David Azzarito District Bill Floyd .District Megan Oates CTA

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David Azzarito District Bill Floyd .District Megan Oates CTA

CBLT January 25, 2017

Attending: Maribel Aponte…………CTA Gloria Fernandez………..District Phyllis Mills………..CTA David Azzarito……………District Bill Floyd…………………….District Megan Oates……..CTA Carmen Balgobin ………District Theresa Harter-Miles…District Clay Phillips………..CTA LeighAnn Blackmore….District Alex Heidelberg………….District Kenrick Pratt………CTA Rob Bixler…………………..District Allison Kirby……………….District Krista Russell………District David Cintron…………….CTA Sharon Leonard.…………CTA Patricia Walker……District Doreen Concolino……..District Lisa Marie Lewis…………CTA Tom Winters……….CTA Albert Davies…………….CTA Michael Marzano……….CTA Stephanie Wyka…..District Wendy Doromal………..CTA Clinton McCracken……..CTA Rea Xenja…………….CTA Jason Duke………………..District

Guests: Stephanie Heron


 Waiver Election Procedure  Supplement Committee Report  Fringe Benefits Committee Report o Opposite Sex Domestic Partner Health coverage o Paid Family Leave  Student Learning Growth Appeals  Scales  Teacher Displacement/Involuntary Transfer/Reduction in Force

Waiver Election Procedure The parties agreed to allow the designee of the CTA president to be present to observe the counting of ballots when the FAC and school administration conduct a ballot. Article XIV. Section B.2. is MOU #7 and TA #5. It is attached to these minutes.

Supplement Committee Report The committee met on January 18 primarily to discuss edits to the Supplement Handbook. In all, the changes the committee would like to make with adding new supplements, reteiring supplements, adding assistant coaches would cost approximately $2 million. The committee is on track to present to the entire CBLT at the March meeting. Doug Patterson, Senior Administrator-Athletics/Activities updated the committee on recent changes in athletics. Professional Development Services requested updates to language concerning mentors. All will be in the complete presentation in May. Jason and Clay will set up another committee meeting in February.

Fringe Benefits Committee Report

Phyllis Mills, chair of the Fringe Benefts Committee gave a report. There was a $1M loss to the insurance plan for plan year 15-16. Early predictions suggest a cost increase for medical insurance for

1 plan year 2017-18 and 2018-19. The committee will be discussing plan design changes at the next meeting in February. It was suggested that we have Beth Curran (Senior Director of Risk Management) speak to the next CBLT. That topic will be added to the agenda.

CTA has also asked the Fringe Benefits Committee to consider two issues: Insurance benefits for opposite sex domestic partner and paid family medical leave. The CTA president stated that it is CTA’s belief that there would be no cost to the district to offer insurance benefits to domestic partners, and it would be a good recruitment tool. And it is their belief that paid family medical leave would make OCPS more desirable to recruits as well.

Scales The CTA president stated again that the scales were never bargained and they believe changed unilaterally by the District. She said that these new requirements are used as a method to measure teacher evaluations, therefore changes should have come to the table for negotiation. CTA especially feels that a 100% expectation for innovating is ridiculous. Teachers were not aware of what trajectory means and still aren’t and we are at the end of January. CTA requested that the latest scales be brought to the table for discussion.

The District met in caucus. Once the group reconvened the District said members would research further and discuss at the next CBLT meeting.

Student Learning Growth Appeals There were a few teachers who contacted CTA to say that their appeal was not heard. Every attempt was made by Labor Relations to contact the teachers and make sure they wanted to appeal. The CBLT agreed for the Appeals Committee to meet again to hear those appeals. Members of the Appeals Committee expressed concern with the way Article X.Section C.1.h is being implemented. The language states that teachers will be notified by email regarding which assessment(s) will be used to measure their student data portion of the Evaluation prior to the end of pre-planning. CTA suggested that the information be distributed later in the school year, that pre-planning is a very busy time for teachers. And, CTA suggested that teachers be contacted individually and the District provide clarity as to how their students will be assessed.

There was other discussion concerning Florida DOE changes in mid-year, how students are being assigned to other classes to equal out numbers and how principals are pushing students to take AP scores to help raise the school grade. Bill Floyd, Principal at West Orange High says students are identified for AP classes and parents are notified. These students receive assistance to help them with the class.

The appeals committee will meet to hear the latest appeals and to discuss the issues stated.

Teacher displacement/Involuntary Transfer

CTA stated that Involuntary Transfers are not a part of a Reduction in Force (RIF) process. CTA’s interpretation of the statute is that the reduction in force is separate from an involuntary transfer as a result of the reappointment budgeting process.

The reappointment timeline was shared with the CBLT. That document is attached to these minutes.  A list of vacancies will be sent to all teachers, including non-reappointed teachers.  HR will be conducting a transfer fair this year for teachers to interview for vacancies at other schools at this fair.  With respect to placing PSC teachers, it is rare to place teachers from one extreme side of the county to another, the HR team first looks for vacancies within the teacher’s learning community and if there are no vacancies for that teacher, the HR team looks at the teachers home address to place the teacher in a vacancy.  The “Selected Schools” are schools struggling with student performance and struggling with filling instructional vacancies. These schools are added into the early hiring period to facilitate filling vacancies.

CTA wants to look at updating Article XIII, Reduction in Force and will be bringing language to the next meeting.

Future meetings:

Thursday, February 23 at CTA Wednesday, March 15 at CTA



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