Summaries for Each Chapter

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Summaries for Each Chapter

Summaries For Each Chapter:

Chapter 1 When Danny was a baby his mother died. Danny's dad had to do everything from changing nappies to feeding Danny. Danny lived at a Petrol Station. His dad owned two petrol pumps, a small gypsy caravan, and a little field. When Danny was a little boy he worked in the gararge with his dad working on automobles. At night Danny's dad turned the kerosene lamp low and told stories. Chapter 2 Danny's dad looks serious but when you get to know him he's very jolly. Danny thinks his dad is great because he eye-smiles. Eye-smiling is when you have a twinkle in your eye. Danny's father tucked Danny in his bed and told him the story of the BFG (Big Friendly Giant, written by Roald Dahl). Chapter 3 Danny and his father made a kite.They made it out of three sticks, an old shirt, and a ball of yarn. It flew for two days straight! The next day, Danny's dad surprised him with the supplies to make a fire balloon. When it was dark they lit the fire balloon and let it float away in the sky. They ran after it but the fire balloon went out and they couldn't find it. When Danny turned eight he got a big surprise. His dad had made a cart for him. Every day he would ride it down the hill behind the station. Chapter 4 Danny woke up at 11:00 PM and found that his dad was not in the caravan. He looked everywhere but couldn't find him. He sat on the stairs of the caravan for an hour and finally he heard a tap tap sound of feet coming up the road, it was his father. Danny's father took him inside and told him his deep dark secret. He was a poacher! Chapter 5 Danny's father taught Danny how to make two bird traps called the Horse Hair Stopper and the Sticky Hat. This is how you make the Horse Hair Stopper. You get a piece of horse hair and string it through a raisin. You go to the local wood and throw the raisins at a flock of birds and if a bird eats it, it will stop moving and you can pick it up! This is how you make the Sticky Hat. You get a piece of paper and you roll it up into a cone. Then you smear glue in it and put raisins inside it. You go to the local wood and make a hole to put the Sticky Hat in. When a bird tries to get the raisins, the Sticky Hat gets stuck on it's head. The bird will stand still trying to get the hat off and you can pick it up! Chapter 6 Mr Victor Hazell is a beer brewer he has a large brewery. He is so rich that he bought a lot of pheasants just to shoot them! Every day he comes whizzing past the station in his Rolls Royce. Danny's dad hates him because he threatened Danny when Danny was filling his tank. He told Danny that if he touched the car he would whip him with his horse whip! Chapter 7 Danny's dad went poaching. Danny tried to do his homework, but he kept thinking about his dad. He went to bed and woke up at 2:00 AM. His dad wasn't there. He went to the gararge and got into the car that they were working on. He drove to the woods and got out of the car and switched on a flashlight he had. He walked into the woods. Chapter 8 Danny turned the flashlight on and called "DAD, DAD". As there was no answer he went farther and heard a human voice he called again. He ran towards the sound. He found his dad in a hole with a brocken ankle ,and got him out. Then he helped him to the car. He drove home and laid his dad in his bed. Chapter 9 Danny woke up and found Doc Spencer looking at dad's ankle. He told dad that he needed a cast. Danny was amazed to learn that Doc Spencer was also a poacher. He was a good trout poacher. He explained that you can catch trout by tickling their tummies which makes them sleepy, then you can pick them out of the water. They put Danny's dad in the ambulance and left. Doc Spencer asked Danny to come home with him, but he said no. Chapter 10 Danny closed the station and went to bed at 8:05 AM. When Danny woke up ten hours later he heard the ambulance and he ran out side. Danny's dad hobbled in and told Danny about the operation. Danny's dad told Danny how much he hates Mr.Hazell. He also told him about the Great Shooting Party that Mr.Hazell has each year on the 1st of October. He makes sure he has lots of pheasants and invites lots of important people to come and shoot them. Danny's dad then said how he would like to poach so many pheasants that there would not be any left for the party. Danny said he thought it would be impossible. Chapter 11 Danny had a brilliant idea, he told his dad about a plan for poaching all 200 birds. His dad almost jumped so high he hit the ceiling when he heard it! The plan was to take all fifty sleeping pills that Doc Spencer had given Danny's dad, cut them up and put them inside raisins. Danny's dad called this trap the Sleeping Beauty. They would then sprinkle them on the ground in Hazells Wood and come back when the keepers have left and collect the sleeping birds. The plan was for Danny and his dad to stay at home on Friday to make the Sleeping Beauty traps. Chapter 12 Danny's dad walked with him to school so that he could go the store to buy the raisins. Danny's teacher is called Captain Lancaster, he was a Captain in the Army that fought against Hitler and he still likes to be called Captain. The children at school call him Lankers. Danny's best friend, Sidney Morgan, asked Danny a question during a school test and was acused of cheating. Captain Lancaster hit them both with his whip on their hands. When Danny got home, his dad wanted to go to Captain Lancaster and hit him. Danny told him not to as their plan was more important. Chapter 13 Danny and his dad spent most of Friday filling the raisins with sleeping pills. When they were done they worked in the garage. A lady drove up just after they closed the station. She had 8 children in her car and she asked for some gas. Danny opened the station and filled her tank. Danny and his dad headed towards the woods.

Chapter 14 Danny's dad came out the caravan. They got to the woods with just 15 minutes to spare. They crept into the wood and found the clearing where the pheasants were. When they saw a keeper they had to crawl and be very quiet. His dad flung the raisins into the clearing. Then they ran out of the woods. Chapter 15 Danny and his dad sat down on a grassy bank and ate an apple each. A keeper came out of the woods and asked them what they were doing and who they were and lots of other questions. The keeper then told them to leave. Danny and his dad went down the path and then hid behind a bush and waited for the keeper to go home. Once he had left, they headed back to the woods. Chapter 16 When they got to the woods they headed to the clearing. They reached it just in time to hear a thud then an other thud. The wood was full of thuds. Danny saw a pheasant lying on the ground in front of him. His dad noticed it too and scooped it up. He placed it on a pile and found another one, and another, and another. He started scooping up hundreds of pheasants, they soon had a pile as tall as Danny himself. They put the pheasants into two bags and came out of the wood. Chapter 17 There was a taxi waiting. They got into the taxi and drove to the vicarage. Danny's dad put the pheasants into the coal boxes. The taxi drove away, Danny and his dad walked home. Chapter 18 As they walked home Danny's dad told him about roasted pheasant. He thought it was the most delicious dish in the world. When they got home they didn't see anyone. They had a cup of hot chocolate and went to bed. Chapter 19 Doc Spencer came to the station and Danny told him what he had done the night before. Doc Spencer told Danny that he was the champion of the world. They saw the vicar's wife. She was walking quickly towards the station wheeling a baby in a carriage. Then a pheasant flew out of the carriage. She ran into the station and grabbed the baby. More than one hundred pheasants flew out of the carriage and perched on the station. Then to their horror Mr.Hazell drove up in his Rolls Royce! Chapter 20

Mr.Hazell thought that Danny's dad had stolen all his pheasants and started saying bad words. A Police Constable came up and explained that a pheasant belongs to the person whose land it is on. He suggested that they try to shoo the birds back to Hazells wood. They all chased the birds, but they landed on Mr.Hazells car. Some went into the car! Mr.Hazell drove away in a rather bad mood because his car was a mess and he had no pheasants for the Great Shooting Party that was just about to start.

Chapter 21

Doc Spencer told everyone to come into the workshop. When they got into the workshop they saw six pheasants. Doc Spencer gave two birds to the Constable, two to the Vicar's wife,and two to Danny and his dad and left.

Chapter 22 Danny and his dad went to the shops to buy an oven. After that they went home and made some sandwiches. Finaly they went to the river to poach salmon.

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