Anderby Parish Council s1
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Please note these minutes are draft until approved as a true record
The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday 25th July 2011 at 7.00p.m. in the Village Hall, Anderby
District Councillor P.Leivers and three members of the public were also present.
OPEN FORUM Mike Reed, Projects Development Team Leader at Lincs County Council, had been invited to attend the meeting to present his proposals for improvements to the car parking area at Anderby Creek. A design for the car park was circulated amongst Councillors and questions asked of Mr.Reed. Councillors thought the picnic area would be better placed near the dunes in order to preserve car parking space. The Council also requested a bike rack be added to the plan. Other matters such as disabled access at the top of the pullover, installation of the proposed new footbridges, the height barriers for the car parks along the coast and the fencing from Wolla Bank to Anderby were discussed with Mr.Reed.
A member of the public raised concern about the stretch of Occupation Lane that had been tarmaced by Beachside. As a result of the way this has been laid, vehicles are forgetting to look left when driving out of the site and several residents of Grace Crescent have had to pull up sharply. Residents of Grace Crescent have signed a request for a ‘Give Way’ or ‘Stop’ sign to be erected at the exit of Beachside in order to make it clear to vehicles who has the right of way. It was agreed the Clerk would write to the owner of Beachside requesting such a sign.
An update by a member of the public on progress with the possible purchase of the land known as Northgates was given.
1) CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2) APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from District Councillor H.Newcombe.
3) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2000 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT Councillor Henshaw declared a prejudicial interest in agenda item 12, as she is the 1.25/7/11 applicant.
4) MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 20TH JUNE 2011 The notes of the meeting held on 20th June 2011 were approved as the minutes and signed by the Chairman.
5) MINUTES OF THE PLANNING MEETING HELD ON 13TH JULY 2011 The notes of the Planning Meeting held on 13th July 2011 were approved as the minutes and signed by the Chairman.
6) CLERK’S REPORT ON MATTERS OUTSTANDING Alleged footpath between Sea Road and Creek outfall Councillor Mowbray queried why the Parish Council had decided not to support the Definitive Map Modification Order proposed by the Parish Council in 1983. Highway matters Highways have confirmed both the deer signs for Roman Bank and the chevrons on the A52 have been completed. At the request of the Clerk, Patrick Cant, Senior Lighting Engineer at Lincs County Council has confirmed that all the street lights at Anderby Creek have been changed to more energy efficient white lighting with the exception of one light which requires the Electricity Board to attend due to its proximity to overhead cables.
7) CORRESPONDENCE A copy of ‘Clerks and Councils Direct’ was made available for Councillors to read.
Councillors noted E.L.D.C. is inviting applications for the second round of its Community Grants Scheme and that L.C.C. is promoting its Community Wildlife Grant which replaces the Free Trees for Parishes Scheme which existed for a number of years.
9) PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS It was proposed, seconded and agreed to pay the following account:- a) Maintenance Solutions - £420.00 (grass cutting)
10)INTERNAL AUDITOR’S REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH 2011 The Clerk and former RFO reported the Internal Auditor was happy with all aspects of the Council’s accounts.
11)PLANNING CONSENTS/REFUSALS Noted as follows:- a) Mr.A.Lake - extension to 1 Brickyard Cottage, Sea Road, Anderby Creek GRANTED
2.25/7/11 12)PLANNING APPLICATIONS It was proposed, seconded and agreed to support an amended planning application by Ms.G.Henshaw for change of use and conversion of domestic stables to commercial livery yard, Bluebell Farm, Rectory Road, Anderby.
13)CREATION OF A COMMUNITY SPACE ON LAND AT NORTHGATES Councillors had all received a copy of a letter outlining the proposals for Northgates, involving the Coastal Country Park. Having had an update from a member of the public during the Open Forum, it was agreed the Parish Council would support the project.
14)SERVICES OF LINCOLNSHIRE PROBATION TRUST Councillors noted Lincolnshire Probation Trust now has to charge £40 per day for its services. Following some discussion, it was agreed its services would be used as and when required rather than when labour was available to clear the sand from the pullover and ramp. The Clerk was asked to respond accordingly.
15)COASTAL COUNTRY PARK COMMUNITY GRANT SCHEME Councillors noted the closing date for applications was 1st August 2011 and the timescale for applying for funding was therefore rather tight. The only project they could immediately think of was the piping of the dyke by the cemetery to create parking space for hearses etc. The Clerk mentioned she had been approached by Groundwork Lincolnshire who are looking for projects in the Parish in order to take advantage of the Coastal Country Park Community Grant Scheme. It was agreed the Clerk would contact the Company.
16)DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 19th September 2011 at 7.00p.m. in the Village Hall, Sea Road, Anderby.
17)ANY OTHER MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION ONLY OR NEXT AGENDA E.L.D.C. is considering allowing the development of small touring caravan sites within the Coastal Flood Zone. Councillors agreed to circulate the consultation document between them.
Councillor Mason advised Councillors that Mablethorpe had initiated a ‘Dogwatch’ scheme. She will circulate details via email.
The Clerk was asked to report a pot hole between Meadow View and Hedge End, Sea Road, Anderby.
Councillor Mason said she had read in the news that more money had been pledged for coastal communities.
As there was no other business the meeting closed at 8.20p.m.