Graduate Life Fellows Information Sheet and Application

The UNC Charlotte Graduate School invites applications for the 2015-2016 Graduate Life Fellow positions!

Build the graduate community through leadership, peer mentoring and event planning! Join the Center for Graduate Life in its mission to support the success of all graduate students. A $5,000 award is offered to develop marketable skills and have fun while doing it!

What is a Graduate Life Fellow?

- Fellows play an integral role in creating & engaging the graduate community at UNC Charlotte. - As representatives of the Graduate School and its Center for Graduate Life, Fellows coordinate graduate student activities that foster diverse social and academic engagement at UNC Charlotte. - Fellows serve as ambassadors to other graduate students by increasing awareness of opportunities and resources. - Fellows strive to address questions and concerns about graduate school, providing support and mentoring, from orientation through graduation.

Why Become a Graduate Life Fellow?

- Each Fellow receives a $5,000 Award (can supplement an assistantship) - A unique opportunity for personal growth through the responsibilities of a Fellow - Improve your professional networking skills - Increase your marketability by developing advanced leadership and teamwork skills - Support fellow graduate students while strengthening graduate community


- Full-time graduate students in good standing and enrolled in a UNC Charlotte master’s or doctoral degree program may apply, however first semester graduate students are not eligible to apply. Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0. - Fellows must live in the Charlotte area throughout the academic year of their fellowship. The GLF award is for the entire 2015-2016 Academic Year. - The time commitment varies but is approximately 5 hours per week or 80 hours over the course of a semester.

The larger goal of the GLF program is to perpetually build our graduate community. Fellows are selected from a pool of exemplary candidates across disciplines and programs in an effort to broadly represent UNC Charlotte’s graduate population. Rigorous participation and cooperation from all members of the team throughout one’s term as a GLF is necessary for success. 2015-2016 GLF Application & Information Responsibilities

. Participate in Fall and Spring Graduate Orientations . Plan and promote individual and GLF-group events . Coordinate monthly GLF meetings . Hold regular office hours in the CGL . Represent GLFs at GPSG Senate meetings when appropriate . Support and promote Center for Grad Life professional development workshops . Participate in Graduate School events as needed . Support graduate campus and graduate community events

Application Requirements

A complete GLF APPLICATION has three components: 1) Your general application (below) 2) A one-page program proposal (see following) 3) Your CV/résumé

All three items must be submitted by March 9 as per the instructions below in order for your application to be considered.

Program Proposal:

The program proposal component is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your fit as a GLF. Proposals should outline a project designed to contribute to the social, cultural, academic, recreational, or leadership development of your fellow UNC Charlotte graduate students. In general, your goal for a finalized project should be a sustained, multi-session effort (e.g., like a workshop, but one comprising multiple sessions, not just a single meeting.)

Please include the following elements in your proposal. It should be no longer than one page.

 Title of your proposed project  The problem, issue, or opportunity addressed by your project  A summary statement of the solution provided by your project  Detailed plan for implementation (e.g. target audience, strategy)  General timeline (to include planning and implementation)  Hypothetical budget for your project  Evaluation: How you will measure the impact and efficacy of your project as a solution to the problem. What are the desired learning outcomes?

2 Selection Process

The subsequent GLF SELECTION process consists of two parts: 1) selected applicants are invited to participate in one of the group process interviews on Thursday, March 19 or Friday, March 20; and 2) selected candidates are invited for individual interviews. The group process interviews are designed to assess students’ abilities to work in a team environment.

Important Dates

January 27 – application information available online: March 9 – application, résumé/CV and project proposal due by 5:00 p.m. (electronic submission) March 19-20 – group process interviews (invitees will attend one of two sessions) March 27- April 2 – individual interviews Week of April 13th– decisions made & offers extended April 24 (tentative) – GLF Transition Meeting May 1– Teambuilding Exercise with Venture – tentative

The following training is mandatory if you are selected:

■ Attend the GLF transition meeting from 12:00-5:00 pm (April 24th tentative) ■ A summer planning meeting will be scheduled in June or July (Date/time is TBD) ■ Participate in the GLF all-day fall training (August 19) ■ Participate in a half-day spring retreat (mid-December, 2015)

Submission Instructions:

Please email your application (this document, edited with your information), program proposal (separate document) and résumé/CV (as PDF documents) to [email protected], attention:

Dr. Katherine Hall-Hertel, Assistant Dean of the Graduate School Director, Center for Graduate Life

In the subject line of your email, include your name and the words, “GLF Application”.

For more information about the GLF program in general, or for questions related to the recruitment and selection process, please contact Ms. Coren O’Hara, Coordinator of Professional Development at [email protected], or call 704-687-7242. The Center for Graduate Life is located in Cone University Center, 268.

My electronic signature below indicates that I have reviewed the eligibility and all application requirements as outlined above and agree to be available to participate in all activities required in the recruitment and selection process as specified in the application materials. If you agree with this statement, please type your full name and today’s date in the space below.


2015-2016 GLF Application & Information Graduate Life Fellow 2015-2016 General Application


Name: Last First Middle

University ID Number: 800

Gender: Female Male

Ethnicity: Asian or Pacific Islander Native American/Alaskan Native Black, Non-Hispanic

Hispanic White, Non-Hispanic I prefer not to disclose my ethnicity.

Citizenship: International Student (Yes or No)

Preferred Contact Information: Street Address Street Address 2 City, State, Zip Telephone: Email: Summer Contact Information: Phone: Email:

UNC CHARLOTTE STUDENT STATUS: College: Program: Degree: Number of Hours Completed: Cumulative UNC Charlotte GPA: Anticipated graduation date:

TIME COMMITMENTS (including jobs, assistantships, etc. for Fall 2015/Spring 2016)

BRIEF PERSONAL STATEMENT In 200 words or less, explain what makes you a good candidate for this position. What type of roles have you served while on a team? Be sure to provide specific examples of these roles.

4 Reference Contact Information (three references; professional/academic are preferable to personal references): 1. Name: Relation: Telephone: Email: 2. Name: Relation: Telephone: Email: 3. Name: Relation: Telephone: Email:

2015-2016 GLF Application & Information