Looking Upon and Dealing with Each Person As a Valued Individual

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Looking Upon and Dealing with Each Person As a Valued Individual

Applying Character to our Lives 5-MINUTE BIBLE STUDIES For Honor vs Disrespect

Faith Committee, Character Council of Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky

Looking upon and dealing with each person as a valued individual

HONOR- A Five-Minute Study Faith Committee, Character Council of Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky

Contributed by Erin E. Delp Christian Education Intern, Church of the Open Door, York, PA May 2005

Submitting to God’s Delegated Rule

Think Through These Questions:  What is the purpose of governing authorities? Why do we have them?  What is our response as believers to authority? What is our response based on?  How do we practically honor/submit to them?

Purpose of Governing Authorities

Scripture speaks a great deal on submitting to governing authorities. Whether these authorities are governmental leaders, slave owners, pastors or elders in the church- God designed for some people to have authority over others. Romans 13 explains that these authorities are established by God and have their authority in and through Him. Romans 13:4 states that the ruler is God’s servant to do good. Yet the ruler also has God’s authority to judge wrong and punish those involved in wickedness. It is clear that rulers and authorities are given their power by God alone. Therefore, in 1 Peter 5:2-4, God admonishes leaders to serve as overseers because they are willing. Leaders in the church were to be eager to serve, not lording it over those entrusted to them. They were to be examples to the flock. Because their authority is established by God, the Lord can uproot what He has planted. “He brings princes to naught and reduces the rulers to nothing. No sooner are they planted, no sooner are they sown, no sooner do they take root in the ground, than he blows on them and they whither, and a whirlwind sweeps them away like chaff” (Is 40:23-24 NIV*). Although God may establish or plant someone into authority, he can also uproot. May this be a fearful reminder for all rulers that their authority is only given and sustained by an Omnipotent God and eternally reigning King. These are God’s servants who give their full time to governing (Rom 13:6). They establish order and maintain justice and peace on earth.

* Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the New International Version Man’s Response- Submit & Obey

Man’s response to earthly authority is one of humble submission. 1 Peter 2:13 says we are to submit ourselves to every authority instituted among men, no matter what the ranking of that official. That command does not mean that we only submit to those we like, but to every authority except those commands that strictly violate Scripture. The command is all inclusive in its nature. Every person must submit himself to governing authorities because they are established by God (Rom 13:1). If one violates the authority God has established, they are saying they do not agree with God’s plan and the authority He has established and instituted for this time. Submission does not mean passively agreeing with all the ruler does or values. The motivation for submission is not to avoid punishment, but it is to please His higher authority, His heavenly Father. One must submit to authorities because He is conscious of God (Rom 13:5). Our response to our leaders is to obey and submit to their authority—not only when their eye is on us, but at all times. Submission means to yield to another person’s authority, whereas obedience requires action of doing what they say. In obedience we are submitting, but one will not obey if they do not submit. A motivation for obedience is that the leader’s work would be a joy and not a burden. In Biblical times, slaves were to obey their masters in everything with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord (c.f. Col 3:22). Our response then is obedience and submission to the authority that God has designed and ordained to make the leader’s work a joy instead of a burden.

Application- What Should We Do

How then do we submit and obey our leaders in society today? We must consciously be reminded that God is Sovereign and in control. It is the Lord who is reigning and on the throne. He alone has dominion forever and the power to set up thrones and depose of them. Our response is to support and pray for our leaders, not only in the church, but in society and government as well. We must be careful to evaluate everything by the Word of God. We must submit and obey our leaders only when it does not violate the Word of God. At times, one may be persecuted for doing good because the governing ruler has violated God’s higher authority. 1 Peter confirms the importance of suffering for doing good. We must continue to do good even in the midst of a seemingly corrupt society that they may see our good deeds and glorify God! In addition, we must live lives of integrity. We must give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, such as paying taxes, and live in such a way that people would see us and be pointed to our All-Powerful and Reigning God!

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