Absolute Monarch Baseball Cards

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Absolute Monarch Baseball Cards

Absolute Monarch Baseball Cards: All the fun of glorified Dictators and America’s favorite trading cards!

(Soc/Std 5.1.1) I can understand the consequences of a position on an event in world history. Directions: During the age of Revolution revolutionary movements stood up to and broke away from Absolute monarchs. You will make “baseball cards” depicting the major absolute Monarchs of the period. Understanding their actions and policies will help you understand what led to the revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries. Use the information on pages 262-281 of your book to create the cards.

Required Elements: 1. Front: (See examples on the back for ideas) a. A picture depicting the Absolute Monarch b. The Monarchs Name c. What country they ruled d. Any symbol that represented that Monarch, etc… e. BE CREATIVE! 2. Back: Statistics and important facts (See examples for ideas) a. What years they ruled. b. Any wars they fought during their reign. i. Include who the war was against and if they won or not. c. 2-3 Career Highlights i. Most important events, accomplishments or legacy of that Monarchs reign. 3. Required Monarchs: (One card for each of the following) a. Louis XIV (14th) (pg. 263-266) b. Peter the Great (pg. 267-270) c. Catherine the Great (pg. 271-272) d. Frederick the Great (pg. 275-277) e. Elizabeth I (pg. 279-280) f. James I (pg. 281) 4. Scoring: Each card will be scored according to the Absolute Monarch Baseball card rubric. a. 5 points each for a total of 30 points. Absolute Monarch Baseball Card Rubric

Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Baseball card presents the Baseball card presents Baseball card presents Baseball card presents the Content basic facts (country, years the basic facts (country, the basic facts (country, basic facts (country, years of reign, wars, etc…) of years of reign, wars, years of reign, wars, of reign, wars, etc…) of the Monarch accurately. etc…) of the Monarch etc…) of the Monarch the Monarch inaccurately. accurately. somewhat accurately. The most important issues Very few if any of the and events are addressed. Most of the most Some of the most most important issues and important issues and important issues and events are addressed. Issues and events are events are addressed. events are addressed. portrayed in a historically Issues and events are accurate way with proper Issues and events are Issues and events are portrayed in a historically names and dates. portrayed in a mostly portrayed in a inaccurate way with very historically accurate somewhat historically few proper names and way with proper names accurate way with some dates. and dates. proper names and dates.

Card has a color picture Card has a color picture Card has a partially Card has a picture of the of the Monarch. of the Monarch. colored picture of the Monarch with no color. Monarch. Mentions the country the Mentions the country Does not mention the Completeness monarch ruled and any the monarch ruled and Vaguely mentions the country the monarch wars they fought. any wars they fought. country the monarch ruled, the wars they fought ruled and any wars they in or both. Explains major events, Explains most major fought. accomplishments/legacy events, Explains very few major of the Monarch. accomplishments/legac Explains a few major events, y of the Monarch. events, accomplishments/legacy accomplishments/legac of the Monarch. y of the Monarch.

Card is neat, planed out Card is fairly neat, Card is somewhat, Card has little evidence of Creativity and colored. It is clear planed out and colored. planed out and colored. planning or color. It is that a lot of time and It is clear that some It is clear that drawings clear that drawings were effort was taken to create time and effort was were created quickly created quickly and with drawings. taken to create and with little care. little care. drawings. There are no smudges, There are some There are many smudges, creases or tears on the There are no smudges, smudges, creases or creases or tears on the paper. creases or tears on the tears on the paper. paper. paper. Pictures creatively present Pictures have minimal Pictures have minimal history. Pictures creatively creativity. creativity. present history. Name:______Period:______What did we learn follow-up Absolute Monarchs

1. What were 3 similarities between the Monarchs of Europe? Give an example for each one. (How did they treat their people, or make sure they knew who was boss)

2. (Soc/Std 5.1.1) What were the reasons that Monarchs acted the way did, and what were the consequences of their actions?

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