Newton’s Laws of Motion Simply Stated 1st Law

Inertia a body resists motion

A body at rest wants to remain at rest unless acted upon by an outside force Or an object in motion wants to remain in motion unless acted upon by an outside force

An example from every day life is when you are riding down the road and your mother comes to a sudden stop, then your body wants to continue moving forward.

This is why we wear our seat belts.

Example: Student sits in the chair another spins

What force eventually causes you to stop spinning? Friction

Friction and gravity are two forces that are constantly acting on all objects

Inertia and gravity acting together is what keeps the earth in motion around the sun. The gravity of the sun holds the earth in orbit and the inertia of the earth’s revolution, which was set in motion a few billion years ago, keeps the earth moving in this orbit around the sun.

2nd Law

F= ma

A= f/a

Mass is a measure of inertia. So the force applied to get something moving is the same as its mass times how fast it is moving.

The larger the object the harder it is to stop it Or the larger it is the harder it is to get it moving

Which will take more force? Me pushing an empty desk or me pushing a desk with someone in it.

3rd Law= For every action there is an equal an opposite reaction

Example: blow up a balloon and let go

What is the action that causes the reaction of the balloon to move forward? What force eventually brings the balloon back down to the ground? Gravity

Your assignment is to discuss Newton’s three laws of motion and think of a demonstration that your group could do to show each one.

Discuss each law and write down your ideas for a demonstration for each one You may use any of the objects that we used in the lab yesterday, (first come first serve)

Each group will then be asked to demonstrate and explain at least one of the laws of motion. You must stand at the front of the room when conducting your demonstration.

The audience must be attentive and ask questions raising your hand first. Do not blurt out answers, Do not comment until I call on you