Big Dig Day Risk Assessment Form
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Name of Garden: Assessor(s): Date: Location: Signature(s): Date for Review:
CORE VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES Activity/Element Hazard Who is at Existing Controls Risk Rating Additional Controls Required Risk? L1 C2 R3 General volunteer site Slips, trips, falls, Volunteers/ Induction 3 2 6 Public Liability Insurance maintenance accidents staff First aid kit Keep site tidy and free from Good housekeeping possible trip hazards (tools etc) Broken bones Volunteers Induction 2 3 6 Public Liability Insurance First aid kit Keep site tidy and free from Good housekeeping possible trip hazards (tools etc) Volunteers only to do activities/use equipment that they have done before or have been shown how to do Hazards from Volunteers Volunteers informed of other 2 2 4 others activities taking place on site
Ill-health from Volunteers, Check work area for evidence of 2 2 4 rodents staff rodents In case of presence ensure excellent hygiene standards Injury through Volunteers, Induction 2 2 4 mishap or prank staff Practice good housekeeping Always use safe methods Always leave site in safe General volunteer condition site maintenance Refrain from practical jokes that (continued) may cause injury, damage or Likelihood of Occurrence1 Likely Consequences2 Risk Rating R = L x S3 1. negligible chance 1. Slight (cuts and bruises) Key 2. little chance but could happen 2. minor injury (under 3 day injury) 1-4 acceptable risk 3. may happen 3. major injury (RIDDOR) 5-12 additional controls required 4. likely to happen 4. fatality 13-18 urgent attention required 5. almost inevitable 5. several fatalities 18-25 unacceptable risk – cease activity Page 2 of 9 Activity/Element Hazard Who is at Existing Controls Risk Rating Additional Controls Required Risk? L1 C2 R3
insult to others Working Volunteers Induction 1 3 3 Public Liability Insurance unsupervised Volunteers will not work Ensure volunteers knows who the unsupervised point of contact is for any issues/accidents ie Site/Task Leader Fire Volunteers, Induction (fire procedures) 1 3 3 Access to a mobile phone to call staff for emergency assistance if necessary
Injury through Volunteers Induction 2 3 6 First aid kit accident with Put in any details as required or Public liability insurance vehicles or heavy applicable First aid kit machinery Access to a mobile phone to call for emergency assistance if necessary
Digging/hoeing/using Back/muscular Volunteers Induction/ ground rules 3 2 6 Public Liability Insurance heavy tools strain Regular breaks taken Only trained volunteers to carry- Training given out task
Blisters Volunteers Induction 3 1 3 Gloves available, use recommended Splinters Volunteers Ensue tools are well maintained 2 1 2 and that damaged tools are fixed/replaced Gloves available, use Likelihood of Occurrence1 Likely Consequences2 Risk Rating R = L x S3 1. negligible chance 1. Slight (cuts and bruises) Key 2. little chance but could happen 2. minor injury (under 3 day injury) 1-4 acceptable risk 3. may happen 3. major injury (RIDDOR) 5-12 additional controls required 4. likely to happen 4. fatality 13-18 urgent attention required 5. almost inevitable 5. several fatalities 18-25 unacceptable risk – cease activity Page 3 of 9 Activity/Element Hazard Who is at Existing Controls Risk Rating Additional Controls Required Risk? L1 C2 R3
recommended Hit foot with tool Volunteers Induction/ ground rules 2 1 2 First aid kit Recommend use of steel toe cap boots for digging activities Only experienced volunteers to carry-out task Planting Back/muscular Volunteers Induction 3 2 6 Public Liability Insurance strain Regular breaks taken Training on correct posture for Volunteers experienced activity Training/demonstration given if Those unable to bend/kneel on needed floor to work on raised beds Hurt knees Volunteers Induction 3 1 3 Regular breaks taken Kneeling pads available, use recommended Infection in cuts Volunteers Induction 2 2 4 Gloves available, use recommended Recommend covering existing lacerations Wipes, gel and running water supplied for hand washing Skin irritation Volunteers Induction 2 1 2 Gloves available, use recommended Ask about known allergies Wash affected area with water Likelihood of Occurrence1 Likely Consequences2 Risk Rating R = L x S3 1. negligible chance 1. Slight (cuts and bruises) Key 2. little chance but could happen 2. minor injury (under 3 day injury) 1-4 acceptable risk 3. may happen 3. major injury (RIDDOR) 5-12 additional controls required 4. likely to happen 4. fatality 13-18 urgent attention required 5. almost inevitable 5. several fatalities 18-25 unacceptable risk – cease activity Page 4 of 9 Activity/Element Hazard Who is at Existing Controls Risk Rating Additional Controls Required Risk? L1 C2 R3
Wipes and gel supplied for hand washing Carrying Back/muscular Volunteers Induction 3 2 6 Public Liability Insurance tools/equipment strain Advise volunteers on lifting and carrying only what they can Those with existing back problems not to carry heavy items Contact with Volunteers Induction 3 2 6 Public Liability Insurance sharp edged tools First aid kit Supply gloves Volunteer experienced Recommend appropriate clothing Training on how to use and carry tools if needed Dropping heavy Volunteers Induction 2 3 6 Public Liability Insurance items on feet First aid kit Recommend use of steel toe cap boots Using hand Muscular strains Volunteers Induction 3 2 6 Public Liability Insurance tools/small gardening First aid kit Only trained volunteers to carry equipment Volunteers experienced out task Training given if needed Contact with Volunteers Induction 3 2 6 Public Liability Insurance sharp edged tools First aid kit Supply gloves Volunteers experienced Recommend appropriate clothing Using hand tools/ Training on how to use and small gardening carry tools given if needed equipment Cuts and bruises Volunteers Induction 3 1 3 (continued) First aid kit Gloves available, use Likelihood of Occurrence1 Likely Consequences2 Risk Rating R = L x S3 1. negligible chance 1. Slight (cuts and bruises) Key 2. little chance but could happen 2. minor injury (under 3 day injury) 1-4 acceptable risk 3. may happen 3. major injury (RIDDOR) 5-12 additional controls required 4. likely to happen 4. fatality 13-18 urgent attention required 5. almost inevitable 5. several fatalities 18-25 unacceptable risk – cease activity Page 5 of 9 Activity/Element Hazard Who is at Existing Controls Risk Rating Additional Controls Required Risk? L1 C2 R3
recommended Recommend appropriate clothing (long sleeved tops, trousers etc) Blisters/Splinters Volunteers Induction 3 1 3 Gloves available, use recommended Ensue tools are well maintained and that damaged tools are fixed/replaced Working outdoors Sunburn, Volunteers, Induction 3 2 6 Recommend use of sun cream dehydration, heat staff and hats on sunny days, and give stroke plenty of breaks for drinking water Hyperthermia Volunteers, Induction 2 3 6 Recommend wearing appropriate staff First aid kit clothing for cold/wet weather and taking breaks to go indoors and have a hot drink Insects: ill health, Volunteers, Check work area for swarms or 2 2 4 stings Staff nest of wasps/ants/spiders etc Be aware of any allergies Eye injury Volunteers Wear protective eyewear if 2 2 4 hedge cutting or pruning Fire risk (shed) Volunteers, Induction 2 3 6 Public Liability Insurance Staff No smoking on site Access to a mobile phone to call for emergency assistance if necessary
Likelihood of Occurrence1 Likely Consequences2 Risk Rating R = L x S3 1. negligible chance 1. Slight (cuts and bruises) Key 2. little chance but could happen 2. minor injury (under 3 day injury) 1-4 acceptable risk 3. may happen 3. major injury (RIDDOR) 5-12 additional controls required 4. likely to happen 4. fatality 13-18 urgent attention required 5. almost inevitable 5. several fatalities 18-25 unacceptable risk – cease activity Page 6 of 9 Activity/Element Hazard Who is at Existing Controls Risk Rating Additional Controls Required Risk? L1 C2 R3
Abuse/aggression Volunteers, 2 2 4 from public staff Theft from site: Volunteers Volunteers responsible for all 2 1 2 tools, produce, Staff personal belongings equipment, Shed and gates to be locked personal when site is left unattended belongings Tools to be locked in store
Heat stroke, Volunteers/ Only short periods of time to be 2 2 4 dehydration staff spent in glasshouse
Likelihood of Occurrence1 Likely Consequences2 Risk Rating R = L x S3 1. negligible chance 1. Slight (cuts and bruises) Key 2. little chance but could happen 2. minor injury (under 3 day injury) 1-4 acceptable risk 3. may happen 3. major injury (RIDDOR) 5-12 additional controls required 4. likely to happen 4. fatality 13-18 urgent attention required 5. almost inevitable 5. several fatalities 18-25 unacceptable risk – cease activity Page 7 of 9 Activity/Element Hazard Who is at Existing Controls Risk Rating Additional Controls Required Risk? L1 C2 R3
Additional Risk Assessment for Gardens Providing Refreshments
Preparing and cuts Staff, First aid kit 2 1 2 serving hot food volunteers Health and safety talk at and drinks start burns Staff, First aid kit 1 2 4 volunteers No public access to cooking area Only trained staff to operate ovens, tea urns and barbecues Lots of space to allow safe movement around equipment Smoke inhalation Staff, Ovens and barbecues used 1 2 2 volunteers open air with lots of space for air circulation Food poisoning Staff, Food prepared under 1 3 3 volunteers supervision of trained and experienced cook/s Adherence to hygienic procedures No meat or fish served hygiene Staff, Food prepared under 1 3 3 volunteers supervision of trained and
Likelihood of Occurrence1 Likely Consequences2 Risk Rating R = L x S3 1. negligible chance 1. Slight (cuts and bruises) Key 2. little chance but could happen 2. minor injury (under 3 day injury) 1-4 acceptable risk 3. may happen 3. major injury (RIDDOR) 5-12 additional controls required 4. likely to happen 4. fatality 13-18 urgent attention required 5. almost inevitable 5. several fatalities 18-25 unacceptable risk – cease activity Page 8 of 9 Activity/Element Hazard Who is at Existing Controls Risk Rating Additional Controls Required Risk? L1 C2 R3
experienced cook/s Adherence to hygienic procedures Anti bacterial cleaner used on all surfaces, all equipment kept clean, hand washing facilities/antibacterial hand gel supplied Trips/mishaps in Staff, First aid kit 2 2 4 cooking area volunteers Health and safety talk at start No public access to cooking area Practice good housekeeping and safe behavior Fire hazard Staff, Only trained staff to operate 1 3 3 volunteers ovens and barbecues Space between equipment and buildings/wooden fences etc Fire extinguisher on site Allergic reactions Staff, Notices stating that people 1 4 4 volunteers, with allergies should ask public what is in food
Likelihood of Occurrence1 Likely Consequences2 Risk Rating R = L x S3 1. negligible chance 1. Slight (cuts and bruises) Key 2. little chance but could happen 2. minor injury (under 3 day injury) 1-4 acceptable risk 3. may happen 3. major injury (RIDDOR) 5-12 additional controls required 4. likely to happen 4. fatality 13-18 urgent attention required 5. almost inevitable 5. several fatalities 18-25 unacceptable risk – cease activity Page 9 of 9 Activity/Element Hazard Who is at Existing Controls Risk Rating Additional Controls Required Risk? L1 C2 R3
Staff/volunteers serving food aware of ingredients in each dish
Likelihood of Occurrence1 Likely Consequences2 Risk Rating R = L x S3 1. negligible chance 1. Slight (cuts and bruises) Key 2. little chance but could happen 2. minor injury (under 3 day injury) 1-4 acceptable risk 3. may happen 3. major injury (RIDDOR) 5-12 additional controls required 4. likely to happen 4. fatality 13-18 urgent attention required 5. almost inevitable 5. several fatalities 18-25 unacceptable risk – cease activity