Donated Checking Account 0301, Period Ending 02/07/2014
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2:25 Utah Schools for the Deaf and the PM Blind 02/1 Reconciliatio·n Summary 8/14 .Donated Checking Account 0301, Period Ending 02/07/2014
Feb 7, 14 12,535.73 Beginning Balance Cleared Transaction s Checks and Payments - 7 items -9,356.69 Deposits and Credits - 1 item 117,475.16 Total Cleared Transactions 108,118.47
Cleared Balance 120,654.20 Uncleared Transactions -209.50 Checks and -209.50 Payments - 4 items ·Total UnclearedTransaction s
Register Balance as of 1 02/07/2014 Ending 2 Balance 0 , 4 4 4 ; 7 0 1 2 0 , 4 4 4 . 7 0 Page 1 2:26 PM Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind
02/18/14 Reconciliation Summary Donated PTIFAccount 0742, Period Ending 01/31/2014
Jan 31, 14
Beginning Balance 321,790.03 Cleared Transactions Deposits and Credits - 1 138.69 item Total Cleared 138.69
Transactions 321,928.72
Cleared Balance 321,928.72 321,928.72 Register Balance as of 01/31/2014 Ending Balance
Page 1 UTAH SCHOOLS FOR THE DEAF AND THE BLIND DONATION ACCOUNT BALANCES 9-Jan-14 Doc # Encum- 7-Feb-14 Program Department Balance or Date Deposits brances Withdrawals Donor/Exolanation Balance Balance ALTERNATIVE FUNDING 860.59
860.59 AUDIOLOGY 860.59
*Loaner HearinQ Aid Bank Pre99 21,997.10 Transfer 18,243.58 3,753.52 3,753.52
*Christopholous Foundation 0.00 Transfer3765 18,243.585.00 18,248.58 18,248.58 Wallace Contribution
*FM Systems Deaf Central 2013 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,00000 BLIND SOUTH REGION *Summer Camp 2005 21.11 21.11 21.11 BLIND NORTH REGION 2,752.87 37533761 195.003.00 LR for Athena Poole's Class 2,928.37 5090 22.50 Box Tops for Education A Loveland Fieldtrip *Lions Club Fund 2002 138.62 138.62 *Karen Fredrickson's Class 2002 146.57 146.57 *M HollinQer's Class 2011 230.37 230.37 *C Spotted Elk 2011 12.45 12.45
*G Hearn's Braille Trail 2003 2,000.00 2,000.00 *K Hadley Class 2007 102.38 102.38 *Orientation & Mobility Pre99 82.06 82.06 *P Wilson's Class 2003 163.00 163.00 *Daily LivinQ 201O 101.99 101.99
*G Ward Class 2006 1.84 1.84 *The Memory Box Pre99 3, 191.48 3743 3745 258.6815.75 Green Fiber 3,465.91 Metech recycling
*Sales Tax Payable 55.84 5090 39.25 Sales Tax Due 16.59
BLIND OLYMPICS 11,382.66 9,390.15 11,382.66 11,382.66 BLIND CENTRAL REGION 0.00 0.00 *SL PlayQround Equip 2002 52.02 52.02
*R Anderson's Class 2003 1.52 1.52 *A Newbold 2003 0.00 0.00
*S ZenQer's Class 2006 22.00 22.00 9-Jan-14 Encum- Program Deoartment Balance o Deoosits brances Withdrawals Donor/Exolanation Balance
*C Clawson's Class Pre99 777.09 37 77.00 Cartridge Recycling 47 "V Jacobsen's Class 2009 7.46
*M Mortensen's Class 2003 5.13
*D Tucker's Class 2006 5.00
•s Lacy's Class 2007 1.00
*K Bowman's Class Pre99 26.50
*T Gourley Class 2006 19.83
*L Parker's Class 2007 118.50 1,113.05 DEAFBLIND 2,200.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 *Clicker Software/Nursin!l 2007 3,070.94 3,070.94 3,070.94 *SL County Communication 2009 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 DEAF NORTH REGION 4,556.14 5087 70.00 B 4,386.14 5093 100.00 G Davis County Preschool 2011 628.75 l 628.75 e *Art Access/Book Fair 2003 2,838.22 e 2,838.22 d *T Rouche 2007 115.45 115.45 F *D Clements Class 2006 100.00 i 100.00 e *Art Acct 2002 7.12 l 7.12 ' d *Fieldtrip Fund 2012 46.11 t 46.11 r "V Pitcher's Classroom 2007 128.30 i 128.30 p *Science Camp 2002 489.86 489.86 E *Hillcrest Deaf/ Lo!lan 2002 679.36 n 679.36 11,102.81 v *Si!lninQ Naturally 2011 1,683.50 i 1,683.50 r *Adaptive Equipment Grove 2012 270.02 o 270.02 270.02 n DEAF SOUTH REGION 0.00 37 46.00 Refund from The Maize 42 300.00 G Russell Donation 37 15.00 R Busker Fieldtrip •c Johnson's Class 2003 27.44 54 50 91
'"'----- 9-Jan-14 Doc # Encum- 7-Feb-14 Balance Program or Date Deposits brances Withdrawals Donor/Exolanation Balance Balance Department
*S McComb's Class 2006 1.00 1.00 *N Kelley - Closeup 2006 21.78 21.78
*S Boshard 2009 23.55 23.55 *L Ruth's Classroom Pre99 4.68 4.68 *S Lindsey's Classroom 2009 5.70 5.70 *Utah County Extension Pre99 16.18 16.18 *Sevier County Area Pre99 597.40 597.40 1,028.73 DEAF CENTRAL REGION SL AGBell Chapter 2004 4,149.84 4,149.84 4,149.84 DEAF CENTRAL REGION 2,745.19 2,745.19 *A Kimball's CloseUp Pre99 839.73 839.73 3,584.92 DEAF JMS 2,451.71 3755 35.00 Wells Fargo Community Partners 3757 1,550.00 4,029.27 3758 8,500.00 Sub for Santa (move to General Acct) Society for Science 3759 100.00 3760 VGK Donation 47.00 5089 70.44 Donation Swire Coca Cola 5087 72.00 Swire Coca Cola NSF 8,512.00 Society for Science NSF Sending Replacement
*Student Body Government 2009 1,615.50 3756 257.68 Vending Proceeds 1,873.18 *Jr NAO 2013 50.00 3751 108.00 Jr NAO Glowfest 158.00 *D Warren 2013 300.00 300.00 *Assoc. for Deaf Children 2009 274.27 274.27 6,634.72 *Teacher Fund 2012 1,497.00 1,497.00 1,497.00 *A Breinholt 2013 2,206.59 2,206.59 2,206.59 *Science Fund 2013 388.00 388.00 388.00 * E Hanna 2013 500.00 500.00 500.00
EDUC RESOURCE 0.00 2 0 1,549.39 0 . 487.29 0 0 9-Jan-14 Doc # Encum- 7-Feb-14 Program Deoartment Balance or Date Deoosits brances Withdrawals DonorlExolanation Balance Balance 1.20
11,537.27 16,013.09
EmerQency Kits 2009 47.68 8,189.96 8,189.96
SpeechlLanQuaQe Clawson 2012 47.68 200.00 47.68
200.00 200,00 PIP Blind Pre99 17,945.52 17,945.52 17,945.52 PIP Deaf Pre99 23,789.19 23,789.19 23,789.19 RESIDENTIAL CARE (13.78) -13.78 7,014.23 Blind STEP ProQram 2011 496.50 496.50 Post HiQh Field Trip 2011 2,203.09 MCR Recycling Metech Recycling 2,979.81 JzeidnerlFieldtrip Change Adaptive Equipment 2013 501.80 501.80 Athletics 2009 1,451.00 1,451.00 Academic Bowl 2009 1,598.90 USDB PLAYGROUND 1,598.90 EQUIPMENT FUND Pre99 1,800.51 1,800.51 *Campus Outdoor 3,537.02 Improvements 2002 3,537.02 5,337.53 UNDESIGNATED FUNDS... 114,726.74 113112014 138.69 Interest Earned on PTIF Investment Account $214,900.76 214,900.76 3741 26.52 3744 105.00 United Way of Utah Wells Fargo 3746 213.81 Kroger Earn and Learn 3748 250.00 US Synthetic Corp 3752 105.00 3764 100,000.00 Wells Fargo Noorda Foundation 5089 5091 445.00 M Austin STP 220.00 M Hollinger STP FOUNDATION 2013 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 ADVISORY COUNCIL FUND 16,933.78 16,933.78 16,933.78 SUPERINTENDENT DISCRETIONARY FUND 3,586.63 3,586.63 3,586.63 *Rural ProQram 2012 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 ASSOCIATE BLIND SCHOOL 2012 7,745.18 7,745.18 7,745.18
Prepared by Lezlie White 2/18/2014 Page 4 9-Jan-14 Doc # E 7-Feb-14 Program Deoartment Balance or Date Deposits n Withdrawals Donor/Explanation Balance Balance ASSOCIATE DEAF 10,766.70 3762 2,500.00 Kier Charitable Foundation/Deaf Summit 13,266.70 13,266.70 SCHOOL 2012 Space Camp 2003 188.36 3763 2,000.00 Bamberger Allen Foundation 2, 188.36 2,188.36
MEMORIAL FUNDS *Robert Barrett 15.25 15.25 Memorial 2011 200.00 200.00 *Hazel Barker Memorial 2011 25.00 25.00
*Hunter Rei:iister 120.00 120.00 Memorial 2008 52.00 52.00 *Tiffany lni:iram Memorial 2006 100.00 100.00
*Barbara Hadfield 216.59 216.59 Memorial 99 B 7.45 7.45 *Edwin Lamar Bird Memorial 99 B 445.04 445.04
*G Phillips Memorial 235.00 235.00 2004 B 315.00 315.00 *E Fisher Memorial 2002 B 175.00 175.00
*Clifford Ketchum 187.75 187.75 Memorial 99 D 50.00 50.00 *Lillian Fulmer Memorial 2003 D 67.50 67.50
*Iola Jensen 100.00 100.00 2,311.58 TOTAL 334,325.76 135,857.43 27,809.77 442,373.42 442,373.42
Checkbook Balance 120,444.70 Statement Balance 120,444.70 321,790.03 Public Treasurer's Investment Fund 01/31/2013 138.69 Interest as of 01/31/2013 Transfer funds Deposit 442,373.42 Donation Account Balance 442,373.42 Donation Account Balance $0.00
Prepared by Lezlie White 2118/2014 Page 5