Tourism Industry Regional Development Fund Grants Frequently Asked Questions

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Tourism Industry Regional Development Fund Grants Frequently Asked Questions

Tourism Industry Regional Development Fund Grants – Frequently Asked Questions

Section (1) General...... 5 1. How do I apply for a TIRF Grant?...... 5 2. What grant assistance is available?...... 5 3. What types of projects will be funded under the Program?...... 5 4. What is Tourism 2020?...... 5 5. What is T-QUAL Accreditation?...... 5 6. Is T-QUAL Accreditation a mandatory requirement to apply for a TIRF Grant?...... 6 7. What are the differences between the TIRF Grants and T-QUAL Grants (Tourism Quality Projects) programs?...... 6 8. Can I submit multiple applications to the TIRF Program?...... 6 9. If I complete more than one application, do I have to divide $250,000 between the applications?...... 6 10. Can I apply for funding from another Commonwealth Government program at the same time as applying for this program?...... 6 11. Can I apply for a grant under the TIRF Grants Program if I have received another Commonwealth grant (e.g. T-QUAL Grants)?...... 6 12. Will my application information be treated as confidential?...... 6 13. Are there other resources that can assist me to write my application?...... 7 14. Is there a list of consultants that you have that are qualified to help put together TIRF Grant applications?...... 7 15. Is there any state based quota for funding recipients?...... 7 16. In what format should I submit my application?...... 7 17. Can I send in my application by email?...... 7 18. When do grant applications close?...... 7 19. Will late applications be accepted?...... 7 20. What is the ‘Great Australian Tourism Makeover’ referred to in the Program Guidelines?...... 7

Section (2) Eligibility...... 8 21. Who can apply?...... 8 22. Can I apply if my project is located in an eligible tourism region, but my Head Office / Business is located in an ineligible region (i.e. Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane)?...... 8 23. Why aren't Individuals and Partnerships eligible under this Program?...... 8

2012 TIRF Grants Program FAQ 1 24. Where can I find out which Tourism Region I belong to?...... 8 25. Why have Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane Tourism Regions been excluded from this Program?...... 9 26. Is the list of potentially eligible projects shown in the Program Guidelines the only projects that will be supported?...... 9 27. Can I get funding for one component of a larger project and do you want to know about the full project if it is just one component of a larger project?...... 9 28. Can I use grant funding to fund promotional activities for my tourism product / destination?...... 9 29. Can I purchase non-fixed assets with my grant funding?...... 9 30. Can I pay permanent staff with the grant funds or matching funds if they are working on the project?...... 10 31. Can I pay temporary or casual staff / consultants with the grant funds or matching funds if they are working on the project?...... 10 32. Can I use grant funds or my matching funds to pay for the costs of gaining relevant Council and other approvals?...... 10 33. Do I need to have approvals in place for my project to be eligible to apply for TIRF funding?...... 10 34. I have just started (or am about to start) a new business and am thus unable to provide financial statements for the past two financial years. How can I demonstrate my financial status?...... 10 35. The Program Guidelines state that for venue upgrades, up to 50% of the matched cash component (25% of grant / matching cash combined) to a limit of $50,000 may be spent on new non-fixed fittings with a quality improvement focus. What is a ‘venue upgrade’ for the purposes of the TIRF Grants Program?...... 11

Section (3) Matched Funding...... 12 36. What is meant by matched funding or dollar-for-dollar?...... 12 37. Where can the matching funds come from?...... 12 38. At what stage do I need to have money in my bank account for the matching funding?...... 12 39. Can in-kind funding be used as matching funding?...... 12 40. If I am a qualified and registered builder, can I construct my own building as part of the project?...... 12 41. What happens if my bank requires evidence that we have been successful in applying for a grant before it will loan me my matching funds?...... 12

Section (4) Application to Decision...... 13 42. Do I need to answer all questions in the Application Form?...... 13 43. Can I complete an application not using the Application Form?...... 13 44. Can I change the nature or scope of my project between submitting my application and execution of the funding agreement?...... 13 45. What happens if my responses to questions in the application form exceed the designated word limits?...... 13

2012 TIRF Grants Program FAQ 2 46. Do I need to be registered for GST to apply for the program if my business is not required to be registered for GST to operate?...... 13 47. How do I include graphs, tables and other items essential to my application?...... 13 48. Can I use photographs to support my application?...... 13 49. Is there a limit to the number of attachments I can include with my application?...... 13 50. Do I need to include letters of support with my application?...... 13 51. What name should I provide in my application form under "Applicant / Organisation Name"?...... 14 52. Who can sign the application form?...... 14 53. How will my application be assessed?...... 14 54. How do I demonstrate 'alignment with industry priorities and strategies'?...... 14 55. How do I demonstrate 'capacity to deliver the project'...... 15 56. How do I demonstrate 'improvement or innovation'...... 15 57. How do I demonstrate 'strategic and collaborative value (for the region)?...... 15 58. Can I put project audit costs in the budget?...... 15 59. Should I include quotes for even small items in the budget section of the Application Form?...... 15 60. How do I complete the milestone section of my application?...... 16 61. How long will it take before a decision on which applications will receive funding is made?...... 16 62. Who makes the final decision on grant offers?...... 16 63. Will I be notified that the Department has received my application?...... 16 64. Will I get feedback if my application is unsuccessful?...... 16 65. My Application was unsuccessful, can I appeal the decision?...... 16

Section (5) Successful Applicants...... 17 66. How will I be notified if my application is successful?...... 17 67. What is a funding agreement?...... 17 68. If I am successful, will I receive the grant in one lump sum payment?...... 17 69. When can I commence work on my project?...... 17 70. Does my entire project need to be carried out by March 2015, or can my project be longer?...... 17 71. Why do I have to keep my grant funding and matching funds in a separate bank account?...... 18 72. If I am successful in receiving funding, am I excluded from future rounds of the Program for funding for subsequent project stages?....18 73. If I am successful in applying for a grant to conduct a feasibility study and the study finds that the idea is not feasible, will I have to repay the grant funds?...... 18

2012 TIRF Grants Program FAQ 3 Section (6) Payment...... 19 74. Are grant payments subject to the GST?...... 19 75. Do grant recipients have to pay tax on their grant?...... 19

2012 TIRF Grants Program FAQ 4 Section ( General

QUESTION ANSWER 1. How do I apply for a TIRF Grant? To apply for the TIRF Grants Program, you should complete the Application Form available at All sections of the Application Form must be completed including providing an accurate and well developed budget and submitting the required attachments. You will need to send a signed hard copy of your application to the Department by the closing date. 2. What grant assistance is available? The TIRF Grants Program will provide grants of between $50,000 and $250,000 (GST exclusive). The grants will be provided on a matched dollar for dollar basis – that is for every dollar in grant funding you apply for, you must contribute at least one dollar of your own Funds. 3. What types of projects will be funded under the Program? The TIRF Grants Program aims to increase the quality and range of visitor experiences in regional Australia through tourism product investment. Projects which are either an improvement or upgrade of existing tourism product or a new innovative product will be eligible. A list of ineligible activities, which can not be funded, is available in the Program Guidelines and should be reviewed before starting your application. 4. What is Tourism 2020? Tourism 2020 is Australia's national strategy to enhance growth and competitiveness in the tourism industry. More information about Tourism 2020 can be found at 5. What is T-QUAL Accreditation? T-QUAL Accreditation is the Australian Government’s quality framework for the tourism industry. It assesses and supports quality assurance schemes and endorses their members with its national symbol of quality, the T-QUAL Tick. More information about T-QUAL Accreditation can be found at

2012 TIRF Grants Program FAQ 5 QUESTION ANSWER 6. Is T-QUAL Accreditation a mandatory requirement to apply for No, T-QUAL Accreditation is not a mandatory requirement of the TIRF a TIRF Grant? Program. However it is consistent with Tourism 2020 goals, and is expected that successful applicants will work to obtain accreditation during the life of their project. Applicants that are accredited will be preferred in the assessment process, all other things being equal. 7. What are the differences between the TIRF Grants and 1. Timing - TIRF closes 30 November for February 2013 T-QUAL Grants (Tourism Quality Projects) programs? announcement, T-QUAL Grants for 2012 have already been announced. 2. Size of Grant - TIRF is $50,000-$250,000 (excluding GST), T-QUAL is $15,000- $100,000 (excluding GST) 3. Eligibility and Assessment Criteria are different - See the Application Form and Checklist 4. For TIRF venue improvement grants, up to 25% of the matched cash may be spent on non-fixed assets of furniture and fittings 5. TIRF is focused on regional areas while T-QUAL Grants have no geographic limitations. 8. Can I submit multiple applications to the TIRF Program? Yes. We will accept multiple applications from the same applicant providing the applications are for different projects. 9. If I complete more than one application, do I have to divide No. There is a maximum of $250,000 (GST exclusive) per application. $250,000 between the applications? 10. Can I apply for funding from another Commonwealth Yes. However, activities already funded under another Government program at the same time as applying for this Commonwealth Government source will not be funded under the TIRF program? Program. You may apply for funding under this Program for another stage of the project that is not funded by another Commonwealth Government program. 11. Can I apply for a grant under the TIRF Grants Program if I Yes, as long as the project for which you are applying under the TIRF have received another Commonwealth grant (e.g. T-QUAL Program is different to the project for which you were previously Grants)? funded. 12. Will my application information be treated as confidential? Yes. The Department has appropriate processes in place for commercially sensitive information.

2012 TIRF Grants Program FAQ 6 QUESTION ANSWER 13. Are there other resources that can assist me to write my The application process will be competitive, and applications will be application? assessed on merit. To be fair to all applicants, the Department will not provide advice on individual applications. To improve your chance of success, check that your application meets the aims and eligibility criteria of the Program, and does not seek funding for ineligible activities. You may find it useful to have someone else read your application to ensure it is a comprehensive proposal. You may be able to find useful research to support your project through Tourism Research Australia (, through Tourism Australia ( or through your State or Territory Tourism Organisation. If you are a small to medium business, you may also wish to consult Enterprise Connect. 14. Is there a list of consultants that you have that are The Department does not provide recommendations for consultants. qualified to help put together TIRF Grant applications? We do not require you to engage a consultant to prepare your application. 15. Is there any state based quota for funding recipients? No, there are no quotas for any specific state or territory. 16. In what format should I submit my application? Applications should be submitted in hard copy – unbound and unstapled. This will assist the Department in the processing and filing of your application. You may wish to secure your pages with a bulldog clip. Applications will be assessed based on content alone – presentation will not be considered. 17. Can I send in my application by email? No. Applications must be submitted in hard copy. 18. When do grant applications close? Applications must be received by post or courier by 5pm on the closing date. Applications that have been postmarked before 5pm on that day will be accepted. 19. Will late applications be accepted? No. Late applications will not be accepted. 20. What is the ‘Great Australian Tourism Makeover’ referred Tourism Australia will help raise awareness and assist in the to in the Program Guidelines? marketing of the new grant program. Minister Ferguson / Tourism Australia will make further announcements about this initiative as details become available.

2012 TIRF Grants Program FAQ 7 Section ( Eligibility

QUESTION ANSWER 21. Who can apply? To be eligible for the TIRF Grants Program, applicants must be: 1. Registered for GST; and 2. Either a constitutional corporation or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Or a Government Business Enterprise, 51% or more of its revenue must be derived from non-Government resources. If you are unsure what type of organisation your business is, you should seek advice from your accountant, lawyer or relevant advisor. Additional details regarding eligible applicants can be found in the TIRF Program Guidelines and requirements set are set out in the Application Form. 22. Can I apply if my project is located in an eligible tourism Yes. Your eligibility is based on the location of your project, not the region, but my Head Office / Business is located in an location of your Head Office or business. ineligible region (i.e. Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane)? 23. Why aren't Individuals and Partnerships eligible under this The Department has made a risk management decision to limit the Program? types of organisation with which we will enter into Funding Agreements. 24. Where can I find out which Tourism Region I belong to? Tourism Regions have been defined based on the definitions provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. You can determine the Tourism Region of your project by searching for your project location in table 1 of the following link: 1457FBCCA2578F800150C29/$File/9503055001%20Tourism %20Regions%20Correspondence%20File.xls

2012 TIRF Grants Program FAQ 8 QUESTION ANSWER 25. Why have Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane Tourism Research has identified a gap in the market for quality tourism product Regions been excluded from this Program? in regional areas. The TIRF Grants Program aims to address this market gap by encouraging investment in upgrades or innovation in regional areas. Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane tourism regions each receive at least 1.7 million visitors more per annum than the next most visited tourism region. While not able to receive assistance through the TIRF Program these regions are still eligible for other tourism grant programs. 26. Is the list of potentially eligible projects shown in the Program The list of eligible projects shown in the Program Guidelines is Guidelines the only projects that will be supported? intended to provide examples of the type of projects that may be funded and is not an exhaustive list. 27. Can I get funding for one component of a larger project and Applicants can apply for one component of a larger project. It may be do you want to know about the full project if it is just one useful for the applicant to briefly outline the larger project in the project component of a larger project? summary in the application form. For all other criteria however, the applicant should focus their proposal on the specific component of the larger project for which funding is sought. 28. Can I use grant funding to fund promotional activities for my No. Under the TIRF Program Guidelines, any kinds of marketing, tourism product / destination? advertising or product promotion are ineligible activities (this includes but is not limited to brand strategies / development, marketing strategies, television shows, videos, photographs, brochure production or the conversion of marketing or promotional print material to online material). The only exception is that your project budget may allocate funding for a launch event to celebrate your project. 29. Can I purchase non-fixed assets with my grant funding? Non-fixed capital equipment such as furniture or fittings, vehicles, boats, computers, machinery or other removable, transportable or transferable equipment is ineligible for the purposes of TIRF. There is however an exception for venue upgrades, such that up to 50% of the applicant’s matched cash component (25% of grant/cash combined) to a limit of $50,000 may be spent on new non-fixed fittings with a quality improvement focus.

2012 TIRF Grants Program FAQ 9 QUESTION ANSWER 30. Can I pay permanent staff with the grant funds or matching No. Salary payment of permanent staff is an ineligible activity. funds if they are working on the project? 31. Can I pay temporary or casual staff / consultants with the The payment of salaries for temporary or casual staff / consultants are grant funds or matching funds if they are working on the ineligible activities under the TIRF Program Guidelines, unless the project? applicant can demonstrate that they are being employed specifically to work on the project. Any salary costs not directly related to the project are not eligible to the project. 32. Can I use grant funds or my matching funds to pay for the Yes. The cost of gaining project approvals is an eligible activity unless costs of gaining relevant Council and other approvals? this cost has been incurred before the Funding Agreement has been executed. 33. Do I need to have approvals in place for my project to be No. It is not mandatory for applicants to have project approvals in eligible to apply for TIRF funding? place at the time they submit their application. However generally grant funding will not be paid until all necessary approvals have been secured. For construction projects, applicants that have gained relevant approvals for their projects, such as a development application, are welcome to apply. 34. I have just started (or am about to start) a new business and The Department does not provide advice on individual applications, am thus unable to provide financial statements for the past and as such you may wish to consult with your accountant / auditor, to two financial years. How can I demonstrate my financial discuss what evidence you can provide to support your application. status? Please note however that if you are unable to produce financial statements for the previous two financial years, this will reduce the competitiveness of your grant application.

2012 TIRF Grants Program FAQ 10 QUESTION ANSWER 35. The Program Guidelines state that for venue upgrades, up to Venue upgrades may include (but are not limited to): 50% of the matched cash component (25% of grant / matching  Accommodation allowing short term stays includes apartments, cash combined) to a limit of $50,000 may be spent on new backpackers and hostels, bed and breakfasts, cabins and non-fixed fittings with a quality improvement focus. What is a cottages, caravan and camping, farm stays, holiday houses, ‘venue upgrade’ for the purposes of the TIRF Grants hotels, motels, resorts, retreats and lodges, self-contained or Program? wilderness safari retreats ranging from tents to cabins.  Attractions including amusement and theme parks, restaurant, cafe or dining establishment, galleries, museums and collections, historical sites and heritage locations, landmarks and buildings, observatories and planetariums, spas and retreats, wineries, zoos, sanctuaries, aquariums and wildlife parks

2012 TIRF Grants Program FAQ 11 Section ( Matched Funding

QUESTION ANSWER 36. What is meant by matched funding or dollar-for-dollar? Matched funding means that for every dollar in grant funding you apply for, you must contribute at least one dollar of your own Funds. In your application you will be asked to provide evidence of the availability of matching funds that is at least equal to the amount of the grant you are requesting. 37. Where can the matching funds come from? The matching funds can be sourced from your own resources or through contributions from others (including state or local governments) but cannot include funding from any other Commonwealth Government program. Matching funds cannot include any money already spent on the project, any in-kind contributions, the value of land, existing buildings or other assets. It also cannot come from contributions in superannuation accounts unless they can be accessed at the time your application is submitted. 38. At what stage do I need to have money in my bank account If your application is successful, you will be required to provide for the matching funding? evidence that your matching funds will be available at the start of the project. 39. Can in-kind funding be used as matching funding? No. Activities paid for by the grant recipient using non-cash considerations or 'in-kind' contributions are not eligible expenditure. 40. If I am a qualified and registered builder, can I construct my Yes, however potential applicants should note that any in-kind support own building as part of the project? such as labouring to construct a building is not an eligible source of matching funds for the project. 41. What happens if my bank requires evidence that we have You will need to provide evidence of the matching funds commitment been successful in applying for a grant before it will loan me with your application, for example a letter of commitment from a bank, my matching funds? sponsor etc. If your application is successful, you will then need to provide evidence that the matching funds is available at the start of the project, for example a letter from your bank,

2012 TIRF Grants Program FAQ 12 Section ( Application to Decision

QUESTION ANSWER 42. Do I need to answer all questions in the Application Form? Yes. Please answer all questions in the Application Form. 43. Can I complete an application not using the Application No. To be considered, applications must be submitted on the TIRF Form? Grants Program Application Form. You can download this form from the Department’s website at 44. Can I change the nature or scope of my project between No. For procedural fairness to all applicants, you will be unable to submitting my application and execution of the funding make substantive changes to the nature / scope of the project agreement? described in your application. 45. What happens if my responses to questions in the application The assessment panel will only consider the text provided up to the form exceed the designated word limits? word limit. Any text provided beyond this limit will not be part of the panel's consideration or inform its assessment. 46. Do I need to be registered for GST to apply for the program if Applicants must be registered for GST to be eligible to apply for TIRF my business is not required to be registered for GST to grants. This is a requirement of the Program Guidelines as approved operate? by the Minister for Finance. 47. How do I include graphs, tables and other items essential to If there are items that you want to include in your answer but cannot my application? input into the field provided, please refer to them and provide them as an attachment to your application. 48. Can I use photographs to support my application? Yes, photographs can be provided to support your application. The best way to do this is by providing them in an attachment to your application. 49. Is there a limit to the number of attachments I can include There is no set limit to the number of additional attachments, however with my application? please do not make the application longer than it has to be. 50. Do I need to include letters of support with my application? No. However it will strengthen your application if you contact your Regional Tourism Office, State or Territory Tourism Office or other Industry Association (as relevant), to provide letters of support for your proposed project demonstrating industry and regional collaboration and partnership.

2012 TIRF Grants Program FAQ 13 QUESTION ANSWER 51. What name should I provide in my application form under Applicants should provide their Registered Business Name, which is "Applicant / Organisation Name"? the name of the entity that if successful will enter into a Funding Agreement with the Commonwealth 52. Who can sign the application form? The Application Form must be signed by an Authorised Person as nominated by your business. This must be a person who is authorised to enter into a Funding Agreement with the Commonwealth, on behalf of your business. 53. How will my application be assessed? All eligible applications will be assessed on how well they address each of the following Assessment Criteria:  Alignment with industry priorities and strategies  Capacity to deliver the project  Improvement or innovation  Strategic and collaborative value (for the region) The TIRF Program is a competitive merit based program. Meeting the eligibility and assessment criteria does not guarantee that an offer of funding will be made. 54. How do I demonstrate 'alignment with industry priorities and Examples of evidence you may wish to provide to demonstrate strategies'? 'alignment with industry priorities and strategies' includes (but is not limited to):  Economic benefits / outcomes  Demonstrated alignment with relevant local, state, and national plans, policies and strategies  Plans for the sustainability of the project and activities.

2012 TIRF Grants Program FAQ 14 QUESTION ANSWER 55. How do I demonstrate 'capacity to deliver the project' Examples of evidence you may wish to provide to demonstrate 'capacity to deliver the project' includes (but is not limited to):  Where your project fits within your business plan  Financial information showing viability  Examples of similar projects the team has delivered  Systems, resources and processes available  Budgets  Timelines and/or project plans 56. How do I demonstrate 'improvement or innovation' Examples of evidence you may wish to provide to demonstrate ' improvement or innovation' includes (but is not limited to):  Market research / data  Expected outcomes and details of how these will be measured 57. How do I demonstrate 'strategic and collaborative value (for Examples of evidence you may wish to provide to demonstrate the region)? 'strategic and collaborative value (for the region)' includes (but is not limited to):  How needs have been identified  Evidence of industry and regional partnerships and collaboration e.g. letters of support from Regional Tourism Office, State or Territory Tourism Office, association (relevant) 58. Can I put project audit costs in the budget? Yes. Project audit costs are an eligible expenditure item. 59. Should I include quotes for even small items in the budget Including quotes for the items in your budget is not mandatory; it is section of the Application Form? simply a way for the applicant to demonstrate that they are providing a realistic and accurate budget. It is up to the applicant to decide whether they include quotes, how many quotes and for what items.

2012 TIRF Grants Program FAQ 15 QUESTION ANSWER 60. How do I complete the milestone section of my application? Milestones should cover all aspects of the project and reflect the project's critical path. Examples include (but are not limited to): 1. Key stages of project works 2. Approvals received / submitted 3. Contractors / consultants engaged / completed work 4. Research commenced / completed 5. Key meetings held Three or four milestones should be provided. 61. How long will it take before a decision on which applications It is expected that the Minister will announce the successful applicants will receive funding is made? in March 2013. During the assessment period the Department will be unable to provide advice on the status of applications. 62. Who makes the final decision on grant offers? The Program Delegate, a senior Departmental official authorised by the Minister, makes the grant offers, taking into account the Program’s objectives, recommendations made by the selection panel, and the availability of program funds. 63. Will I be notified that the Department has received my Yes. The Department will notify you of receipt of your application. application? 64. Will I get feedback if my application is unsuccessful? Yes. All unsuccessful applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application and provided with the opportunity to receive feedback. 65. My Application was unsuccessful, can I appeal the decision? No. The Program Delegate's decision is final in all matters regarding the approval of grant applications and the grant amounts to be awarded. You will however be offered the opportunity to receive detailed feedback on your application.

2012 TIRF Grants Program FAQ 16 Section ( Successful Applicants

QUESTION ANSWER 66. How will I be notified if my application is successful? The Minister for Tourism will announce successful projects in a media release, and you will be notified in writing of your success by the Department. 67. What is a funding agreement? A Funding Agreement is a legal contract between the grantee and the Commonwealth. It provides details of the rights and obligations of both the grantee and the Commonwealth. It sets out key project details, the agreed grant amount, the payment schedule, and the grantee’s compliance and reporting obligations. The draft funding agreement for the TIRF Program is available at 68. If I am successful, will I receive the grant in one lump sum No. TIRF Grants funding will be paid to successful applicants in payment? stages when project milestones are achieved. The payment schedule will be negotiated as part of Funding Agreement negotiations with each successful applicant. 69. When can I commence work on my project? The earliest project start date is the date upon which your Funding Agreement is executed. This is the date that the Department signs your completed, negotiated agreement (this is likely to be May 2013 at the earliest). The Department will advise you of the specific date in writing. This is because management of Commonwealth grants is subject to strict criteria and guidelines relating to governance and accountability. For the Department to administer the funds (and make sure we achieve value with public money) we have to be clear on where and when the money is being spent. 70. Does my entire project need to be carried out by March 2015, The Program Guidelines state that the maximum project period for the or can my project be longer? TIRF Grants Program is March 2015. This means no payment can be made for project activities that occur after this time.

2012 TIRF Grants Program FAQ 17 QUESTION ANSWER 71. Why do I have to keep my grant funding and matching funds If successful, you will be required to keep TIRF funding and your in a separate bank account? matching funds in a bank account held separately from other business and personal accounts. This is to ensure the ease of applicants to manage the grant and matching funds including fulfilling the Australian Governments auditing requirements. If there is a constitutional or other legal issue preventing this from occurring, the successful applicant can discuss this with the Australian Government during Funding Agreement negotiations. 72. If I am successful in receiving funding, am I excluded from Being successful under TIRF Program for your project will not future rounds of the Program for funding for subsequent preclude subsequent stages of the project for being eligible to be project stages? considered under subsequent rounds of Tourism Quality Projects funding. 73. If I am successful in applying for a grant to conduct a No. The Commonwealth aims to reduce the risk to the tourism feasibility study and the study finds that the idea is not industry from implementing innovative ideas by providing funding for feasible, will I have to repay the grant funds? feasibility studies and other initial idea exploration activities.

2012 TIRF Grants Program FAQ 18 Section ( Payment

QUESTION ANSWER 74. Are grant payments subject to the GST? Yes, they are. Grant payments are therefore increased to compensate for GST payments. 75. Do grant recipients have to pay tax on their grant? TIRF Grants funds may be regarded as taxable income. The Department does not provide any advice on tax, and recommends that grant recipients seek independent professional advice on their taxation obligations.

2012 TIRF Grants Program FAQ 19

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