means everything is ok, quiet cause=easy targets, organized minorities beat unorganized majorities. What influences legislation:  Grassroots activities  Lobbying by execs  Campaign contributions Capitol Hill likes to hear from constituents at meetings, roundtables, websites, CEO meetings. If member comes to your site, you usually have their full attention vs. going to their site Grasstops Advocacy Tools:  WA Office visit  District office visit  Individual letter  Telephone, fax, email  Mass mail  Local media Congress Appropriations for public funding- we are 8 billion over what president wants to allocate and he may override. CPB Federal Appropriations- we got $944,686 in 2007 APTS is looking for 13% increase to this funding ($150,000 more for stations) In WA now we are in soaring deficits, seeking tax cuts, threatening vetos on budget requests, all domestic programs looking for increases. Public TV has support in House & Senate; but APTS must keep pressure on to continue funding requests. Attend APTS Capitol Hill Day- would like to bring a PAB member with KUAT when go on visit as a grasstops supporter. TIPS for involving congressmen: invite congressmen to be on live production; invite them to come to receptions with large groups, invite them on air.

3 Priscilla Storm asked how APTS works with State lobbying efforts- Don, as a consultant, not a lobbyist, has submitted a plan to APTS to see if stations are willing to pay for service, most small/mid stations cannot afford it. This idea is in the mix and a good one.

Jim Murphy (Development Committee) - would like any members to join committee- possibly new members. Mr. Murphy called for the Emeritus nominations for Ellen Poulson and Charles Zukowski. The motion was so moved, seconded by Nance Crosby, and unanimously approved.

Ron Bornstein (Branding Committee Meeting)- John Escher, Peter Bramley, Hector Gonzalez, Jack Gibson and Betsy Bolding. Umbrella branding is the goal- changing focus from KUAT Communications Group to better brand all assets- how to better identify KUAT as part of UA and greater community, as well; and to get our mission out to community. Timetable is Jan 2008. Research showed channel 6 as our current major recognized brand. ‘Arizona Public Media’ will be the new brand in lieu of ‘KUAT Communications Group’ and will be in the same font as University of Arizona. Jack Gibson showed 6 rough ID’s samples video and the existing as a comparison. Each with a local tint to Tucson, but also to UA. Each ID would tell a ‘story’- could tie in Holidays, etc.- can use current logo, but not locking into it. 1st phase is to get AZ Public Media tie into UA.- This would apply to TV and Radio. Jack asked Board for feedback- we also have a new KUAT Graphic Designer to help out on this issue. We have applied for KUAZ transmitter in Douglas/Sierra Vista- would add new call letters, we have Create, PBS, V-me, KUAT Kids, etc. We need a way to pull all these assets together.

Discussion: Fred Johnson liked the transition/connection to Arizona public media to University of Arizona. Betsy Bolding liked it- like it visually, and wonders how that will transition to radio. Mr. Gibson agreed that it will be a challenge. Chris Helms wondered if ASU has the same challenge. Mr. Gibson shared that they are called “AZ Public Broadcasting” and that we want to stay away form the word ‘broadcasting’, and go to ‘media’ to be able to include our Web side. We have greatest online growth right now- over 100 videos online right now for KUAT. Judy Myers and David Steel agreed with this focus on media- forward and progressive. Interchangeable themes are a good idea, as well. Nance Crosby wondered if the dilution of so many entities with Arizona in title will cause a problem with confusion over recognition. Judith Leonard feels we should not limit ourselves to just Southern Arizona; David Steele agrees – Peter Bramley agrees- a brand is a promise- connecting with UA is advantageous and how we roll this out and deploy will make all the difference. Roberta Konen wondered if ‘Media for all’ for audio would be an idea to connect to UA.

4 Stephen MacCarthy thinks that this image of UA with AZ Public Media is great for promoting our relationship and connection. Jack thinks that public will still connect with call signs or entities, but this is how to connect these together entities together (APM). Priscilla Storm- this ID accomplishes the goals laid out in the last meeting – aligning to UA and brining in Media umbrella. She wondered if the block lettering will remain- useful for images in TV- Jack shared that the block lettering in black is a little heavy, the classical script works well, etc. He will let the designers have reign to work. Priscilla wondered on the timeframe –Jack shared that by June 30th, hope to have asset branding done, Jan 2008 for umbrella branding.

Cynthia McFarlin recognized Nance Crosby for hosting a Tucson Remembers event at her home with donors. She also shared that the Stonewall Foundation gave a $90K grant for Desert Speaks; and that Andre Rieu tickets are available if PAB if they are interested.

Nance recognized Anne Maley as co-chair of Development Committee: A job description was created for committee members, who will meet the 3rd Wed of each month. Bill Buckmaster’s 20th Anniversary coming up this year- also Donors that helped with Digital equipment- 2 events to be held- a budget is being created for both. May be able to charge or tickets to Bill’s event because of the public interest. Looking at end of January for event- still in early planning phase.

Details will be forthcoming. She asked committee members if they have contacts to meet with Jack Gibson for donor cultivation.

Ms. Crosby wondered how the Board felt about paying for tickets- Chris Helms wondered on the mailing list size as the membership list is 27K; leadership is 650- David Steel suggested on-air promotion. Bill’s interviewees would be good resource. May be able to underwrite the event. Fred Johnson asked for budget/info emailed to PAB so they can get going on ideas and fundraising.

50th Anniversary and Funding for 2008- Jack Gibson wants committee for 50 events for 50 years. Fundraising goals: Desert Program Partners, Desert Speaks, Ready to Learn, PTF (Program Trust Fund) endowment, Building Capital.

Housekeeping: Misty McCormick informed the Board that a secure Web page was being created to house PAB information including consent agenda information, meeting minutes, calendar of events, etc. She will email the Board when it is completed.

The next PAB Meeting is scheduled for: Thursday, January 10th, 2008 from 11:45am to 1:30pm at the University of Arizona Foundation, Vine Street Annex Building.

There being no further business, Ms. Crosby called for a motion to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 1:35pm.

5 Respectfully submitted,

Judith Brown Secretary


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