This Week at All Saints Sunday, Oct. 2 nd 8:45-9:45am Traditional Worship (Sanctuary) 10-10:45am Adult Bible Study Class (Library) New Members Class (Counters Rm) Sunday School 5yr -8th grade (CLC Music Rm) 11-12:00pm Contemporary Worship (Sanctuary) 3:00pm Confirmation 4-6:00pm Jr. High Youth 4th-8th grade 6-8:00pm Sr. High Youth Monday, Oct. 3 rd 7:00pm Ministry Boards Meeting

Wednesday, Oct. 5 th 7:00pm Adult Bible Study (Library) 7:00pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Choir Rm)

Thursday, Oct.6 th 7:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

Saturday, Oct. 8th 8:00am Men’s Bible Study 11:30-2:30pm Annual Cancer Luncheon Sunday, Oct. 9 th 8:45-9:45am Traditional Worship (Sanctuary) 10-10:45am Adult Bible Study Class (Library) New Members Class (Counters Rm) Sunday School 5yr -8th grade 11-12:00pm Contemporary Worship (Sanctuary) 3:00pm Confirmation 4-6:00pm Jr. High Youth 4th-8th grade 6-8:00pm Sr. High Youth

Monday October 3rd 7:00pm

All Saints Lutheran Church Those Who Serve Us Today

8:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Greeters/Visitor Table: Fred & Pam Wendt Ushers: Jerry Terhune Donald Scheeler Ann Terhune Christine Scheeler Lavon Wirkler TBA Assisting Minister: Marilyn Funderburk Lay Reader: Roger McMahon Altar Guild: Beverly Byers Linda Peterson Communion Assistants: Marc Funderburk– Wine Julia Bessler– Wine TBA- Wine Lynn Gustafson– Wine Carol Foster– Bread Curt Lewis – Bread Pastor John– Bread Pastor John– Bread Prayer Ministry: Roger McMahon Mearl & Sue Avis

Sound Techs- Steve Bessler, John Barnes Video – Bill Stephenson Media – Mary Rosas, Shelby Barnett, Beverly Byers, Alex Byers

Counters: TBA, Mary Rosas Coffee Servers: Deb Hanson, Sherry & Len Livingston and Shelby Barnett Nursery Care: Kristen Barnett, Kate Gustafson, Garla Sims Scrip Table: Carol Foster Vicki Almos

Staff Pastor: Rev. John Scheusner Director of Youth and Family Ministries Ministry: Kyle Jones CLC Director: Peggy Elder Office Manager: Liz Beaty Contemporary Music/Worship Coordinator: Hedreich Nichols Choir Director/Accompanist: Joe Alan Prayer Chain Coordinator: Vicki Almos Congregation Council Members President: John Viard President Elect: Beverly Byers Treasurer: Jim Kimble Treasurer Elect: Greg Gearing Secretary: Katie Manquero Secretary Elect: Kristen Barnett Trustee Board Chair: Indar Ramnarine Ministry Board Chair: Lynn Gustafson Congregation Committee Chairpersons Fellowship: Fred & Pam Wendt Finance: Jim Kimble Communications: Greg Gearing Community/Member Care: Carol Foster Kitchen Coordinator: Mary Rosas Outreach/Evangelism: Robin Evans Personnel: Open Property: Len Livingston Worship Logistics Coordinator: Ann Terhune Youth and Family Ministry: John Viard