ARCHERY South Australia Inc

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ARCHERY South Australia Inc

ARCHERY South Australia Inc Minutes of meeting held at State Association House, 105 King William St, Kent Town on Thursday, 12th September 2013

1. Open Meeting: 1932 hours 2. Present: 2.1 Chair: B Lang 2.2 Delegates and Officers: Position Name Club Name President Bruce Lang  AAC C Ashlee (proxy)  Vice President Gretel Dabovich  BAC Dennis Traeger  Secretary Sue Martin  BLA Jim Beatty  Treasurer Andrew Sharpe  Tournament Director Glenn Martin  CB Bob Welden  Coaching Administrator Junior Alexander  EFA Wayne Kolster 

Recorder Wayne Kolster  GSA K Bridges  Assist. Recorder Kath Bridges KA Yvonne Lewis  Equipment Officer Vacant MNA No delegate Journal Editor Carol Ashlee  Attila Balla SAOC/ACGA Delegate Junior Alexander  SVAC  (proxy) Juniors Administrator Glenn Pauley  TFIAC Jill Sparkes  Judges Administrator Carol Ashlee  State Coach Vacant VAC Roger Bridges  WB Gretel Dabovich 

2.3 Members and Visitors: Attila Balla (proxy SVAC) Bob Hay (EFA) 2.4 Apologies: G Dabovich, J Dabovich, J Nicoll, D Traeger

2.5 Accreditation of Voting Delegates (quorum is 5): 8 present

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting (August 2013) Moved: C Ashlee Seconded: R Alexander “That the draft minutes be accepted as read.” Carried unanimously 3.1 Corrections: 3.1.1 Nil noted

3.2 Business Arising from the Previous Meeting 3.2.1 Nominations for AGM – the following have been received; for voting at AGM 3rd October 2013 President – Bruce Lang Treasurer – Andrew Sharpe Grants Officer – Gretel Dabovich Recorder – Kath Bridges State Coach – Junior Alexander SAOC/ACGA Delegate – Junior Alexander Coaching Administrator – Junior Alexander Archive Officer – Carol Ashlee Journal Editor – Carol Ashlee Judging Administrator – No nomination received Equipment Officer – No nomination received Publicity Officer – No nomination received

3.2.2 AGM reports – Last chance to submit to Secretary by 16th September please. GB 6.2 Proposal re coaching - System is going to be trialled privately and a report will follow. GB 6.3 Honorary solicitor – Nat Oliveri has indicated that he is prepared to continue in the role. GB 6.4 Bi-monthly Ratings – 55 responded. Due to the small number of responses and as a result of the general discussion that followed R Bridges Moved: “That the Bi-monthly rating system be discontinued.” Seconded W Kolster Referred to Clubs for vote at the October meeting

This is Page 1 of the minutes of the ARCHERY SA meeting held on 12th September 2013 Moved: S Martin Seconded: A Balla “That the minutes be ratified.” Carried unanimously

4. CORRESPONDENCE ( 8th August – 12th September 2013) 4.1 IN 4.1.1 Archery Australia A Appointment of High Performance Manager/Coach – Ya Ping Shih – Circulated to clubs, officers B Two new AA policies 1060 and 1061 – Anti Match Fixing Code of Conduct – Links Circulated to clubs, officers, delegates C Sale of Timing Equipment – Circulated to clubs D The Sport of Fame e-news winter edition – Circulated to clubs, officers, delegates E 2014 National Calendar – circulated to clubs, delegates, officers

4.1.2 Clubs/Officers/Members A AAC – do not wish to take part in the 2013 Adelaide Sports & Fitness Health Festival. No other clubs responded. B CB, MA – have adopted Child Safe Environments policies and procedures as used by ARCHERY SA – Due to the importance of this matter, Secretary will follow-up with Clubs, where no response received. C EFA – Events for the 2014 ARCHERY SA calendar – Forwarded to Carol D GSA – Letter reiterating displeasure at the selection of Southern Field Archers as venue for the 2014 Youth Nationals. – Tabled at meeting. GSA Delegate spoke to the meeting re the concerns of Club members which included: use of a Club which is not part of the Archery Alliance. This venue has been used in the past with success and on this basis the Club was invited to submit a submission along with any other Club that wished to do so.

Spirited discussion followed - A request by members to understand who the 2014 Youth Nationals Committee answer to. Explanation given as follows:  Archery Australia request submissions from RGBs to conduct all National events  Following the announcement of the successful RGB, volunteers are called to form a committee  The Open/Youth Nationals Committee then decides on the tournament dates and seeks approval from Archery Australia  In all matters pertaining to the Championships, the Committee is answerable to AA  Minutes from this Committee can be included with the designated RGB general meeting minutes for general interest/information  Anyone can attend the meeting and volunteer for the various tasks that need to be assigned.

E GSA – Kath Bridges appointed as proxy delegate for GSA. F SVAC – Change of delegate – Irene Roser – Attila Balla proxy G AAC, KA, WB – Cheques – Forwarded to treasurer H Hills Archers – Now an official and financial club – Secretary to action

4.1.4 General A Channel 9 Young Achiever Awards Launch – 27th August - Circulated to executive B SPORT SA – 2013 Adelaide Sports & Fitness Health Festival – Exhibitors Information brochure – Circulated to clubs C Pursuit – Funding for Elite Athletes – Circulated to clubs, J Alexander, J Nicoll, G Pauley D SPORT SA e-newsletter – Circulated to clubs, delegates and officers. E City of Salisbury – Tax invoice – Forwarded to treasurer F Basketball SA Active After school communities – forwarded to President G Gov of SA – The Governor’s Multicultural Awards 2013 – Closing date 31st October – Nomination forms available – Tabled at meeting

4.2 OUT 4.2.1 Clubs & Officers  August minutes inclusive of correspondence and minutes received  Child Safe Environment Compliance Statement  President B Lang – correspondence to Southern Field Archers – Not affiliated with ARCHERY SA therefore a request to the club for submission of a Child Safe Environment statement if not already submitted, as it is a requirement by DECD and they will be the host field venue for the 2014 Youth Nationals. This is Page 2 of the minutes of the ARCHERY SA meeting held on 12th September 2013 4A. Business from the Correspondence 4A.1 IN Read the individual correspondence with responses and or action as noted in bold/italics or highlight.

4A.2 OUT Moved: R Welden, Seconded: W Kolster “That the inwards correspondence be received and the outgoing correspondence be endorsed.” Carried unanimously

5 Reports and Financial Statements – Moved: J Sparkes, Seconded: K Bridges “That the reports be received” Carried unanimously. (See business of reports as stated below.) 5.1 Treasurer – Read attachment Moved A Sharpe Seconded R Welden “That the payment of accounts be endorsed.” Carried unanimously Recorder – Read attachment 5.2 Tournament Director – Next tournament Veterans/Tyro; over 30 so far for the Tyro 5.3 Junior Co-ordinator – Read attachment 5.4 Grants Committee – Grants Committee met on Monday, 9th Sept report to follow. 5.5 President – Read attachment 5.6 Web coordinator – Read attachment

6 General Business 6.1 3rd October - AGM - dinner at Royal Hotel, 6.00 pm. Please contact Secretary if attending. 6.2 B Lang – Discussion paper “Future Governance of ARCHERY South Australia” – Tabled and available for discussion at Governance.pdf. Club Secretaries - please forward written comments by 11 December, for the December meeting 6.3 State Ranking Shoot - C Ashlee Moved Motion “That a State Ranking Shoot be added to the State Calendar. Program to be held at AAC on 7th October, 10am, Register by 27th September.” Seconded: G Pauley Carried unanimously 6.4 Neil Griffin - past Development Program assistant still has equipment on his property, would like it removed. W Kolster to action 6.5 Hills Archers - may wish to borrow some coaching equipment from ARCHERY SA providing they are financial they may borrow (contact R Welden). Agreement by those members present. 6.6 Barossa AC – request to borrow foam targets from ARCHERY SA. As the Club is currently in arrears for fees owing to ARCHERY SA; once this is settled there will be no problem in borrowing for official opening day. (Contact for targets - R Welden)

7 Next General Meeting: 8pm, Thursday, 3rd October at State Association House (Annual General Meeting to be held prior to this, at 7.30 pm)

8 Meeting closed: 2100 hours


REPORTS for 8th August – 11th September 2013

ARCHERY South Australia - FINANCIAL REPORT Statement Date: 12/09/2013 ABN: 45 952 501 065 Budget Accumulation Fund Opening Balance 45,000.00 From 30/06/2013 Opening Balance 283,717.43 Income 31,548.04 Income 25,742.35 Expenses 23,911.11 Expenses 15,536.57 7,636.93 10,205.78 New Balance 52,636.93 New Balance 293,923.21 New Total Balance 346,560.14

This is Page 3 of the minutes of the ARCHERY SA meeting held on 12th September 2013 PRESENTED BY Sport and Recreation Sustainability Program Grant

Cheque Account 26,913.88 Opening Balance from 01/07/2013 12,742.77 Investment 321,836.51 Total Income 17,500.00 348,750.39 Total Expenses 13,642.77 Unpresented Cheques - 2,190.25 3,857.23 TOTAL CASH ASSETS 346,560.14 New Balance 16,600.00 PAYMENTS Payment Details Amount Trophy House - Tournament 13.20 Life Leisure Events - House Fees 148.50 Sport SA - Affiliation 198.00 Dept of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure - Office Rent, Cleaning 102.18 Dept of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure - Operating Expenses 56.88 Melbourne IT Ltd - Web site (domain name) 44.00 Archery Australia - Affiliations 12,336.00 Donna Clayfield - Youth State Team & SRSP Grant 1,035.00 Susan Magarey - Youth State Team & SRSP Grant 1,035.00 SJ & A McCulloch - Youth State Team & SRSP Grant 1,035.00 Grant Cole - Youth State Team & SRSP Grant 1,035.00 Leanne Ineson - Youth State Team & SRSP Grant 1,035.00 Glenn Pauley - Youth State Team & SRSP Grant 2,050.27 Graham Winston - Youth State Team & SRSP Grant 1,010.00 Greg Opie - Open State Team & SRSP Grant 1,020.00 Bob Walpole - Open State Team & SRSP Grant 1,020.00 Simon Souphandavong - Open State Team & SRSP Grant 1,020.00 Petya Zhelezarova - Open State Team & SRSP Grant 1,020.00 Harry Neve - Open State Team & SRSP Grant 1,020.00 Pat Coghlan - Open State Team & SRSP Grant 1,020.00 Rebecca Stubbs - Open State Team & SRSP Grant 1,020.00 AJ Olson - Medals 206.80 Great Southern Archers - State/National Indoor tournament 900.00 Archery Australia - Rule Books 565.00 Kath Bridges - Recorder expenses 44.10 Bruce Lang - Car Park fee for AA AGM 33.00 Archery Australia - Affiliations 7,452.00 Archery Australia - Medals 754.75 Savill Packaging - Target butt filling 57.75 David Cole - Sponsorship from City of Onkaparinga 82.50 Callan Ineson - Sponsorship from City of Onkaparinga 82.50 J. Alexander - Coaching at Barossa Archery Club 228.00 Archery Australia - Medals 762.25 ARCHERY South Australia - FINANCIAL REPORT Statement Date: 12/09/2013 ABN: 45 952 501 065 INVOICES OUTSTANDING DateName Club InvoiceDetails Amount 02/08/2013 Southern Vales Archery Club SVAC R-0029 Medals - 17 69.65 30/08/2013 Victor Harbor Archery Club VHAC R-0038 Medals - 12 34.20 31/08/2013 Kidman Archers KA R-0036 Medals - 7 18.30 31/08/2013 Southern Vales Archery Club SVAC R-0037 Medals - 10 29.70

AFFILIATION PAYMENTS OUTSTANDING Club Amount Paid Balance Owing Adelaide Archery Club 9929.00 9759.00 -170.00 Barossa Archery Club 786.00 0.00 -786.00 Kidman Archers 2208.00 246.00 -1962.00 Southern Vales Archery Club 4447.00 2352.00 -2095.00

Drew Sharpe This is Page 4 of the minutes of the ARCHERY SA meeting held on 12th September 2013 President's Activity - 7 August to 10 September

8 August: ARCHERY SA meeting

13 August: I attended at Sport SA, West Beach a presentation on Play By The Rules by the Office of Recreation & Sport and an ANZSLA Presentation on the impact and handling of social media on sport. The ANZSLA presentation was conducted by the Governance & Operations Manager (& solicitor) of Basketball Victoria. The main messages were:  ignoring unacceptable behaviour on social media does not absolve an association of responsibility (it must act if it is brought to its attention)

 there need to be clear rules: 1. offensive/abusive/bullying posts will not be tolerated 2. any such material will be removed 3. the author should expect significant sanctions from the sport  tribunals must be empowered to suspend, disqualify, reprimand, fine, bind, or otherwise deal with any person involved with archery and includes any reportable conduct relating to archery by email, telephone or computer Play By The Rules - an updated Complaint Handling module has been added and Clubs are encouraged to ensure they are familiar it, in addition to the host of other useful resources available.

18 August: I empathised with others (as a competitor) at the ARCHERY SA State Clout Championships in "challenging" (understated) conditions

25 August: Attended the medal presentations and afternoon tea at the Cressy Bowmen Invitation Tournament

8 September: I visited the Adelaide Archery Club's Silver Quiver Tournament during the lunch break. The weather was quite mild and everyone appeared to be enjoying the day out.

9 September: Attended a meeting of the Grants Committee to define the guidelines and format of the Clubs Grants programme

Bruce Lang

Website Activity Report

The ARCHERY SA website has been upgraded.

In mid-August I undertook training for and discussed proposed enhancements to the ARCHERY SA website with IMGSTG.

The migration of data commenced on 12 August and was largely completed by 15 August. Various corrections and the updating of links then occurred and the site went live on 22 August.

The new format is a lot easier to edit and more than one image or file can now be uploaded simultaneously. It is also in a new "responsive" format. The site now adjusts to accommodate viewing on any device.

Any suggestions for enhancements will be gratefully received and (if appropriate and within my technical capabilities) added. :-)

Bruce Lang

Assistant Recorder: MEDAL AWARDS & RECORDS The time is upon us for determining the new Record Holders for the newly introduced State Record Rounds. I have sent out a reminder of the timeline to club recorders, together with a checklist to help club recorders see at a glance which rounds are new to the State Record Rounds and which are not. The process from this point is as follows:

This is Page 5 of the minutes of the ARCHERY SA meeting held on 12th September 2013  The last shooting day is Sunday September 1st (the shooting period was from July 13th to September 1st inclusive)

 By Monday September 16th, Club Recorders will have submitted to me, a COPY of the scoresheets for their highest scores shot by club members for each new record round in each category. I will then cross- reference those to locate the highest submitted score for each new round in each category from across the State, thus identifying the first State Record holders of each new round in each category

 I will update the new State Record Rounds Report and the aim is to send it out to Club Recorders by October 1st. The document will also be uploaded for viewing online. Remember, rounds that are more about a 'name change' (e.g. Fremantle/FITA 60/1440) won't be listed as 'new rounds' for this purpose as current record holders will be transferred to the updated round name.

Some anomalies: FITA 70/720 is not 'new' for 20&Under & Open Age Freestyle categories (somehow the round has been included in Records Reports in past years for those categories even though not on previous State Record Rounds document). I have included all Yellow Peg Field rounds for longbow as 'new rounds', where no claims have previously been made - changes to peg colour in recent times. Veteran 70+ (in red on checklist) - all rounds are new as this is a new category. Crossbow had a complete revamp so a lot of new rounds there.

Any clarification questions can be directed to me at [email protected] Kath Bridges

Juniors’ Administrator Report 21 Junior Archers competed in the State Clout Championships comprising almost half of the field and, despite the inclement weather, the parents of the Juniors held another successful fundraising lunch and would like to thank everyone for their generous support.

So far only 2 junior archers have completed the minimum qualifications for the 2014 State Team and we have arranged an additional State Ranking Shoot at AAC on Monday, 7th October (the long weekend) to assist those archers who are trying to achieve the minimum target score or number of SREs. This will also be good practice for the State Target Championships later that month.

Glenn Pauley

OTHER (for information)

2014 Youth Nationals Minutes of General Meeting Held at State Association House Thursday 3rd September 2013 Present: B Lang, C Ashlee, J Nicoll, S Martin, C Pauley, K Pauley, Kym Shuttleworth (SFA), C Lech, S McCulloch Apologies: D Clayfield, I Clayfield, E Hullstrung, A Holmes (Warner) Meeting Open: 7.30 pm Committee: Chairperson: Grant Cole Absent Secretary: Sue Martin Tournament Director: Jeff Nicoll Treasurer: Carol Ashlee Administration: Eileen Hullstrung Absent Technical Delegate: Bruce Lang

Business Arising: Youth Nationals 13th – 19th April 2014: Proposed dates – Secretary has received response to the proposed calendar from AA – J Larven. Proposed dates and program differ to the submission. Much discussion followed with the general consensus being that the AA Ad Hoc Youth Committee be contacted to request a review. Cate and Glenn Pauley to action

This is Page 6 of the minutes of the ARCHERY SA meeting held on 12th September 2013 Grounds: Target and Clout - Letter sent 17th February to St Ignatius (G Leahy) requesting use of the grounds. Due to the school calendar not as yet being set for 2014, they are unable to give a 100% guarantee that we will be able to use. Ground hire: Secretary to contact St Ignatius re these costs. Executive of school has not met yet. Field Course: Kym Shuttleworth from Southern Field archers attended meeting, but due to the issues with the proposed calendar from AA, nothing can be settled. However the club will need extra pegs, etc which ARCHERY SA can supply. EFA will make the field faces and then retain for club use after the event. Ongoing

Scoring: Problems with electronic scoring system at the recent 2013 Youth Nationals. Bruce - Nothing definite yet AA will be trialling a new scoring system to be used at the 2013 Australian Open, AA board meeting is not scheduled until 2nd weekend in August, when decisions will be made. Ongoing

Budget: Budget of $10,000 for supply of pavilions for use at St Ignatius – do we need these, Treasurer would like confirmation. No decision reached Ongoing

St Ignatius – Building and equipment availability: The usual buildings used at previous events, may not be available. G Pauley has spoken to Neville Turnbull (liaison person at school); he will check equipment currently in storage for suitability of use.

Security: Need a quote for Wilson Security firm. Jeff will obtain Ongoing

State Team Photos: C Lech coordinator : Process should be much simpler than in the past. The official photographer/s will be responsible for venue photos, which will then be available for on –line purchase . Ongoing

Entry Form: Bruce The link for the Entry Form has been provided to Committee members.

Access for a table of the breakdown of the entry fees has been provided for Committee members, just so that everyone's clear about the "calculations". Shooting fees: set at Target $130, Clout 39, Field $95, Match play no charge. Entries open the 1st Oct Admin fee: needs to be built into the costs, this is the cost of using the online system. Bruce raised query as to whether ARCHERY SA will carry 50% of this. Ongoing Cancellation fee: Entries withdrawn up to Friday 14th March will refunded, less 15%. Entries withdrawn after that will not be refunded except in exceptional circumstances. Ongoing Souvenirs: Sample shirts for volunteers (purple) and souvenir (white/blue) were shown to those present. Majority were happy with the 2 choices. Hats: Baseball and or bucket hat with logo will be available on line. Metal badge: Suggestion of a badge as souvenir for participates in ‘goody bag’. Carol to Action Catering: Kate and Donna Tentative booking has been made at the Payneham Bowling Club, with outside caterers. Working cost of $35 per head Ongoing

Administration: Eileen – Name badges for volunteers, cheaper option than embroidery on shirt. Ongoing

Sponsorship: Previous meeting Grant suggested various possibilities for attracting sponsorship. Networking needed for ideas, and availability of products. Requested those present do this and bring back ideas to next meeting. One offer of sponsorship forwarded at meeting. All offers will be considered at a future meeting. Secretary to draft sponsorship letter. Ongoing

Technical delegate: Bruce Once finalised, there will be a memorandum of understanding for this committee to sign. Ongoing

Equipment: Jeff – Will organise a working bee later in year to stuff new target butts. Ongoing

Meeting closed: 2050 Chairperson: ------

Next meeting: Tuesday, 1st October, 2013 Date: ------

This is Page 7 of the minutes of the ARCHERY SA meeting held on 12th September 2013

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